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Accepted Culinary Professor Application | DutchRP


Level 7

What is your Minecraft username?:

Jarno2608 > applying

What is your time zone?:
Gmt +1

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
> I have already walked quite a long way on SRP. I started playing in 2018 where I had little idea how the server worked. After my first impressions I was immediately enthusiastic about the concept and I have been very active ever since. There have of course been times when I have been a little less active, but I have always returned. So I have been actively playing on SRP again for the past 9 months with 2 to 5 hours playtime everyday.

> FamilyRP during my time playing on the server I experienced many different aspects, one of these aspects was familyRP. This really appealed to me. I have been to a few families and had some roleplay experience within this family's. I also created a family myself, unfortunately this stopped quickly due to private reasons. why I mention this under server activity is because I have invested a lot of time in this and it has gained a place in my heart.

> SportRP Finally, we're going to talk about different sports, this is where I've spent the most time on. I think it's the one of the features that got me most excited for a long time. Sports have always appealed to me, which is why I have played most sports, such as the volleyball, basketball, swimming and cheering team. some sports were a lot about having skills and practice but sports like swimming were about a lot of detailRP another aspect that I really enjoyed during my time at SRP.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

College B

Highschool grade 12

What is the subject you want to teach?:

I would like to apply for Culinary


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for becoming a professor is as follows. With the role of professor I see many new challenges that I would like to take on. I would like to make my subject very popular with the role of professor. I am very enthusiastic about Culinary and I hope to be able to convey that to my students as a professor. In this way I hope to convey my creativity with culinary to the students and inspire them with the ideas I have. I can also increase my own knowledge with this, so I will join a team of other faction members that I have not experienced before and I will experience what it is like to experience AdultRP. These will all be new aspects that I have not experienced before but am very excited about.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


1. for my first interactive class it starts with the preparation where I will make different papers with ingredients. When the class starts I will distribute it to the students to make such a creative recipe with the ingredients I have chosen for them. Of course, the students are also allowed to express their own inspiration in addition to the ingredients that I have chosen for them.

2. A cooking competition for this class I will create different teams. the teams that have been created will work together to create the best possible 3-course dinner. To get this into a competition, there is o course a prize to be won at the end. My goal here is to give people a real look at the restaurants

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:[/spoiler]


As a field trip I have several ideas. The first idea is that I would like to go to a restaurant with my class and get a tour of the kitchen of a real chef who works there. I would also like to give my class the opportunity to have a dish from this restaurant made to experience what it is like. For my second idea I would like to go to the forest, different types of fruits grow here. The assignment of this trip would be to pick as many types of fruit as possible. When the students are collecting the types of fruit, I set up a table where different knives could be placed. the students make an artistic fruit creation that we can then eat in the forest.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Mirawalks towards the students, she take a tough attitude but as always she remains elegant, her arms are crossed and her eyes take on a stern look. she would raise her voice and get all the attention. She would say "What are you guys doing here?" After she said this Mira took another step closer so that all the focus was on her. Her elegant but also sturdy attitude made a big impression. After a deep sigh she raised her voice again and asked "Who started the fight." When both parties start talking, Mira notices that this is not working. as she would take a deep sigh, she takes both parties aside and listens to both stories. After finding out what happened, she walks to both parties and gives the College group a detention slip. Then she would say "Ill see you guys at the detetion room if not your in even bigger problems." she would give the group a side eye. Then she would turn around and walk towards the bobcat job bringing him towards the school nurse and checking up upon him.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbed by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Mira would first elegantly behind her desk give a striking side eye to the student raising her finger towards her lips and make a shhh gesture. When the student would continue she gets up from her table and walks towards the student. She asks "Could you be quiet no one wants to be here so get your work done and leave". She would turn her back to the student and walk back to her desk. As she walks back to her desk she notices that the student is making more noise, she takes a stern attitude, her voice is raised and says "This is your last chance, if you don't stop now, severe measures will be taken." After saying this, the student looks at the student seriously with a stern look. The student is shocked by this and finishes his work in silence.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Mira walks to the cheerleaders and speaks in an elegant voice "Could you put the phone away, this is not wanted in my class." She turns her back to the cheerleaders and walks back to her desk. Mira wants to continue with her explanation but is interrupted again by the music, she raises her voice and gives a stern and angry look to the cheerleaders "If you don't stop now, you can continue listening to music outside with a detention slip in your hands." After she continues teaching and she hears music again she gets an extremely angry look giving the cheerleaders first a big side eye and then talk with an angry but strict voice "Now it's enough" as she would walk towards the cheerleaders giving a detention slip and pointing towards the door.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Mira makes her voice very loud to get the students' attention "Stop the fight" as she notices that it is not working she quickly grabs her radio and clicks on the buttons she takes a quick breath of air and talks very quickly over the radio "Can I get some help quickly? A group of students are fighting at the front gate." When the other staff comes, they stand between the fight. The staff and Mira have stopped the fight and are givin the detention slips. While giving the detention slips she notices that a student has been injured, she would walk towards that student "I see that you have been injured, come with me". She makes it visible to the other staff that she is taking the injured student to the nurse as she goes and leaves for the nurse. When they arrive at the nurse office, she hands him over to the nurse with a detention slip in his hands. She would say "Don't forget your detention at the end of the day". she turns her back on them and walks elegantly through the school to see if anything else is going on.

Mira is a 5'6 woman, she has Blond hair wich is faded into light pink shade near the tips was neatly brushed back into a tied back ponytail. When you look deeper in her face you would notice her elegant hazel eyes that always gleamed with an enchanting sparkle. Her clothing style is always elegant and very neat. When she talks she has a very sweet and feminine voice. If Mira has to describe herself, she is a real elegant fashionista with fantastic taste

Mira always tries to be very elegant, even in difficult situations she tries to appear as elegant as possible. with this elegant manner she is not trying to impress it is just how she is. She will also always have a ponytail, this is the only hairstyle that Mira uses.

Outlook on students

Mira often looks at things in an elegant way, and her students also view them in this unique way. She wants to help others but let them try it themselves first. she wants to teach her students as much as possible. learn how to deal with inspiration and that everyone's creative ideas can be put to good use. She wants to help her students as much as possible with the choices they make.

Mira is an extremely sweet woman who is always open to other people and ideas. She always tries to have an elegant and confident appearance, but sometimes the naked eye can be deceiving. Mira can sometimes be very nervous and want to do things too quickly, which can make her insecure. Yet she suppresses these feelings to let her Elegant side take over. Mira often says what she thinks and can sometimes come across as blunt, but she often means this in a positive way. She sees every person as a unique creation and therefore sees everyone on their path if she can easily delve into the person.

Mira Kuroka was born in Yokohama, living there as she'd get on by with her life, until the age of 5 years old, when she meets her uncle who lived far away from her and was a cook. During these meetings they had dinner together. When the first bite of his food popped into her mouth, Mira felt a new passion. She was given a new goal to make the most delicious food in the world.​

was incredibly interested in cooking and developed a unstoppable, extreme passion for it. Each day she found herself in her mothers kitchen trying basic recipes.

At the rising age of 8 years old she found herself taking a unique interest, her passion growing more and more as time passed by, ideas sparking up in her head of new recipes combinations she could use, this is when she started to ask her mother for more about cooking.

Two Years later, when she was 10, she found a creative spark in herself that she never had before, beginning to go on a hopeful journey of creating her own unique recipes, each one getting just as much love as the last, until she found herself selling them to make a little extra Yen here and there, which she found to be successful. Each recipe was hand-crafted with love and pure passion, and it showed.

A long, 8 years passed by, making her 18 as she'd still have this ever-living love for cooking. That is when she took the decision to apply for culinary, studying every single chance she got to, not missing a single opportunity. In her spare time, she'd still create recipes for herself. This would go on for quite a while, until she'd find herself focusing mainly on her Culinary assignments, somewhat forgetting her love for making Recipes in the midst of it all, her mind set on passing the course.

After focusing on studying for so long, she reached the age of 29, finally passing her Culinary course. After passing, she'd swiftly make her way to working in a not-so-well known restaurant taking the role of a chef. Soon enough, two years later, she found herself longing for more, taking herself and making a life-changing decision. This decision, was to find people with the same passion and help them get as far with their dreams as she did. She'd fly over to Karakura in hopes of getting a job there. Mira, now at the age of 29, is ready to take her life and job to the next level.



Full Name:

Mira Kuroda

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:


Gender & pronouns:
Female, She/Her

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:
Not Married!


Current Location:
Karakura Apt complex Shopping district penthouses

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

i havent had any teaching expierences yet.

Working Experience (# of years):
I have been selling unique recipes that I have made myself for several years. After this I worked for a number of years as a chef in a restaurant and gained more unique experiences

Academic Degree:
I have a Masters degree in Culinary

Year of Graduation:
“I graduated in 2010!”

Culinary, and education

Theology, and Psychology

Native Languages:
Japanese / English

Other Languages:

Preferred Teaching Subject:

Additional notes about your application (if any):

Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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