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Level 21
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
eviljuli (MAIN)
copiedsin (APPLYING)

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

List your timezone and country:
CST, United States

Describe your activity:
Excluding recent issues that have caused me to be offline longer than I could’ve been online, I typically attempt to be online daily. The time varies depending on what day of the week it is.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages): | Denied | Denied | Accepted | Accepted | Accepted | Denied

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I adore the career that is reporting. No matter the way, form, or style, reporting has always stood out to me as being its branch of writing compared to that of a novel, for example. It’s a raw, more real way of literature, considering it brings in the writing of real-time events. Reporting is a special faction compared to others because there isn’t anything like it. It’s practically its own thing — it’s a singular career as compared to those of other factions; for example, teacher/professor, doctor/psychiatrist/veterinarian/paramedic, etc. It’s a standalone career and is one that encapsulates everything I love — writing, interviewing, socializing, and so much more.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I’ve been a writer of sorts since I was young. I was raised as a writer, considering that - of sorts - has run through my family. I’ve always had it as both a hobby and a passion, especially due to my relationship with it. I write practically daily, whether it’s small stuff like a poem, or something as grand as the next blockbuster in Hollywood. It comes to me naturally a lot of the time, and is why it’s been such a constant since I was young.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes. I acknowledge and will follow the set provided.

Why should we accept you over others?:
I like to think I have a unique drive to things involving writing. I can’t say I’m the most motivated or productive at all times, but I make sure to get things done no matter what. It’s a strive to do everything I love, and adding the element of socialism will further fan that flame. When I’m in a zone of sorts, I much prefer to lock into it and get things done as I know I need — these are strengths that add onto my skill base as a writer.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.):
I completely understand this.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, unless I give any reason for being on an inactive period.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
As a reporter, one must be able to retain information to present to the public in an appropriate, engaging, and relevant way. Reporters have to have specific traits to themselves — researching, understanding, communication, and working effectively. They’ve gotta have a specific skill to detailing and thinking critically or creatively when it comes to orchestrating a story. They also must have the ethical standards that become of journalism, such as privacy boundaries, remaining impartial, and keeping their proper accuracy.

IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name:
Callen Trapani

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr):
Mr. / Cal

Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
Stenographer for a federal agency — 3 years
Journalist for New York Times — 2 years

Master’s Degree in Writing

Nationality and born location:
“I’m Spanish, and I was born in Manhattan, New York.”

Phone Number:

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
“I would label myself as a productive man. I’ve got a drive for what I’m most passionate about, and that’s doing anything when it comes to the world of writing or reporting on something. I’ve been labeled as determined and selfless by my peers. My little sisters describe me in all the same ways. I’m a critical thinker, a no-nonsense guy who much prefers to get things accomplished as soon and as effectively as possible. Growing up in Manhattan taught me a lot about the real world at a young age, and I’d always wanted to be a problem solver to fix issues within the world. As I aged, I knew that wasn’t a possibility - something like that just doesn’t happen. So I decided the next alternative was to become the strongest reporter on those issues to bring to attention what needed to be diminished.”

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
“I don’t mind writing anything whatsoever. As mentioned, however, I do prefer to write about the plaguing issues in my environment. One of the most important things in a community, in my opinion, is focusing on what is happening in real-time. That, and being able to bring closure to those who are concerned about the presiding issues.’

‘As I mentioned, I’m more flexible in what I’m willing to write, but I’ll easily consider stepping out of my comfort level to write whatever’s expected of me. A career as a reporter isn’t something to take lightly. I’m not going to sit by and refuse to write something simply because it makes me uncomfortable—that is not what’s expected of me, and I’m going to take it all with determination.”

What are your expectations for the job?:
“I have many layers to what I’m hoping to experience. Of course, writing out reports is perhaps one of the mainstream expectations. I’m also hoping to bear witness to or experience firsthand the topic of interviewing, conferences, and so forth.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
“No criminal record.”

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, Spanish


On the eve of the 28th of September, 2024, all sights beheld Karakura’s soul, the entwined campus of the high school and college. An elaborate ball, themed a fairytale, occurred in the double-use gymnasium. Students and faculty alike came together to enjoy a most regal celebration of the turn of seasons. Tuxedos, dresses, suits of armor, and many a collection of wardrobe choices were seen amongst the peers in attendance.

The gymnasium itself was a wonder to walk into, decorated to high ceilings with extraordinary sights. A large tunnel created an archway to the dance floor, which was surrounded by booths of all forms of appearance. A cottage-like building, a grand photo-op booth, and a looming mushroom tree were amongst some of the sightly decor the gymnasium boasted for such a wonderful event.

Per usual, KHSCC didn’t disappoint with their wonderful effort in every department. The booths were lively, the music was highly regarded by those in attendance, and the general atmosphere was electric. A host of other things occurred at the event, as well.

For example, there was a ‘best dressed’ competition — won by San Thorne, who boasted a ‘Beauty and the Beast’ inspired gown in a landslide vote. Nearing the end, there was also a wonderful live performance hosted by The Hex Girls, singing a song known as ‘Trap of Love’, which sure had the audience captivated. Alone, the combination of the competition and concert racked a crowd of several dozen spectators, all in awe of the events before them.

Another thing to add were the different occurrences at the various booths. One was a fortune telling booth, others sold refreshments, while the aforementioned largest was the photographic booth. Though the total amount of people in the audience is currently unknown to this report, a great flood of people—student and faculty alike—surely seemed to be having the time of their life at what became known as The Fairytale Ball of Fall 2024.


[ The sound of a tape recorder clicked on. Various audio testing patterns came through before it was finally cleared. ]

CAL: “Interview Taping, take one… Perfect. Okay. Miss Lahela, thank you for taking the time out of your evening to visit me for this interview.”

CAPRI: “Of course! I’m honoured to have been chosen to speak to you about tonight’s ball.”

CAL: “I have a list of questions to ask you about tonight, if that’s quite alright. I’ll start off with an introductory question. What had inspired the extraordinary theme for the ball?”

CAPRI: “Oh, wow.. That’s a good question. From what I gathered, it seemed to be a theme chosen for the transition into autumn. A calm theme for a calm season. It was rather suitable, in my opinion, and was executed wonderfully.”

[ A soft chuckle was heard. A pen scratching across paper could also be heard. ]

CAL: “Wonderful. Judging by what I’ve heard, I’m absolutely inclined to agree. My second question is about the population of the ball. What is it you saw, in terms of wardrobe?”

CAPRI: “Immaculate choices flooded the gymnasium. There were so many variants of costume. Some chose the route of known fairytale, such as my boyfriend and I’s Peter Pan and Tinkerbell; others dressed a bit more generally, whether as a fairy, a royal, or a knight… I even saw a horse, I think.”

CAL: “Huh.. What interesting choices, I must say. It seems as though a lot of time was put into this. Though, again, I’m not surprised in the slightest.”

[ A pause. ]

CAL: “Onto my next question… What happened to be a popular attraction at the ball?”

CAPRI: “Actually, there were several. I think the most populated was the area around the photo booth. People seemed to really want to get a photo at the grandeur booth… Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Everyone also enjoyed being on or near the dance floor.”

CAL: “Amazing. Thank you for being as communicative as you are with this. To my next question; you highly praised the originality of the entire event. Can you elaborate?”

[ Capri chuckled, taking a moment of pause before speaking. ]

CAPRI: “Absolutely. I’ve heard of different dances having some fairytale theme or other. However, a lot of them were simplistic and stereotypical. However, the school’s version was far more grand, far more in-depth compared to others. The decorations were extraordinary, they went all out for the stage’s setup, the booths looked breathtaking… So much effort into an event was well worth it.”

CAL: “So I heard. I can only imagine how great of an event it was. Next, I wonder about the artistic elements of the ball. How would you have rated the musical arrangements? I hear there was a mixture of DJ-ing and a live band.”

CAPRI: “Oh, yes! I thought it was excellent. There was no specific theme to the music. There were a few songs to slow dance to, there were some that people jumped around and screamed the lyrics to… It was a very diverse setlist. As for the live performance, they were great as well. I had the honor to act as their stage manager, and watching up close as I did was wonderful. The Hex Girls are an amazing band.”

[ Cal hummed a short response, his pen moving across his notebook again. ]

CAL: “Great. It seems as though the audience loved it. What about the general consensus? I heard there had been a great deal of people in attendance… Was that number higher or lower than expected?”

CAPRI: “I honestly saw a fairly.. Median amount of people. In all fairness, I’ve not attended a ball in Karakura yet, but from what I could judge, it wasn’t crowded, but it wasn’t anything near bare, either. All in all, it was a pretty decent amount of people. I could’ve maybe counted close to 100 at once, though I’m sure there were more I’d missed.”

CAL: “Amazing. I have one more question about the ball before a few personal ones. Would you attend another ball with the same theme in the future?”

[ The recording went silent for a moment, indicating a fair amount of consideration. ]

CAPRI: “I would. Perhaps not within a yearly basis, but every two to three years, I’d not mind it. Again, the ball as a whole was executed wonderfully, but those same creativities could be put into other themes. I’d absolutely attend more within Karakura’s campus, though, to be more generally speaking!”

CAL: “Interesting. I’m sure that’ll be good to note. Now onto a few personal questions, concerning most of the same topic. I know you’re somewhat of a writer yourself. Do you think you could’ve sat at a table and written a short story based on the ball and its environment?”

CAPRI: “Yes, and no. It was a very inspiring event, with quite the creative atmosphere. It was nothing short of wondrous. However, due to how loud the event was, I don’t think it would’ve been possible to just wind down. My boyfriend and I headed off to a quieter spot just because, yet people could still be heard even there.. Not to mention, the music.”

[ More scribbling upon a notepad broke through the silence following Capri’s words. ]

CAL: “Of course. If you could’ve added your own element to the ball, what would it have been?”

CAPRI: “That’s an interesting one… huh. With how full the event was, there’s not a lot of room to speak onto additions. Though, I wish something more… animalistic could’ve been a nice addition. For example, imagine being taken around the city on a horse-drawn carriage. That would’ve been a wonderful thing to have!”

[ Cal chuckled again, humming a quiet agreement. ]

CAL: “Sure. I most definitely see your point there, Miss Lahela. Finally, what do you, personally, think the role of the ball could’ve done for the community of the students?”

CAPRI: “I hoped you were going to ask something of that sort. Truly, I couldn’t pinpoint it on one thing only. A good example, however, is the winding down from summer. Tournaments have been over for nearly a month, it’s beginning to get nicer outside, and the holidays are coming up. I think this ball was a wonderful way to ease into all of it. Second, the ball as a whole served as a way for the entire community of students to get together. There wasn’t a specific bunch of people, per se, there. High school, college, the faculty… They all came together and intermingled. As far as I know, there wasn’t any sort of conflict involving matters of rivalry either. It was a wonderful way to just settle down after such a long summer.”

[ Cal wrote something else down, before the eventual sound of a notebook being set onto a desk could be heard. ]

CAL: “Wonderful. Thank you for all of this, Miss Lahela. You were a wonderful interviewee, and I’m glad you were as communicative as you were. Overall, I’ve concluded how adventurously breathtaking this ball seemed to have been this evening. Thank you again for allowing me this interview.”

[ With that, the recorder shut off with a click, and the audio cut out. ]



Level 179
News Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however, you have not been accepted this time around.

You may re-apply whenever!

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