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Accepted damnyou's Professor Application | Criminology


Level 4
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What is your Minecraft username?:

damnyou(Alt) (Main is SillyMetalhead)

What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

lolscrewyou is my discord username.

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Indeed, I will.


SillyMetalhead's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

SillyMetalhead's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Not Reviewed:

(For Main)
SillyMetalhead : Highschool Student Council Application [Marcello Massarini] | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

Now I think I have quite an odd schedule especially since my work schedule changes time by time. I usually work 3 days a week, Sunday, Monday, and Thursday and that's not counting days when my manager randomly calls me in. My work hours are usually 5 to 7 hours per shift. I live on EST, but night or day I am usually on a lot. SRP is almost the only thing I play. The rating I would give my activity out of 10 is a 7 or 8.

This is what my week schedule looks like:

Sunday - Free 6am to 12pm - 12pm to 2pm Getting ready for work - 3pm to 10pm Work - Rest of my time off.

Monday - Free 6am to 12pm - 12pm to 2pm Getting ready for work - 3pm to 10pm Work - Rest of my time off.

Tuesday - Free

Wednesday - Free

Thursday - 5am to 7am Getting ready for work - 8am to 2pm Work - Rest of the day I'm off.

Friday - Free

Saturday - Free 6am to 12pm - 12pm to 2pm Getting ready for work - 3pm to 10pm Work - Rest of my time off.

But at some time, I will be looking to be going into college so I will just let any higher up know before then.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

Well, on SchoolRP I've only been a Highschool student. I feel as if being only a Highschool student limits me on what I can do but usually I am with friends and roleplaying realistic scenarios between a friend group at a high school. I started and got interested in Roleplaying when I was a bit younger than I am now. I used to roleplay with friends in opened survival worlds of Minecraft, we would build the cities and towns and would roleplay in them with each other. Then when I got older, I got a PC for Christmas and saw roleplaying booths in Creative Minecraft servers and the creativity of it opened my world to so much like Writing and Art.

Character creation was another thing that completely fascinated me! Finally, I recently but not too recently got into SchoolRP and it completely blew my mind. SchoolRP opened doors to more ideas and abilities in Roleplay that I could have only wished for. I would say in total general experience of Roleplay, I've had 4 to 6 years on and off.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

[Grade-12] Marcello Massarini (SillyMetalhead)

[Grade-10] Iveta Pavlíčková (damnyou)

What is the subject you want to teach?:

I would really love to teach Criminology but if I can't teach that one specifically then I would be okay with anything Crime or Forensic related.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I find the connection between a mentor and student so impeccable and respectable. I have many family members that have degrees in Education and have either had their time as a teacher or are teachers now. I also plan on going to school for Education and an actual goal of mine is to become a professor for a college. I would love to have everything I do inspire me in my career choice even the games that I play. For a lot of my life, I've always had respect for Instructors, Teachers, Professors, Mentors, Tutors, you name it, anyone that could teach the people in need of it. In SRP I've viewed the faculty members and how they do their work, it is very commendable, and I honestly would love to work beside them.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

1. One class I can use Compare and Contrast group work. I'll ask my students to focus on a specific chapter in a specific topic or sub-topic. Then, place them in groups and ask them to make connections and identify differences between ideas that can be found in course readings and other articles and videos they may find. This way, they can compare their ideas in small groups and learn from one another’s perspectives. They would be in groups of 3 to even it out for the competition.

2. Now for my second class after I covered a topic or concept in my lecture, I'll divide students into small discussion groups. Ask the groups questions like “How did this impact your prior knowledge of the topic?” or “What was your initial reaction to this source/article/fact?” to encourage students to reflect on their personal connections to the course concepts they are learning. Not only will it grind their gears of learning, but it'll give them a way to personally relate or connect their work with themselves.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

I would take my students all the way to the Karakura Police Department and will make them do little interviews with some of the officers that are free enough to get interviewed. Explaining bit by bit and piece by piece of the history of crime for my college students.

I will be forcing students to write notes or if they don't want to do the hard stuff just yet, they can write paragraphs related to the criminology in the town. It would put them in the same headspace as some of the humans that were criminals or are criminals. It will be a requirement to have something written down and will help the students have a good idea of what kind of information lies ahead in my domain of a classroom.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Iveta is a very calm and collected being but when it comes to her job, she can get quite serious! She would get right in the middle of the Spartans and Bobcat. She would ask for them to decipher the situation for her, so she gets an understanding of the problem at hand, First the Bobcat then the Spartans. After knowing who is wrong and who's in the right, she would give the one's in the wrong a verbal warning and completely separate them, so they don't continue on the hassling. But if it were to get messier, she would easily call for back-up on her walkie for anyone that is available to help her separate the children.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Iveta would calmly tell the student to finish their task and if they needed help with any real questions then to ask them with a hand raised. So, in this scenario, no other students are being bothered but everyone is also finishing up their detention tasks.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Iveta would slam a book against her desk making a huge clashing noise that would probably catch everyone's attention. She would then give one hell of a serious stare to all the students and would tell them calmly but sternly to "Please keep it quiet in the class while I teach." Which would settle that issue.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up, but it didn't help, what would your character do?

Iveta would be quick and knew exactly what to do. She would call and walkie for assistance from other faculty members. She would try her best to tie things down while waiting for faculty to arrive then when faculty arrives, she assists them in the situation making sure everyone is safe and heard. After pulling students away and hearing their parts of their stories, she would then give detention slips to everyone involved because of their disruption and fighting on school grounds and would continue on with her day.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Iveta is a 5'5" Slovakian woman that is in her early 30s. But even in her 30s she still looks like she's about 25. She has burgundy colored luscious hair that hung down behind her in a low ponytail. She usually has a neutral face when first looking at her, but she loved giving emotions. She almost looks vampiric with her fairly pale skin and burgundy purplish hair. She had cookie hazel eyes that would pierce into you like glass. She always dresses studiously and professionally. Usually wearing fitting button up with vests, dress pants, and black heels. Sometimes mix matching her outfits with formal and casual to give off the professionally comfortable look.

Iveta was different and unique in many ways. Iveta gives off the best vibes possible to have to greatest firs impression. She makes it easy for people to talk about how they feel and their life stories. Iveta has an affective presence that is pretty effective for students and even educators in the same field as her. She gives everyone a sensation of relief and security that can sometimes be needed for some. She loves helping and is super focus behind her career.

Iveta has an interesting outlook on students and other teachers. She looks at colleagues as inner family, kind of like a brother or sister and if they are way older possibly like a parental figure. She loves learning more from her peers of the same industry and searches for it from her workmates. Now the way she looks at her students is completely different. She looks at her students as if they were her own children. She cares and dedicates herself to them and their education. She wants to see them prosper and gain the knowledge they need to achieve their goals just as how she did in her past time in life. She equally loves both her co-workers and her students the same.

Iveta has the personality of a black cat. She can be quite silly with loved ones but can be serious when needed to be. At times it takes her a bit to understand some things, but she gets it by the end. She has a caring soul and sometimes it's not good for her wellbeing. She loves the idea of being professional and keeping it that way no matter the situation but occasionally she fails at that. She holds a lot of character and color in her thoughts, responses, actions, and feelings. She tends to be sympathetic for some students especially the ones in need of guidance. Commonly she is kindhearted and shows it time to time but likes saying as professional as she can.

Iveta's plans for the future are just to continue on with her career. She is in love with the position she is in at the very moment and would appreciate to keep it this way for many years until retirement. Maybe she'll make a family while here or something of the sort but for now she would like to focus on her present.


Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

The Beginning

Iveta was born in Slovak on June 17th of 1991. Named by her parents, Tibor Pavlíček and Vanda Pavlíčková. Tibor being a part of the Police Force and Vanda being a professor. It was almost like Iveta was destined to do education about Criminology. Growing up in a household filled with an educator and a force of law she would be getting taught at home and everywhere she went, they taught her a lot to the point where she knew more than most kids. Vanda, the mother of Iveta even took her to work from time to time showing her the life of a Crimonology educator and the pros and cons at such a young age.

The Long Run (Growing Up)

Iveta finally hit high school and now was a freshman. Thinking of what you want to do after high school is quite difficult for most people but for Iveta she was already locked on being a professor like her mother. She loved the idea of having higher intellect, she basically craved knowledge and intelligence. Growing up she was super into the Crime part of her father's studies but also truly found the beauty of the Education that her mother did. She decided to become a Criminology Professor. That now was her goal in her little interesting life. Her family and friends were the only people that seriously inspired her to make such motives in Education.

Big Step (College Era)

Iveta finally graduated high school and made it into a college of her liking for the goal she almost felt like she was permitted to do. She had her struggles and her victories with this journey, but her overall motive or goal never changes from any experience. She has this strong love for Learning and Teaching that she wouldn’t want anything getting in her way! She went to a community college in Slovakia for 2 years to gain her associate in general education. After finishing her 2 years of regular college she needed more but she wanted to look for a place that was more divine. More... Out of her bubble. She went to France to study in her long 4-6 years of university for her doctoral program (Ph.D.) in Criminology.

The Goal that was Achieved (Karakura Era)

She had finally done it; she finally received the key to the door of her dreams. She was a certified Professor that taught Criminology. But something still felt like it was missing, Like a puzzle piece on the vacant ground. She did research in places who need a Professor in Crime, even in different countries! She finally saw Karakura, Japan and it was settled. She made her way to Karakura and applied. Today she is a part of the Karakura College community, and all her students love her class. She teaches with care and intuition: she is a respected woman and loves all her classes and students.

(469 words in total)

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Iveta Pavlíčková

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:




Gender & pronouns:


Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:



West Slavic (I am from Slovakia).

Current Location:

Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

4 years

Working Experience (# of years):

3 years as a Retail Key Holder

2 years of being a Teacher Assistant

2 years of being a Substitute Teacher

(7 in total)

Academic Degree:

(Ph.D.) Doctorate in Criminology (4-6 Years)

Year of Graduation:

Graduated High School in 2009.

Graduated from College in 2014.








Native Languages:


Other Languages:


Japanese Sign Language

Preferred Teaching Subject:



Additional notes about your application (if any):

dm me if needed :3
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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