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Accepted Council application! | Shalanka


Level 9

What is your Minecraft Username?:
Past warns/kicks/bans?:
1 toxicity “ban” which was quickly cleared up and removed by maria! And 1 max warning banned which was for silly stuff like spamming, etc
What is your timezone?:
Est, Soon to change to GMT-7 (activity will not be changing)
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:
Hails#2222 (May change if nitro runs out)
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Replacing Gaelic with Italian #2 accepted
Replacing Gaelic with Italian #1 denied
Latin app for alt accepted
JSL app
Gaelic app accepted
Describe your activity on the server?:
I’m on pretty much daily, I do online school so I’m always here or if I need/want to be called in for roleplay I can normally do it, if not I give a heads up! My schedule is pretty flexible!
List your accounts and roles on this server?:
Shalankaa: alt! (i want to become KPD or EMS on this account!)
Shalanka: (Main! Keeping this account a student hopefully in council.. Atm on BBALL team!)
Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Mhm! This rule is the same for most working servers (tailoring, photography, etc) As well as my own, so yes this is 100% mandatory! And I accept/support!

What is a student council and what do they do?:
The student council helps maintain a safe learning space within the Karakura school. The student council works closely with teachers and the complete SLT team! (Dean’s,Princ,Caregiver’s,etc). The student council also helps with communication and helps with keeping school fun and creating activities while still keeping the school a safe learning space they help students follow the rules and personally, it’s easier speaking with someone your age than an adult about the person/problem. The student council also helps with the community events outside and inside a school!
What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
What motivated me to apply for council is the fact they are involved with a lot! They bring a complete new roleplay in and I am interested! I’ve watched a few councilors before and seen what they did and noticed some of the things that they do, that I already do! And I enjoy roleplaying it. For instance, when a fight breaks out I normally try to get between it and stop it or go grab a staff member. I feel like this would be an amazing opportunity for me, and I get to experience an important role! I have also been on a team before, I have experience and I have friends that are also in council!
Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council?
(e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Mhm! I’ve been in charge of lore before, and I’ve made my own as well! I think that would be super fun! And a great opportunity to put my ideas to good use! And make them happen. I have many ideas and I'm excited to make them happen! I have written many backstories, many ideas many lores as well. I am very much capable of this

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

Councilor: Councilors, well this is self-explanatory! But ill give u how they are important! Well.. student Councilor’s are some of the people to go to when you are in trouble, need a friend, or just simply need help. Councilors are trained and tasked to help the community! And they do just that and more. they help make the academy a fun and safe place! they also plan special events within the school that make things more entertaining for students and staff!

President: The pres is the leader of the student council! They take on most of the “Top dog” Ownership and tasks! they also still do the same things councilors do like patroling school & handing out detentions to misbehaving students, and helping school staff!

Vice president: The vice-pres is sorta like the normal President! They help and assist their tasks and what I’d guess is, they’re also a step in if the President couldn’t perform to the best of their ability.

SLT/Principal, Vice-Principal, Dean, and Vice-Dean: Now these are the head of the SLT! They may not be exactly the council or a part of it but they help hand in hand with the council, for instance, if a misbehaving student or a bigger issue, then, of course, it gets run by them and then through the council! I'd think anyways’.

Teacher’s/Professer: Don’t let it be a surprise that teachers and profs are on this list! Sometimes SLT isn’t in town and these are the only people you can count on well being a normal student, or a member of the student council.

School staff: ^ Just the same thing with school staff! It could be caretakers, nurses, or Tutors! You name it. And they are trained and tasked with the same things that teachers and profs are! They help keep the community safe and fun! They also teach us a thing or two

Students!: The students! Now even if you are a grade 7, or on a college sports team you are still a student and a part of the community! Now without students, we wouldn’t have much of a community. Our students helped us build our school up and they also keep it exciting even if some are troublemakers.

NOTES: I’m sorry if I missed a few roles- or didn’t get spot-on explanations on roles, I did my best of what I know icly and oocly.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?
First, I’ll do a bit of spying, seeing if it’s honestly something they just need to work out on their own and need a little push to keep it down and calm, Or if I need to step in and it's getting bad and or physical. If it wasn’t bad and I felt like it was just some girl drama, let’s be honest: we all have girl drama even if you are a boy! I’d ask them calmly and kinda be laid back and chilled about it and ask them if they can take it somewhere private or be a little quieter and more settled about the situation. If they got physical or they were starting to get fowl towards me, id still maintains my chilled attitude and ask again if they could settle down and be like “Hey, I know you guys have some conflict and that is none of my business but I gotta ask you guys to chill out or walk away. If not I’ll have to be seeing you both after school.” and see what happens then. Depending on how that goes they either follow directions or I get someone higher up than me involved. If they walk away I’d prob still keep an eye on them but from a distance! Of course.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Now, this is honest and weird but I’ve been on either side of this, I no longer start trouble in school but I have done this before! And all we want is a chase when we get our stuff taken that’s when we get panicky but school policy is school policy and we all gotta follow it no matter what side of the road you’re on. So what I’d do is I wouldn’t feed into what they want. I either write it down and give detention or consult a higher-up and see what they would do. Sometimes you may know the crowd they hang around, honestly, id prob asks their friends if they could ask the individual to take off the mask. Most kids that wear a mask just want to feel cool and all that, if you don’t feed into it and just stay calm then they will prob knock it off. If not! Detention!

There seems to be a councilor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
When I’d first see the situation id calmly approach the student and kinda divide the 2, stepping myself in the middle and asking for the student to leave the area or meet me somewhere, reassuring them that the convo isn’t done yet however the current councilor will not be continuing it! Id calmly take the councilor into a bathroom or a private corner, just something away, and ask them what’s happening, sometimes people just have a bad day! Find out what’s going on and ask them to take a water break! Id after that go find the student and reassure them on what happened. And that it won’t happen again and id tell the student in a calmer way what the other councilor was getting at! Problem solved. If the situation was super bad and I felt like the councilor wasn’t fit for the job/needed more training id consulate a higher-up about their behavior!

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
What do you do when you miss a class in actual school! You ask your teacher in this case.. An upper hand and/or a student aka another councilor! Via DMS and Icly to figure out what work I missed and what I need to catch up on! If I just happened to be confused during a meeting I’d ask a higher-up after the meeting! Sometimes people get distracted and sometimes we come in late! No biggy.

A teacher/receptionist has told you or done something that goes against what you were trained by your higher ups. How would you react to this?
If I was alone, id see the situation out sometimes you have to jump out of your comfort zone and do the right thing. If it was unnecessary I would simply do my training and id just tell them straight up “hey, I wasn't trained to do this I'm gonna do it this way” like how my higher-ups told me. Or if it's an emergency ill do what I'm told if I feel like it's the best, aside from my training. If I wasn't alone I would quickly talk to my friend (that’s in council) about what we think we should do depending on what’s going on, and go off from there!

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):
Introducing the idea! : Now! In Karakura, most people join in gangrp, or combatrp. Not many people don’t do the “normal” RP or realistic. I think that’s because we haven’t given people enough of a chance to explore what other types of roleplay they could be! When you first join SRP, you are a student in a new world and there’s so much to explore! If we gave them an event where you could see all the possibilities then we would have fewer gangsters and less toxicity. In my old school, we had a type of step-up grownup day. This consisted of a number of days with no school work, our work was replaced with taking a look at an adult’s life and what type of responsibilities we could have but also opportunities and what we could be when we grow up! When you put a child in school, you don’t seek their interests and then you shove them into the real world with no actual idea of how to raise a family, how to maintain a mortgage, how to do grocery shopping for god’s sake!. Just like SRP, you have a player and they attend classes but what else is there to do? If we create new roles and new events and stuff, we will have a wider variety of people!

Now how do we do this?
Step 1: Hold a meeting on what we would like to have on the step-up grown-up day! We could clear out the gym or... Fill the hallways with booths! And maybe even have “tours”. We could bring in the shrine people and have them have their own booth! Maybe even schedule tours and intake of what Their life looks like, You never know what kids may be interested in that if they’ve never experienced it!
We could also have builders! This opens up the Builder application! We could have a bigger booth/set up in the gym of what ‘constructors” or “builders” can do for a home! For instance like a kitchen, or a living room and even a washing room! This could get kids interested in the building! This could lead to more help and more hands-on with the SRP map and more ideas! We would need to create a format as well to get people's booth slots and where they’d like to be and what their idea could be! Each member of the student council can look over these applications and bring them to meetings and figure out who’s gonna be a booth owner and who isn't!

Step 2: Get the booths and planning stuff all out of the way! Like I said we could have shops, shrine stuff, builders, maybe even tailors!! And Self defense classes. We also need the people who are willing to teach these things for self-defense I was thinking of the Akihito clan! As a former members, we are all about the lore and p2l. I think that's what we should be teaching baby roleplayers! As a ‘self-defense class” We could prevent thirsty gangsters and again less toxicity and problems and people will keep their chars! And actually, be inspired to keep them alive and follow their own story.. Former shop owners could hold booths and have their applications open for workers or even future shop owners in the making! I was also thinking of Roniry Incourpirated as a banking booth, We have quite the tailors, and artists. Writers and open up an entire new roleplay of helping the city become more realistic!. I think this could introduce new players to those sorts of things instead of gangrp..
This can also apply to small and big tailoring servers that consist of modeling as well as photography and art! Really showcasing everyone's talent!
Or even medic classes and Kpd courses! And mini-training stations where students could train with officers outside with an obstacle course!! This could also give a chance for clubs to advertise as well as sports teams! Or even cooking classes! Or shopkeepers could come in and have a mini booth that could consist of what they do on a daily basis!
Or even “mini” court cases in which teachers could teach a course on it, and then have lawyers, judges, and staff come in and watch the students demonstrate what they learned! Or have fake “bodies” for EMS “training” and obstacles for like police training!

Step 3: watch and learn for yourself and others! Maybe even take a self-defense class or look at a building program! I think this opportunity takes the chance of building SRP and making more roleplay available. These booths give students the chance to see what they would like to be and take a chance at being something else than a gangster! We can create a really nice community with a grown-up step-up day. This of course has more planning to do! But I think I got a general idea out there!!

Idea 2! This one is a bit smaller but class competitions! So HS against college students! Like culinary class would be the best pastry baked or best Italian dinner! Or art class with the best drawing! This would take part in many classes maybe a math test with who got the best answers or a writing competition! This would have the best in the school's heart, as we all know we are having SPORT tournaments right now! Why not make some for the none jocks! This could bring in the real competitiveness of the school and help students get closer and work together! Some friendly competition to get everyone in the karakura spirit!

IN-CHARACTER PERSPECTIVE QUESTIONS (new font for realism! like handwriting! )

Character Name:
Ume Gunter kusanovic
Character Gender:
Character Age:
Character phone-number:
303- 547-1235
Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
Ume is a very bubbly girl, she can be very silly at most times but can crack down on a student very quickly. And she can be very sharp on her feet! Ume is a fast thinker and always thinks of the pros and cons of things. She is a natural-born leader but wants to earn her position, Ume likes to work toward her goals and won't accept anything that’s just handed to her if she feels like she didn't earn it! Ume’s also a naturally caring person, she wears her heart on her sleeve but tries to take most things with a grain of salt if rude. Ume is also a listener, she likes to let people talk about their concerns and thinks of ways how to help people! Ume has also been a troublemaker when she was younger, She knows to look at both sides of the story if someone is in trouble, or being the troublemaker, everyone has their reasons for things! And she always tries to give the correct punishment to the right person, She sticks up for what is right and she is always open to a good argument, but ume is always willing to hear someone out and say “You know what, your right I'm in the wrong and that's ok!” Ume isn't perfect, no one is but she is a damn hard worker and she takes pride in everything she does. She isn't your normal student council, She has seen a lot, she’s seen people do sickening things and was able to help get people through, she has been on the wrong side of the tracks before! And She’s improved and is staying improved!
character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
Cop outfit; aspired by her father! and her teammate sook sewed it!
Hello Kitty outfit; Ume just adores Sanrio LOL
Gray skeleton outfit: she wanted to match with her best friend Stephan price
(she has many outfits and art which I will show! )

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
I grew up side by side with my father, He’s a corporal at the kpd station! I look up to him as he helps people, I want to help people well and also get a good education. My adoptive father is also a receptionist and I watch him every day Helping students and also helping SLT, I work on a team already, I always help my teammates when they're in trouble and I feel as if id fit perfectly in the council position. I am smart, I follow directions very well and I NEVER judge a book by its cover. I also always want to try new things! I have many ideas and I KNOW id get along with everyone on the council team!
Why do you want this position?:
I aspire to help others and contribute to the ups and lows of KHS! And college of course! I want to be more involved, more than just a jock. I want to be helping others and I want to learn more. I also want to put a few of my ideas out there! I want to help students have a better time at school, help make it a better place and help new profs, and employees! I want to stop troubled students. I want to work with a team. And adore my team. At the end of the day, I've wanted this for a while! My parents have asked me about it as well as my twin sister and friends. And I finally pass in my application today!
What interests you the most about student council?:
From being on a team for a long time, Taking jobs, working independently, and being on a sports team I have seen bad teams and good teams, I watch student council work together and help each other if someone is in need. Ume has always been interested but sided against herself and went with a sports team, after speaking with her parents, her sibling, and her friends she has decided to go with the student council! I feel like I would fit right in! I have stopped many fights myself, I have helped teachers with bad students and I've even helped teachers teach!
What could you contribute to making the school a safe and fun environment?:
I would take my training very seriously, I am in town often which helps the most! After my training, I will know exactly what to do in most situations and I will be able to “patrol” the school as often as I can! Make sure everyone is in check and if any students need help. I can also make and hand out activities students can do well waiting for class or having some conversations with new students! Making them feel welcomed! Overall being very active and contributing to any and all events the school may have and maybe even playing games with students before class or after! Just making sure everyone is alright and if anyone needs a friend I am there!


Level 138
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Welcome to Student Council!

Please contact cen#5204 on discord for more information on where to get started!​

Ping Customable#1590 in the academics discord in #help to receive your roles!

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