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Crime Clinic New Service | Identity Change Suggestion

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Level 16
Community Team
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What's your Minecraft Username?: fredtastic
What's the title of your suggestion?: Crime Clinic New Service | Identity Change

What's your suggestion?:
As of right now, players are allowed to change their character's identity with a motive such as avoiding a wanted level. They can do this by simply modifying the skin and changing the name. My suggestion is based off this process.

My suggestion is a new service offered by the crime clinic: an official identity change. Upon paying, the customer would receive multiple procedures involving legality and biometrics:
- Fingerprints alternation
- Facial surgeries
- Pupils modification
- Hair transplant, etc
- New name, along with fake documents

The price would be around 400k.
Edit: Or more. Probably more. Pls give price ideas..

This procedure could be used by people who still want to use the same character but are forced to avoid something:
- Being wanted by KPD
- You knowing ICly someone has KPS on the character
- Fleeing a felony

Of course, this service being implemented would bring quite a lot of change and would be very good for some characters who have been struggling with felonies.

This would also mean players would not be able to change their character's identity by themselves and it would need to be mentioned in the rulebook.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It could benefit the CrimeRP and GangRP communities by giving more depth to characters, etc.
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Level 72
3D Modelling Team
I mean personally I find this a really good use within crime especially with those with horrid criminal reputation; felonies and wanted charges, it'd also bring out the usage of crime clinic!


Level 32
Literally was thinking about this like last week, +1. I do think that the price should be bumped up WAY more though.


Level 117

This is such a cool idea. I think the price could be a COUPLE hundred higher, or maybe you could offer parts of the service for a fraction of the price.


Level 81
+1 defo, but i feel the price should be brought up! otherwise, it'll be a tad tooooo frequent


Level 248
Council Lead

I like the idea of more realistic changes such as name, hair, and eyes but I think the facial surgery should at least be capped for one per a character. I could see plastic surgery being an abused feature. Let's say John does a crime and then changes his nose, lips, and jawline; He shouldn't be able to commit more crimes and then at the potential of getting caught, he's just like "Let me change my nose again real quick." Also for clarification, I'm not saying someone shouldn't be allowed to commit crimes after facial modification but they shouldn't be able to change their face again, over and over.


Level 16
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I like the idea of more realistic changes such as name, hair, and eyes but I think the facial surgery should at least be capped for one per a character. I could see plastic surgery being an abused feature. Let's say John does a crime and then changes his nose, lips, and jawline; He shouldn't be able to commit more crimes and then at the potential of getting caught, he's just like "Let me change my nose again real quick." Also for clarification, I'm not saying someone shouldn't be allowed to commit crimes after facial modification but they shouldn't be able to change their face again, over and over.
This is a very good point. To avoid it being too OP, we should limit how many times this could happen. Maybe only one per character? If not, how can we offer a complete identity change for the 1st change and a partial without face change for the other changes. A bit messy in my opinion. This could be limited to one per character.


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
I agree it should be waaaay more expensive or like maybe have a different price for the options. So, then it gives people the option to change certain things on their character, like, maybe just a fingerprint change, but not the face. In this case, yeah, they could be stopped by KPD, but if interrogated there's no way to connect them to the crime as the fingerprints don't match.


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team

I agree that'd it'd be more realistic and there'd be MUCH more of a price. I suggest 900k at least and potentially if there is a 2 limit instead of a 1 limit it'd be 1.4 million for the next payment. Each change should have it's own prices though due to the complexity, I mean altering all 10 fingerprints is gonna be pretty hard, especially since if there's a change to a fingerprint it'd be pretty obvious due to the fact that fingerprints (if we're talking realistically) are all unique with different markings such as forks, eyes, triangles, swirls, ridges, short ridge, etc. If you were to change a fingerprint it's likely there'd me some sort of difference in the tissue and when dusting for that fingerprint, finding missing pieces of the fingerprint due to the texture of the tissue (or if they got that part removed) would be.. Suspicious!

Overall it's a unique idea to help the crime community have a more realistic way to hide instead of just 'oh I changed my name and dyed my hair' stuff!
Even if there are a lot of factors into forensics (which most don't even contribute to SRP ways) I do believe this would still be possible.

Different Prices could be
Fingerprints - 600k
Pupil Change - 550k
Facial surgery - 700k
Any Fake Documentation - 450k (Since it'd be easier)
Hair Transplant etc - 500k


Level 16
Community Team
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Thread starter

I agree that'd it'd be more realistic and there'd be MUCH more of a price. I suggest 900k at least and potentially if there is a 2 limit instead of a 1 limit it'd be 1.4 million for the next payment. Each change should have it's own prices though due to the complexity, I mean altering all 10 fingerprints is gonna be pretty hard, especially since if there's a change to a fingerprint it'd be pretty obvious due to the fact that fingerprints (if we're talking realistically) are all unique with different markings such as forks, eyes, triangles, swirls, ridges, short ridge, etc. If you were to change a fingerprint it's likely there'd me some sort of difference in the tissue and when dusting for that fingerprint, finding missing pieces of the fingerprint due to the texture of the tissue (or if they got that part removed) would be.. Suspicious!

Overall it's a unique idea to help the crime community have a more realistic way to hide instead of just 'oh I changed my name and dyed my hair' stuff!
Even if there are a lot of factors into forensics (which most don't even contribute to SRP ways) I do believe this would still be possible.

Different Prices could be
Fingerprints - 600k
Pupil Change - 550k
Facial surgery - 700k
Any Fake Documentation - 450k (Since it'd be easier)
Hair Transplant etc - 500k
As much as realistically, it would be cool to have different prices for the different services, in SRP, I'm not sure this is possible. Here is why:

In SRP, detective work is barely used except for interrogation. If we did allow all of those different prices, where do we draw the line between considered as the same person and not the same person. Someone who would only get the fake documentation (new name) and dye their hair would be able to have every other advantage as someone who would get the whole package deal for the much bigger price. I don't see much use to ALL of those forensic aspects within the community. This is why I believe we should force the people to get the whole package. Less trouble overall.

You also brought an interesting point with the price increase! Instead of limiting to 1 identity change per character, it would be cool if the price increased every time! For example: 800k -> 1.2 mil -> 2 mil
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