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Dani CK Lima


Level 1

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I havent been active for a few months but now I plan to be really active (1 hour+ per day)

What is your timezone?:


List your current and past applications:

Spanish lang: accepted

List your current roles on the server:

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have a lot of experience in roleplaying both in minecraft and discord (check my play time)

What is your motivation for applying?
IRL I am a young researcher thats currently finishing highschool while also doing open university, I am doing it in computer science but I thats because I actually have my own research paper posted for immunology on Multiple Sclorosis. I may want to be a doctor in the future if Im not a software developer. Roleplaying as a doctor sounds fun too, especially when incidents irp can be random

Which role are you applying for?

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
I know that theres a director, doctors, psychiatrist, and paramedics. They make from 200k (if reach expected activity) up to 400k.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

(Sorry, Im not good at making skins lol)
In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:

Dani CK Lima

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Male, he/him

Character’s Age (if accepted):
should be by now 19

Character’s Academic Background:
Grade 12

Character’s Nationality:
Born in Brazil, lives legally in Japan

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Spanish, English and Portugués (Not submitted the lang application yet)

Character Backstory (Optional):
Dani CK Lima (used to be Jose) was actually born in brazil, quickly learning some portugesse, that was until after some crisis that happened on the father's workplace. The CK Lima family decided to get a loan and started moving from country to country. Living a good part of their life in Uruguay and Mexico (around 10 years) where Dani would learn a neutral-uruguayan spanish accent and art, knowing how to replicate the mexican accent but being more comfortable with the uruguayan neutral accent (his mother's accent). Due to learning the Uruguayan accent first, he faced sometimes bullying because of students comparing him to a famous, hated and memed influencer known in Mexico (this is based a true story that isnt directly mine lol). The bullying got so bad he decided to secretly workout and learn martial arts, while also sometimes dying his hair to be not easly reconzible in the streets of Mexico.

In less than a year after he started getting bullied Dani, beat the living days out of the bullies to a point where they had to use knives to defend their honor. This didnt help though, anyone who is really good at fighting can unequip a newbie knife user in seconds, this wasnt easy though. From there he got a scar on his face and also murdered one of the bullies, and because of this his family decided to move out from Mexico, because of this and many more expriences while moving from country to country, Dani learnt how to fake accents pretty well while also getting an affinity to learning languages.

After some time Dani and his family reached Asia, landing on Japan. They had an easy entry to Japan thanks to Dani's family having really mixed roots, including japanese. Some cousins that lived in Japan quickly gave Dani and his family a room in their house, from there the father got a job and left Dani alone to learn Japanese in a paid appartment for months, a time frame where he focused mostly on studying and stopped learning martial arts. Soon enough Dani's school gave him the opportunity to join the "Alpha" project, a project founded by an international company called "The scientists of tommorow" where he actually studied for 2 years doing a second degree thesis level project which he would finish and end up getting enough knowledge to be able to easily get a first degree in immunology at just 17. After finishing the "Alpha" project and learning japanese without much issue Dani decided to move away to finish normal highschool and finally become a doctor.

(Taken from the lang backstory and hopefully made better)

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

While Dani actually was studying for the Alpha project in the immunology department in the Tokyo labs, he also studied on the side general biology, with the dream to be a doctor. He would spend at least 3 hours per day on the project and on the biology studies besides general school studies. From all the moving before reaching Japan, Dani became quite good at adapting to new enviroments without socializing much, this aided him in studying without getting in trouble with others or with anyone in general, acting also quite kindly in general towards others. His reasons to be a doctor although partly because he wants to save, help and make life better for people, but also because he wants to get money while studying more subjects, aka studying, something that he loves.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
He has lab experience in virus, genome and bacteria testing with gel genotyping and in basic experiments with rat (This doesnt mean he has rat testing permits, he can aid in said experiments until he gets an actual deggree on the subject according to Japanese law), he also knows how to write and follow protocols, first aid and all that enters inbetween the subjects just mentioned. Thanks to his Alpha project studies which also involed aiding a real scietiest in their tests and recording the results (from there he gained his lab experience) he became familiar with the professional enviroment of scietiests and doctors. He helped develop a possible cure for multiple sclorosis which just ended the animal testing phase.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Dani has a scar right under his eye caused by a knife cut, he has a lean physique and has great general body flexibility. He is quite shy and introverted, not usually starting a conversation with people he doesnt know and when he does it, he might be awkard. But to people he knows to some degree and sees fairly often he might seem more active and talkative, feeling a lot more confident when he knows he isnt just creeping others out. He is quite smart and likes to spourt random fun facts from trivia he knows, he also likes chess and is extremely positive, believing that everyone could have done what he did if they really just tried. He really does go by the saying "The hardest part of any journey is the first step", making him quite positive even in the most stressful situations.

How does your character act around the hospital?
Dani is respectful and does not like to critique others unless they are crossing a line. The hospital's case, he is very patient and respectful with the staff each time he visits and usually likes to chit chat a little with the doctors that treat him. He respects doctors, especially those who actually just became doctors to help and not just for the money. He doesnt respect them because they are trying to change the word for the better, but because to do something for the other without thinking about yourself, you gotta be quite mentally strong and try hard.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Dani functions best when with people he knows and with people that cooperate with him. He might have a hard time working with new people especially because of his more shy personality when it comes to meeting and working with new people. Nontheless he will at the end of the day adapt and work well with almost anyone.

Its important to mention that Dani is very capable of working alone as he specilizes at doing stuff himself and always giving his best when it comes to anything that interests him. This mentality came mostly from the "Alpha" project where he was forced to study half of the material alone by reading scientific papers of many kinds, all connected to Multiple Sclorosis.

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