players online

Custom Vehicle/Items/Furniture | Suggestion


Level 2
DATE: 08/29/23

What I want to talk about.

I wanted to speak about how much of a waste it is to buy custom vehicles, items, or furniture. I don't mean this in any offense, but avoiding a 'pay-to-win' yet still having it is very hypocritical. And about how we should be granted with what we buy.

If we are paying an absurd amount of money for these items then they should be granted. The price of the item amounts for its value, hence why we would pay for it. I believe that it is wasteful and hypocritical to make people spend big amounts of money and still having to give more.

How are we a Pay-To-Win?
Everything is usually granted from buying ranks. Favortism is even somtimes against people without ranks.
The ranks grant you;

  • Food, using '/feed' instead of paying yen for food. That's already granting something for free that needs to be paid for. (Pay-To-Win.)
  • Cosmetics, gadgets, pets, and models. The models are the only part that should be granted by rank. But gadgets and pets? It could be more realistic and not a 'Pay-To-Win' if there was a pet shop, or a gadget store in the site.
My Main Point.
My main point is that we should be granted with what we paid for instead of still having to give more, as there are plenty of ways the game is ALREADY a Pay-To-Win

This can benefit the server and the community because not only will it allow you guys to get more profit and pay your mods, the community will finally be rewarded for what they paid for and not waste hard-earned money.
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Level 113

Food is very cheap on the server, and they made it like that for a reason. If you can't afford food, you could just ask someone to give you some. Once you get more adapted to the server, rank or not, food should not be a challenge for you.

Rank models, as well as pets, don't have any affect on everyday roleplay. It's just something that a ranked player can have fun with for about a day before they get bored of it (speaking from personal experience). Even if the player likes spawning them in, the ranked models and pets have no say in roleplay, as they are not taken ICly.

Gadgets do not help you in game. Sure, you can run really fast to get to your destination, but during something like a chase, you aren't allowed to use cosmetics to give you an advantage. The gadgets, again, are just there for show, fun, whatever you call it.

After you buy a custom item, you also have to pay for it IN GAME, that's why it isn't considered Pay-to-Win. The player that bought the custom is also not allowed to sell it for profit, unless to a shop, which is pretty much not a profit at all, if you ask me. If you don't want to buy a custom vehicle or item, they are not forcing you to. That's why it's called a donation. After the item is added into the game, the player is still required to PAY for it using in game money. It is as if you are just buying another item, but it's unique to you. Again, this doesn't give any advantage ICly, because the item would have the same stats as a weapon, and would cost the same to buy it without the unique texture pack difference.

The donations is how the server is funded. If these things are just changed because someone was petty that they didn't have a rank or a custom themselves, they would lose earnings, rather than earn some. Staff members are volunteers, that's why there's an application process. No one is forcing you to become a staff member.


Level 104

The ranks themselves grant no advantage over other players at all, you get the aame allowance it you're a grade a Grade-8

/Feed is only just more convenient for players because as you go on you realize how much easier it is, yet it holds no advantage because food isn't expensive

Custom items aren't pay to win either, If a weapon is purchased it gets the same stats as current weapons and cannot be argued, Vehicles are for fast travel ofcourse, but rules are set in place so it doesn't provide an advantage in certain situations such as combatrp

Buying these items provides no advantage at all and if anything is a way to lose money, you're choosing to spend $35 along with 300,00¥ for a custom katana that would cost you way less buying it from a BMD, they are purely cosmetic if anything and provide no actual benefit over other players than bragging rights.


Level 95
-1, Exactly what polar said.

Yeah you pay for weapons and vehicles with oocly money but you also pay them in game. You are paying for what YOU want to be added to the pack for just YOU. In my opinion that is not pay to win

/Feed you get for £5, Thats incredibly cheap compared to other servers who would charge you way more and im talking like Notable+ price. SRP is nice with it and gives it us for just £5. I understand where you are coming from with the /feed but just like Ordinqry said, Food is cheap anyway

Finally for custom items that are not weapons/vehicles they are purely cosmetic and do not change any roleplay experience making it pay to win at all.


Level 103

The ranks themselves grant no advantage over other players at all, you get the aame allowance it you're a grade a Grade-8

/Feed is only just more convenient for players because as you go on you realize how much easier it is, yet it holds no advantage because food isn't expensive

Custom items aren't pay to win either, If a weapon is purchased it gets the same stats as current weapons and cannot be argued, Vehicles are for fast travel ofcourse, but rules are set in place so it doesn't provide an advantage in certain situations such as combatrp

Buying these items provides no advantage at all and if anything is a way to lose money, you're choosing to spend $35 along with 300,00¥ for a custom katana that would cost you way less buying it from a BMD, they are purely cosmetic if anything and provide no actual benefit over other players than bragging rights.


Level 17
-1 what everyone has said + i dont really know what you're trying to suggest, sorry


Level 73
1. Cosmetics are purely for OOC use and grant no benefits ICly
2. Food is cheap and school lunch is free! You can get your daily dose of food by being online (allowance) and /vote. (If you eat a lot, consider fishing and 1. selling the fish or 2. cooking and eating the fish)
3. Custom cars, items, and furniture is.. CUSTOM MADE! Meaning SRP staff would need to take the time to model your desired items. Some may consider this a job, like a commission. Cars: It allows people to go places faster, but since cars aren't allowed when dipping from situations, it's not P2W. There are rules against using cars to your advantage ICly. Items: typically for cosmetic purposes, if you want to, you can always add it in your description so you don't need to pay money for a custom (ex. if your character wears a necklace). You can also add it to your skin itself (ex. a hat). Furniture: Cosmetic purposes, sure you can sit or action using them but people can always use free building materials in creative to build your own.


Level 2
Thread starter
silly little willies it was just a little opinion getting a wee bit ahead of yallselves not gonna lie anyways stay a silly little cat

(talm bout the ones with slight attitudes being a piece)
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Level 2
Thread starter
1. Cosmetics are purely for OOC use and grant no benefits ICly
2. Food is cheap and school lunch is free! You can get your daily dose of food by being online (allowance) and /vote. (If you eat a lot, consider fishing and 1. selling the fish or 2. cooking and eating the fish)
3. Custom cars, items, and furniture is.. CUSTOM MADE! Meaning SRP staff would need to take the time to model your desired items. Some may consider this a job, like a commission. Cars: It allows people to go places faster, but since cars aren't allowed when dipping from situations, it's not P2W. There are rules against using cars to your advantage ICly. Items: typically for cosmetic purposes, if you want to, you can always add it in your description so you don't need to pay money for a custom (ex. if your character wears a necklace). You can also add it to your skin itself (ex. a hat). Furniture: Cosmetic purposes, sure you can sit or action using them but people can always use free building materials in creative to build your own.
Yes ik it is their job. but being paid with digital currency isnt much of a payment ngl. But it was just a suggestion, for every argumentative writing or a take i rlly gotta have my reasons fr!! stay a silly little cat (dont take offense from that)


Level 2
Thread starter

The ranks themselves grant no advantage over other players at all, you get the aame allowance it you're a grade a Grade-8

/Feed is only just more convenient for players because as you go on you realize how much easier it is, yet it holds no advantage because food isn't expensive

Custom items aren't pay to win either, If a weapon is purchased it gets the same stats as current weapons and cannot be argued, Vehicles are for fast travel ofcourse, but rules are set in place so it doesn't provide an advantage in certain situations such as combatrp

Buying these items provides no advantage at all and if anything is a way to lose money, you're choosing to spend $35 along with 300,00¥ for a custom katana that would cost you way less buying it from a BMD, they are purely cosmetic if anything and provide no actual benefit over other players than bragging rights.
ngl i lowkey got lost reading all that but uhm my whole point is like give us what we pay for fr! it was just an opinion. stay a silly lil cat


Level 2
Thread starter

The ranks themselves grant no advantage over other players at all, you get the aame allowance it you're a grade a Grade-8

/Feed is only just more convenient for players because as you go on you realize how much easier it is, yet it holds no advantage because food isn't expensive

Custom items aren't pay to win either, If a weapon is purchased it gets the same stats as current weapons and cannot be argued, Vehicles are for fast travel ofcourse, but rules are set in place so it doesn't provide an advantage in certain situations such as combatrp

Buying these items provides no advantage at all and if anything is a way to lose money, you're choosing to spend $35 along with 300,00¥ for a custom katana that would cost you way less buying it from a BMD, they are purely cosmetic if anything and provide no actual benefit over other players than bragging rights.
kay im no like by the book law by law rule reader but dont u get more allowance as u grade up... ??? and even if food is cheap or isnt, doesnt change the fact that 1 group is paying for it and the other isnt. also you agree its a waste of money bcs UR PAYING WITH REAL MONEY AND STILL HAVING TO PAY ICLYY. thats my point. i did word it a lil silly but see you're kinda getting it frr!!! also i didnt say custom items were pay to win or had any advantages, atleast thats not what i meant mb :sob: i meant like those r thing u pay for and get directly. thats how it should always be fr!!!. (i did word it just slightly silly) anyways stay a silly little cat :pray: :relieved:
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Level 146
The only valid criticism you have is that /feed is against the minecraft EULA, which it is. In exchange for purchasing a rank, you get an explicit advantage over other players, that being infinite food (and by extension, money you've saved from not having to purchase food.) Regardless of it's price, as some people argue, it isn't EULA compliant, nor do I think it should be a thing. Personally, I believe hunger in general has no reason to exist on SRP, but that's a rant for another day.

Another thing you've mentioned that I don't believe anyone has commented on is the favoritism aspect of owning a rank. This simply is not a thing, you will not be treated differently by staff because you have a rank. Owning a rank is a mark of commitment to the server, which often goes hand in hand with experience, one of the primary things that staff members, faction leads, etc look for when selecting people for their faction, team, or other group. I have seen many players over the years in large families, in factions, or even in a community team without having purchased a rank. No one cares if you don't have a rank, don't make a big deal out of it and nobody else will either.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- Whilst I understand your frustration, I'm not entirely sure you understand the concept of Pay-To-Win. All packages from the store are effectively cosmetic and state so in their descriptions, they do not provide any advantage over other players. Take the melon launcher for example, sure it grants you speed, but you won't gain any attributes or be able to score anything in Long Jump whilst the effects of the cosmetics are active.​
- The word 'Win' would also be implying there is a by-definition competitive aspect to the server, however this is a roleplay server. All sports plugins have flags to give you infinite foods so that there is an even playing-field to avoid any advantages on either side. Alongside this, new players are given free initial food as well as cheap food options once they run dry, and /feed provides no saturation and will run out quicker than actually eating a food item.​

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