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Cooldown for grabbing?

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Level 129
Grabbing actions already have a cooldown of 5 seconds. Though, If they are faster than you with attribute, they can just grab you whenever they reach to 2 blocks range. It's your problem that you have below 100 speed, no offense. A -1 from me
5 seconds of cooldown is what I'd like to call completely inneffective lol

Wasted Time

Level 10
5 seconds of cooldown is what I'd like to call completely inneffective lol
Even 5 seconds is too much if you ask me, but I think maybe when you win the roll, the opposite party has to wait for 2 seconds so you can get away a little and chase starts from there.


Level 6
Grabbing actions already have a cooldown of 5 seconds. Though, If they are faster than you with attribute, they can just grab you whenever they reach to 2 blocks range. It's your problem that you have below 100 speed, no offense. A -1 from me
Even if they were at 100, one small lag spike and they're grabbed again


Level 40

For future notice there is a 5 second cool down period for grabs, I think this is a reasonable amount of time as it allows for the chased to juke the other player providing a little challenge for both sides of the coin. I think the people that argue for it to be shorter just want that so that way if someone enters power plant they have no chance of escape (yes if you don't want to fight you shouldn't be there but still).

Ps. If they grab more than 3 times in a row tell them action timed out and then you can continue to run after you have said that to them. A way of defending yourself in this situation when in it is to break the grab, sweep them, then dip, it is a good escape combo. Sweeping does not grant minors on you as far as I remember unless they changed that. Anyway minors are nothing, being koed sucks but it isn't the end of the world. All and all people that spam grab are making the game less fun for the people that don't want to get involved in this type of shit.


Level 353
HS Sports Lead
This isn't currently mentioned in the rules, however combat is always turn-based unless you're playing to lose. We'll look into adding something more specific in the rules later this week
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