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Denied CTC0's Professor Application | Geography with Oleg Mikhaylov


Level 25
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What is your Minecraft username?:

(Slot 1: grade-12 - Applying on this slot)

What is your time zone?:
BST (British Summer Time)

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:


Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I prefer to spend from 5 to 18 hours online, sometimes I go over or under this usual schedule but that’s not too often. There are times where I would have to spend a few days once a month to temporarily fix my sleep schedule from nocturnal to sleeping during the night, this rarely happens more than once a month.
I am unemployed and currently don’t go to school, this means that I am able to spend every day of the year online from the time I wake up to when I go back to sleep, except for Thursdays during school weeks to attend acting classes for an hour during the evening.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have been roleplaying on SRP since summer of 2020, since then I’ve been learning how to improve my roleplaying skills. I’ve roleplayed via video games since maybe 2015? But it all started before that with the interest in building minecraft cities on my xbox 360, inspired by Aphmau videos, I remember how it took me around 2 years to build one and then somehow my world got deleted, this happened to me about 3 times. After realizing that I could do more than build cities, I decided to go and do active roleplaying. It started off as an entertainment scheme for my YouTube channel, but I grew to enjoy it and started roleplaying on GTA5 Online as well on my PS4.
I made many friends along the way and improved my roleplaying skills, but then I got a PC and I was able to join SRP for the first time. I Googled school roleplay because Aphmau’s season 2 of mystreet was my favorite and I wanted to make my own story. I found the SRP forums home page through that Google search and I was able to then join for the first time! I created my first character and started creating more characters after a year or two of playing. Now I have about 40 characters to play as, though some are inactive ones, I like to think I have greatly improved my roleplaying skills since I first started. I certainly enjoy writing a lot more because of SRP and I also believe I’ve improved my writing skills as well.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Adult, Grade-12, Grade-10, Grade-9, Grade-7, Grade-12 Swim, College B, Dog, Cat & Bear.

What is the subject you want to teach?:


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

Spending about 8 months teaching as an SRP high school teacher previously, I was limited to one subject and Green tags and since then, I have found a new passion with a new subject. I know that Geography would be an amazing subject to teach to college students, I hope that the preparations I have made for future classes (if accepted) are enough for the enjoyment of all of the students if possible at all.
I also believe that becoming a professor would not only be much more chilled out for me than teacher work, but also it would give me a lot more to do in my very boring day to day life. I hope that by possibly getting accepted, I also gain an icly adult advantage for my adult character. I would love to have the opportunity to be able to teach Geography. I have always had a deep interest in maps, volcanoes, tsunamis and other things similar to those things.
I have spent a large amount of my childhood studying Geography out of pure interest and I have enjoyed learning new things and figuring out the basics of maps, countries and their history, natural disasters and how they work, also the idea of comparing the similarities and differences between natural disasters on Earth and natural disasters on other planets. I am indeed aware that some people don’t know that there are storms, volcanos, tornadoes, and more on other planets, not just our home planet.
I find the idea of teaching about maps, countries and the history that made them what they are today in a non controversial way sounds fun as heck! The fact that there are so many countries to go through makes me extra excited to host each lesson if I am hopefully accepted! Also the idea of teaching the students how to use a map and accurately navigate with one, maybe even make one of their own using the knowledge they received from my lessons excites my brain, they could make a map of Karakura in their own unique ways os I would be able to accurately determine how much they listened too.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


Earthquake class!
In this class I will encourage the students after a short lecture, educating them about earthquakes, to stand up (If they can) and only be able to sit down once they’ve answered a question about the lecture they had just heard. This activity would both encourage the students to listen carefully and also give them a chance to have fun in the process of learning.
If there are some spare time afterwards I would have my character answer any questions they have about the subject at that moment.

Map making!
During this class I will explain as much as I can about the importance of many kinds of maps, I will teach the students about how some maps mark out mountains, rivers, borders, forests and more! I hope that they will use this information to make their own maps!
This won’t take up the entire class, so I hope to also give the class a few lectures about what questions might need to be answered during the last minutes of class. This is to help them learn by reminding them of the fixable mistakes they may make in the future.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I will take the students to the beach and give a short lecture about tsunamis, mostly using the water right in front of everyone as a sort of life-size model. I will be explaining how one can tell that a tsunami is about to happen and what they can do to lower their risk of injury and death. I also think it would be a fun experience to also explain how it happens in the first place while we’re all there.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
They would make sure the student wasn’t being harassed, if nothing malicious was going on then they’d go along with their day.
If these students were giving the young jock a hard time, they’d separate them from them and ask for an explanation. Upon hearing the details, my character would then deal with the situation as appropriate as possible depending on the situation.
This scenario would either end in warnings or detentions, but of course a detention won’t be handed out unless it was deemed necessary.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbed by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
My character would ask them to be quiet, if they continued then he would stand next to them and make sure they were focusing on their task that they received.
If this student somehow still continued then he would threaten to contact SLT if they continued and explain what would happen if they were to be contacted, from there I’d oocly hope that they FearRP that scenario and get staff if they don’t.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
In this scenario, my character would grab their attention by either clapping loudly and staring menacingly or yelling out “EXCUSE ME!” and give them a look, if they failed to respond to that look then he would explain that phones are not allowed on in class and to pay attention.
If these students continued then he would temporarily confiscate their phones until the lesson was over (I obviously won’t keep their phones), If they’re still misbehaving even without their phones then he’d start to give out warnings and explain that a detention at their age would be very embarrassing, if they STILL continue then a detention would be given out as well as their phones returned and they get removed from the class, my character has no patience for students who have no wishes to learn.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
In a situation where my character was unable to help the situation calm to a stop, they would immediately contact other faculty over the radio for help with a description of the goings on as well as a location and the students involved.
My character would stay put until everything was sorted out unless a class was planned during that time. Though if there were no classes planned at that time then he would do his best to assist in the situation, then afterwards having a conversation with the students to figure everything out while the other faculty member questions the other student, calling over more faculty for questioning if there were more or having them take turns.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Oleg Mikhaylov

Oleg is a 6 '0 emo looking 35 year old man, with piercings in both his ears, lower lip, eyebrow and belly button. He had hidden tattoos under his usually long sleeves that were one of a pair of sunglasses showing a reflection of a sunset in a city scene on his arm, another on his back of a cat climbing down using its claws and one of a demonic creature on his other arm in black and white (images below).
Oleg is rather muscular but not to the point of stressing out his shirt buttons, since his hobby is either telling bad jokes or working out, he keeps fit in his own way.

Most would describe Oleg as a simple man with simple needs, though he loves to joke around when the timing is right (for example he's not going to start telling jokes to students in detention). He enjoys learning new things and then teaching the things he learned to other people, which is how he decided to take up teaching in the first place.
Oleg is the type of person to take something sad and depressing and turn it into something that many would smile about whenever they think about it, he likes to think he’s good at cheering people up and tries his best when he gets the chance to.
In other words, he has a kind heart.
When it comes to young friends of his, he likes the idea of putting a person in a situation where he is able to observe their choices and then teach them the pros and cons they may be unaware of in that exact moment. If he is ever an a**hole, it’s always accidental, mainly caused by his mild autism that limits his social cue understanding skills.

Behaviour & habits
Oleg likes to treat everyone with as much respect as he possibly can, this includes both faculty and students. He believes that if he treats the students with respect then they will feel more comfortable taking his class, asking questions and learning, though this is his own personal theory.
When it comes to faculty, he will always treat them with as much respect as he can, even those who act inappropriate during school hours. He feels like other people’s happiness is partially his responsibility, since putting someone in a bad mood can last a while if you upset the wrong person, him being aware that this can happen inspires him to respect as much as he can!
Oleg is extremely good at masking and does this often, he very rarely unmasks unless he is completely alone. If he doesn’t understand something, he tries to learn about it but not before joking that he doesn’t know, trying to convince people he does in fact know but is just playing dumb, which doesn’t always work out in his favor.

Future plans
Oleg plans on staying in Karakura for a long while, not his entire life but for most of it. He hopes to make enough friends to want to stay until the end of his life but he knows that might not happen, since there’s always a chance. For now his plans are to attempt to improve the education of many of the students of Karakura if possible.
If accepted as a college professor, Oleg plans to inspire as many students as he can, teaching and helping those who’re seeking education and/or help with anything he’s able to help with! He hopes to help a large number of students in the future, not only with their academics but also with personal issues if he can via advice.
If accepted, Oleg plans on rising to the top as HD, but only after time of course. He is fully aware this doesn’t happen overnight, he’s just ambitious occupation-wise. For now, he will be happy to be accepted and work his way up slowly, gaining experience and possible friendship along the way!


Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Oleg was born in a small town in Russia to a large family with many children on February 2nd 1988, he was the fourth out of seven kids in total (For the sake of the reader, I won’t name every single family member, you’re welcome). As a young child, he was very active and sporty, regularly taking part in sports in his school and with friends and family. Oleg found himself making many friends and becoming quite popular thanks to his skills that he used to show off, some of those many friends included Anatoly Kotov and his little brother Dmitri who moved to Karakura later in life. These three boys formed a friendship in which they would all come up with pranks together and sometimes act on those pranks, Dmitri was the usual victim for these totally very harmless and safe pranks, just mainly gross ones.
As well as sports, Oleg found a deep interest in the science of natural disasters, he loved to learn about what caused them, ways people measure their strength and how people stay safe from them. This sparked an era in his childhood in which he was the geography kid in school. If anyone had a question that they didn’t want to ask the teacher about, they’d ask Oleg every time. He then thought that if he’s captured an interest in natural disasters, he might as well study maps too! And so he started studying maps, borders, continents, countries, capital cities, etc. He wanted to learn it all! Mainly using library books from his school’s library and the local public library, he took to studying and he was speedy at gathering information. It helped that he enjoyed reading as much as he did, speed reading, and a deep interest in what he was researching inspired him to learn quickly!
By the time he reached highschool, he had been starting to think of a future career, he gave a few options a try, gathering information for each thing he found interesting. He looked into construction, possibly being a pilot, he thought a comedian would be a great idea too, it took him a few years to figure out that he wanted to teach in a school of some sort. During those years of finding himself, he also found that he was struggling in school academically, except for geography that is. He found himself relying on help from friends, family and teachers a lot more than before. Oleg took a lot of his own free time in order to study, it became harder for him when his friends moved away too.
After a good year or two, Oleg managed to catch up with everyone else and became an average student once again! He never stopped his studying craze too much, he didn’t want to risk falling behind, but he still found time to keep up to date with his favorite subject, Geography! He was able to make some more friends during the time he took it easy with studying, that’s when he figured out through some of the new kids that the friends that moved away, Anatoly and Dmitri had moved to Karakura, the new kids had seen them before they moved the second time. With that knowledge, he had been inspired to travel to another country for work.
Oleg reached his college years and found a sudden interest in fashion, he didn’t realize it before but the idea of designing clothes made him buzz with excitement, he loved it! He enjoyed it so much that he majored in Fashion alongside Geography.

Now at 23 years old, he was searching for work, he had finished school and very recently finished college, for now he was searching for any work so he could afford to look for a better job that he wanted more. He started off with small jobs like filling up local vending machines and cleaning schools after all the kids had left to go home, this wasn’t the best work but it paid and he was able to live comfortably while he looked into work abroad. During this time, he had gotten in contact with Anatoly, the kid that moved to Karakura with his little brother. Anatoly told him that he has a family there now and that Dmitri is a brat, that last statement didn’t surprise him that much at all.
Keeping in contact with his old friend, he was able to live happily and with ambitions, he planned to eventually move to Karakura and teach there, but he had to get there first and he didn’t have the money, so for now he was going to teach in Russia. Applying for multiple teaching jobs, he quickly got offered an interview and aced it! Now teaching 12 year olds in a local school, he was happy because he finally had a job he enjoyed, now being able to quit filling vending machines and cleaning schools after, though he now had the respect to keep the classroom as clean as possible, also teaching this important lesson to the new students every year.
During these years of teaching, he was also learning himself! He taught himself many things including JSL, he was aware that this wasn't Japan but he found it interesting, so using the things he had access to -his phone, computer and the books at his library- he started teaching himself, he did the same for Japanese too! even telling himself that he would have a language day where the students would learn about Japanese Geography and learn the language a bit as well, he still has a lot to learn to this day but he knows a good amount now.
Greatly loved by the faculty and students, he quickly gained popularity and many were even inspired by him and his teachings. He was of course happy about this, but the thought of it made him think it was all for show, ‘no one could think a teacher was this cool, surely?’ went through his mind a lot. With every year that passed, he made connections with each student, he saw them succeed through that year and watched them leave with confidence, this saddened him quite a bit, but he at least had the knowledge they’re happy.
Another year goes by and he decides that this is the year he will travel. He had very little experience with college kids apart from when he attended college himself, and then hung out with his younger siblings who were attending college at the time. He liked a challenge and he liked teaching so to him it was 100% worth it! He gathered his passport, his suitcase and his phone as he sat in his room to text Anatoly about possibly staying at his apartment while he stays there and looks for a teaching job. Anatoly explained he wasn’t staying at the apartment at that moment, but mentioned that Haru would be there and he gave him her number. ANOTHER text marathon later and Oleg is on his way to Karakura, with approval from Haru and a brand new room with his name on it just waiting for him to live in it, he went on his way.
After reaching Karakura, he settled in and started looking around for local teaching jobs, he quickly found Karakura high school and college, deciding that college was the best for what he wanted and his determination to gain experience with college kids, he applied! And now he's here.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Oleg Pavel Alexi Mikhaylov.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:


Gender & pronouns:
Male, He/Him.

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

7 years, 2 months.

Working Experience (# of years):
12 years, 6 months.

Academic Degree:
Masters Geography.

Year of Graduation:

Geography, Fashion.


Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Japanese & JSL.

Preferred Teaching Subject:

If denied, please may I have some tips for next time?


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I have decided to deny this application. This is usually because other applications stood out more to us, if you'd like further details feel free to DM me on discord (@muffincats).​

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