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Cuddle's Application for officer

IGN (Ingame name) = Teddy lovebear Age 18 Highest grade ever reached: 12th grade. (he/him) My character does only speak japanese
Describe your character ; how they look, what makes them unique? My character has dark/brown hair and brown eyes. What makes him unique is that he is always friendly and non agressive. When he needs to get agressive he doesnt like it. He loves helping and hugging

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation? He respects for authority and uses effective communication skills. He may seek guidance from mentors or teachers, and strive to excel in their responsibilities to make a positive impression

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers and teamwork? Cuddle thinks that not only one person can handle everything thats why teamwork is important and he cant do anything himself why he would need help from co-workers

What is your characters backstory? Cuddle was born in Karakura. His parents were criminals which sold alcohol and mugged people. Cuddle never liked the buisness his parents did. He was too shy to tell them tho. One day the parents got stabbed by a group of other criminals and they didnt survive the way to the hospital. Cuddle was very sad and wasnt himself after he heard his parents were dead. He doesnt have a sister or brother etc. He went to school and had a new family that adopted him. They loved him and Cuddle knew he would need to be a officer when hes old enough to arrest every bad person out there.

Discord name and Tag = Name: n1i0c Tag: Soma
Which Timezone are you in? Europe timeline

Is it legal to own a pocket knife in Karakura? No, its illegal no matter what. Its not allowed to carry a dangerous weapon or even having it.

Describe your activity on the server: I'm playing everyday a few hours but I wanted to play less. I have school in the week everyday 8am-4pm. These are the times I mostly wont be online.

Motivation for applying: I wanna arrest criminals. Being an Officer is fun thats why I wanna be an Officer. For having a fun roleplay live I even get paid. Helping people is one of my belovest things.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work? : I do have some knowledge maybe not much compared to other but I know how to arrest people. search them and just how it goes.

Why Is Police important to SchoolRP?
Patrolling the city. Of course it's not safe in the city thats why people "Police" must patrol it.
Raiding properties It's done when someone gets arrested for having an contraband item or doing something that is against the law. The police has the right to search in the properties for any weaponry or other items in the relation to the situation that happened.

Taking Care of Inmates KPD can take care of inmates or do what we call jailRP as KPD can oversee visitations with inmates, making inmates meals, taking them out to the courtyard area, among other things. There usually needs to be at least two officers present in order for this type of RP to happen and KPD have a right to decline doing this similar to EMS with recovery.
Forensic Work The KPD work alongside with EMS to identify a victim or suspect within a case.
Engaging in Sever-wide Events This can either be alongside EMS, Town, or a crime faction or even on their own. Events can be planned to suprise and can range fro ma gang breaking a law or with helping the governor giving a speech.

Assisting Citizens KPD, just like their other government counterparts, can do something called front desk work where an officer mans the front desk for a certain amount of time. During this the officer (though it should be done anytime someone notices someone at the front desk) can assist citizens with any questions, issues, reports, or even help post bail among other things. Even without being at the desk, an individual may call the 110 line to ask questions or request an officer to the front desk to ask a question.

Assisting other Government Workers This can either be helping EMS within the hospital or even helping respond to a call, among other things, or even could be simply going to town hall to assist when a trial is being held.

Taking Reports While to my knowledge this can be done by any officer, it is simply taking a report from someone about any sort of law-break that has or may have occurred.

Interrogating While this is usually left to the detective side of KPD, this is done to either inmates or regular citizens who have simply been detained for questioning about a situation that has happened that KPD are investigating.

Arresting Criminals Any officer can obviously make an arrest for the various crimes that can be done. Though before an arrest should be made evidence needs to be gathered to prove a law was broken hints at the ‘criminal’.

Filling Town Logs This can be either Judicial logs due to an inmate pleading not-guilty to their

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished? yes sir/ma'am
In-Character (IC) Section

Name five medical item that do NOT require a prescription

Wooden Cane A simply but usefull wooden can which can be used in either short or long term use, such as when individual is recovering from an injury or may have a permanent limp or other conditions making walking without the aid more difficult.

Eyepatch (left and right) A wrappable bandage that goes around the head to cover either the left or right eye. Often used when an eye is damaged or injuried, but can even be used to cover a past injury for patien's comfort if deemed alright to do so.

Melatonin A medication consisting of an array of vitamins. This medication is used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiencies that occur either due to poor diet, digestive disorders, or other certain illnesses.

Iron supplements A medication consisting of ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, or ferrous gluconate, all of which are used as a type of iron supplement usually used to treat iron deficiency or anemia. Iron supplements can even be used to help prevent any deficiencies with iron.

Paracetamol A type of pain and fever medication used to temporaly relieve minor pain such as headaches, cuts, concussion, etc. It's the lowest pain medication given in Karakura and is the only pain medication that does not requiere a prescription.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do? I would make sure that my body camera is on to capture whats happening to have at least a bit evidence before calling other officers or dedectives for backup.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted? I woud assess the situation first and radio for help (backup). I would make sure to help my Co-worker and protect him in the safest way with using a taserr, tranq, etc. I would try stopping the situation in the safest way possible.

Please do not send a email. Add me on discord and text me.


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Plagiarism is under no circumstances allowed when applying for any
SchoolRP faction. While you are allowed to look at other applications
to get an idea of what you're going to need to write out, you cannot take
out chunks of text from other applicants, nor minimally modify them.

Although you will not be punished in-game for it, you have been blacklisted
from applying for this faction until further notice. If you wish to appeal this
decision, feel free to send me a DM (Note, however, that faction leads have
the right to keep your blacklist indefinitely).

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