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Crowbars being legal


Level 5
What's your Minecraft Username?: RushTX
What's the title of your suggestion?: Crowbars being legal

What's your suggestion?:
Why can wrenches and bats be legal? Isn't a crowbar just as dangerous as those blunts? After all It cant cut off body parts so what's the reason for it to be illegal right? Kpd cant carry katanas and knives just like us, but they can carry crowbar and we can't? Seems like we need to invest here chat

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Giving people more chance to flex there items and even get more trade offers into the server without kpd coming to save the day. It would also improve activity in some player's maybe bringing a chance back to gangrp? It wont do much but it will definitely make a impact.


Level 5
Thread starter
Probably because the crowbar can be used to break down doors.
despite that, thats not there only use, legalizing them can bring in more rp for almost every faction , people only think that's it's only use is breaking down doors.


Level 75

why would anyone be carrying around a crowbar? just get a pipe wrench if you want to be fancy


Level 16

I can see why you want them to be legal since they do have legal purposes such as construction and gardening but I don't know...


Level 76
Realistically they could be used as a sharp forced object, not sure if that is still true in SRP terms as IK it used to be and IK I'm not the most up to date with things, which obviously not as sharp as a blade but still enough to do some damage. Also what practical daily use would you need a crowbar for to the point you're just carrying it around? Plenty of other alternatives that make a whole lot more sense.


Level 4

Imma say this but crow bars are not just used to break down doors, thats what people use them for icly and what not, but they have other uses such as, breaking crates open, repairs, rescue, demolition and more! Crowbars are used by EVERY emergency service expect the Hospitals, rescue, army, police, firemen and I list more, theres a reason why a real life crowbar would be legal to carry, why the hell would it be ILEGAL to carry a crowbar when its uses vary.

ONE LAST THING, The construction sites on SRP do not carry their supply's in all just trucks, there are containers and boxs to open, as well crow bars can be used to open locks and those very boxs, again if its ilegal for them to carry, then ilegal for any use of them for all the THINGS I have listed.


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team
this is an IC matter, you’d probably be better off making a stand about this in game to have the law changed


Level 2
this is an IC matter, you’d probably be better off making a stand about this in game to have the law changed
I like Nylu's thought!
you should try to make crowbars legal ICly, I'm sure it would be interesting!!
You'd have to put a strong arguement though ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

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