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CriminalRP Reporter Application


Level 9
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes I have discord and a microphone, My discord is
_lovelychaos with my display name being my username.

List your timezone and country:
My timezone is CST, I live in the united states of america.
Describe your activity:
I been active consistently for over 6 years. I been trying hard to get into any groups i desired to fit into. I love how I can be who ever i desire to In school roleplay from a thug to a hero or just a ordinary student or adult With a job. I can be who I desire to be as long as I put in the effort which is why I am extremely active from time to time, I rate my activity this month and hopefully beyond a 8 out of 10 its really significant I can be active to get the roles I enjoy fit. I joined in 2018 and I been a member of school roleplay for 6 years so I have a lot of experience when It comes to roleplay or rules in general.
Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
My motivation for applying for reporter is to enhance my roleplay and stay active for the longest period of time ensuring enjoyment in my career as a role player. I will ensure in character and out of character that everyone will be happy with me as a reporter. I wanna be the best I can be as a reporter to gain experience in the Job roleplay community in school roleplay as I never had a faction role. I love The things I can do to enhance roleplay as a whole through Jobs since I have roleplayed in other communities as well. My motivation is also the money but thats not my only reason. I want to enhance my roleplay to the fullest extent with my character as a whole. I can be the best I can possibly be in this degree.
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I have experience with writing through in real life schooling. I never really enjoyed writing but I do it anyways because I can write really cool things when It comes to reports or stories as a whole. I enjoy writing to some degree as I wrote reports In school in real life as well. Though my grammar may not be the best sometimes I look at ways to fix my grammar to make it more professional and appealing to the eye. I could report on anything significant for the time in School Roleplay or in real life. Now that I think about it do you actually need a degree to report like why? Reporting can be easy for everyone as long as they put the work in and write properly as everyone has been to school and wrote essays before.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes I am aware and will follow the set of rules.
Why should we accept you over others?:
I been in and out of gang roleplay for 5 years and I never really joined a faction despite having a lot of experience in roleplay. I been active in valhalla since January of 2024 all the way to it disbanding. If I can be active in one group I can be active In another. I also keep my reputation really well to some degree ensuring that even karakura police department likes me despite being a criminal as best as possible. I also ensure that all my victims or rival gangs respect me to some degree out of character. I wanna make sure that everyone targeted or with me can respect me to some degree by showing how much I love them for being on this server. I also been in multiple gangs and a gang war It may not be related to reporting but It shows activity and Respect for those around me. I ensure that everyone enjoys me If they don't I just ignore them as a person. I care about the happiness of people around me as well. To ensure my good reputation on this server and not being hated as a whole. I also have a lot of job roleplay experience through other communities and I should be able to make this opertunity perfect for those around me gang role play or not. I will ensure that everyone can respect me in general.
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes I understand that I will have to stay completely neutral with all reports.
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes I trust that I will be able to stay active and complete monthly quota
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
Being a reporter is like being a journalist at a school. You write reports for the public to read on many different topics and events going on.
You head to the news station to make news papers or reports on telivision such as news on politicians, criminals, Business, War and many other things I can go over. people make reports daily in real life on conflicts and historical moments ongoing for the time. Being a reporter you are also somewhat being a historian as well to some degree. I thing being a reporter is very similar to those factors.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:
Lily Kimura-Hinemiya
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr) I perfer to go by Ms Hinemiya
Current Age (25+): I am 25
Past job/work experience: I sold on auction for money in my child hood years.
I also did over 10 hours of community service to feed the homeless.
I made good grades in school getting a 4.0 GPA
I ran errands for people by helping them with other stuff.
I went through elementary school all the way to college.
I held jobs for years before quitting staying loyal to certain organizations.
I helped people get around the city of karakura as well.
Degree/qualifications: Major in Journalism
Minor in Political Science and Business
Nationality and born location: Karakura,Japanese
Phone Number: 030-141-295

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?: I am very Polite to most people by complimenting them and saying how wonderful of a person they are and how pretty they are. I also am really nice to those who I respect in genral. I am very loyal to organizations and I'm Patient to get things done I am also Money Minded. I have thick long pink hair I wear semi formal or formal outfits to look professional to some degree. I make sure that I can be respected as a member of a team.
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I am Interested In writing about politics, Bussiness, and a variety of other things. I will achieve by looking at those factors in karakura and write about them. I will go out of my confort zone to write anything productive for some pay.
What are your expectations for the job?:
Respect: I Want to be treated by respect by team members as a reporter.
Fair pay: I wanna be paid fairly as a reporter and I think The pay is already fair enough.
Trust: I expect to be trusted by my co workers to some degree as a reporter
Job security: I expect to be secure as a reporter from violent acts.
Growth opportunities: I expect to have opportunities to my skills and abilities to develop my careers and grow through promotions.
Recognition: I want to know my efforts and be appreciated and make a difference. Recognition can help build confidence and keep me be motivated

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
Evasion, Obstruction of Justice, Resisting arrest,Assault. I was a Kid at the time and I did stupid stuff I changed as a person.
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
I speak 4 languages,Japanese ,English,Korean, and Spanish.
being fourlingual I can interview in 4 languages for that reason.
You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

Are students homeless or not?

Have you noticed something off like something really off. The rate of homelessness around young adults and students is through the roof to some degree when apartments are very affordable what causes this and why are everyone homeless in school in general. Well we would have to look at many factors that causes this, Child abandonment, a lack of job opertunities, focusing on school instead of rent and many factors I could go on about. The poverty rate is very high among young students because some lack parent figures or families due to tragic accidents or deaths. I wanna make sure if this is accurate so I'm
So I'm gonna make a poll to make sure how many students are in poverty among the karakura town community through interviews to prove this. I wanna make sure this report is accurate to some degree before I can move foward with this report. I

began to interview Felix godbloom to make sure about this. Felix goldbloom interview Question Are you homeless? Felix goldbloom shaked his head no. Do you have a family? Felix goodbloom shaked his head Yes. Do you make enough money for rent? He responded with a no. he does not make enough money for rent. Inaccessibility to rent money was a issue for him but he had his parents still so he is a fortunate cookie. For more info I still was interviewing the locals about this
I came across Keenan a student and I interviewed him as well.

What is your name? Keenan are you homeless? I am . . not homeless. . I do have a home
If you could change for the better through school how would you get a Job? I Suppose if I could change. . for the better through-out school i would focus on improving my skills and such. How many friends do you think you have that goes through homelessness? Not much I personally don't have a ton of friends that are homeless. Are you saving up?
what will you do when you grow up? I don't really have a plan for the future currently not really thinking about it much, I'll just see where life takes me when the time comes. If you could what would you have done to prevent over spending?
I'd Just save up there is honestly nothing much I could do, perhaps buy cheaper stuff?

My last interview was with Akira Ishida do you have interest in any careers if so list multiple if possible?Nopehow much money do you earn a month on average? 200k. Now that I think about it Homelessness or poverty isn't really effecting that much students as a whole. sure some don't make lot of money some still have homes families or other things that make Karakura citizens fortunate as a whole. If you wanna be in a future Interview talk to Me today.

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

Interview 1 Felix goldbloom

Question Are you homeless?

Felix goldbloom shaked his head no

Do you have a family?
Felix goodbloom shaked his head Yes

Do you make enough money for rent?
He responded with a no. he does not make enough money for rent.

Interview 2 Keenan interview
Whats your name?


are you homeless?
I am . . not homeless. . I do have a home

If you could change for the better through school how would you get a Job?
I Suppose if I could change. . for the better through-out school i'd focus on improving my skills and such.

How many friends do you think you have that goes through homelessness?
Not much I personally don't have a ton of friends that are homeless.

Are you saving up?
I'm not, I usually spend it all. . .

what will you do when you grow up?
I don't really have a plan for the future currently not really thinking about it much, I'll just see where life takes me when the time comes

If you could what would you have done to prevent over spending?
I'd Just save up theres honestly nothing much I could do, perhaps buy cheaper stuff?

Interview 3 Akira Ishida

do you have interest in any careers if so list multiple if possible?

how much money do you earn a month on average?

Additional Information:
I applied when the news roster was full apon this application being accepted if it did It should be pending due to the lack of roles avaliable in the faction until roles are open.
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