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Denied cynicxal's Lore Team App.


Level 5
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List your discord name and tag:

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?
Yes, I do in fact have a mic and can speak using Discord.

Your time zone and current country of residence:
CST, United States

Link any previous community team applications if applicable:

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?
I am well aware of this, and accept that I can be, but I will make sure I am as active as I can be.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.
A few things may stop me from progressing, and I am hoping that they are not often. Although they have affected me greatly in the past, I'm hoping this is the time to redeem myself and keep the passion I have for writing.

I struggle a large amount with motivation, but use the praise of others and my friends to help me along the way. I understand that my motivation could really take a toll on how active and well I do with writing, and I'm hoping that it doesn't take such a huge toll during my time (if accepted) on the Lore Team.

I tend to procrastinate a bunch, and sometimes I manage to get over that stage and continue working on what I started. It sometimes can take up to a week, or just a few days. Unfortunately, it happens quite often, but I am hoping I don't do this too much during my time on the Lore Team.

If I don't like my writing, I either restart it (this happens more often) or I completely abandon it and start something entirely new. This can really hold me back, as this is the think I struggle with most. I try not to, because I want stuff to get done. But sometimes, I just hate how it turns out and how the story/essay/whatever else there is may look. For me, it matters most about characters and the plots. If they aren't good enough to me, I completely trash it and start anew.

What makes you passionate about writing?:

I have always had a passion for writing. I've been writing since I was young, along with roleplaying. I take roleplaying (most of the time) seriously, and when I write, I take that extremely serious. In my past, I had wanted to become a writer for stories or just in general. That part of me became detached from writing for a while, but since I've been engaging more with roleplay, I've regained that passion like nothing before. Although I am rusty, I am willing to take the time and effort to completely improve my skill and become even better than the last time I have written something. Losing my passion for writing has come around a bunch, but I always pick it back up. It's like some sort of routine, I completely forget that I once loved writing and I re-discover it like I'm on some sort of adventure with amnesia.
Writing has been a huge aspect of my life, for example: a coping mechanism. Writing has let me let out a lot of stress, and I am able to express myself through writing itself. I find writing one of the best coping mechanisms I have, even though I don't do it often. It can relieve stress, anxiety, depression, and even just be a simple and fun hobby for me. I have always gotten good grades in reading and writing class, knowing that reading and writing classes focus mainly on reading incorrect passages or learning about stories, and fixing passages. I've loved writing since I was young, and I will continue to love it.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:
I've never been on some sort of team with writing. But I have always written stories for myself just for fun. If I had gone through all of the notebooks I've had since elementary, stories would be splattered on many different pages. I plan characters, the story line, everything. Sometimes I use writing to write what I experience in real life, like how my day went and what kind of exciting thing happened this time, or just to have something to write, like I'm a character in a book with a normal life. It's not too much experience, but I'd consider it to be somewhat of some experience.
I wouldn't say I have ever written the lore or background of a whole town and what goes on inside it. I would love to, as I love to research things and watch exciting events unfold before me. It'd be fun to add onto a whole story and background of such a chaotic, beautiful, and a wide-range town.

In your own words, give your definition of lore:
I find lore to mean the background of a character, place, town, city, or anything else that is related to that. It can be marked back from tradition to now, and can be spread and told like a story; made-up but it can be real. It can be overexaggerated and rumored across the town, city, etc. and added onto as time passes by. It can be a myth, real-life event, or a story from long ago ─ a made-up legend from ancestors or normal people and passed along ─ no one knowing if the story is real. But it can also be real, and can have witnesses. It's the background of something to create a storyline, plot, or any such thing like that. It's one of the most important aspects in a story.

  1. You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
  2. There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.
  3. The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

First Step to Accountability
[5,670 characters, 1,030 words]
Eda walked down the corridor and turned to her right, seeing a flight of stairs. She timidly went up the stairs, clearly trying to reach a destination. She was pretty shaken up, taking each step carefully up the many flights of stairs. She had red eyes, messy hair, and ruined mascara, as if she'd been crying her whole way there. A person could look at what she considered, 'an ugly face' on every floor. Her lips pursed, taking deep breaths with each step, feeling ashamed as people watched her make her way up to her demise and downfall.
She was approaching the top, her pace getting slower and slower ─ knowing how badly she would get scolded. She knew the Principal was waiting for her, waiting for her to take that one step into his office, waiting to close the door behind her, sit at his desk, and begin yelling. She was terrified of losing everything she had worked hard for; her team, her friends, her education. She'd rather die than risk it all. What Eda did was already done, and she knew that. It was impossible to take it back. But she wishes she could.
Eda did the last flight of stairs. She was finally at the top of them. She took her last deep breath before looking for her destination: the Principal's Office. Eda looked to her left, right, then left again ─ and there it was. She never wanted to step foot in the room she never wanted to see. Her heart was pounding, her head aching, her legs shaking. She hated this feeling because she couldn't stop worrying about everything that could get ruined. She couldn't bear it; she felt like she was about to explode. "Eda Blackburn?" A voice called out to her. Her heart stopped and sank. Eda knew what precisely time it was. She approached the entrance of the office step by step.
"Uh.. hello?" Eda responded with a shaky voice. There were moments of silence until she saw someone appear from the Principal's door.
"Yes, are you Eda Blackburn? We've been waiting for you to show up for quite a while now." The female said, sounding a bit annoyed and impatient. Eda took a moment to process who this woman was; the Vice-Principal.
"Yes, that's me.." Eda responded. She was about to lie but knew she'd get caught as fast as lightning.
"Come now; we need to get this discussion over with." The Vice-Principal's heels clicked away, and Eda quickly followed behind. As she entered the room, two people were already waiting for her: the Principal and another teenage girl who Eda previously fought. One chair sat empty, and she assumed that was her seat, so she took it. The Principal began.
"You two seem to have discourse every day. We have discussed this in the past, and neither of our remarks has gotten to either of you. It's continuous, and it's getting uncontrollable. Teachers have complained about both of you and your behavior. We're concluding that ─ one, Eda, you're being removed from the Volleyball Team. Two, you are both nearing suspensions." The Principal seemed stern this time. His voice was low, and he sounded distraught and angry, and Eda couldn't bear to lose her position on her team.
"What?!" Eda slammed her hands on the desk, standing from her seat. "Do you know how hard I've worked for this position? I just got it back! It's her fault she constantly instigates our fights!"
"What are you talking about?" The girl stood, glaring at Eda. "You start them; it's not nearly my fault as much as yours!"
"Are you kidding me, Nara? You have tortured me since I came to this school! It's your fault!"
The Principal immediately shut them down and raised his voice over their bickering. He was trying his best to keep his composure, but it was getting more challenging by the minute. Eda and Nara's anger heated the room, and the Vice-Principal had no words to speak.
"Hush, both of you! That is enough! I am tired of this. Eda, take accountability for what you have done, and the same with you, Nara! You are both in the wrong but in complete denial. Talk it out, apologize, and you'll have to get suspended no matter what. Do you both understand me?"
Eda and Nara both looked at each other. Nara, stressed, nodded her head. She didn't expect this to happen, yet it did. Nara believed it was all Eda's fault but no longer had a say in who started it.
"I understand. I'm sorry, Eda, and I want us to figure this out civilly. I hate how our arguments or conversations always end in a broken nose or an unconscious girl in the Nurse's office."
"I am too, and I apologize for instigating many of our fights. I hope after this; we can put our differences aside." Eda grimaced, lying entirely about that. She couldn't care less about Nara and her feelings. She just wanted to get out of there.
"Good. Now, I want Nara to go to the EMS. She has a broken nose that needs to be treated by a doctor. Nara, you can go."
Nara stood up quickly, bowed to the Vice-Principal and Principal, and took her leave.
"Eda," the Principal sighed as he paused and continued, "you have to control your anger. It's getting out of hand. I hate suspending you from your sport and school, but you must get it together. When you get unsuspended, come and talk to me. Talk to me any time ─ I know you will need to. We need to get you under control. You can leave." Eda walked out of the office, absolutely enraged. Multiple things had upset her, and she couldn't get her thoughts together. Nara did it; Nara started the fight this time. She was innocent. Nara kicked her in the face, not Eda.
She walked down the exact steps she went up, her fists balled up and tears running down her face. She lost all her favorite things: school, volleyball, and friends. They all were gone. But hopefully, only for a short time.

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

Ghost of Karakura
[5,249 characters, 908 words]
Claims of Karakura being haunted has expanded throughout the years. New shares of it come up yearly, making more and more reports of paranormal attacks. Aubrey witnessed this a few times and can vouch for all that have encountered such paranormal activity. She's reported such activity before, and even experienced this with friends. She has witnesses, and tonight, she's going in alone.
Most of the forest has campsites, abandoned homes, or cabins. You could catch bears, foxes, or even normal house pets roaming around in the woods, along with Karakura citizens enjoying a nice hike or walk ─ or a little spooky experience like Aubrey. Aubrey had brunt an Ouija board, known to contact spirits from an 'underworld' supposedly. Aubrey had such a massive fascination with ghosts, demons, and ghosts. She has experienced a lot; in the past, one of her friends got blatantly attacked by a spirit. But such attacks never stopped her. She wanted to explore more of it, discover more. Aubrey wanted to find out what had happened in this forest, and why so many hauntings had been reported by citizens in the last couple of years.
Aubrey had her backpack strapped around her waist, so it wouldn't fall off or be too heavy to carry on her shoulders. She was already getting pulled down by everything she brought to summon this spirit, including candles, her Ouija board, and a flashlight in case it got dark. It was only turning evening, the perfect time to start summoning and communicating. Her obsession grew more significant and more prominent through each session with spirits. She thought it was unique, engaging, and eye-opening. She went to the usual spot she summoned at. A beat-down cabin that no one dares to step in. It looks like it had been through some fire, and it's extremely wrecked on the inside. Things are missing, and the cabin seems eerily empty. The only activity that was last in it was a girl who had gotten something chopped off. She laid out a big blanket to refrain her clothes from becoming too dirty or to avoid bugs from getting onto her. She began her regular setup, the Ouija board in the middle, and lit candles on all four corners. Suddenly, she heard something fall. She had never heard of or seen such a thing, so she thought it was a branch that had fallen off nearby, as the trees in the forest were ancient. She began her session by placing the planchet on the Ouija board. After asking a question, The planchet is used to go through all of the letters and numbers on the board.
"Is there anyone here with me right now?" Aubrey began. At first, the planchet didn't move. She repeated her question after a few minutes, and the planchet had moved to 'YES' in the upper-left corner. Surprised and excited, she continued.
"How old are you?"
After a few minutes of waiting, the response never came. Aubrey instead asked a different question, hoping for an answer this time, her heart racing.
"Are you the only spirit here right now?" The planchet had moved quickly to 'YES.' Aubrey's heart had sunk. She had a terrible feeling about this, now beginning to regret coming at all. Suddenly, she heard footsteps running right toward her. She quickly turned around, and with a simple blink, she saw a face. It was distorted, terrifying, and gut-wrenching. It had extreme drool from its mouth like a dog, multiple rows of teeth, and blacked-out eyes with a razor-sharp tongue. It then disappeared.
"Crap! I took my fingers off!" Aubrey exclaimed, absolutely terrified. Without another thought, she blew out her candles and got out her flashlight, clicking it on. Aubrey began packing her stuff into her bag. She knew she couldn't go back if she took off her fingers. Before Aubrey could grab her planchet, it was flung to the wall to the left. She screamed bloody murder, feeling like she had just strained her vocal cords. Aubrey quickly zipped up her bag, threw it onto her back, and ran. She had quite a bit before she could make it out if she made it out alive.
She was already out of breath from having that terrifying scare. Her flashlight flickered, making it hard to see where she was going. She felt she was going the right way. Her speed was slowing down, and BOOM! She tripped, falling face flat into a pile of mud. Disgusted, she gagged. But then suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching behind her quickly. She immediately got up and began running faster than she ever had. She turned around to see a four-legged 'animal' chasing after her. It looked exactly like what she had just seen when she blinked, but this time more distinguishable. She began screaming.
"Help me! Help! Anyone, please!" It was pitch-black and quiet, no one able to hear her. After a few minutes, she saw streetlights. She ran faster, the footsteps approaching right behind her on her heels. She panicked, panting heavily. For the slightest second, she paused. She blinked, opened her eyes, and was dragged back inside the forest, the streetlights disappearing quicker than they appeared.
Aubrey was never found after that. Search teams never found a trace other than her footsteps, which eventually led to nothing. Her screams in the night could be heard but never seen. Her grave was left empty, her body somewhere, with something.
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Level 120
We thank you for applying, however, the team has chosen to deny your application today.
We do not currently find you suitable for the lore team.​

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