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Dakota Rinaldi's Biography

[ Dakota Vincent Rinaldi ]

Basic Information

First Name: Dakota
Surname: Rinaldi

Preferred Name: Dakota or Kota

Aliases: Officer Rinaldi

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 5'11

Weight: 158 LBS

Build: Mesomorph

Skin Color: White

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Style: Refer to Picture

Hair Color: Brown

Fashion: Often times is seen in his Cadet uniform.

Abnormalities: N/A

Date of Birth: February 2nd 1994

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California.

Nationality: American.

Race: Caucasian.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: N/A

Political Beliefs: N/A

General Appearance

Personality: Dakota is an unexpectedly kind individual, referring to the citizens of Karakura with a respectful tone. On duty he is a fairly laid-back Police Officer, carrying out his duties to the city as any other Officer would. Off-duty he reflects to this personality, a chill adult just wanting to relax and catch up with his friends. Dakota is kind, caring, and thoughtful; a very protective young man.

Diseases/Illness: N/A

Character Voice:
[Skip to 0:53]

Standard Police Officer Equipment:
Multiple pairs of handcuffs - Used to detain a criminal during a crime. Radio pouch - Used to keep a radio which can be used instead of a phone to communicate with individuals.
Taser - A brand of electroshock weapon made by Axon which shoots two small dart-like electrodes, which stay connected to the main unit by conductors, to deliver electric current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles, causing "neuromuscular incapacitation".
Luminol spray - A spray used to detect blood on individuals possessions. Mainly weaponry.
Flashlight: Maglite Instrument MagCharger - A long, cylindrical flashlight carried in a flashlight ring. However, the flashlight—which is often heavy—is permitted a great amount of vertical and horizontal freedom which can make the light insecure and uncomfortable to carry.
First-aid kit - A minor kit used when an ambulance/EMT service isn't available
Baton - A roughly cylindrical club made of metal.

Clothes: KPD issued Cadet Uniform.

Hobbies: Working, Talking to close friends, Watching Television, Playing Video Games. Typical men stuff.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Has a very soft heart. When you find someone he loves most he'll do practically anything to ensure they aren't harmed in any way, he's a natural guarding and will do anything to protect the people he loves.

Skills: Good overall endurance and fighting skills, fairly quick on his feet and is relatively strong.

Quirks: N/A

Family: Mother - Alive
Father - Deceased
Dakota was born and raised in Los Angeles, California; raised by his mother and father his entire life whilst living in a medium classed house at the center of the city. Dakota's mother worked as a stay-at-home mom, tending to her only child whilst Dakota matured, his father himself working as a deputy for the Los Angeles police department. Since Dakota was a child he dreamed of becoming a police officer, constantly begging his father to take the boy with him to work so that he could learn more about the profession but unfortunately it simply wasn't allowed. By the time Dakota matured to the age of 11 his father had passed away after responding to the wrong call, a runaway criminal murdering his father with a concealed firearm, Dakota's family devastated. The boy's mother went through a long stage of denial and depression, guilt-tripping herself as she believed it to be her fault, which spread unease throughout the household. With their main source of income gone, Dakota's mother was forced to find a job, using her husband's inheritance to support herself and Dakota whilst she looked for a suitable line of work. There were many days where Dakota himself worried for his mother, confused and scared as to what would come. Through their long state of confusion and depression, they learned that all the needed was one another to thrive in their devastating loss, working together to ensure they would make it through this rough stage in life.

Years pass and Dakota decided he no longer wanted to stay in California, bidding his farewell to both his mother and family as he left for Japan, to seek a career of law. Dakota studied Japanese Law for his entirety of living in Tokyo, soon applying for the police only moments after graduating high school. The rest of his story would be judged on his actions and just how carefully he goes about his day-to-day life, being a Police Officer isn’t as easy as it seems, one critical mistake could easily end his short, malice-filled, life.

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