Level 11
IGN (In-Game Name):
Cqz_ - Main | Applying
What is your discord username?:

What is your timezone?:
Australian Eastern Standard Time
Time zone in Queensland (GMT+10)
Describe your activity on the server:
Honestly if I can remember right, I have been apart of srp for 6-7 years now, and throughout that time, I have been stupidly active, dedicating countless hours to playing SRP, in fact it destroyed my sleep schedule for 4 years straight. While although the past few years have been me mostly being online for HOURS this year is a little different, I have joined more IRL teams and clubs, im busy with work, school, gym and my little brothers activities- I will still make time for srp whenever my schedule will allow it. My schedule can be unpredictable at times, so my availability on Wednesdays and Thursdays depends on my workload or whether I am needed online. That being said! I strive to balance real life with srp so that I am both committed to my hobbies, friends, school, work and more while also being committed to staying engaged on the server. I'd rate my activity a generous 6.5/10, with the intent to stay as engaged as possible!
Listing what factions/roles I've been on:
Hs-Council - I was on council for a month or two before leaving for Col-track!
Col-Track - I was on Col-track for a while, around 4 months!
Hs-Fem football - I was also on this team for 5/6 months!
Teacher - Three months at best
Hs-Baseball - will leave upon acceptance.
IGN (In-Game Name):
Cqz_ - Main | Applying
What is your discord username?:

What is your timezone?:
Australian Eastern Standard Time
Time zone in Queensland (GMT+10)
Describe your activity on the server:
Honestly if I can remember right, I have been apart of srp for 6-7 years now, and throughout that time, I have been stupidly active, dedicating countless hours to playing SRP, in fact it destroyed my sleep schedule for 4 years straight. While although the past few years have been me mostly being online for HOURS this year is a little different, I have joined more IRL teams and clubs, im busy with work, school, gym and my little brothers activities- I will still make time for srp whenever my schedule will allow it. My schedule can be unpredictable at times, so my availability on Wednesdays and Thursdays depends on my workload or whether I am needed online. That being said! I strive to balance real life with srp so that I am both committed to my hobbies, friends, school, work and more while also being committed to staying engaged on the server. I'd rate my activity a generous 6.5/10, with the intent to stay as engaged as possible!
Listing what factions/roles I've been on:
Hs-Council - I was on council for a month or two before leaving for Col-track!
Col-Track - I was on Col-track for a while, around 4 months!
Hs-Fem football - I was also on this team for 5/6 months!
Teacher - Three months at best
Hs-Baseball - will leave upon acceptance.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Unavailable till 5pm school +gym | Unavailable till 7pm school + work | Unavailable, depending on how tired I am. school + Gym. | Not available depending on how tired I am. Gym + work | Unavailable till 4pm. school. | 10am - whenever | All day |
List your current roles on the server:
Link any previous applications:
ACCEPTED 'ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍꜱᴇʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ' | ɢꞮƦʟꜰƦ1Qɴᴅ'ꜱ ᴀᴘᴘʟꞮᴄᴀᴛꞮᴏɴ - Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/hs-school-council-application-cyb3rsl1t.71312/ - Accepted
DENIED 'ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍꜱᴇʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ' | ɢꞮƦʟꜰƦ1Qɴᴅ'ꜱ ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏƦ ᴀᴘᴘʟꞮᴄᴀᴛꞮᴏɴ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/girlfr1qnds-psychiatrists-application-2.75879/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/the-red-butterfly-cqz_s-psychiatrist-application-3.79461/#post-277908 - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/priest-application.73080/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/psychiatrist-application-cyb3rsl1t.71341/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/cqz_s-lawyer-application.79880/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/cqz_s-receptionist-application.80100/ - Unchecked
https://schoolrp.net/threads/cqz_s-kpd-application.80505/-D enied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/mochakitties-language-application.67988/ -Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/girlfr1qnds-language-application.73563/ -Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/mochakitties-other-application.66902/ -Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/saskia-levine-latin-language-application-mochakittie-3.64867/ -Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/mochakitties-italian-application.62157/ -Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/russian-lang-app.59393/ -Accepted
https://schoolrp.net/threads/cqz_s-build-team-application.79401/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/mochakitties-event-team-application.65571/ - Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/cqz_s-lore-team-application.77551/ - Denied
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
What is your motivation for applying?
I have learned so much about the religion and what it is and what Kami are.... My /playtime is growing at a rapid speed due to all the long unhealthy hours I spend on SRP. Despite having multiple accounts on the server I have chosen to keep one on here and the others ... Not anymore. What actually started my liking for Shinto Shrines is when I actually visited Japan a few months ago while I was inactive. Visiting the shrine was quite the experience because i have never witnessed or been able to see what actually happens in the shrines in real life. But now I have and I absolutely loved how they performed tarot readings and welcoming of the guests. The Maidens and Priests were so kind and lovely that it made me wonder if i could be one of them some day, but having an opportunity to be one on SRP is not only going to add to my knowledge of Shinto Shrines but it'll even make my love for it grow. But seriously, recently a few things have gone down hill in sport and I'd love to be able to switch it up and experience something that I also love- as stated before I've been to a Shrine in Japan and miss it. The Maidens and priest were all very kind and understanding, making sure to greet each guest with gentle bows and holding conversations when spoken to.
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
My knowledge on Shintoism is quite compact, I have been learning about it from videos, google, people who are in shrine and other sort of websites. However, I am looking to put the knowledge I do know into play, which would allow me to comprehend other things. I am willing to learn anything and everything about the religion of shintoism.
Here are a few things I do know though:
Respect the shrine, this includes not climbing on the roofs, yelling, disrespect towards the Maidens and Priests, and no climbing the structures.
You cannot gangRP on that character slot, though you can on a different slot.
No fights are to take place anywhere else BUT the Dojo.
Always bow in front of the Torii gates (Maiden and priests, citizens don't have to.)
Cleanse your soul with a temizuya before entering the shrine.
Maidens and priests have to greet guests upon their arrival, this may look like a bow and a "welcome to the shrine, if you need any assistance please don't be nervous to ask."
Can the Shrine workers hold things such as weddings?
Well yes they can! Maidens and Priests can do many things, all listed below:
Weddings:The rings are exchanged, as in other weddings, followed by a sacred dance from the maidens/Miko! And the offering of a sacred Branch.
Funerals: I unfortunately do not know much about the funerals they attend but I hope to see one!
Festivals: I've been to only one festival but wow! A lot of people come to these festivals and its amazing..
Shinto Shrines (神社, jinja), are places of worship and dwellings of the Kami, 'gods'. Sacred objects in all different shapes and forms reside within a Shinto Shrine, there are also objects of worship in which where a Kami may stored the innermost Chamber of the shrine where they cannot be seen by anybody.
There are definitely hundreds of thousands of Kami but trying to name them all would be terribly hard as I only know the few I researched these selected few are:
Amaterasu-Omikami The sun goddess, this Kami is the most important in the religion as of oocly state!
Susanoo, the kami of the wind, or the storm-god, who both causes and protects from disasters, an interesting fact is that Susanoo is the brother of Amaterasu-Omikami!
Inari Okami, the kami of rice and fertility. Their messengers and symbolic are foxes, pretty cool right? I love foxes.
Ebisu, A Kami who bring prosperity. Originally the abandoned leech-child of Izanami and Izanagi.
Hachiman, the Kami of war. Hachiman uses the bow and arrow in war! Isn't that interesting?
And Omoikane the kami of wisdom and intelligence, who is always called upon to "ponder".
Cool Fact break:
There are over 80,000 Shinto Shrines around the world, though most of them reside in Japan.
Thats it about kami moving onto what you need to do before entering the shrine. As you walk into the shrine there is a Temizuya, you must cleanse your hands at the well, this is to ward off any evil spirits or bad feelings that might surround you. In saying this you'd need to pick up the ladle called a Hishaku with your right hand, filling it with water. Then you want to pour the water onto your left hand, cleansing it, repeat this step for your right hand! Make sure you are all cleansed before reaching the actual shrine. Now this next part citizens don't have to do. Mitsue, Miko, Shinkan and whoever else works for the shrine MUST. Use your left hand to scoop some of the cleansing water, bring it up to your lips and pour the water in, swishing it around before spitting it out next to the Temizuya, don't consume or spit the water back into the water. Then make sure you leave everything how you find it! Put the ladle back and make your way towards the shrine!!
Torii gates:
Is it a must for Shrine workers to bow before the Torii gates? Yes! Yes it is. Shrine workers must bow before walking under a Torii gate. The reason you bow is because it represents the entrances to the domain of a Kami. You must greet the Kami as you enter, showing respect to that Kami. To do a proper brow, you must stop in front of the Torii gate and bow at an 90 degree angle. Don't bow too far forward or too far back.
Cool Fact Break:
A large shrine can contain at least several smaller sub-shrines. These Shinto shrines can cover thousand acres, or a few square feet.
An Omikuji is a paper slip with the results of fortune-telling written on it. Many Japanese Shrines and temples offer this Omikuji to tell your fortune and give you advice on how to improve your life in the coming future. It doesn't just tell you whether you have good or bad luck in the future, but it also describes various fortunes in detail, such as your luck in money, health, romantic relationships and so on. Omikuji price varies depending on the Shrine you visit.
Despite my low knowledge on Shintoism, I am happy to sit and learn about the entire religion for hours on end if I have to. Not only will learning about Shintoism help my actual understanding of what it is but it'll also open up many roleplaying situations and things that I would love to be apart of. But I am willing to learn anything I can about Shintoism and its origin.
It can be very powerful depending on the Kami. Right lets explain the ofuda then! An Ofuda is a talisman. It could possibly be made out of paper, wood, cloth, or metal. These are known for having a shared power with a kami, now it could be any Kami willing to share their power which means you can't force them to share it by creating an Ofuda. They can bring all types of things like protection against calamity, misfortune, safety within a home, or to find love. An Ofuda is normally placed in a Kamidana, or high on the north or west wall in your living room or workplace
Kagura Suzu
A Tamagushi is considered to be an offering made out of a Sakaki tree branch. They are decorated with Washi paper, silk, cotton or hemp textiles. They are usually offered to Kami by priests and Maidens. They are also mainly to present at most types of ceremonies that involve the shrines.
Tamagushi are used to pay formal homage during visits to guests, or important people.
Character Full Name:
The ends of her lips curled into a small, forced smile graced Orzaithe's lips as she looked at the interviewer.
"Veydris Orzaithe, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Character Title:
Character Age:
She turned her head to gaze out the window, her left hand coming up to brush a loose piece of hair behind her ear.
"I'm 21 years of age."
Character Marital Status:
"I am single."
Character Nationality:
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Veydris Orzaithe, a woman of contradictions. Yet drown to the light of those around her, distant yet longing for something more! From a young age, she knew what it meant to be alone. Her world was never one of laughter and warmth but of fleeting connections and quiet solitude, where people came, left, and never came back. The only constant security she had in her life, was her brother. Terium Orzaithe
Growing up, Veydris never struggled to make friends, in fact she was quite popular in school, but the downside is, she struggled to keep them. She was never the type to... FULLY belong, always hovering around lively groups, observing rather than immersing herself. She admires those who thrived in social settings, the bold charismatic souls who could keep a friend.. and at times she found herself envying them, there was a part of her that wanted to be that kind of person.
But the world was far less kind. She found early on people could be unreliable, friendships could be fleeting and emotions were dangerous if placed in the wrong hands. So she adjusted, she became selective about who was close. She learned to pick and choose the kind of people she wanted to be around, never getting too attached.
Despite her [ast she never shied away from working with others. While she enjoyed solitude, she understood the power of collaboration. She always found solace in quiet moments, lost in thought. Yet somewhere in her heart, remains a lingering wish.. that one day she will find a place to belong.
How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Veydris Orzaithe, she carries herself with quiet reverence when on shrine grounds, but there's an unmistakable sharpness in her gaze. Shes an observer rather than a participant in faith. She blends into the scenery, a shadow slipping between the lantern-lit paths.
With guests, her demeanor is polite, speaking in soft tones that leaves kindness in her wake. She has a habit of watching people closely, reading them, and tailoring her approach based on their nature. To the devout, she may be cryptic in her words. A smile on her face at ALL times, its practically glued to her face.
With other staff, her interactions are a dance between formality, and playfulness. She is neither fully trusted nor fully distrusted- an enigma among them. Some may say she takes duties too seriously, while others might argue she plays at her role, treating it more as a game of wit than a sacred responsibility, And, yet, despite her detached nature, she is undeniably present. An ever-watching guardian of the shrine's peoples.
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Veydris Orzaithe would not act with immediate anger or stern reprimands. Instead, she would watch the person silently. letting the guest dig their own grave of foolishness. Once they are facing her, she'd speak- a calm, smooth, yet laced with an undeniable weight- would drift to the person's ears.
"You must be very confident.. or very foolish, to tread so carelessly on sacred ground."
Her tone would not be outright hostile, but there was something very unsettling about the way she spoke, something that made the air feel heavy. If the guest laughed it off, trying to tell her to mind her business, she'd smile.
"Ah I see... Then perhaps the shrine spirits should have some fun playing with you in return.. I wonder.. How long before they tire of your disrespect."
Whether what she had said was a mere trick of the mind, or something entirely different, the shrine might feel colder. Veydris wouldn't need to chase them- her words alone would plant the seed of unease.
If the guest remains stubborn, she would not raised her voice, instead she would make it unpleasant to stay. Her presence, and cryptic word choices, and her eerily patience- these things would gnaw at them till they either leave on their on accord or make a mistake by challenging this stubborn woman further. If only they pushed beyond reason- if they disrespected the shrine and its people- her amused would fade into a frown, warning them for the last time.
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest? What do they wish to achieve?
Veydris did not seek the path of shrine Maiden out of devotion- at least, not in ways others might expect. She does not follow the will of the divine blindly. Instead, she walks this path for knowledge, for the unseen, the whispers of things beyond mortal comprehension. The shrine is not merely a place of worship to her; it is a threshold, where the veil between words are terribly thin. And her? She wants to be the one standing at the edge, peering into the unknown.
What does she want to achieve?
She wants knowledge, understanding- of spirits, of fate, of the strange, winding threats that weave together the spirits and mortals alike. She is not satisfied with the surface-level rituals or empty words of faither. She wants to see, she wishes to see, to know, to unravel the mysteries other dare not to question. If the spirits whisper, she listens.. if the Spirits turn their gaze upon her, she meets them without flinching.
But beyond knowledge, there's something.... deeper? What is it? A quiet, unspoken duty. Slywen does not only wish to study the supernatural- she wants to meet them. Balance is fragile, and those who do not respect the unseen often find themselves at its mercy, She has no patience for those who trample over the sacred grounds without a thought, for those who disturb forces they do not understand, cant defend themselves from.
What are the core values of your character? (OPTIONAL - MORE INFO IN FAQ)
Veydris Orzaithe... She upholds the persistent pursuit of truth, A balance between both spirits and mortals a like, for every word spoken carries weight and intent. honoring forces and having respect for the Unseen.
Character Full Name:
The ends of her lips curled into a small, forced smile graced Orzaithe's lips as she looked at the interviewer.
"Veydris Orzaithe, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Character Title:
Character Age:
She turned her head to gaze out the window, her left hand coming up to brush a loose piece of hair behind her ear.
"I'm 21 years of age."
Character Marital Status:
"I am single."
Character Nationality:
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Veydris Orzaithe, a woman of contradictions. Yet drown to the light of those around her, distant yet longing for something more! From a young age, she knew what it meant to be alone. Her world was never one of laughter and warmth but of fleeting connections and quiet solitude, where people came, left, and never came back. The only constant security she had in her life, was her brother. Terium Orzaithe
Growing up, Veydris never struggled to make friends, in fact she was quite popular in school, but the downside is, she struggled to keep them. She was never the type to... FULLY belong, always hovering around lively groups, observing rather than immersing herself. She admires those who thrived in social settings, the bold charismatic souls who could keep a friend.. and at times she found herself envying them, there was a part of her that wanted to be that kind of person.
But the world was far less kind. She found early on people could be unreliable, friendships could be fleeting and emotions were dangerous if placed in the wrong hands. So she adjusted, she became selective about who was close. She learned to pick and choose the kind of people she wanted to be around, never getting too attached.
Despite her [ast she never shied away from working with others. While she enjoyed solitude, she understood the power of collaboration. She always found solace in quiet moments, lost in thought. Yet somewhere in her heart, remains a lingering wish.. that one day she will find a place to belong.
How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Veydris Orzaithe, she carries herself with quiet reverence when on shrine grounds, but there's an unmistakable sharpness in her gaze. Shes an observer rather than a participant in faith. She blends into the scenery, a shadow slipping between the lantern-lit paths.
With guests, her demeanor is polite, speaking in soft tones that leaves kindness in her wake. She has a habit of watching people closely, reading them, and tailoring her approach based on their nature. To the devout, she may be cryptic in her words. A smile on her face at ALL times, its practically glued to her face.
With other staff, her interactions are a dance between formality, and playfulness. She is neither fully trusted nor fully distrusted- an enigma among them. Some may say she takes duties too seriously, while others might argue she plays at her role, treating it more as a game of wit than a sacred responsibility, And, yet, despite her detached nature, she is undeniably present. An ever-watching guardian of the shrine's peoples.
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Veydris Orzaithe would not act with immediate anger or stern reprimands. Instead, she would watch the person silently. letting the guest dig their own grave of foolishness. Once they are facing her, she'd speak- a calm, smooth, yet laced with an undeniable weight- would drift to the person's ears.
"You must be very confident.. or very foolish, to tread so carelessly on sacred ground."
Her tone would not be outright hostile, but there was something very unsettling about the way she spoke, something that made the air feel heavy. If the guest laughed it off, trying to tell her to mind her business, she'd smile.
"Ah I see... Then perhaps the shrine spirits should have some fun playing with you in return.. I wonder.. How long before they tire of your disrespect."
Whether what she had said was a mere trick of the mind, or something entirely different, the shrine might feel colder. Veydris wouldn't need to chase them- her words alone would plant the seed of unease.
If the guest remains stubborn, she would not raised her voice, instead she would make it unpleasant to stay. Her presence, and cryptic word choices, and her eerily patience- these things would gnaw at them till they either leave on their on accord or make a mistake by challenging this stubborn woman further. If only they pushed beyond reason- if they disrespected the shrine and its people- her amused would fade into a frown, warning them for the last time.
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest? What do they wish to achieve?
Veydris did not seek the path of shrine Maiden out of devotion- at least, not in ways others might expect. She does not follow the will of the divine blindly. Instead, she walks this path for knowledge, for the unseen, the whispers of things beyond mortal comprehension. The shrine is not merely a place of worship to her; it is a threshold, where the veil between words are terribly thin. And her? She wants to be the one standing at the edge, peering into the unknown.
What does she want to achieve?
She wants knowledge, understanding- of spirits, of fate, of the strange, winding threats that weave together the spirits and mortals alike. She is not satisfied with the surface-level rituals or empty words of faither. She wants to see, she wishes to see, to know, to unravel the mysteries other dare not to question. If the spirits whisper, she listens.. if the Spirits turn their gaze upon her, she meets them without flinching.
But beyond knowledge, there's something.... deeper? What is it? A quiet, unspoken duty. Slywen does not only wish to study the supernatural- she wants to meet them. Balance is fragile, and those who do not respect the unseen often find themselves at its mercy, She has no patience for those who trample over the sacred grounds without a thought, for those who disturb forces they do not understand, cant defend themselves from.
What are the core values of your character? (OPTIONAL - MORE INFO IN FAQ)
Veydris Orzaithe... She upholds the persistent pursuit of truth, A balance between both spirits and mortals a like, for every word spoken carries weight and intent. honoring forces and having respect for the Unseen.
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