Cyprien DeGaulle Ito Gauthier
Full Name
Cyprien DeGaulle Gauthier
EMS47 (Formerly)
Mr. Gauthier
Cyprien Gauthier would have been born to parents of French-Canadian descent. His genetic makeup would be 75% French, 20% Dutch, and 5% Eastern European
D.O.B and Zodiac
Cyprien Gauthier was born 5 April 1972 at 4:44a, and is an Aries. Cyprien secretly takes an interest in zodiac signs, and will often check people's zodiacs for compatibility.
Sexuality and Relationship Status
Cyprien would have been with exclusively females until he was 29, when he noticed he had feelings for another male. Cyprien considers himself bisexual, and is currently taken.
Cyprien's personality aligns quite a bit with his zodiac. He is a creative-minded person, and is very energetic and chaotic outside of the workplace. He personally enjoys tackling tough situations, which is part of the reason why he is a nurse. He enjoys giving people therapy and is very calm and reasonable while working. Cyprien can be impulsive at times, and often deals with situations after them occurring, however this is a trait he has been working on improving as he ages. Deep down he is a very kind and caring individual, and genuinely tries to help and build connections with his patients, friends, coworkers, family, and strangers. Cyprien has Bipolar II disorder, and his behaviour can occasionally show it. At times Cyprien can be aggressive, irritable, upset, but can also be kind, caring, and euphoric. He has found ways to cope with his mental illness and tries his best to prevent it from being noticeable. Cyprien is not necessarily outgoing, and would need a lot of love and care. He devoted a lot of care and energy to his work and is considered rather generous, often giving his belongings and wealth to others, and dedicating his life to helping others. Cyprien enjoys being close to water and is very spiritual, even if he does not align with a specific religion. Cyprien is also a very worried man, especially when it comes to his children, causing his to check on them often and undoubtedly aging him.
Physical Description
Cyprein Gauthier would be a 5’11 Quebecois male. He would have messy gray-blond hair and green eyes. He would have a short beard on his face, appearing rather scruffy and textured. His eyebrows would be dark brown and rather thick, however it is clear he plucks his eyebrows regularly to shape them to his liking. As a result of his older age, he would have wrinkles throughout his face, and he would always appear rather tired. His physique would normally be well-maintained as a result of working out often, but since leaving his position at the hospital, he has been experiencing weight gain.

Religious Beliefs
Cyprien was raised Catholic, which is typical in much of Quebec. As he grew older he learned he disagreed with much of the church’s practices, and now considers himself Agnostic.
Political Beliefs
Cyprien’s beliefs are very similar to those of Bernie Sanders or Jagmeet Singh. He considers himself a leftist, and is a strong believer in aspects of democratic socialism.
Cyprien was born 5 April 1972 in Brossard, Quebec, Canada. The entirety of Cyprien’s childhood was spent in the Montreal area, where he learned to speak French and English. Cyprien was notably problematic as a child, especially during his teenage years, where he had several run-ins with the law. He was not the greatest student, being a pretty stable C student throughout secondary school. In his late teens he struggled with alcoholism and was involved in local gangs, contributing to the distribution of illegal contraband, most notably hard drugs, to the city of Montreal. At the age of eighteen, shortly after graduating from high school, he was arrested and served two years in prison.
Early Adulthood
At the age of twenty Cyprien was released from prison and began to reinvent himself. He left Montreal to live in Vancouver on the west coast of Canada. In Vancouver he had enrolled in university, majoring in Psychology. As he was attending university he had received a formal diagnosis for Bipolar II, and began treatment for his mental illness. Despise his troubled past, he began to explore himself, and learn more about what he enjoyed. During this time he had adopted a hipster aesthetic, much in line with the popular culture of the pacific northwest. He spent much of his time exploring nature and music, while making new friends who helped him remain on track. During this time of his life he was often seen donning flannel shirts and plaid pants, always holding a latte from a local coffee shop. During university he had been a straight A student, graduating when he was twenty-four. Soon after receiving his degree, he left Vancouver to spend a gap year, as a hipster in the mid 90s does, abroad in east Asia. Cyprien credits this year for shaping him to who he is today. He learned more about being sympathetic and understanding as he explored Asia. It was during this time he also developed his love for linguistics, culture, and nature. While on his gap year, he had met a young woman by the name of Keobi Chu. He had spent several days in Korea with her before he departed, not seeing her again.After he had concluded his gap year, he decided to return to Montreal to pursue his masters.
Cyprien decided to pursue psychology further for his masters, working at a tourist gift shop on the side. Cyprien had managed to complete his masters in psychology in three years. After getting his masters, he spent an additional eight years in Montreal working as a the******. At the age of thirty-three Cyprien had two daughters, Marie and Michela, to his girlfriend of three years. The two children were unplanned, and the mother vanished without a trace two years following the birth of the two children. When he was thirty-six, he realized he was unhappy in Montreal, and wished to leave for other opportunities. He and his two daughters ended up in Ottawa. In Ottawa he worked for two years to get his doctorate in psychology, while continuing to work as a the******. After receiving his doctorate at thirty-eight, he decided to remain in Ottawa for an additional six years before moving to Karakura.
Cyprien at age 21
When Cyprien was fourty-four he and his family moved to Karakura, Japan to pursue a psychiatrist career at the local hospital. Cyprien struggled to get employed at Karakura Hospital for several years, instead working for an online university. Eventually, at fourty-eight years of age, he was offered a position at Karakura Hospital as a psychiatrist, which is the job Cyprien continues to hold today. Not long after getting employed at Karakura Hospital, he saw a female who looked familiar to him, Keobi Chu. Cyprien and Keobi quickly became close friends, and Keobi was able to work as a coworker alongside Cyprien. Cyprien soon proposed to Keobi, but shortly after Keobi had vanished. In late Spring, Cyprien had resigned from his position at Karakura. While citing the "pursuit of other professional opportunities," as the cause for his resignation, his main cause was a sudden spike in Bipolar-related symptoms. His manic episodes, specifically, had increased in intensity, causing him to make the personal decision to step down for the safety of himself and his patients.
Shortly after resigning from his position at Karakura Hospital, he had met Keanna Omaira, whom he quickly became close to. On July 9, he had proposed to her, and they have been engaged since.
Cyprien was born 5 April 1972 in Brossard, Quebec, Canada. The entirety of Cyprien’s childhood was spent in the Montreal area, where he learned to speak French and English. Cyprien was notably problematic as a child, especially during his teenage years, where he had several run-ins with the law. He was not the greatest student, being a pretty stable C student throughout secondary school. In his late teens he struggled with alcoholism and was involved in local gangs, contributing to the distribution of illegal contraband, most notably hard drugs, to the city of Montreal. At the age of eighteen, shortly after graduating from high school, he was arrested and served two years in prison.
Early Adulthood
At the age of twenty Cyprien was released from prison and began to reinvent himself. He left Montreal to live in Vancouver on the west coast of Canada. In Vancouver he had enrolled in university, majoring in Psychology. As he was attending university he had received a formal diagnosis for Bipolar II, and began treatment for his mental illness. Despise his troubled past, he began to explore himself, and learn more about what he enjoyed. During this time he had adopted a hipster aesthetic, much in line with the popular culture of the pacific northwest. He spent much of his time exploring nature and music, while making new friends who helped him remain on track. During this time of his life he was often seen donning flannel shirts and plaid pants, always holding a latte from a local coffee shop. During university he had been a straight A student, graduating when he was twenty-four. Soon after receiving his degree, he left Vancouver to spend a gap year, as a hipster in the mid 90s does, abroad in east Asia. Cyprien credits this year for shaping him to who he is today. He learned more about being sympathetic and understanding as he explored Asia. It was during this time he also developed his love for linguistics, culture, and nature. While on his gap year, he had met a young woman by the name of Keobi Chu. He had spent several days in Korea with her before he departed, not seeing her again.After he had concluded his gap year, he decided to return to Montreal to pursue his masters.
Cyprien decided to pursue psychology further for his masters, working at a tourist gift shop on the side. Cyprien had managed to complete his masters in psychology in three years. After getting his masters, he spent an additional eight years in Montreal working as a the******. At the age of thirty-three Cyprien had two daughters, Marie and Michela, to his girlfriend of three years. The two children were unplanned, and the mother vanished without a trace two years following the birth of the two children. When he was thirty-six, he realized he was unhappy in Montreal, and wished to leave for other opportunities. He and his two daughters ended up in Ottawa. In Ottawa he worked for two years to get his doctorate in psychology, while continuing to work as a the******. After receiving his doctorate at thirty-eight, he decided to remain in Ottawa for an additional six years before moving to Karakura.
Cyprien at age 21
When Cyprien was fourty-four he and his family moved to Karakura, Japan to pursue a psychiatrist career at the local hospital. Cyprien struggled to get employed at Karakura Hospital for several years, instead working for an online university. Eventually, at fourty-eight years of age, he was offered a position at Karakura Hospital as a psychiatrist, which is the job Cyprien continues to hold today. Not long after getting employed at Karakura Hospital, he saw a female who looked familiar to him, Keobi Chu. Cyprien and Keobi quickly became close friends, and Keobi was able to work as a coworker alongside Cyprien. Cyprien soon proposed to Keobi, but shortly after Keobi had vanished. In late Spring, Cyprien had resigned from his position at Karakura. While citing the "pursuit of other professional opportunities," as the cause for his resignation, his main cause was a sudden spike in Bipolar-related symptoms. His manic episodes, specifically, had increased in intensity, causing him to make the personal decision to step down for the safety of himself and his patients.
Shortly after resigning from his position at Karakura Hospital, he had met Keanna Omaira, whom he quickly became close to. On July 9, he had proposed to her, and they have been engaged since.
Keobi Chu [Ex-Fiancee] [?]
Keobi Chu was one of Cyprien's childhood friends. He had proposed to her, but several days later disappeared.
Michela Gauthier [Daughter] [Deceased]
Michela is Cyprien's first-born daughter. She was murdered, but was known as a loud troublemaker. Cyprien misses her dearly.
Marie Gauthier [Daughter] [Alive]
Cyprien's second-born daughter. She is much more independent than Michela, but suffers from a critical illness. He supports her as much as he can and loves her unconditionally.
Sif Prince S. Chu [Step-Daughter] [Alive]
Sif is Cyprien's step-daughter via his missing ex-fiancee, Keobi Chu. He tries his best to help Sif, but struggles to understand her sometimes. Nonetheless, he loves her.
Mist Ito Gauthier [Adopted Daughter][Alive]
Cyprien had allowed Mist to live in his home while she was homeless, since then the two have grown very close, and was adopted shortly after the death of Michela.
Joseph "Wisp" Kamodo Salakau [Acquaintance] [Alive]
Cyprien isn't totally sure how he got to know Joseph, but over time he's gotten to know quite a bit about him.
Keanna Omaira [Fiancee] [Alive]
Cyprien's current fiancee. He had proposed to her recently, and are still currently engaged.
Disorders and Ailments
Bipolar II Disorder
Cyprien suffers from Bipolar II, which influences his actions and emotions. When he was younger he struggled with managing his disorder, causing him to get into a lot of trouble. While previously being able to manage his symptoms well, he has been struggling more than he had before, experiencing more intense manic episodes in recent months.
Hobbies and Interests
Cyprien takes interest in music, psychology, linguistics, fashion, culture, and nature. Cyprien bases a lot of himself around the music he enjoys, preferring underground, calm, artsy music. Cyprien is the kind of person to spend his days off laying in a field, strumming his guitar and singing to himself. Cyprien is skilled in singing and playing the piano and guitar. However, he prefers to keep these to himself.
"Seguimos em contramão"
"The wind blew, and life sang"
"Couple, you and me, no passe-partout"
"Just get the brave to get out of bed in the morning"
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