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Denied copiedsin | Psychiatrist Application


Level 21
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IGN (In-Game Name):
MAIN: juliiets

What is your discord username?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m on almost every day on my main account, with entirely flexible hours. I’ve been on as early as 8 am before, and on as late as 5 am as well. While the school year will be starting eventually, I can still have a flexible schedule and change things around.

What is your timezone?:
CST (Central Standard, BST-6)

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server:
On my main account, my primary is a College Master’s Degree, in addition to being a Spartan Cheerleader. I also have a couple of Grade 12s and an adult slot.
On my alternate, I have a tag from a previous faction that has not yet been taken, given that I went on a hiatus not long after my leave, as well as a Grade 8 tag.

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
As I’ve stated in prior applications, I have years of roleplay in my past. Across different methods and over different platforms, I’ve been in the field since I was young. Joining SRP deepened my experience and knowledge of roleplay, having allowed me to dive into a world of entirely diverse topics. Going from CrimeRP to roleplaying in three different factions, three different teams, and just within the community, roleplay in my world has changed entirely. The way I write has been inspired by those I’ve roleplayed with over the last year and a half which is one reason I’m applying again.

What is your motivation for applying?
I adore the medical field. While that’s about as simple as it gets, I’ve had roots in it for years. Adding to that, one of the biggest things in SRP that I adore is the faction that derives from the hospital. Being part of it before was an honor, and the chance or possibility of returning is something beyond me entirely. I love the faction, its uniqueness, and its diversity. Psychiatry, especially, is bigger to me. It, alone, is rather intriguing in my opinion, and surely is such a great educational and inspiring experience. Attending psychiatrist appointments as a patient is always a great experience as is, and one can’t help but wonder what it’s like to be on the opposite side.

Which role are you applying for?
I’m applying for the role of Psychiatrist.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
Again, being part of the faction prior gave me knowledge of the overall roles, but to be more specific, I do know and understand each role by the following points. There are the Doctors and Psychiatrists, as well as the sub-branches of Paramedics and Veterinarians. There are also the statuses of each of these branches; trainee, resident, senior resident, attending, the clinical lead, and finally the manager and the director.

The doctors are those who handle the physical side of the hospital - injuries, sickness, and the like. They also are helpful when it comes to different tests and evaluations, such as prosthetic consultations and dealing in examinations. They also help to monitor the pharmacy and front desk. The doctors are the soul of the hospital.

The psychiatrists are the mental side of the hospital. They provide therapy, counseling, diagnoses for mental illness, emotional support, and are the psychological examiners. They help people to understand their emotions and the way the brain works. They also have their hand in the pharmacy. Psychiatrists are, no pun intended, the brains of what creates the hospital.

Paramedics are the people trained to be on the scene. They’re the ones firsthand to emergencies, especially on patrols. They come out first - treating outside of the hospital, commonly seen driving the ambulance around. While others have been on patrol, it’s typically seen as the paramedics being the ones on the scene before anyone else. They’re, in a way, the bloodline of the hospital, being the ‘outer’ representation of the faction with how often they are out and about.

The veterinarians are the heart of the hospital, taking a more tender approach. Rather than helping the citizens, the vets are the ones taking care of the animals of Karakura. They specifically treat the animals, whether they’re running tests or working to help an animal recover from sickness or an injury of any sort.

Finally, the director. The director is the person running the hospital; the skeleton of the entire faction. The director monitors the entire hospital, its employees, and its patients. They are the enforcer of the faction, the highest ranking within the hospital.

Amongst the roles, you also have the ranking. Director, Clinical Manager, Clinical Lead, Clinical Supervisor, Attending, Senior Resident, Resident, and Trainee.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Of course. I will be there in the case that I am online, or if for another reason - such as a practice - that I cannot be there, whoever is holding the training will be made aware.

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Character’s Full Name:
Freya Lahela

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female, and uses she/her pronouns

Character’s Age (if accepted):
29 years old

Character’s Academic Background:
A PhD in Psychology, as well as a minor in Criminology.

Character’s Nationality:
Hawaiian and Spanish

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:
Catholic, but rare with speaking upon such. Despite the denomination, she’s overall not a very religious woman.

Character’s Spoken Languages:
English and Japanese

Character Backstory:
Deep within the serene coasts of Lahaina, Hawaii, a starlet and the meteor that crashed into her were born. The starlet, an endearing warmth. The meteor, a destructive enigma. Polar opposites, far apart from each other; a pair of twins. Freya Alexia and Fabian Alessandro Lahela were born on the 26th of May, 1995. The young starlet was everything her parents had dreamed of; an intelligent, aspiring student to enter into the medical field just as they had.
Beginning in high school, Freya was already on top of her class. Whether that be as valedictorian or the highest GPA, Freya was quickly thought to become the next Lahela to make it big within the world outside of school - of course, expected in the field of medicine. Like them, Kanoa and Anika expected their daughter and son both to enter into surgery of sorts - but everything changed on July 24th, 2012.
Fabian got into an accident that caused extensive, permanent damage to his amygdala. A devastating blow to the Lahela family, all focus turned onto Freya. She took the weight and the pressure and turned it into even more reason to work. Instead of going into surgery as they planned for her, Freya did a 180 and looked to psychiatry instead. Within the next month, she was accepted into Hawaii’s top medical school, thus leading her down a rabbit hole that became an obsession; she urgently needed to find help for her brother. She slowly watched him become everything he hated - a criminal, unprotected and vulnerable against the world.
Freya became a caretaker for him in ways, despite being the younger twin of the two. While she had any and every right to relax, Freya managed to take care of herself, Fabian, and her three younger siblings all while balancing her work. She also took a position studying in the criminology field, connecting the dots between the amygdala and her brother’s behavior.
She got her degrees, and finally went off to a hospital to work. She set an example in stone for her siblings, including Fabian - a headstrong, determined, skillful, working woman with nothing in sight but her goals and the people she cared for.
Freya eventually got rather tired of Hawaii, needing to be away from her whole family now that they were all older. She booked a ticket to Kyoto before eventually moving onward to Karakura, staying there for a while to get a small break. She eventually decided it was beyond time for her to apply to the hospital as a psychiatrist, prepared for any and all to come.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

While Lahela got her PhD in the general field of psychology, criminology also played a significant part in her collegiate education. Though only a minor, it stuck the furthest out to her. Freya watched her twin brother, Fabian, slowly spiral downward into a world of crime due to premature damage to his amygdala. This pushed her into forensic psychiatry, and her curiosity to learn further about how the brain processes crime and violence.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
She completed half of her residency - two years - at a hospital in Hawaii. While never allowed to treat her brother directly, she still used his case to study further why his behavioral patterns were the way they were. Eventually, the pressures of Fabian’s case grew suffocating to her. She realized rather quickly that she was unable to remain in Lahaina, choosing rather to move across the planet. She wasn’t sure where she was heading; until she eventually landed in Kyoto.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
While in Kyoto, she finished off her residency and started a year of working. Given that she’d graduated high school fairly young, she got a year-worth headstart. She particularly enjoyed shadowing her senior psychiatrists, noting from their methods of work how to do what she does now as her form of psychiatrist.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Outside of her PhD, as aforementioned, she took some time to get a minor degree in criminology. Apart from these two things, she hasn’t gone back to school for any reason and has no intention for such in the future.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
Exuding warmth and kindness, Freya’s combined beauty of blonde hair and gorgeous, sun-kissed skin hint at a life underneath her home island’s embrace. Her waves cascade down her toned back, the strands often swept to the side to accentuate her gentle smile and showcase the admiration residing in her amber-shaded eyes. Deep and invitingly, they shimmer almost like honey in the sunlight. They host a motherly, warm reflection, rendering her both approachable and trustworthy.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Characteristically, Freya is a rather understanding, professional figure when it comes to her work. Her compassion radiates into her patients, showing them a caring, understanding side to what makes her such a strongly-suited psychiatrist. Toward her coworkers, Freya remains just as caring, hosting a professional warmth. Though she behaves formally no matter what, Freya adjusts to those around her depending on their level of comfort.

Off duty, Lahela is a maternal, almost wary figure to friends and family. She’d never step a boundary out of her career but is willing to protect and nurture those around her, especially those of whom are younger. When it comes to her younger siblings especially, Lahela’s behavior becomes a little less professional and more relaxed, though her formality never wavers.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Depending on the circumstances, Freya excels in either ordeal. When it comes to working on an evaluation or consultation, she works best on her own. She prefers one-on-one time with any of her single-therapy patients, allowing her room to work at a comfortable level for the patient without the pressures of other people being in the room. However, in working on group therapy sessions, she doesn’t mind if she ends up working with more of her coworkers. This allows her to work with someone, later being able to cross-examine her findings with her fellow psychiatrist and come to an evaluation together.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Lahela doesn’t plan to stay in one place forever. While she will highly enjoy the fact of working in a place as unique as Karakura, she plans to leave eventually. Based on her sister’s judgments of the town, Freya’s excited to learn more about the diversities that come through the city of Karakura, and how she might, eventually, be able to help those who become her patients. One day, she hopes to become a leader in psychiatry, whether that be in Karakura or elsewhere. She wishes to find treatment and possibly a cure for those behavioral patterns she’d seen in her brother for so many years.​
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Level 260
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, and we appreciate your interest in the faction. However, we have decided to deny your application, this is due to the following reasons:
Often times, we have to deny good applications as there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation, application detail, and much more.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to re-apply at a later date and keep an eye on Karakura Emergency #announcements for future waves. Additionally, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any further applications and improve your chances in future waves:
We recommend joining other factions to improve your reputation and/or interacting more frequently around the hospital/with hospital workers.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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