Level 2

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section !!
IGN (In-Game Name):
cqnspicuous (applying)
What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
4pm-2am | 4pm-2am | 4pm-2am | 4pm-2am | 4pm-2am | 11am-5am | 11am-5am |
My activity on SRP is extremely high. I range from 4 to 10 hours of server playtime per day (more on the weekends and less on the weekdays.) Furthermore, I am capable of being online on all three of my accounts at once, alternating between them as needed. Unfortunately, I am unable to be on SRP 100% of the time. However, as a student graduating high school in June this year, my schedule is actively becoming less restrictive and trainings will be easily worked in. On another note, I am often online during the middle of the night in my timezone when there are less/no hospital workers available. If I were to be hired I would be able to fill in that gap pretty easily, allowing players in non-US or UK timezones to gain easier access to the hospital and RecoveryRP. (TLDR I have things to do occasionally but I can choose when to do them in accordance with my training schedule.)
What is your timezone?:
PST (There is a high chance I will be moving to GMT starting next September)
List your current and past applications:
Korean Language Application (Alt) - Denied for lack of details
Doctor Application - Removed
Korean Language Application 2 (Alt) - Accepted
Spanish Language Application (Alt) - Accepted
DT Teacher Application (Alt) - Accepted
List your current roles on the server:
incqnspicuous - [HS-Track][Grade-12] Juna Kuroda
semicqnspicuous - [Teacher][NQT] - Himari Akiyama-Kuroda
cqnspicuous - [Grade-9] - Chiara Matsuno (role would go here)
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I first started roleplay in 2016 (9 years ago now...), designing and roleplaying with OCs in Scratch groups. I was only 10 years old but I was completely captivated by the concept. As I grew older, this expanded to forum-based roleplay sites. My responses grew more detailed and my characters more three-dimensional. In the past few years, I have participated in many Discord roleplay universes and challenges that involve literate-to-novella-style writing and developed storylines.
Aside from my experience participating in RP, I've been a moderator and owner of several communities. My roles have ranged from forum moderation to plot and story development to IRP staff (teachers, nurses, business leaders, etc.) to roles similar to that of a sports captain on SRP.
I applied to the EMS faction originally in the October wave and was placed on pending due to having joined SRP in late August. (I later requested removal on this application as I had been accepted as a teacher and did not have sufficient alts to support any more roles. That problem has now been remedied.) Because of my prior experience in both roleplay and roleplay moderation along with my experience on SRP, I believe I would be a good fit for the EMS faction.
What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying stems from curiosity. I see roleplay as a means to explore alternate realities. As a singular individual in the real world, I am (unfortunately) incapable of studying every subject and pursuing every career there is within my lifetime. Although I have an interest in medicine, I will likely never be able to pursue it as a viable career path due to schooling and conflicting interest areas. However, through the EMS faction, I would be able to experience some aspects of the medical profession through my computer.
Furthermore, the entirety of my faction experience lies within school grounds (sports and teacher roles.) From my interactions with EMS staff (and emergency members in general), the thematic variety in the roleplay seems to be unparalleled by any other factions. This would allow me to build on my skills as a writer further, interacting in a different setting with new people, many of whom I haven't had as much of a chance to meet.
Which role are you applying for?
What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
Hospital Director | The role of the Hospital Director is to oversee hospital faction and all of the employees within it. They have the highest authority and are fully in control of all decisions made on behalf of the hospital. |
Clinical Manager | The clinical manager is the second-in-command to the hospital director. They share the same goal of ensuring the hospital runs smoothly by managing procedures, resolving issues, and monitoring staff. |
Clinical Lead | The clinical lead is the department-specific manager. They work to ensure that their department is operating properly by supporting their staff and implementing policies in order to ensure proper standards of care are followed. |
Clinical Supervisor | Clinical supervisors are in charge of the day-to-day management of lower-ranking officials. It is their job to ensure that they are working effectively, ethically, and with best practices in mind. |
Attending Doctor | Whereas psychiatrists focus mainly on mental health, the main role of a doctor is to promote physical health. Doctors offer consultations in order to diagnose physical ailments and provide the proper treatment. The attending doctor focuses on supervising the technical skills of the newer staff member. They are highly qualified and can manage medical teams, offer more complex patient care, as well as perform surgeries. Furthermore, they also are expected to offer mentorship opportunities and trainings to lower-ranking staff. |
Senior Doctor Resident | The senior doctor resident is a doctor who has shown high levels of competency in patient care. They are capable of handling a larger variety of patient cases and can mentor lower-ranking hospital officials. They are working to become attending doctors. |
Doctor Resident | Doctor residents, as the name says, are the rank below senior doctor residents. They work with more experienced doctors in order to help with a variety of cases within their skill level. |
Trainee | This is the entrance role at the hospital. They are in their earliest stages of training so they are not permitted to care for patients alone. However, they may be mentored by and assist higher-ranking hospital staff. In order to rise in rank they must take an examination to prove their competence. |
The psychiatry department works similarly as they follow the same hierarchy. However, because I am applying to be a doctor, I will not be elaborating on their specific roles.
As an additional resource, here is a link to the medical treatments doctors can provide.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Of course. I'm very excited and willing to attend all the trainings I possibly can!

In-Character (IC) Section !!
Character’s Full Name: Chiara Matsuno (松野妃星)
Character’s Gender and Pronouns: Female & she/they
Character’s Age (if accepted): 27
Character’s Academic Background:
Chiara began the interview portion of the application with a wide smile on her face. Her hands sat folded in her lap as she made eye contact with the interviewer. She straightened her back. The goal was to appear as if she was ready for anything, calm, unflappable. "I was raised the majority of my life in Karakura and graduated from the town's high school. I attended Tokyo University, specializing in medicine for both undergrad and post-graduate studies. Since then, I've participated in a residency program for 3 years at one of the city's best hospitals. I am fresh out of that program as of a few months ago," she admitted, her gaze dropping to her fingernails. The Sailor-Moon-themed nail art she had done just the night before was already peeling off, most likely because Chiara kept picking at it. Although her anxiety was unintelligible from her expression, Chiara's repetitive habits and constant motion gave it away. She let out a small sigh. Her academic achievement was perhaps not great in comparison to that of other applicants. However, she was only 27 and applying for a trainee role. What could they possibly be expecting from her?
Character’s Nationality:
"I have an Italian mother and a Japanese father. Lived my life entirely in Karakura, though. What can I say?" A sharp chuckle fell from Chiara's lips, her tone slightly bitter. Hearing her own voice, she corrected herself. Her frown morphed into a smile that reached her eyes. "I don't think I'm getting out of here any time soon." A small shrug punctuated the comment. Dwelling on the past was unnecessary, especially in this scenario. She did not know if mentioning the injury would lessen her chances of getting the job. Although she had learned to project, Chiara's voice was still distinctly quiet in comparison to her other mannerisms.
Character’s Marital Status:
"Unmarried, single," she reported matter-of-factly. An abrupt chuckle escaped her lips. It was an odd question to ask in an interview, was it not? Still, Chiara was not one to be overly guarded. It was not as if she had a secret relationship that required hiding, nor did she care too much about her relationship status or lack thereof. She had dated and would live to date once more. It wasn't the interviewer's job to be judging her on such aspects. She leaned forward, tossing her hair over her shoulder. What were they going to ask her next? Her social security number?
Character’s Religious Denomination:
"Shinto, loosely practiced," Chiara spoke with a smile, "I believe in the Kami and such if that's what you're asking. I'm not very religious though," she noted, "As for solutions to health issues, I believe we should consult medicine over religion." Chiara made her stance clear with a firm nod, "You can ask the Kami to help you but there is no guarantee that they will. However, it is a doctor's responsibility." As a doctor-in-training, it was only natural that she would believe clinical medicine to be the best solution. Chiara knew that she held no special powers aside from those of a human. However, if she was doing anything right, her desire to help was unmatchable.
Character’s Spoken Languages:
She hummed at the question. Language had never been Chiara's best subject. Having been mute for a portion of her school years, she had been more focused on relearning how to speak out loud. Foreign languages were not even a consideration. She took a second, counting on her fingers before finalizing her response, "I've spoken English and Japanese from a young age, obviously. JSL I learned after the injury. Perhaps I'll study a third sometime... It is to be decided." A small shrug of her shoulders marked Chiara's openness to the idea.The likelihood of her pursuing it on her own was minimal. However, if someone else decided to teach her, Chiara would be more than willing to learn.
Character Backstory (Optional):
TW for mentions of stabbing and gang violence.
Born and raised in Karakura, something about the arguably troubled island off the coast of Japan stuck with Chiara.
She was born as the middle child in a large family: two older siblings and two younger. Her parents were restauranteurs by day, owning a small cafe that was well-respected by locals. The family lived in a small apartment above their restaurant. It was nothing fancy but it served the purpose needed. Entertainment was never scarce, nor was good conversation. Chiara's bonds with her siblings were strong, but, aside from them, she had no trouble making friends with other children of her age. Although she wasn't the best student in her primary school, she certainly wasn't the worst either. Most would refer to her as a good kid– never one to make trouble and always willing to help.
The downfall of the Matsuno family began with the cafe's extortion. Increasingly large amounts of threatening mail piled up on their kitchen counter. Chiara's parents ignored it. They were not going to let some gang steal their family business just as it was gaining in notoriety. It wasn't as if they were at risk, right?
Wrong. Due to the Matsuno family's rather conspicuous living situation, it was easy for the extorting gang to track down their apartment and eventually break in. At 10 years old, Chiara was not mentally prepared for a man clad in all black to appear in their apartment in the late evening. She had gone to get a glass of water and, being the social child she was, decided to start up a conversation with the odd-looking stranger. Unfortunately for Chiara, this particular stranger wasn't in the mood for a chat with a kid.
Chiara woke up the next morning in a hospital bed, her head and throat in immense pain. What was this feeling? She made a weak effort to talk but no sound came out. The blow she had been dealt was strong enough to injure her voice box, rendering her mute.
Chiara eventually returned to her schooling although the experience was distinctly different. Given that communication was much harder (the average 4th grader did not know sign language, nor did Chiara at that point really) her social sphere took a distinct drop. Many of her classmates who she had been friends with simply ignored her. It did not help that her parents were now jobless, their only source of income having been taken over by the gang. Her parents resorted to criminal activity in order to keep the rent paid and food on the table.
Regular visits to the doctor and speech the****** made the hospital a central location in Chiara's life. Instead of playing, Chiara spent her free time working on regaining her voice and maintaining her condition. The process fascinated her, hence, she gave it her all, even going as far as to spend extra time with the doctors, questioning them in sign language about their work. If she were to learn enough about the subject, perhaps, sometime in the future, she could become a doctor like them.
Persistent vocal therapy allowed Chiara to reach a stable state with her voice before she began college. She was set to study medicine, a field in which she was now confident. Without much of a social life throughout middle and high school, the amount of time Chiara spent studying allowed her to rise to the top of her class. Now, for the first time ever, she would be leaving her hometown to study at Tokyo University, Japan's leading medical school.
Medical school was a great experience. Chiara had not been mistaken in her passion for being a doctor. She worked harder each day with her goal in mind. A fresh start somewhere away from home served as fresh motivation. No longer did others know of her injury, her family's financial status, their criminal record... nothing. She spoke confidently enough to make up for any odd inflections, her social life improving for the first time since primary school.
All positive experiences must come to a close at some point. As Chiara finished her residency program, the requests from her parents to move back to Karakura increased. Despite 17 years having passed their financial status had only worsened over time. They needed one of their children to take care of them and, as they put it, none of Chiara's siblings were up for the job.
Although she had vowed never to return, Chiara had no choice but to accept the offer. She began looking into trainee positions at Karakura Hospital. Would it be intriguing to see how the place worked from the inside? Certainly. Despite her unfortunate circumstances, at least she was fulfilling her childhood dreams.
What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
Chiara visibly perked up at the question. She LOVED chatting about her specialty area. (In reality, any sort of medicine-related conversation could get the Japanese-Italian woman talking for hours. However, their specialty was their crowning glory.) "I specialized in Internal Medicine as that is what allows me to help the most people on a broad scope," she started off, "Treating the most severe, life threatening injuries is a huge responsibility. That is exactly the reason why I wish to take it on. Especially in a town like this one, assaults and fatal injuries are not uncommon. It is important that someone is able to treat them." Chiara stopped once more before she could get too personal with her story. That part was probably not appropriate for an interview. She continued, a new line of thought forming, "Also, I hope to complete an emergency medicine residency in the future. My speed and quick thinking are some of my best skills so I think I will be a good fit for the paramedic team." Chiara crossed her fingers, a light chuckle escaping her lips.
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
"I've done a residency at a reputable hospital in Tokyo for three years," Chiara answered the interviewer's question with a firm nod. She was proud of her past work and had reached high levels of success in her residency. They tilted her head to the side, considering whether she had any other experience that they could perhaps be forgetting. It wouldn't have been the first time that they misplaced parts of their resume while applying for a job. She hummed once more. Nope. That was all. A small, sheepish smile came over Chiara's features. Manicured nails reached up to scratch the back of her neck. "On the other hand, I have never been employed as a full doctor before. Hence, I'm guessing it's best that I start in a trainee role." She referred to the specific position to which she had applied. It was good to keep her expectations for herself low. Advancing in the hospital hierarchy was hard work but Chiara would give it her best effort. It was required if she truly wanted to make her dreams come true.
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
Less of a lady and more of a windstorm. Messy strands of long, dark hair fall around the woman's face, escaping the loose ponytail in which she had fastened them. Her demeanor is punctuated by abrupt bursts of motion. She paces the room with long strides and then pauses, seemingly fixing her hair. She grits her teeth as more and more of the strands fall out, eventually giving up. Wait... Is that her coworker? Monolidded eyes shoot upwards as the stream of words begins to flow. It appears as if Chiara does this regularly from how she speaks: fluidly and without breaks. Her ideas simply flow into each other, one connecting to the next. For a woman who had spent her earliest years in silence, she is certainly making up for that now.
With a preference towards gyaru and y2k styles, Chiara presents herself in a bold and fashionable manner. Her makeup is often slightly messy with smudges of dark eyeliner, fake eyelashes, and glitter accentuating the golden hue of her eyes. A fox-like beauty surrounded her sharp features and defined jawline. Her ears were decorated by a myriad of piercings: a double helix and two lobe piercings on her left ear and another set of lobe piercings on her right. A belly piercing with a dangling charm accentuates her hourglass figure.
Chiara height alone served as an an intimidation factor. With her usual spike-heeled stilettos, Chiara stood at an even 6'4 inches. Her resting confident smirk did not help the matter. The scent of latex and rose-scented shampoo followed in her wake.

Chiara with her face pressed to the Hospital lobby window. Let the girl in >:(
How does your character act around the hospital?
Chiara is incredibly dedicated to her duties as a doctor. She exemplifies the childhood fantasy of a dream job coming to fruition. As in, every single microscopic task that can be found around the hospital excites her. Chiara became a doctor more because of the "helping others" aspect, without much care for the attention to detail that the job requires. She excels in helping patients quickly and keeping them happy and distracted while doing so. Although she tries her best with office-related work, Chiara will never be witnessed volunteering herself for those jobs. She puts 110% of her effort into her work with her people-pleasing tendencies, often staying for overtime, volunteering for tasks, and the like.
However, off the job, Chiara gets bored VERY easily. She is always looking for something to do, someone to talk to, et cetera. Her off-duty (or non active working) time spent in the hospital mainly consists of fixing her makeup and lashes, chatting with her coworkers, pacing around the room, and playing games on her phone if there's truly nothing more productive for her to take on.
Even if she is truly off-duty Chiara still does not rest for extended periods of time. She enjoys going out to restaurants and bars, spending time with her friends, playing sports, baking, shopping, and researching her areas of interest... Do they even sleep?
Does your character function better on their own or with others?
There is a difference between how Chiara functions better and how she prefers to function. She is a people person by nature so, naturally, she offers to join group tasks whenever possible. She is an auditory learner so, especially when learning new things, she prefers to stick with a more experienced doctor to get a better sense of what she's supposed to be doing. However, due to her penchant for both distracting others and being a distraction TO others, Chiara is most productive when working alone. However, if anyone were to tell her this, she would absolutely protest. She appreciates a good chat while she works (as long as the task at hand isn't too concentration-oriented. Chiara is sufficiently mature to understand the perils of yapping during an open heart surgery.)
note: all images are from pinterest of chiara's face claim. none are personal or private information. ^^
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