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Darius Ikemori's Bio - 'The Man of a Thousand Emotions and Personalities'


Level 63
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Added a few changes due to recent lore that has been decided!
- Sneak Peak at Chapter 13
- Chapter 8 now has SS of Koizumi and Darius
- Chapter 11 now does NOT include Koizumi and includes lore why Darius now HATES Koizumi

Thank you to everyone who has been keeping up, while I know this is long to read it does mean so much to me for those who have spent the time to look into my character. This is my first major lore character and I intend to keep pushing his lore more and more to make him a better and more fun character to interact with. I hope one day this can influence others to have characters like this/put effort into bio's like this!! Thank you again and stay tuned for Chapter 13, which is gonna be great lore that leads down a WHOLE NEW DIFFERENT PATH!!!


Level 82

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The Man of a Thousand Faces and Names - Darius Ikemori's Bio

Darius Ikemori

♠ AGE ♠
36 Years Old

Male - He/Him

January 5th, 1989




246 LBS

Darius is a 6’4 Guamanian male with a very muscular and beefy build. That is comparable to a bodybuilder. His skin tone is a light shade of brown, one that looks like he tanned himself for a good amount of time. His eyes are a very dark brown, almost black in some cases under some lighting, His dirty blonde hair is always pushed over to the right side. it has a messy yet professional look to give off a professional and friendly vibe to him

Credit to @harubii for the first one, and than @destinz for the second one, and than @houndrats for the final one! and of course credit to @harubii again and @houndrats again for the body artwork/tattoo artwork
His body is covered in scars from fighting the Mechanic two times. The scars have whitened themselves out slightly after healing properly with time. Besides the scarring, Darius has two tattoos on his body. On on his back depicts 5 specific tarot cards, each with their meaning and relation to Darius, surrounded by a yin and yang symbol. Then he has a spider tattoo on his left hand, the webbing attached to his hand scar

Darius wears one main outfit, everything else is just outfits he may wear during special events. His outfit consists of a simple white shirt with straps around his chest and a deep purple tie. His pants are brown. He also had gloves that covered his hands

Credit to @harubii for making the artwork!
However, because of his past and overall constant issue with keeping money and saving it, Darius doesn’t own many clothes besides his main attire. He grew up with little variety of clothes. He only got clothes every few years; when he did, they were always worn down and cheap. These clothes were often either too big on him or too small, so despite him wanting to live a luxurious lifestyle, he does it by showing off his expensive clothes. Nowadays he only buys clothes for special events though otherwise he would much rather spend his money on more fun and better things

His voice is that of Karma Akabane’s voice from Assisnation classroom

Though, this was his voice prior to the attack at the news station. His voice naturally deepened and lost a sense of emotional tone to it all, after all. All that trauma affected him deeply. Though he didn't become fearful, he instead became more dangerous. His voice naturally dropped as his emotions did to the same, creating a new voice. That voice is the voice actor of Kenjiro Tsuda


Darius’s true personality is completely unknown. It's unknown if he even has a real one. His personality is forever shifting, shifting between nice, kind, welcoming, co-cky, rude, passive-aggressive, and more all based on who he talks to. He creates a new personality for whoever he talks to, using their body language, speech, and emotions to adjust and create the personality. Everyone has a personality that Darius has created just to suit them, He creates a web of lies and deception that is so well hidden that people willingly walk into these metaphorical webs. He does this to either gain the trust or gain a one-sided connection with the person, or to combat their personality. Either way, he always creates a personality that will get him an advantage of sorts against the person with the end goal of killing the person's old personality and replacing it or making them have a personality that is perfect for him. For example, if someone is naturally stubborn and refuses to listen. Darius will manipulate them so much to the point where he kills that stubborn personality they have for others, and force them to have a listening and obeying personality that they only use around him

Darius creates personalities for everyone. Everyone has their specific personality with their own emotions, speech, body language, and more behind it. Darius though has one main underlying personality that can come out no matter the person. Which is his aggressive and combative side. This personality is made specifically for combat. He uses his manipulation against him to remove all emotional and physical attachments to the person. This way he can deal as much damage to the person as possible without feeling any remorse or having feelings holding him back. In this state, he has no care for anyone. He doesn't care who gets hurt, he doesn't care about the damage he does. He has one task in his mind and that's to deal as much damage or even kill the person he's going up against. In this form, he's more physiatric. Often laughing and showing joy when beating his opponent physically or going up against a challenge. This personality is one that people should avoid, as it was the personality that killed the Mechanic, and brought him back to life just to watch him suffer.

Of course, though, it's impossible to tell if he is truly using a personality to manipulate you, or if he has created a personality to truly bond with you. He doesn't manipulate everyone, only those who he feels will be useful in the future for personal gain. However, it's truly impossible to detect if he is manipulating you or not due to his constantly shifting personality. His personalities also shift with the people he ISN'T manipulating, Because he doesn't have an original personality, he has to create a new personality with someone whom he isn't manipulating. So no matter what he has to create a new personality with EVERYONE. Which makes it nearly impossible to detect manipulation.

Overall, he keeps a more pleasant personality than most of the world, of course, the level of kindness and other factors varies between whom he's speaking to, but he does have to keep a good reputation. In the end, how can you figure out a man's true meaning and actions if you don't even know who his personality is? How can you know if you’re being manipulated when he acts differently with everyone around him? You can’t. His personality always adjusting creates the perfect mask to hide who he is manipulating, and who he’s not. His personality is forever shifting, even with the people he's not manipulating

Darius’s perspective in life is intertwined with his gambling mindset. Before Korea, he had a more “Go with the flow” type of mindset. He believed that you couldn't alter the future fully, that no matter what you would always be hit with hard times and good times, and that you just had to ‘go with the flow’ and see where it took you

After Korea, Darius’s mindset changed. His mindset adjusted to that of a manipulative gambler that he had become. He perceives every action, every conversation, everything is a mind game to him. A game that had interviewed with the webbing of his Arachnid personality that filled his mind after his coma. Despite seeing everything as a game he also sees life as a forever challenge. And that every new person is a challenge for him to learn and create the perfect personality for them. He still knows in life that no matter what he can't prevent good and bad stuff from happening in life. He can't make his life always perfect, he can't make it always bad. So he knows that when life DOES get hard to remember that no matter what life will get better at some point and he just has to push through it.

As an ex-SGT for KPD, an ex-low-level Yakuza member, and an active reporter Darius knows how to fight and defend himself in cases of attacks properly. After all, living in such a crime-filled city is not easy, and knowing how to fight is a must.

Darius has a scary level of strength. His entire life he has had to use his muscles one way or another. Whether it be as a child carrying things for his mother, fishing, and fighting against the currents and the large fish that followed. Up until he was in KPD, to being a yakuza member and having to learn how to throw punches and physically fight, and more. The biggest thing that puts his strength ahead of others is the fact that after his coma he spent over a year doing physical workout training and weight training to improve his upper and lower body. Also, he did boxing training which improved how hard he can hit with his upper and lower body. Not just that but he went through fist endurance training making it so he can break cinderblocks in two hits without damage to his knuckles. This process practically to a lifetime to get to where he is, but it makes it so that with the right opening he can break bones with ease.

Darius' running speed is pretty good. After all in KPD, he had to learn how to run fast and how to run for long periods to catch up to evading criminals. Another thing is after his coma he did speed training as well as breath training to allow him to run faster and longer. Overall he is a strong and heavy male which puts weight on him as he runs. This naturally slows him down compared to someone of a lighter weight. To make up for this, often in combat instead of running and charging at the opponent, he will press his feet into the ground, leans forward ever so slightly, and launch himself toward them instead. This makes up for that speed as he becomes much quicker due to him getting ever so slightly airtime off the ground, though it's less than an inch. It allows him to move himself longer distances quicker and gain more momentum for attacks. Overall running normally is around ✭✭✭, if he is launching at someone in combat it goes up to ✭✭✭✭✭

SPEED OF ATTACKS (punches, kicks, etc)✭✭✭

After spending over a year doing boxing training which involved using restriction bands while he punches, holding weights while he punches, and more that overall made it harder and restricted his attacks, he has become VERY fast with his strikes. After all, spending a year doing that sort of training makes your body used to being able to deliver fast and powerful blows with weight and restriction preventing you. Remove that weight and restriction and the attacks only get faster and stronger

As stated before, Darius is all muscle. He is a man who constantly works out and constantly improves his body. His body has a high endurance due to all the muscles protecting his weak spots such as organs or bones. He also as a child dealt with. a lot of physical damage from the wilderness such as trees bashing up against him, snake bites, and more. As well as an ex-SGT he knew how to take a punch, and when he was a Yakuza he was physically tortured and beaten, so his body eventually began to build up a resistance to this sort of pain. Another major factor is though that after his coma he spent over a year doing endurance training alongside physical muscle training. His endurance has improved since almost 2 years when he fought against the Mechanic, but sadly his Endurance is still not as good as the Mechanic's. The Mechanic has YEARS of fighting and physical brutality from being in the criminal underworld for so long, that's something Darius cannot reach

Darius's pain tolerance is scary good. Besides his entire life having to push through the pain of the natural terrain in Gaum, being beaten up by the Yakuza, and being tortured by the Mechanic those things only raised his natural pain tolerance a bit. It wasn't until after his coma that he spent over a year mastering the ability to mentally manipulate himself to numb pain and discomfort raising his pain tolerance so high. Because of this, he doesn't need adrenaline to push through levels of pain. He can take cuts or beatings, even deadly slashes without budging or slowing down because of his ability to mentally distract himself and make pain and discomfort irrelevant to his mind.

Darius' stamina is insane. He is someone who won't stop fighting until he is KOED or his opponent is killed. Even if he is bleeding out he will still fight back and push through the nausea and weakening of his body. He has mastered the ability to converse his breath and take proper breaths to ensure he doesn't run out of it. He also mastered the ability to conserve his energy and use it most when he has the opportunity. Darius also uses adrenaline to his advantage. Darius uses certain moves to raise the adrenaline in his body, as well as mental tactics to numb discomfort or pain. All of these factors combined make it so his stamina is insane and one that is hard to beat

Though his agility is good, his large body prevents him from moving around swiftly and fast. He is capable of dodging attacks using his quick reaction time and speed to his advantage but in the end, Darius has a larger body size, making him a larger target. His size and weight make it so he can't dodge all attacks with ease

Darius' reaction time is insane. At just the young age of 16, he had to master his reaction time when it came to fishing for his family. Fishing already takes a good reaction time, and knowing how to feel when it's the right time to reel in but in Darius's situation fishing either brought them home dinner or left them starving. So mastering his reaction time with fishing was more than a must. Another thing is when he was in KPD he had to learn to improve his reaction time in case he was ever attacked. He had to learn how to always be ready for attacks. He has great hearing too, so he uses the sounds around him to help him prepare for an attack. Overall, his reaction time is amazing and something that benefits him greatly in combat

Darius is a very accurate person when it comes to fighting. He knows where to aim and how to properly land a punch, and knows also how to use lightweight throwing objects such as throwing knives, throwing cards, and poison darts with extreme accuracy and speed. This level of accuracy comes from many things but mainly KPD. In KPD he had to learn accuracy and had to learn how to properly aim a taser and tranquilizer, as one wrong shot could potentially lead to a lawsuit or people getting injured. And as an officer, you couldn't afford either one of those things. He also practiced and learned how to throw cards and knives back in Korea for fun. However, he didn't ever use these skills for attacking due to the Yakuza mainly used guns, bats, or more blunt weapons instead of knives or other handheld weapons when it came to attacking their targets.

His fighting style isn’t unique or special at all. His style is based around a MMA sort of style. He mainly focuses on using his upper body and fists because that's the strongest part of his body and the most trained though he does know how to kick and use his legs and feet in certain situations. His fighting style consists of mainly being on the offensive and using his strength to land large and destructive blows to his opponents and in the end weaken their endurance before knocking them out. He also pushes through the pain of his opponent's attacks. So if his opponent hits him with a bat to the leg he's not going o slow down to process the pain, he's going to instead continue to follow through with his attack like nothing happened. The reason he does this is because 99% of the time when the opponent goes in for an offensive attack, once the attack lands they don't have enough time or are too close to Darius to swap to a defensive position to block his blow. But if he slows down due to their attack, they may have time to swap into a defensive state. He does dodge some attacks if he knows taking the blow won't have any benefits to him, but otherwise, he's just overall a beast when it comes to fighting


Though his fighting style is more easy to learn and basic compared to martial arts, he still is very good at it. He knows how to land a punch and where to land it for certain situations/outcomes. He knows when to tank an attack and instantly counter or when to dodge. He knows how to control his breathing and pain levels and more. This fighting style works great for him due to his brute strength and skill towards it.

Darius doesn’t know how to use weapons. All of his jobs and life have pushed him down a path where he relies on his fists, physical strength, agility, and mobility. His fighting style requires more mobility and physical strength to land proper attacks effectively and using a weapon would affect and weaken this sort of fighting style unless trained otherwise. And as of right now, he isn't properly trained in weaponry outside of smaller weapons like knives. Because of those factors, he tends to stay away from the usage of weapons because he feels they will be a liability for his combat style. Though bats he can easily use as they don’t require skill to use. He also doesn’t know how to counter weapons sometimes. He never learned how to use weapons, so he never learned how to counter properly. It’s why in the Mechanic fight he got so damaged. The only weapon he knows how to use is his poison darts

Straight. Though would lead a man to personal gain

He is an atheist. He is someone who needs scientific proof that's backed up with actual research and valid sources before believing anything like that. It's why he doesn't believe tarot cards really can predict your future, instead, he symbolizes them and the beliefs behind the cards
Though he does believe in yokai and other related spirits of Karakura as he hasn't just witnessed their torment during October, he also sees them normally at the shrine and other events. Though he doesn't understand their power, he is interested in these beings and full-heartedly believes they are real

Darius currently lives in the Saiky Estate

Darius has a great social life. He has to after all. Being a reporter requires him to walk up to strangers and discuss topics with them that can go deep into conversation. As an officer, he had to interact with strangers constantly. He is a very social person who enjoys hanging out with friends and talking to them
However, manipulating so many people can be hard. After all, he has to keep a mental track of all of those people and their weaknesses, the personalities he has for them, and more. This can be exhausting, constantly swapping his personality and his emotions. He's also constantly plotting his next move when it comes to how he will manipulate people, and how he will use them to his advantage. It's exhausting for Darius and requires often breaks where he sits alone in his office or rests

Masters in Psychology
Bachelors in Criminology/Forensics
Bachelor in Law Enforcement

KPD Officer for 4 IC years

Darius was an SGT in KPD for 4 IC years lore-wise. OOCLY wise Darius Ikemori was created on August 24th, 2024 for KPD after Amaya was injured. He remained active in KPD for a month then became a backup character after I got Amaya back. After 5 months he quit KPD and became an adult character on Feb 1st, 2024.

News Reporter For 4 IC Months

Darius was accepted into the news station on February 3rd, 2024, and remained in the faction until March 28th, 2024 due to his injury caused by the Mechanic.

Adult for Unknown
After Darius got removed from the news reporter faction due to his medical coma making it so he was unable to work, he remained jobless for some time. Working at other shops that were owned by citizens of Karakura to make ends meet


Darius carries around a deck of 6 tarot cards. 5 out of the 6 tart cards at the cards which remain on his back. The other one just has the back of the other cards on its front, with a yin and yang symbol on the back to symbolize the yin and yang symbol on Darius’s tattoo
These cards represent what he calls, the gambler’s fate. Aka his past, present, and future. In certain situations, Darius will pull out this deck and fan it out in his hand. He then selects one card, which is supposed to represent the fate or emotions for the current situation he's in

he also likes to use the cards to show people that there are hidden meanings behind an overall meaning to something. For example, the three hearts overall mean heartache and going through an emotional situation based on love. Though of course, Darius sees the smaller, more hidden meanings in the card like how it also represents cutting away lies and revealing the truth. He often likes to reveal that to people, which better helps prove his two sides to the coin mindset

♠ PETS ♠
[!] WARNING: This section contains talk and images of Sydney funnel web spiders. PLEASE if you are afraid of spiders do not open this section. Thank you [!]

Darius has two pets, both of them being two female Sydney Funnel Web Spiders. He got the two females during his arachnid arc. He got them at a very young age and cared for them a lot more than the two males. This slowly created a bond between the spiders and him. The two females saw Darius as someone who cared for them and brought them food, therefor they wouldn't bite him or be as defensive around him. As well as Darius knew how to properly handle and act around these spiders. So only with sharp and sudden movements, they would react.
Darius also thought the two females would make much better pets compared to the males. Female Sydney funnel-web spiders can live up to 20 years in the right conditions. As well as their venom isn't as potent, they are much more docile and calm, and overall spend their time mainly hiding out in their tunnel-like webs.

Fatass is Darius's 1-year-old female Sydney Funnel Web Spider! She is 1.5 inches in height (body size not including legs) and .8 inches in length (not including legs). Including the legs, she is 4.3 inches in height and a width of 4.7

Fatass is Darius's most friendly spider. She mainly spends her time hiding in her webs in her enclosure and only comes out to hang out with Darius or be fed. Her diet consists of mealworms and crickets with a hint of spider-safe nutrient powder to better help her with nutrients!
If Fatass is not hiding in her enclosure, she is hanging out with Darius, either hanging out on his shoulder or hiding somewhere on him. Funnel-web spiders are created that like to burrow themselves underground, so she will often try to replicate that with Darius. Often hiding in his pockets. Darius isn't too worried about it, As long as he stays pretty still and calm while she's on him she won't react much. However, in some cases, she does attempt to build a web around Darius. Which results in Darius having to gently move her back and let her relax
She isn't that protective overall. She's a lot more easy-going than other funnel-web spiders and would much rather hide and eat. Hence the name fatass! Her name also comes from her large abdomen too

Fang is also Darius's 1 year old female Sysndey funnel web spider. Though she is larger, slimmer, and more aggressive compared to Fatass. She is 2.3 inches in height (body size not including legs) and 1.2 inches in length (not including legs). Including the legs, she is 4.8 inches in height and a width of 5 inches

Fang isn't as friendly. She is treated and fed the same as Fstass but she is more active. She prefers to build webs all over her enclosure compared to just tunneling underground and building a web underground, though she does that too.
Fang is known for her larger fangs. Which are a total of 2 CM longer, or .8 inches.

Sydney Funnel-Webs spider's fangs are capable of puncturing through leather, flesh, and even muscle easily. So Darius handled her with extra care and caution. She is more defensive and active so Darius doesn't often take her out of her enclosure and when she is out she isn't allowed to leave his sight. She isn't as calm or relaxed as Fatass. She is a bit more aggressive and protective and will strike at any sudden movements that threaten her.

Overall he does love Fatass more due to her more calm and relaxed attitude, but in the end they are both equal to him in many other aspects

Darius doesn't have any diagnosed mental disorders and shows no signs of having any other sort of mental disorders either

Darius is in a constant battle between his mind and what is right, alcohol, gambling, and money addiction. Despite gambling not being popular in Karakura, it's still such a big addiction it's taken over his entire mindset. His addiction to alcohol and gambling is best preserved in the devil tarot card

Darius struggles to stay in any relationship due to his feelings and views towards relationships and partners overall. He feels most if not all relationships are simply a liability to him, his manipulations, and his gain. Because of that, he doesn't build any real connections or bonds with his partner in case they do start to become a liability or they lose their use to him, he can just leave them without any feeling of remorse or guilt behind it. Though he could stay in a relationship for years, the moment it begins to get in his way of manipulation or he doesn't see any personal gain from the person he will just up and leave

Being a gambling man for so long has resulted in him having major trust issues. He can't trust anyone, he learned that in poker and other related card games where you couldn't trust anyone or their cards or emotions. You just had to go based on your instinct and see if you could outsmart and out-manipulate your opponents. He considers everyone, to some degree, his opponent. He also knows that if he is capable of such forms of manipulation, others are too just to different extents. He doesn't trust anyone besides Moriko

Darius feels his emotions often hold him back. He can't manipulate others if he feels guilty about it. In his eyes he quotes "The puppeteer. The puppeteer isn't the one with the strings attached, he's the one attaching them". Darius hates being attached to strings and he often refers to strings as a symbol for emotions and situations holding you down or back from doing something you truly want or must do. He also uses it as a symbol of manipulation and having his strings attached to his subject refers to him having control/the upper hand. Though overall he feels guilt, sadness, and remorse hold him back. He feels guilty about all the people he manipulates, he feels awful, and he knows he's selfish and not a good person but in a split second he cuts those 'strings' that he attaches to himself. He swaps his personality and erases those emotions making it so his own emotions can't hold him back

Darius doesn't have a personality, because his main form of manipulation is matching the person's personality to either gain a connection or stronger bond or to counter theirs his personalities are forever swapping. Adjusting and alternating based on who he is speaking to. And depending on the person's emotions on a specific day the personality will swap and adjust to fit those emotions. His personalities are forever changing, and he controls the wheels, he creates these new personalities shifts them around, and swaps them willingly. But just because he swaps personalities with someone, doesn't mean he's always manipulating them. After all, he doesn't have a personality to call his own now

Though he does not have a personality disorder. He knows and controls all the personalities he creates, unlike a personality disorder in which you do not have control over the other personality in your mind

What people don't realize is that with his personality-swapping capabilities, he is also capable of creating, destroying, suppressing, and altering his own emotions. He does this so that he can have the proper emotions for each personality he creates. If a personality is more caring and sympathetic towards others his emotions will also be based around that. If he's using a personality that is more mean and aggressive his emotions will be based around that too. However, with this ability comes a curse. Any sort of negative emotions or trauma he gains he is capable of 'trapping' them into a specific personality. Darius then can lock that personality away, only able to be accessed when it's triggered enough and forced to come out or he allows it to. He automatically does this to keep himself strong against threats and others. He hides his trauma and emotions that will be a liability to his manipulation and life so that others can't use them against him later on. And if they tried to threaten him with it, he would show no care unless that specific personality where the trauma is captured was active

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He has none, though due to his age, he doesn't ever plan on seeing someone in a parental role. He had good and loving parents his entire life, so he feels they did nothing but good for him and he doesn't want to replace them

Darius doesn't care for his co-workers. He shows respect to the boss but everyone below or equal to him he doesn't care for. They could die and he wouldn't bat an eye. He will put on a fake personality to prevent issues in the workplace or for personal gain, or until he gains a real friendship with said person, but otherwise, he doesn't care

Darius believes that in a professional setting, you should act a certain way and he views his professional setting as whenever he is working on a report. He treats the people he works with with the utmost respect and care as he feels like that is the best way to handle those interactions while "on duty". He also understands that reporters' reputation is mostly hated, and he doesn't wish to tarnish or ruin that reputation. He will never manipulate his 'clients'. However, he doesn't create any personal connections or bonds too them unless they were friends prior. If he needs to speak to them again he will keep it professional and treat them with respect and kindness though for the most part that's all he will see them as, clients to his work

Darius acts like he cares about his friends, he acts like he will be there for them, he acts like someone they can completely trust, and more but in reality most if not 95% of friends he simply doesn't care for. As stated he doesn't make a real bond with others due to his commencement issues, so even with friends, he doesn't connect his emotions with them. He only makes it seem otherwise. If he had to, he wouldn't bat an eye fighting or hurting a friend for some cash

Only his close and best friends he form a somewhat bond with. Moriko for example is one of the only people in his life he doesn't manipulate. Though again, he never forms a true bond with them. However, if someone threatened this person he wouldn't hesitate to fight, even if it meant damaging his fate

Because Koizumi broke his heart and trust, he now doesn't want anything to do with relationships in general. He sees them as a liability for his manipulation and capabilities. He likes being free and being able to do whatever he wants when he wants to. As well as he hates the thought of someone being able to use a person or situation to gain an emotional advantage against him, a relationship would potentially cause just that. He opened his heart once for Koizumi and because of this mistake he got it broken, he refuses to ever go through that pain again as for he sees it as nothing but a weakness

He only ever marries someone to whom he does express love. That may never happen though. With his last marriage and him running from it, he feels he won't ever be able to be in a marriage due to how chained up he feels in one. He likes to be in control, he likes to have freedom and some control over his fate, and he sees marriage as shackles that pin him to the ground and prevent him from moving forward in the gamble

Has no remorse for his enemies, he doesn't care what happens to them. If they were to die a horrible and painful death he would smile on the inside. He would hurt an enemy in an instant. Even without money on the line

Daris has never been an animal lover. As explained in his Guam lore, he had to deal with the exotic life there and fight against it due to living in such a tropical environment while in poverty. He doesn't like raccoons, foxes, rats, snails, etc as he sees them as just creatures who steal and cause issues. It's what he grew up around after all. He enjoys bears, but only because he knows the bears are mistreated in Karakura so he tends to treat them with respect and care to make up for it. Cats, dogs, and birds don't tend to annoy him that much, but he doesn't understand the value of having a pet. As stated, he grew up fighting AGAINST the wildlife due to his environment and money/housing situation, so he grew up seeing most wild creatures as annoying

♥' VIPER '♥
'I know the real you, the you that no one else knows. You are pathetic and selfish to leave me for the man you swore you didn't want anymore. To leave me when I had almost died not once but twice. To leave me alone from a coma that lasted months. You are nothing but a selfish cheater who puts her own feelings of lust above those who truly love you. I feel bad for that priest, whose heart is truly good. It will be a shame when you sink your fangs into him and ruin him just like how you ruined so many others with your pathetic and selfish behavior. Me on the other hand, you made me stronger. And I'm glad you are out of my life, you were a liability to me, and it was clear that you were to selfish to ever care about a true relationship. I can't wait to watch you crash and burn'

♥' HEALER '♥
'You were there for me when I first moved back to Karakura after Korea. Though, you don't know the real me. The manipulative puppeteer I hope you never do. You are my best friend, someone I won't ever manipulate or use for my selfish lifestyle.'

'My poor girl. To watch you suffer through so much does truly hurt my soul. I still remember when you were younger and walked into that police station and came to annoy me every day. I still see you for who you truly are. A wonderful, smart, amazing, and proud girl who is strong. I'll forever protect you, and never hurt you.'


'How does it feel to finally be defeated? To finally feel the cold embrace of death that you made me experience not once but TWICE. I controlled your fate that day Mechanic, remember that. I was the man who chose to bring you back to life. I only have my creation to thank you for. You made me who I am today, you put me in my prime. So thank you for that. But now, your personality is the last thing I want control over. I had control over your physical body, your mind is next. My venom sunk into your veins once before, you're mind isn't safe either.'

Darius Guatapang was born into a poor family on the small island of Guam in 1989. His father was a fisherman who worked at the local docks, meanwhile, his mom was a stay-at-home parent who took care of Darius. His father would often spend all day working at the docks just to barely make ends meet, so Darius never had a real connection with his father despite him being a wonderful parent when he was there

Darius lived in an overall poor neighborhood. He grew up somewhat close to the docks so that his dad could easily get to and from work. Everyone in his area had the same job as his father, being a fisherman. Of course, there were hints of teachers and other jobs but when you’re on the poor side of the island, there are a lot fewer job opportunities for the locals. Fishing wasn't a high-paying job at all it was paid by the fish. Meaning you had to catch fish to make any sort of money. Darius’s family lived in an area where fishing was the main source of income, which made the job very competitive. Luckily due to the reefs nearby, there was a variety of small and large fish, but the fish had to be at least 4.5 inches to be sold, and those sorts of fish were only worth .10 cents each. With the larger fish ranging from 1 feet+ being worth .75 cents
Overall, his father brought home a monthly income of 732€ dollars, which for compassion the monthly average income in Guam nowadays is 1,488€

Darius was fine with this lifestyle, it's all he knew for his entire high school life as he was surrounded by it. He could barely afford good clothes and often used hand-me-downs so that their money could go towards necessities and rent. Darius wished he could live a more luxurious lifestyle, where his family didn't have to scrounge for money just to make enough money for food and water. He didn't get new books for high school, he had to use the school's books and supplies which were constantly worn down and abused.

He also often had to fight against exotic wildlife when it came to overall life. Due to their poor housing arrangments and conditions, that also meant the area was often filled with creatures such as rats, mice, lizards, snakes, etc. All of these animals could easily get into his home and take food, water, destroy supplies, etc. Darius often had to deal with food that had been eaten a bit by animals, or bedsheets and clothes that wildlife had torn up. And the occasional fighting a bird for the fish his father had caught. At one point one of the native creatures in Guam, the Inland Taipan, which is a highly venomous snake to the point where one bite can kill up to 100 humans, bit Darius. He had to seek Emergency care and was in the hospital for a week, he almost died from the bite for that matter
There was more wildlife that Dairus had to battle against daily. As stated, Darius lived along the shoreline so that it was easier for his Dad to go to and from work. That meant he had to deal with the creatures that lay on the shoreline. From dangerous coconut crabs, and box jellyfish that swim in the oceans and even get stuck on the shores, to the cone snail which is capable of killing a human with its venom. Then there is the wildlife Darius had to face on his path to school. The school was 3 miles away from his home, and the path to get there was a trek through harsh jungle terrain. He often encountered brown tree snakes, poison dart frogs, and exotic birds which he enjoyed, but then of course Monitor lizards and even water buffalo. Due to this, Darius didn't grow up enjoying wildlife, and instead of being able to experience it from a safe distance, he had to go against it.

Besides the wild animals that Darius had to face, the poor living conditions, and clothing, he also had to go against the illnesses that came with living in such conditions. Living in such a poor area, he often would get sick in the winter when it was cold and stormy. With tropical rains and storms that often broke down Darius's house, it was hard not to avoid getting sick. As he grew older, of course, his immune system grew stronger which is why he doesn't get sick as often. He also had to go against heatstrokes due to no AC and living by the ocean meant direct sunlight and heat from the sand too. Darius's childhood was filled with sicknesses, some of them coming from animal bites from rats or other creates that passed on diseases, some from eating expired food or food that had been partially eaten by animals prior, or due to the weather

At the age of 16, Darius chose to get a fishing license and a job at the docks to help his family with money. With the help of Darius helping make money, he was able to help pay the bills and supply food but due to his lack of experience in fishing, he wasn't able to catch anything. Resulting in his family’s monthly income only rising towards 1000€ per month.

It wasn't until at the age of 18, his father passed away on one of the fishing trips. During this trip, a storm suddenly hit and sunk his ship, and destroyed the harbor which made it so all the hundreds of citizens who lived in the poor area and who worked at the docs, could no longer work and make an income. This meant Darius’s family had no longer a way to make any sort of income.

In 2007, Darius and his mother chose to move to Japan. The exchange rate there was good, with 10$ USD dollars being worth 1,494¥. The lifestyle there is something they could afford, and it had a lot more job opportunities for his mom and himself. Using the money they had saved up, they took a flight to Karakura, an island in Tokyo known for its unbalanced income and crime rate

After moving to Karakura with his mother, they both took up jobs at local citizen-owned shops where they helped sell items behind the cash register. It helped them both learn Japanese which they slowly and over time learned how to speak fluently. Though money-wise, it depends on the day, but sometimes they would make 30-300k per shift. Which was more than enough to provide them with proper nourishment, housing, comfort, and more. For once in Darius’s life he was living a comfortable lifestyle. Though he struggled to adjust to it. Growing up in poverty for 18 years he was so used to being so poor that he didn't know what to do with all of the money he was making. He would use his earnings towards paying rent in their small apartment, which was only 50k a month. He also used his earnings to get into college, where he studied and obtained a master's degree in psychology, and. a bachelor's in criminology/forensics. He felt these degrees would help him get past the city due to the high crime rate in the city. He felt it would be useful to understand the brain and the criminal mind specifically

After 4 years of doing this, at the age of 22, Darius grew bored of his lifestyle. He grew bored of still living in somewhat poverty in this city. He didn't have any money left over for himself as he would spend it all on school and his mother. They grew too old to properly work so she retired at the age of 57. Darius needed a job that would be boring, something he could be more involved in all while making money for his family. That's when he learned about KPD. He learned that in KPD he could make up to 400k a year, as well as it gave him a chance to study the criminals of Karakura even better by witnessing and interrogating them firsthand. It also allowed him to learn how to interrogate people, and to get better at reading people which is something he felt he had to learn in such a criminalized city

So Darius paid for another semester in college despite him having a master's in Psychology and a Bachelor in criminology/forensics. He wanted to get a degree in Law Enforcement so that he could have a better chance of getting into KPD. While at college, he met a girl named Tsubasa Ikemori. He and her grew close together and would later end up becoming a couple. Darius and Tsubasa dated for over 3 years, and after Darius finished college and got his Law Enforcement degree, he proposed to her at the age of 25. Darius and Tsbusasa would get married only 2 months later, and they moved to their own home

Darius still spent his money on his mom, and the rest of it that he didn't need for college anymore he spent on Tsubasa and the rent for the home. This stressed him out even more. Despite money always being tight for him, he struggled to keep up with paying for everyone. Though, one day Tsubasa came home with an announcement. She was pregnant with a little girl named Ninomae.

Darius couldn't handle this, he couldn't handle taking care of his elderly mom, his wife, and a child. He was barely making enough to pay for Tsubasa and his mom. With Tsubasa not having a job and Darius being the breadwinner, he knew he wouldn't be able to afford a child unless he worked even more. So out of pure impulse, he fled back to Guam, taking some of his money with him so that he could live a life in Guam for a bit. He left behind and cut contact with Tsubasa and Ninomae though he still attempted to send money when he had it to his mom back in Karakura

After 3 years he noticed his mom stopped accepting the money, he noticed that the bank account itself had been closed. Thinking the worst, he returned to Karakura in 2020 where he discovered his mom passed away from covid sadly. Darius chose to stay in Karakura for a bit for his mom and to sort stuff out with her belongings and other things left behind. Though he knew he needed a job, he began to look into KPD again. He didn't want to join KPD to protect and serve the city and keep it safe. No, his only motivations were the money that the job paid and being able to study criminals' minds directly from a secondary source. Being able to arrest and interrogate criminals allowed him to better himself with psychology, which was his main passion in life. He was able to apply and get an interview at KPD, and that's when he ran into a friend of Tsubasa who was carrying a 3-year-old Ninomae. Darius didn't recognize the two at all, but Tsubasa’s friend recognized him. She pulled Darius to the side and angrily explained that because Darius chose to be a ‘deadbeat father’ and leave Tsubasa and Ninomae, Tsubasa had to get a job and work constantly to the point where she didn't have any time for Ninomae anymore. She ended up passing Ninomae on to her friend, the same friend who was telling Darius off. Though Darius didn't care, he had already moved on from Tsubasa. He somewhat cared about the child, though during this time he began to slowly develop a selfish mindset. He realized in Guam that he spent his entire life spending money on everyone but himself, and even when he was in Guam for the second time he barely made ends meet meaning again he didn't spend any of his money on anything he wanted, just the necessities of life. He agreed though to take Ninomae, he felt somewhat selfish for him running away.

The 28-year-old Darius took care of Ninomae, being a stay-at-home father and working again at citizen-run shops until he officially got hired at KPD at the age of 28. Darius was hired as a replacement officer for an officer named Amaya Omori O’Sullivan. He went through cadet training, and slowly climbed his way up the ranks to SGT and took on the callsign K156, a callsign that would later become cursed.

Darius stayed in KPD for 4 years, working on and off as an SGT which allowed him to help support his daughter still. He grew more attached to her, but as he gained more money he became more greedy as well. For once in his life, he could spend money on himself and still have money for rent and necessities. He wasn't used to this, he wasn't used to being able to buy what he wanted, yet he loved it. He loved freedom, the ability to wear nicer clothes, the ability to afford the newest phone, etc. He grew addicted to this, and only grew more greedy as time went on. Greed slowly pierced and coursed through his mind like a venom, a venom that would end up coursing him down a path of life that would alter him forever.

In those 4 years in KPD, he met a young detective who went by the name Jiefang Moringa. She started as a co-worker, just another girl in the workforce that Darius worked alongside with. But because of his callsign being K156, and Jiefang being friends with Amaya, they got closer over time and eventually gained feelings for each other. However, what Darius didn't expect was for Jiefang to also have feelings for someone named Hugo Vedict, a local doctor at EMS who had been hanging out and gaining feelings for Jiefang long before Darius even came back to Karakura. But, that didn't stop Darius. He saw it more or less as a competition. With his knowledge of psychology and the brains, he was able to figure out what Jiefang craved from a lover quickly, which helped Darius make moves and interactions, catching up to Hugo despite Darius knowing Jiefang for much much less time. Though, he grew bored of this sort of competition. He grew bored of fighting for a girl, he didn't want to fight for someone's love. It was something that psychology showed that Jiefang was capable of falling for another man even if she was loyal to Darius. So he gave up on the path of love and his dedication to KPD, going down a NEW path instead

After 4 years of being an officer, he realized that a 400k paycheck wasn't enough anymore. He wanted more, and he knew he wouldn't be able to get it in Karakura, especially with his current lifestyle. He chose to once again leave Karakura and Ninomae behind. He quit his job as a KPD officer and moved to Korea this time with the intent of purely just making money and splurging it all on himself
♠Funny Darius KPD Screenshots♠
Darius was always a much more laid-back cop who didn't take shit from kids or anything. Which is what made him funny, so I looked around and found funny screenshots from his cop days. Enjoy

Upon moving to Korea, he slowly started his downfall into addiction and corruption. Darius struggled to find a job in Korea due to the language barrier. So instead he ran towards the other and quicker option to make money, gambling. Darius got heavily into gambling in Korea. He was spending all of his money on card games mainly. He never played games regarding luck, all skill like poker. And Darius became good at it too. Due to the skills that he learned in KPD when it came to reading emotions and faces for interrogation purposes, as well as his criminology psychology degree, it made it easier for him to detect when someone was lying. As his addiction to gambling and wealth grew more, he became only more manipulative. He learned that he could manipulate these poker games to increase his chances of winning. And the more he used it, the more it sank deeper and deeper into his mind. He learned how to hide his emotions, and how to keep a straight and emotionless face so that no opponent could tell if he was lying in poker and other card games. He learned how to connect with strangers more easily by matching their personalities or creating a personality, tone of voice, smile, etc that made the person trust them more. Which allowed him to gain the trust of others. Then he took those strangers to gamble where he would use that trust he gained against them. He would make them believe he acted one way, when in reality he was faking it all. Over 3 years he mastered these manipulation tactics. He made millions from poker and other gambling card games. He spent it all on a luxury lifestyle. Luxury cars, luxury hotels, clubs, expensive restaurants, girls, whatever he wanted. Darius became obsessed with the wealthy lifestyle. He was poor his entire life, he never could spend money on himself, and now that he has he has become hooked
But yet none of it was enough. He needed more, more money. Darius turned to alcohol as well, gaining an addiction to alcohol and gambling in the process. He became purely manipulative. The old version of himself had been cast into the shadows of his mind, manipulating others' emotions for selfish gain, creating new personalities to gain their trust. Everything became natural to him, he became a master at it but with the sacrifice that he had lost his old self. However one night, everything would change.

Credit to @GuttedValentine for making this amazing art piece!
Darius got banned from most casinos due to his manipulation tactics winning him so much, so he turned to illegal gambling where he ended up gambling against the Yakuza. Though, he lost. He lost all of his winnings and money and was forced into debt with the Yakuza.
Darius at first resisted and attempted to fight against the Yakuza not wanting to pay over 2 million to them. But they tortured him for days on end. Darius was hung upside down, his legs tied together and connected to the roof, and his hands handcuffed behind his back for hours on end. They beat him with metal pipes, bats, fists, and more. Waterboarded him, burned him, electrocuted him. Though even throughout all of that torture for days on end, he refused to break and refused to pay them back the 2 million that he now owed them. It wasn't until the last 3 days that the torture got to him. And he surrendered
The yakuza made a deal with Darius. They made it so Darius would be forced to do tasks for the Yakuza, these tasks involving collecting money for them. He took on the alias as, the gambler. The alias was created after his gambling addiction, which got him into this mess. Darius would complete these tasks and return the money he collected to the Yakuza, which would eventually pay off his debt. It's here where he got into fights. He did their dirty work, he fought and hunted people down and beat them up but refused to kill as it went against his morals. Darius remained a low-level Yakuza member, barely a member for that matter, more or less a pawn. However, greed still filled his mind and heart. Every time he collected money, he stashed a bit for himself and then gambled that away, giving most of it back to the Yakuza making it seem like he could barely pay them off when in reality he was getting richer and richer. He saw this as an opportunity to get more money to feed his gambling addiction, instead of a punishment.

Once the Yakuza found this out, they hunted him down. Darius left Korea as soon as he could and chose to return to Karakura, knowing he could put his newly learned skills to use in that city

Darius got his tattoo after his trip to Korea. He got into a large amount of physical altercations due to his gambling and alcohol addiction at the time. When he would lose he would LOSE. Losing all of his money, he ended up working for a Yakuza to remake some of the winnings he lost, just to spend it again. He chased the jackpot, the next big one, and sometimes he got it, but then other times he lost it all either way he never gave up on it until his own life was in danger

After he beat his addiction, he took on a new mindset, a mindset that took into consideration both sides of the story. He realized that despite his addiction bringing him down a harsh path of negativity and negative emotions and actions, he realized in the end he gained new skills. He learned how to better ****yze people's emotions and facial features from poker, in fact, it became an obsession to figure people out. He learned how to fight, how to hide his own emotions, and how to manipulate others to get his way, he learned a lot. Which helped him get the mindset that even dark situations can have a good outcome, all you have to do is look at the situation in another light. Look at the other side of the ‘card’.

Darius’s tattoo as stated depicts a Yin and Yang symbol surrounded by 5 specific tarot cards. The Yin and Yang symbol represents the balance between good and bad. It represents how he needs to have a balance between the good emotions and good sides of the tarot cards, and the negative emotions and negative sides of the tarot cards which surround the yin and yang symbol. He believes without this balance he will completely change, for either the worse or the better but either way he refuses to let that happen

As for the tarot cards, they each represent a different emotion or situation that he has gone through or may go through in his life. He uses these tarot cards to see the other side of the situation or ‘card’ in this sense. For example, ‘The Devil’ tarot card has both negative and positive emotions and situations connected to it. It can represent addiction, which is something he battled with. But it can also represent freedom, which is what he felt after he beat his addiction. In a sense, he beat the negative side of the card and was able to find the positive side of the tarot card

Though Darius also believes these 5 tarots represent his fate. And that they represent the past, present, and future of his emotions and life. That is why he chose THOSE cards. He sees those cards as the emotions he will go through and the situations he will go through in the future, the feelings and situations in the past, and his present emotions. As time changes, the card's meaning will change, but the cards themselves will never change

Darius though doesn't believe in the effects of Tarot cards itself. For example, he doesn't believe that if you pull death, something negative will happen to you relating to that card. He uses the cards as symbolism for emotions and situations

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Credit to @harubii for making the back tattoo art!!


The first card seen on his tattoo is the tarot card of death. The card depicts the Grim Reaper with a scythe, with a clock by his head.

Severe Illness
Profound Change
An End to Something (Relationship or Interest)

A Crossing of a Threshold
The Beginning of a New Cycle
A Fresh Start
A Transformation

Negative Meaning - Failure, death.
Darius sadly connects to the death card in a much more negative light than he had felt previously. He feels as if he failed against the Mechanic and failed KPD for reporting it being against his will. And then, of course, there is the fact he almost died while undergoing surgery

The second tarot card on his tattoo is the devil card. It depicts the ancient goat god Dionysius, with a male (on the left) and female (on the right) chained together, intertwined. Though of course, just because of its negative look, doesn't mean it is all negative

Unhealthy Relationships
Living in Fear
Domination and Bondage in a Negative and Controlling Way
Feeling Trapped

Challenging Authority

Negative - Domination and Bondage in a Negative and Controlling Way
Darius doesn't PERSONALLY relate to this, though his victims do. He controls them without them ever knowing, manipulating them secretly and using their emotions to mask his manipulation

The third card on the tattoo is the three swords. The card depicts a heart being stabbed by 3 blades. It mainly represents heartbreak and other related emotions too the heart

Sadness, Emotional Pain
Afraid of Getting Hurt
Finding it Hard to Trust
Betrayal by Someone in a Trusted Position

Cutting Away Lies, Discovering the Truth
Truth is Painful, but Good
Making Logical Decisions
Get to the Heart of the Situation

Negative - Suffering
After Darius's horrific situation with the Mechanic, he has been left in an immense amount of physical pain, constantly suffering even under heavy medication. With all of his injuries, he is in constant discomfort. His head is always hurting and is so sensitive to really anything including his own emotions. Though he will recovery eventually, until then he is constantly trapped in a state of suffering and pain

The fourth card depicts a woman with her head in her hands, with 9 blades above her. The card mainly focuses on mental aspects emotions and situations based on the brain


Reality is Not as Dire as you Imagine
Suffering is all in Your Head
Suffering Might be Unfounded
Beware of Pushing Away Those Who Want To Help
The Difficulty Might Soon Be Over
Forgive Yourself and Others


Negative - Fear and Stress
After the mechanic situation with the broadcast, he has been going under a large amount of physical and emotional stress. This stress was the issue that caused him to almost die to begin with. Not to mention, he is afraid of the Mechanic, though that is unknown due to how his mind already suppressed the trauma and emotional baggage that came with the situation

The fifth and final card is the tower card. It depicts a tower in a dark thunderstorm, with fire raging out of the windows. The tower is the most destructive card, mainly focusing on destruction and chaos

Unexpected Change

A breakthrough or Revelation
Challenging Outdated Beliefs
Destroying Illusions

Destruction and Damage
Darius sadly has a connection to the card now. Despite his attempts to avoid being connected to this card either emotionally or by a situation that occurred to him, he never wanted to be connected to the card and the hell it brings. But, after the mechanic broadcast event, he was left secretly traumatized by the horrific and destructive attack. It destroyed his body, his mind, the news station, and more. It is the only event that connects to the card.

Darius returned to Karakura in 2024, at the age of 35 years old. Darius knew he couldn't go back to KPD, not with his current mindset. So he found a new job, a job which allowed him to use his manipulation in his favor and make some money. He applied to become a reporter and got accepted. Becoming a reporter gave him the ability to make up excuses to interact with people he may need later. It gave him the excuse to interact manipulate and lie to people. All he had to say was “Hi I'm sorry I'm reporting on blank and blank” and most people would gladly open up a bit. Darius’s ability to match personalities and make it seem like he could be someone you can trust, and his ability to read personalities, emotions, all of it would make getting information on anything he wanted so much easier for him

He was accepted in February, where he immediately began to reunite with KPD and EMS, as well as other people he met during his KPD time. He began to gain connections through his reports, meeting new people, figuring out new things, new perspectives, etc. At this point, Darius took on the alias as the puppeteer. The alias comes from the symbolism of a puppeteer, someone who controls the strings and actions of their puppets.
Within a month Darius became a reporter, he's already made big strives and leaps for himself. He was the first reporter in over 2 years to get 7 reports in one month. As well as his connections had only become stronger. He had connections to KPD, EMS, Town Hall, and even parts of the criminal underworld.

Darius chose to take on a risky report during this time, a report regarding the Mechanic. A man who was unknown by most, but to KPD and EMS a man who was very dangerous and powerful. Darius found out when his friend brought it to his attention that Callista and Naomi, two EMS workers, were kidnapped and tortured for a long period. This caught his attention as these events don't occur often. After interviewing Callista, he chose to hunt down the Mechanic himself and get HIS side of the story. Darius wanted to learn more about this criminal mastermind, how did he escape KPD? Why didn't KPD catch him yet? Why did he do this? All these questions raced through his manipulative mind. And he wanted answers. Darius was able to find the Mechanic in the sewers, and after some small chats, he convinced him to interview in an undisclosed location. Darius would record the interview and that interview would be publically posted to his news article, the Mechanic. However, one thing the Mechanic said stuck out to Darius, that one thing would alter their relationship. Darius asked him if he plans on quitting the major assaults, which he stated he would but only because Ernesto was somehow now involved
This led Darius to wonder, if the commissioner was involved, how come Callista said KPD hadn't done anything yet? Was he involved in another way? Darius wanted to find out for his report, but also for personal gain. Getting potential corruption blackmail against Ernesto would be a very large advantage for the puppeteer. However, before the interview could occur the Mechanic called Darius and told him to call off the interview immediately and demanded the mention of Ernesto to be removed from the report. Darius realized the Mechanic somehow did have a connection to Ernesto, as only Ernesto knew he was at KPD for an interview with him. Darius knew he had the upper hand against the Mechanic, he was the one with the recording of him stating Ernesto was involved. While leaving the station, the Mechanic ambushed Darius where they discussed the report and Ernesto, Darius tried to get the Mechanic to admit that Ernesto was corrupt but he refused to give any details that could help Darius. So instead, he manipulated the situation to his favor. He made a deal with the Mechanic, he would remove the audio recording and section from the report IF the Mechanic owed him one favor. A favor that could not involve money. Those are the only terms to the favor.
The Mechanic agreed to the deal, and Darius would leave the situation with a bruised head, and the Mechanic owing him a favor of any kind.

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Darius had already gained multiple puppets who he still uses to this day for their information, knowledge, and more. Moriko is still his best friend, who is still one of the few people he doesn't manipulate or try to use for personal gain. However, someone else had come into the picture.

♠ 'Defanged and Destringed' LORE ♠
No one would have guessed that the cold-hearted puppeteer that was Darius would be able to love again. After all, he saw love as a liability. something that was going to hold him back. But, that changed ever so slightly when he met the viper of the Saiky family, Koizumi Saiky

The two met at the shrine, Koizumi and Darius hit it off but differently, they were both manipulative. One of them is a viper, who creates barricades upon barricades to protect her emotions from others. Creating a harsh persona, one that if someone fucked with her, they would get the fangs. The other one is a puppeteer who uses others' emotions too his advantage and so much more. Two manipulates, born from very different worlds colliding.

Over time, they would interact. Darius quickly saw through Koizumi. Seeing how she barricaded her emotions from the real world so he chose to manipulate her at first, using that against her. He wanted to make it feel like she was in control. He created a personality that made it obvious he was a manipulator, though the manipulation he showed her was something that all manipulators showed. It was so obvious that it hid his real form of manipulation from her and others around. As she began to feel she was figuring him out, she got more ****y with him. Less afraid to be herself a bit as she felt that she had the power of the situation. But little did she know at that time Darius had already wrapped his strings around her body and trapped her. She had already become a puppet to him.

However, that would all change after he learned about how knowledge in the spiritual world. He learned how much she knew about the spirits of Karakura, something he didn't know or could connect with. He wanted to learn more, wanted to figure her out. His interest grew as one time she threw a poison dart at another shrine worker. It was something that caught his attention. He grabbed the dart and wanted to make an anti-venom but later went against it. However, this fascinated him. He was learning quickly about the type of person she was. A woman who relied on tools instead of strength due to her size and stature.

Darius would approach her one day with a deal, a team. Both of them were manipulators, both powerful alone but even stronger together. They realized that he had already figured her out so well that she was not a threat besides her tools. So he offered her a deal, he would release her from his strings of manipulation if she worked with him and became friends. She would agree to these terms but threatened that if he tried anything she would quickly take him out.

This would be the start of something they both didn't expect. As they grew closer together they realized they had a lot more in common than they expected. And Darius revealed how well he had read the viper. It scared her, terrified her for that matter of how powerful the puppeteer was at ****yzing her emotions just after interacting with her a few times. Though, in the end, it made her feel safer. He was one of the few people who could read her so well, she didn't have to worry about opening up too him, cause he had already unlocked that door on his own terms.
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As more time went on, they shared more intimate moments. Darius used his knowledge of reading emotions and hyper****yzing and remembering details to bring her comfort into her world. He gave her the love that she so craved, he made her feel safe and cared for. She opened up too him and as she did he began to fall for her. He began to create a personality just for her, one that was learning to love again. Everything was going well, they were beginning to kiss, cuddle, and relax together more. Darius even took a lie detector test and let Koizumi ask him anything just to gain her trust. Who truly would have guessed that a viper and a puppeteer would fall for each other?

It wasn't until he realized something, after an interaction with Sho he realized that Sho mistreated him. He caught onto the fact that Sho liked Koizumi, and Koizumi liked Sho. He remembered an interaction where Asami, a shrine worker, pressured the two into going on a date and none of them seemed opposed, the only thing that was stopping them was the fact she was married but now that she wasn't, the chance remained. He overthought this, thinking about if she was using him for affection while she was with her husband and after, or if she genuinely liked him and struggled to pick him between him and Sho. However, this would all be revealed one day.
One night, they were talking when Darius finally asked about Sho, and asked if she knew he liked her. And she made the mistake of lying to the puppeteer, twice.

Her snake attacked her as she lied to Darius. She ran upstairs where she hid in her room, the guilt of lying to the man she truly did love set in just like the venom from her snake's bite. Darius, despite wanting to leave her to rot in the room still did love her so he wanted to at least try to make amends. This was the first sign that he truly did like Koizumi. So he went up to her room, where he confronted her about it all. She finally admitted Sho liked her, but told Darius that they would;t work out. She said they got into to many fights, that they disagreed on so many points. She even said she hated the shrine and mentioned how he works for it and that's something he dislikes. She opened up about how she builds walls to prevent herself from being hurt. She sat there and cried real tears about what she did to Darius

She admitted she had a fear of being alone, that. she was afraid of people leaving her

Darius gave her a choice, him or Sho. She had on week to choose. Darius refused to be some side hoe in Koizumi's fucked up love life. He was either going to be the main person, the person she truly loved or no one. He refused to belive that she truly was capable of loving him when also liking someone else. She ended up begging him not to go, they ended up spending the night together with Koizumi falling asleep on his chest after he calmed her down from her panic

The next day they met with each other, where Koizumi had Darius bring his lie detector test once more except this time she willingly hooked herself up to it. It's here where she openly admitted that she did not like Sho and had no feelings for Sho and didn't want to date him and it came out as truth. She then said how she just wanted Darius and again it came out. astruth. Darius trusted her after this was and was willing to mend what the had broken. But he made it clear, break his trust again and he would leave her in a heartbeat.

As of right now, they are not dating but still acting lovey with each other. They both plan to date once she's healed from her ex-husband, and Darius is ok waiting that out. Who knows, maybe a viper can work well with the puppeteer

[!] WARNING [!]
This bio section contains imagery of injuries he obtained from the fight. If you are squeamish or uncomfortable and not ok with things like
- Visual guide to where his cuts were
- XRays of a fractured skull, ribs, fractured forearm
- Talk of physical torture and blood
than please avoid this section for your own sake. Thank you

No one would have suspected that the next interaction between the puppeteer and the mechanic would be so violent. No one ever saw the attack coming, or the broadcast that followed.

It all went to hell for the Mechanic after Yong-sun Seong discovered the Mechanic’s identity. She snitched his identity to Ezio, who is a reporter for Karakura News and a higher-up in a rival gang. But that's not all, Ernesto Martinez threatened to arrest the Mechanic and that it was better to simply turn himself into KPD, he couldn’t afford any of that. So he attacked Yaban Heddo, Ernesto’s girlfriend at the time. Right after the attack, he changed his legal name and his identity. Officially changing from Lucian Martinez to someone else. After all of that, he wanted to get revenge against Ernesto and KPD, he couldn’t just sit there and let KPD have the upper hand against him, so he created a plan. To expose Ernesto Martinez for his corruption with the Mechanic on live city-wide news. But to do that, he had to get his hands on his reporter, and he chose to go for Darius Ikemori.

Darius and the Mechanic had prior interactions with his older report, which was based on the Mechanic’s attacks. But the last time, Darius had the upper hand because of an audio file he had where the Mechanic mentioned Ernesto’s involvement, because of this upper hand he was able to take control of the situation and get out of it scott-free and with favor.

So now, the Mechanic wanted to have the upper hand against Darius. He wanted to control the report, and the broadcast, the Mechanic wanted full power and control over the situation and he knew the only way he could do that was to attack Ikemori. After all, to the Mechanic’s knowledge, Darius didn’t care for anyone in the city but himself. So, if that was the case, the Mechanic had to go straight for the source.

So on March 17th, 2024 he grabbed a bat and katana and his gear and broke into the news station through one of the many windows on the first floor. At the time, Darius was in his office working on his latest report, so he wasn’t paying attention or expecting anything to happen. At the most, he expected Ezio or Valentino to burst through his door, but he never would have predicted what would come next. The Mechanic crept up the stairs, the katana sheathed at that moment and the bat in his right hand. He approached the door and knocked gently, making it seem like it was nothing out of the ordinary

‘Come in’

Darius said, but no response. He repeated himself but again nothing. He sighed and annoyed walked towards the door and opened it up, where right when he did so the Mechanic unsheathed the katana and slashed it across his chest, the katana cutting into the wooden door frames. Darius stumbled back in confusion, surprise, and shock as blood started to begin to stain his white outfit. He quickly caught himself through and eyed down the Mechanic, who stood at the entrance to his office armed. As adrenaline began to pump through both of their veins and venom they both knew this could only end in two ways.

A fight broke out between the two. The Mechanic lunged towards Darius attempting to slash across his chest again though he leaned back and dodged it, quickly countering it with an uppercut directly towards his lower abdomen. While the Mechanic had the advantage of being armed, this meant both his hands were occupied which slowed his movements, especially with the size of the weapons he used. It made it harder for the Mechanic to maneuver around the already tight office. As Darius landed the uppercut the Mechanic leaned forward and let out a groan from the hit through it only stunned him for a moment. Just enough time for Darius to land a nasty right hook to the Mechanic's temple. His head slammed into the glass panels that were connected to Darius’s office. As soon as the Mechanic slammed against the glass, Darius attempted to go for another direct hit to his gut, but the Mechanic used his katana and aimed the blade directly at where Darius’s fist was going. He first made contact with the blade, the katana cutting into his knuckles as the Mechanic successfully countered the hit. Darius groaned in pain as he quickly pulled his fist out from the blade while he was distracted the Mechanic slammed the metal bat into his side. Due to how close they were, it didn't land a strong enough impact to break his ribs, but it landed a hit that caused Darius to stumble back against the back wall of his office.

As he slammed against the back wall the Mechanic lunged towards him with the katana, aiming it directly for his stomach. Darius slumped down and landed on his butt, his knees tucked in. He quickly leaned back and sprung his legs forward as soon as the Mechanic was close enough, his feet launching directly into the Mechanic’s gut. As the Mechanic held back the urge to vomit, he flung backward and landed on his back at the foot of the door’s entrance. Darius quickly stood up and while he was still on his back he lifted his foot and attempted to stomp directly down onto the Mechanic’s kneecap to disable him. But the Mechanic threw his weapons behind him and barrel rolled backward and out of the office before the stomp landed. His foot crashed into the floor with a thud as the Mechanic quickly retrieved his weapons and stood back up. He lifted his mask only to reveal his mouth, and spit out some flem, vomit, and saliva onto the floor as he stood there, facing Darius who stood at the entrance to his office.

‘You fight well Ikemori, it’s clear that whatever your past had in store for you taught you well. But, in the end, if I have to kill you to get this report out then so be it.'

‘Try your worst Mechanic.’

Darius stated as he lunged towards him, sending his right fist against directly his gut. The Mechanic swiftly jumped to the right as his fist slammed into the wooden desk, leaving an imprint behind. He groaned in pain as his fingers sprained upon impact from the thick wood. Both of Ikemori’s fists were wounded now. One slashed down the middle of his knuckles and the other had sprained knuckles. He couldn’t keep fighting like this for much longer.


The Mechanic tried to slam the bat into his head while he was distracted but he swiftly leaned back and dodged it again, the bat slamming into the table and breaking part of it. Darius lunged back and turned to face the Mechanic who now stood in the middle of the hallway, his breathing was heavy and so was the Mechanic’s though adrenaline was pumping through both of their veins. The pain numbed by it.

The Mechanic was first to dash towards Darius, aiming the bat for his skull. Now with a more open area, Darius began to bob and weave the bat swings as much as he could, leaning back and ducking down, jumping back then to the side. Whatever it took to dodge the hits. He dodged at least 7 swings before one of them swung directly towards his head. Darius lifted his arm and used his right forearm to block the hit. CRACK! His forearm broke upon the impact and pushed him into the wall.


The Mechanic chuckled as he attempted to pierce his katana into his gut while he was against the wall, but Darius swiftly moved, the blade piercing through the wall instead. Using his cut-up knuckle he launched a nasty uppercut directly to the Mechanic’s chin. He stumbled as the hit landed and Darius took this time to land even more hits to his body. Darius groaned in pain as he slammed both of the sprained and cut-up fist into the Mechanic’s gut and temple. He landed at least 5 large blows before the Mechanic was able to swing the bat directly into his right kneecap. His knee sprained upon impact and he lost his balance and stumbled to the floor slightly.

Right at this moment the Mechanic took his opportunity to slam the bat against his temple, then his skull, then his gut. All three hits landed head-on and were harsh. Ikemori slammed against the back wall of the hallway, his vision blurry as his head rattled against his skull. His skull becoming bruised, the cut on his chest leaking across the floor and staining his shirt, and his knuckle bleeding now. The cut is much worse now too. The Mechanic chuckled as he slowly approached Ikemori, grabbing the katana out of the wall.

As soon as the Mechanic got close enough, Darius used his last remaining strength and adrenaline to push himself up towards his body. His head still rattled, his vision still recovering. He pulled his right arm back, the one with the sliced knuckle, and sent it directly to his solar plexus. A part of the body directly under the ribcage. This part of the body if hit hard enough will cause the user immense pain, and cause all the air to be forced out of the lungs. But also, make it impossible to catch their breath for a few seconds. As the hit landed he gasped for air and stumbled back, the katana dropped to the floor, and lost all of his balance. Darius took the opportunity to stand himself up and launched a nasty uppercut directly toward the Mechanic’s right arm, disarming him and causing him to drop the bat and lose even more balance. Darius dashed behind the Mechanic and swept his legs then quickly put him in a chokehold, his non-injured forearm wrapping around his neck like how a boa constrictor wraps around its prey. The Mechanic already didn’t have air in his lungs, and because of the hit, it made it hard to get air back into his system, and now. With the chokehold, he only had a few seconds till he would pass out. A total of 10 seconds.

As the Mechanic’s face turned blue, he squirmed and attempted to get out of the grasp. But he was in a lot of pain from the hit to his solar plexus, he didn’t have much air left. He didn’t have the strength to fight back. But, in the last 7 seconds of air, he kicked his bat towards himself, grabbed it, and slammed it directly into Ikemori’s skull with 5 seconds remaining. Darius’s brain retaliated against his skull as his body tensed up, then relaxed as Darius passed out onto the floor with a thud. The Mechanic gasped for air, taking a minute or two to recover himself. His body was aching now as the adrenaline slowed down. Using the bat as a cane, he stood himself up and looked down upon the injured and knocked-out reporter. He chuckled, poor poor Darius.

As the Mechanic recovered, he quickly barricaded the doors by the main entrance, but, in the rush to get back to Darius before he woke up, he forgot the backdoor. A mistake that would save Darius in the end.

As Darius woke up his head pounded like a fast and harsh pacing drum. He groaned as his eyes fluttered open, his vision blurry as the concussion began to slowly form itself in his brain. Darius looked around as he regained enough consciousness to know something was wrong. He was in his office, and before him stood the Mechanic. The moment Darius saw him he attempted to lunge towards him but… he was tied down. His upper body and ankles were tied to the couch. He squirmed attempting to get out of it, but it was too tight. He was trapped, his head pounding due to the concussion, his cuts stinging now, and the bruises and sprains that he had gained pulsated through his body. He was in a lot of pain, an uncomfortable amount of it. The concussion he had gained caused him to fade in and out of consciousness, he wasn’t able to swap any personalities. He didn’t have control over his brain like he had before

‘You fought very well Ikemori! I’m impressed truth be told. It was fun to have such a thrilling fight again with such a large reward at the end of it. It sucks that I have to do this to you, but I can’t have you fighting back anymore. You will. Do. The. Report.”

The Mechanic knew Darius wouldn’t go down without any sort of fight. Even with his injuries, he was still trying to free himself and attack the Mechanic. He knew that the only way he would be able to have full control over the situation was to beat fear into Darius’s mind and heart. He chuckled as he picked up the bat and katana. He gagged him up to prevent Darius from making noise, and without any more waiting he swung the bat into his gut, then his left rib cage shattering it upon impact. He dropped his bat and beat Darius with his fists and feet, kicking him in the gut, face, neck, skull, legs, everywhere he could. His skull fractured during the process. Darius groaned in pain, attempting to make some sort of loud noise but the gag stopped him. The Mechanic laughed as he beat the injured and tied-up reporter, he was helpless in the situation, unable to fight back or block the hits. The Mechanic then took the katana and slashed Ikemori with it. Slashing and cutting away at his chest, arms, legs, and more, cutting him shallow enough to where he wouldn’t bleed out, but deep enough to where the stinging pain would set in all over his body. He whined in pain, squirmed, and tried to free himself but alas he couldn’t. The puppeteer had lost, he was completely helpless.

Darius realized that if he wanted to live, he would have to surrender and do what the Mechanic wanted. He was too weak at this point to fight back, his entire body ached and stung, and his head’s pounding became even worse as it rattled against his skull forcing him in and out of consciousness. His vision faded from normal, to blurry to black then blurry than normal again. Blood pooled up from the cuts that were cut across his entire body, staining the couch and floors like a wine stain to a carpet. Darius knew, that if he didn’t do what the Mechanic wanted, he would die here and there. He couldn’t do that, he couldn’t die. He just started loving again, making money, and getting what he wanted lifestyle-wise, he wasn’t about to lose it all. He waved his arm, indicating for the Mechanic to stop and to let him speak. So the Mechanic did, he stopped stomping on him and removed the gag, allowing Darius to speak. Darius agreed to the terms and agreed to do the report. As he agreed the Mechanic smiled under his mask, he wrote down what he wanted Darius to say in a paper prior, his plan had worked. He had full control over the report and situation.

The Mechanic picked up Ikemori by his ropes and dragged him across the floor, leaving a trail of blood going from his office to the broadcast room.

The Mechanic took his reporter ID and used it to gain access to the broadcast system. He then forced Darius into the seat in the live broadcast room, tying him tightly down to it, making it so he couldn’t move or fight back. And with that, he typed out what he wanted to be said, and sent it as he started the live broadcast, handing the paper to Ikemori. The shakly stared at it, fear in his heart, mind, and body as he looked down and read the paper. He didn’t want to do the report, or the broadcast, but he didn’t have a choice anymore. He was beaten practically to death, he was too weak now, and his body was injured all over. He let out a shaky breath, as the live news report started.


As the broadcast was sent out, The Mechanic dipped through the broken window where he had entered.

Darius was injured, and he quickly lost consciousness as the concussion and bleeding out set in. The city witnessed Darius Ikemori being tortured, on live footage. KPD was fast though, but Kazou was quicker. Kaz, his boss, was close to the scene and rushed in and removed Darius from the chair. Just at that moment KPD surrounded the building and began to figure out ways to get in. Luckily, DSI Eros Devereux was able to find the backdoor, and using the help of Ezio, he got in.


Darius was rushed to EMS by Eros where he quickly went into intensive surgery in hopes of saving him before he died.

His list of injuries was insane, and KPD had little time to fix them all, so they focused on the worst ones. This is the list of all the injuries Darius gained from the attack
- HORRIBLE Concussion

- Fractured Skull
- Sprained knuckles (Right Hand)
- Sprained kneecap (Right Leg)
- Broken nose
- Broken Right Ribs
- Deep cut in the middle of his knuckles (Left Hand)
- Punctured Left Lung
- Slashed Left Eye (blade didn't go all the way through so his eye would still be intact and NOT need to be removed)
- Grazed Neck (Small Cut across his Adam's apple, equivalent to a cat's scratch)
- Shallow cuts and slices across his upper torso, and arms
- Slight rope burn from the ropes being too tight

- Bruises across his face, back of his head, ribs, arms, and chest

EMS performed emergency surgery in the trauma room, doing a lung transplant to prevent him from bleeding out. They then handled the small cuts around his body, hand, and neck making sure to prevent any form of bleeding that may occur. They then realized that the fracture to his skull may be causing a brain bleed, so they rushed him up to the MRI to ensure it wasn’t and luckily for them, there was no brain bleed. But, little did they know Darius was slowly dying.

As they rushed him up to the surgical room, preparing him for the brain fracture surgery, his heart rate dropped dramatically. What EMS forgot to consider was how much stress his body had been going through in the last 3 hours. He had gotten beaten practically to death, slashed everywhere, stabbed, his concussion altogether was already so much stress on his body. Not to consider the mental stress he was dealing with too. And now to add onto that, 3 EMS workers were poking and prodding at him, injecting fluids, checking dilation, transporting him to rooms, and even cutting him open for a lung transplant. All of these factors put so much stress on Ikemori's heart and brain. His heart was already stressing and overworking trying to pump blood back into the body as it bled out from the large amount of cuts he had gained. And his poor brain was concussed so badly he was constantly fading in and out of consciousness. So, finally, his heart began to give out. His heart rate began to drop, going from an already slow heartbeat of 87 BPM to a staggering 42 BPM in a mere few seconds. And it only got slower, and worse with time.

Paramedic Moth Sin and Surgon Masuyo rushed to Darius’s aid. Moth injected him with adrenaline 3 times over to help his body fight back and regain the strength it needed to last a bit longer, but that wasn’t enough. She yelled to get the defibrillator as his heart rate dropped even more. Going from 42 to 35 BPM in a matter of 15 seconds. At the rate he was going, Darius Ikemori would be dead in under 3 minutes. Moth began to do compressions on his chest which only made it worse. She was pressing against a newly transported lung, still injured ribs, and more.

Hope for the poor reporter began to run thin, his heart rate did not increase whatsoever. It was only dropping faster. After another 10 seconds and EMS getting the defibrillator in place, his heart rate dropped again from 35 to 29 BPM. Sweven turned on the defibrillator and charged them up before placing them against his chest. As the machine pushed a harsh and strong electrical current directly through his muscles, veins, organs, and more his chest lifted from the table for a second before crashing back down. As the electricity reached his heart, it gave it a small boost of energy. The boost that it needed, but it wasn't enough. His heart rate raised back to 36 BPM only to begin to drop right back down to 24 BPM at a much faster right. The defib gave his body a boost, but for right now, it was nothing more than a boost. His heart rate began to drop again

As soon as EMS noticed this change they charged up the second shot and hit Darius with the defibrillator again. The electrical current shocked through his body once more and into his heart. His heart rate spiked as the electrical current pierced into it. It rose back up to 29 BPM and stayed like that for a moment, before it began to drop once again, this time dropping faster. Darius's body was so heavily injured that while the defibrillator was helping jump-start his heart, it was harming his body in the process. It only put more stress on his already wounded and exhausted body. His body, even with the adrenaline was so drained physically, mentally, emotionally, and all of the above. He was dealing with external and internal damage, concussions so bad one more hit would have sent him into a comma, and more. His body was tired, his heart was tired, and his mind was tired. And it was showing. His heart rate dropped again, to 20 BPM. It was dropping by BPM every second now.

EMS noticed this and realized at this rate, he only had around 10 seconds before his heart would stop, and he would die. They quickly charged up the final defibrillator shot, this was their last hope. Right before Sweven pushed it against his chest Darius's heart rate was at a staggering 14 BPM, though before it could get any lower he sent the electrical current through his body for one, final, time.

With a miracle, it worked. The electrical current combined with the three shots of adrenaline was just enough to jump-start his heart. It stopped decreasing, stopping at 13 BPM. It slowly began to rise, very slowly though but it was going up. They had successfully stabilized him enough to keep him alive for now. The EMS workers rested for a second, allowing Darius's heart to stabilize and allowing themselves to catch a quick break

But, with his other injuries and exhaustion to his body, once that adrenaline wore down he may die. He still had the fractured skull issue, so EMS's break was quickly cut off their much-needed break

Once he was stabilized they got to work on his fractured skull, then the remaining injuries. Darius was later admitted to the ICU where he would spend the next 30 [OOCLY] days in recovery. His body was so exhausted, so worn down from all that had happened in 3 hours that even after a 24-hour timespan and being on a large number of painkillers and more, he could only stay conscious for less than a minute before passing back out due to the concussion. He had no sense of reality despite it being 24+ hours since his surgery. His brain was so worn down and exhausted after all the internal, external mental, AND emotional stress it had faced in such a short period that it could barely function plus the horrible concussion made it even worse. His vision would be impaired for a while, constantly in a blurry state and sensitive to any sort of bright light. Any loud sounds too would cause him immense amounts of pain, so much pain that he may pass out. His ability to manipulate was broken and destroyed for the time being, though he would make a full recovery. For the next 30 days, the abilities that he had mastered had become a mere memory to him. After all, that ability to calculate and adjust to his opponent's next moves and emotions took a lot of brain power to do so, and right now due to the concussion and overall damage done to his brain and body, he didn't even have the brain power to stay awake for more than 5 minutes.

Credit to @wavesalker for making the funny lil drawing of Darius!

Though, after all that, the Mechanic was able to get away from KPD and still roam the streets of Karakura, under a new identity. As for the news station, it was closed until further notice while the reporters and KPD figured out what to do with the blood and damage left behind by the fight

Emotionally though, Darius has been affected by the situation. The attack and torture he went through in such a short period made him afraid of the Mechanic ever so slightly. Darius isn't fully afraid of him, mainly because in his head the Mechanic was only able to do so much damage to him because he was able to knock Darius out. But, Darius almost won the fight. He has gained some trauma from the event, that trauma carrying the emotional baggage of being afraid to go against the Mechanic again. But, that part of him has been suppressed, hidden from the world. All the world will see instead of this baggage, is Darius wanting to find the Mechanic and get revenge against him in a proper, 1 v 1. No sneak attacks, no weapons, just, fists.

For once though, all 5 of his tarot cards that represent his fate, emotions, and situations he will/did feel in the past, present and future all are on the negative side. Including, the tower.

[OOCLY NOTE: I want to take this time to thank everyone who took part in the event for making it go so well! So here are a few shoutouts!! Shoutout to @Aania for playing Kazuo DeLucan and allowing me and Dark to do the event. Thank you to @Popo who played the Mechanic. I had a lot of fun writing the actions out and broadcasting with you (even though I did all the writing..) but you fixed my grammar so that's always a W. Then thank you to of course all the officers that took part being @Hirathex who rped out the DSI, @ceruleanrocket who rped out Osora Kosoru the detective, @will! who rped out Akisada Akihito and @Classicalist for rping Korkoro Asogi!
AS FOR OUR LOVELY EMS WORKERS WHO KICKED ASS AT SAVING DARIUS I want to thank @gothicb1h who played Masuyo Hashimoto. @lobsterrdog who rped Sweven R. Von. Moltek. @mistoreya who rped out Verena Asogi. @lamby :3 who rped out Moth Sin. And finally @svftbun who rped out Maemi Usui!!

Overall thank you to these people specifically for being directly involved and taking part in the event, I hope you all had fun!! LOVE YOU GUYS <3

[OOCLY NOTE: The days will be measured via OOCLY days to prevent confusion. 1 OOCLY day is equal to 3-4 IC days keep that in mind]
[OOCLY NOTE 2.0: There are a lot of screenshots in this section showing his interactions with the two people he saw during his recovery. It also shows how injured he actually was. Please read from left to right for the screenshots or you can skip through them]

After the surgery was complete, Darius was sent to the ICU where he would spend the next 4 months (30 OOCLY days) trapped in the room. Or so he thought.

Days 1-4 (OOCLY)
No one expected Darius's recovery process to be so slow and heartbreaking. The first few days were harsh. Because of all of Darius's injuries, it would take a lot of physical energy to recover fully. Due to his overall lack of physical energy DUE to said injuries, the recovery process was slow. Very slow. While the shallow cuts slowly began to scab then scar across his body, the deeper cuts remained there. His concussion was barely healing, and his bones slowly healing as well. It was going to be a slow and painful process for his body to gather the strength to heal him at the normal rate.

Darius's concussion was the worst of it all. Despite being on active painkillers to help with the pain from the broken bones, new lung, and cuts. His concussion still brought so much discomfort and pain into Darius's body. For the first 10 days (IC) Darius was only able to stay awake for 5-15 seconds before passing out for another 7-9 hours. And while he was awake, he was in an excruciating amount of pain. The lights from the ICU hurt him so badly that it felt as if his brain was being beaten with a metal bat over and over again. He had to constantly keep his eyes closed when awake just to weaken the pain, but even with his eyes closed some light still shined through and hurt his head like a horrific headache. Any loud sound such as just speaking in an above-average voice would hurt him horribly and cause him to pass out. Simply being awake but too much strain on his body to the point where it couldn't handle it, and he would just pass out.

Of course, he was also experiencing more pain than just that in his brain. It hurt Darius to even breathe, and he had to breathe out of his mouth due to the broken nose. With every breath his lungs expanded and pressed against his broken ribcage, causing him even more discomfort and pain. He couldn't move without feeling pain due to the immense amount of cuts spread across his damaged body. His right arm couldn't even be lifted due to his forearm breaking. He was like a mummy, trapped in a still position for who knows how long.

Besides the physical pain, the mental strain was bad too. Darius had temporarily lost his memory fully. He didn't know what happened, or who he was. He didn't remember Koizumi or Moriko, he didn't even know where he was city-wise. He was so disconnected from reality he was incapable of forming a proper sentence without it not making sense. And when he tried he stuttered with every word before passing out again in mere seconds. Darius had truly lost his grip on reality.

Around on the 16th day, things started to look up for Darius
Days 5-9 (OOCLY)
As time went on his brain slowly was able to heal enough to gather his memories just enough to know who he was, his past, and where he was. But he still didn't remember people or the situation that sent him into this state. He was still in a large amount of discomfort, but the cuts were at least slowly healing and not as painful as they first were on those first few nights trapped in the ICU.

He was now capable of staying awake for a minimum of 30 seconds, and a maximum of 15 minutes without passing out. But only if no stress was experienced in his body during that time. Any loud sounds or bright lights would send him back into a resting state, where he would remain for hours on end. The lights had to be dimmed in his room, and even that caused him pain if he left his eyes open. So he had to sit there with his eyes shut just to decrease the pain into discomfort. Any loud sounds still caused him immense pain, EMS workers had to whisper around him just to make him feel at least comfortable in his current state. His vision was still very blurry, he couldn't make out figures and objects. As well as he didn't remember anyone.

He still had a stutter due to the pain caused by breathing, and his brain injury made it so he would often forget or stumble with his words midsentence. He couldn't remember sentences people told him unless they had a true meaning to him. So stuff like "Good morning!" he would forget they even said that in a matter of seconds

During this time, one of Darius's co-workers and friends, Valentino, wanted to visit him. Darius struggled to remember who he was, unable to picture Valentino's face or name. But he wanted answers. Darius wanted to know what happened to him, and why he was in the ICU. Why he was in so much pain.. he wanted to know even if knowing would be too much stress on his body. Darius was running out of time though. The interaction with the doctor was already putting strain on his body, he was teeter-tottering in and out of reality and consciousness from time to time. But even under this condition, he allowed Valentino to visit

Darius couldn't even remember the fact that he WAS a cop. During his time as an officer, he took on countless numbers of questions in the hospital when citizens got injured. And now, he couldn't even remember that protocol. He ended up passing out once again, resting for hours and hours on end again. And Sadly the next time he would wake up he would forget Valentino even visited
Day 10-14 (OOCLY DAYS)
At this point, almost 2 months had passed in this time in recovery. Despite being in still a good amount of pain, his concussion was getting better. His memories had recovered to the point where he could remember people and names. His vision was still a bit blurry but he could finally make out figures and people, just not details in outfits and their bodies. He was able to stay awake for over an hour now, and even sit up for short periods. Though, despite making progress he was still in a good amount of discomfort. His body was still damaged and broken. His concussion still made it. so loud noises and bright lights hurt him, and too much of it would cause him to pass out. But he was finally able to hold a conversation and remember it.

Finally though, Koizumi would visit him


Darius begged Koizumi to tell him what happened to him. His memory was still foggy of the situation and what happened to him. He needed answers. Darius hated being bedridden, trapped in a state of weakness. He felt defeated, he felt weak as he felt his muscle mass wither away. So, after begging Koizumi, she caved in and told him. Luckily, his condition was stable enough to handle the news without passing out due to emotional stress. As soon as she told him, his memory returned like a tidal wave. He remembered everything officially.

Koizumi went after the mechanic the next day. Attempting to get revenge for what he did to Darius. Despite Darius's warnings, she ignored them. The fight would let to head losing, getting injured with a concussion. Her katana breaks, and her pet snake dies in the process. Though she held her ground, she was still no match for the Mechanic's endurance and skill.
Days 15- Unkown..
Darius' recovery was going well. Now that he knew what happened to him, who people were again. It was just a matter of time allowing his body to make the full recovery. But.. no one would have expected what was to come next.

After the fight the Mechanic had with Koizumi, he realized something. He realized that Darius was in good enough condition to report the situation to the cops finally. The Mechanic thought for a bit, he knew Koizumi was in no shape to visit Darius due to her concussion, and her emotional stability after losing her favorite snake. Which meant she couldn't warn him about what happened. He also remembered the fact that CCTV around the news station would capture their fight. It was a risky situation, one that he would much rather leave forgotten in the past. But, with Darius's memory fully returning soon enough cops would come to question him, putting the Mechanic at risk of being caught

So, he came up with a plan. A plan that would result in the cops forgetting about the case, or more or less, giving up on it. He was going to put Darius into a comma, a comma that would make it so cops couldn't question him for a very long time. And eventually, the case would be forgotten, a case thrown away in the past. Darius's concussion was still bad enough that a single hit would do the trick. So, he grabbed the same bat he used in Darius's and his fight back at the station. And snuck into the hospital.

Using a lockpick, he picked the locks of the EMS's doors and snuck into the recovery rooms, where he peaked into the ICU recovery room, where there he saw Darius Ikemori. Sitting up, eating a lunch that was just brought to him. The Mechanic smiled under his mask, whispering to himself

"You're a good man Ikemori, you did so well for me.. In the end, I can't afford to get caught"

He waited till Darius finished his lunch, where he then laid down and closed his eyes. Resting his body and mind. As soon as he did so, the Mechanic picked the lock to the recovery room and snuck in. As soon as he was close enough he raised the bat and slammed it down onto Darius's skull. His body tensed up in an insane amount of pain, his brain rattling against his skull like a bell. His heart rate spiked and his brain activity did as well. Just for good measure, he slammed the bat against his skull again.. fracturing it in a whole new area this time.

Darius's body grew limp, his heart rate began to slowly die and so did his brain. The mechanic caused a fractured skull and a brain hemorrhage. Blood began to pool inside his skull, and alarms of the ICU blarred indicating Darius was dying. The Mechanic quickly hid and waited for EMS to rush in to check on Darius, and as soon as they did he ran out of the door before it closed and escaped.

Darius began to die for a second time, his heart rate began to drop dramatically as his brain interrelly bled out. His brain was losing blood and oxygen at an alarming rate. So he was put into immediate medical surgery for the injury. Luckily, they were able to save him again but this time.. it was to close to death and he had slipped into a coma. After the surgery, they noticed he wouldn't react or wake up with the use of certain drugs. As well as he had a minimal amount of brain activity. It was official, Darius had slipped into a coma due to the hit and now it was simply a waiting game. Doctors couldn't determine how long he would be asleep, only that he would be in the ICU for more than the originally intended time. Doctors didn't know when he woke up how he would be affected. They confirmed he would need physical therapy to get used to walking and moving again, but they couldn't confirm if he would remember anything or be himself. For all they knew, the Darius Koizumi loved would be gone forever.

They informed Koizumi about his injury, and she offered to continuously pay for him to remain in the ICU and under treatment so that he could stay alive. But sadly, Kazou, Darius's boss, had to remove him from the reporter faction for the time being. Due to doctors not knowing when he would be capable of writing reports again, they felt it was the best choice to let Darius focus on recovery, instead of the faction. So we were removed for the time being

At this point, I was permanently banned from SRP for reasons I won't discus. But, to prevent confusion regarding the timeline of all of this lore that was written during my ban, I created a timeline chart to better visualize it.

Everything with a RED LINE attached to it was written during my ban and was F2B IN-CHARACTERLY.
Everything with a
GREEN LINE attached to it was done either prior to my ban or when I was unbanned

Thank you all and I hope this helps you understand the timeline of the lore better. LOVE YOU GUYS!!

[!] The image in the banner (the main giant red spider in the middle) is NOT the symbol Darius uses ICLY. The symbol ICLY/Tattoo ICLY is a real spider, so this spider was added to the banner to help those with arachnophobia! [!]
[!] WARNING: The section contains visuals of spiders and talk of spiders. If you are afraid of those ignore this section [!]

After 5 months of remaining trapped inside a coma, hearing doctors check up on him but not being able to speak or move. He woke up. With one large inhale he shot awake, like how you would if you had just had a horrific nightmare. Darius took a moment to collect himself, his thoughts, his memories, everything. His mind raced as he looked around the ICU room, and then at the cords he was connected to. Then finally his body. His breath was fast and scared, after all, he was in a coma for months. Trapped like an immovable statue, forced to just hear the world around him pass by. He had lost his sense of time. For him, it felt like it was 3 days.

As he collected himself his breathing slowed down and so did his heart rate. His memories flooded back to him quickly too. Koizumi, the attack, his past, everything. In a panic, he ripped open his hospital gown and stared down at his chest, his chest which was still bandaged up. Ripping off the bandages he looked upon his scarred chest. His chest was weakened and withered down. The scars had whitened up, and his body fully recovered. Darius's hands shook as he realized his body was healed, but he had become so weak in the process. Ripping the cords from his body he stood himself up and stumbled towards the door, struggling to move around again after being unconscious for so long. Opening it up he stumbled out of the recovery room, down the stairs, and out of the hospital

His body was weakened and withered away in a sense due to the lack of movement. He stumbled and struggled to move along, but after a while, he arrived at the Saiky estate, where he entered and hid out in Koizumi's part of the estate. Laying against her bed he took a second to collect himself again. He knew EMS would search for him, but he couldn't spend another moment in the ICU. He refused too. His body felt fine, he felt fine. He wanted his normal life back. The life he had worked so hard for, not a life where he was trapped among cables and doctors. Checking his phone his eyes shot wide open as he realized.. he was in EMS for 8 months. As that realization hit, it sent Darius more into a panic. What had he missed? Is Koizumi even still in love with him? Is he even still a reporter? Who knew, but he was going to find out.

Darius had changed since the coma. Something about his mind was, different. Every personality he had ever created, the emotions behind each one returned to him. His manipulative self and the power to control his emotions and personalities returned. But, this time it was different. As he slipped on a pair of his outfits that he kept in the Saiky estate he realized that his old methods of manipulation were no longer effective. His methods of luring people and then using them for information didn't work out. After all, he was attacked twice. He knew if he wanted to keep his manipulation up, he would need to make it stronger. Deadlier. Instead of stringing along his puppets, he wanted to capture them. Capture them in his web of lies and false emotions. He wanted to lure his 'prey' into his trap, willingly letting them trap themselves just like before, but this time. He wanted to ensure his victims couldn't fight back.

He thought it over, thinking of a new method to do this. Thinking of a new alias. And that's when it hit him. He remembered the symbolism that Koizumi used for her manipulation. Being a viper who waits to strike and inject her victim with the venom of manipulation and control. Darius learned from her, for from that day on instead of the puppeteer or gambler, he became the 'ARACHNID'

He felt it best suited his new mindset. His personalities are intertwined in webs, webs created and strung together by emotions, trauma, and more. The symbolism of a spider, a spider that hides in plain sight and waits for prey to willingly walk into its web before striking felt perfect for him. He wanted to willingly let his victims walk into his trap. He wanted to manipulate them into a false sense of security, trust, and kindness so that they would willingly enter his web of lies and deception. Then, before his victims start to realize they may be being manipulated, he strikes and injects his venom into their veins killing their old selves and creating a new version of them. One, he has control over. He wanted to make his victims trust him and become a new person just for him. A version of themselves that he could control and manipulate however he pleased. He wanted to kill their personalities with his venom, aka his manipulation, and create a new version of them. One that Darius could fully control.

Darius slipped on a mask and walked around the city, seeing if his reporter badge still worked, which sadly it didn't. After what felt like hours of walking, he realized he had become forgotten. He had lost his job as a reporter, and his belongings were moved into the Saiky estate. He chose to visit the shrine in search of Koizumi or anyone who could help him out, and that's when he saw it. Koizumi Saiky, the girl he still loved with Sho. Darius's heart shattered as he stared at the two, realizing that Koizumi had moved on from him and left him in his time of need. She had left him when he almost died twice, when he had lost everything, and she left him for the man that she swore she didn't love anymore. How could she? he thought to himself. He remembered that fateful night when she lied to him about Sho liking her. Where she opened up to him saying how Sho and her fight too much and how she disagrees with him. How she begged Darius to stay, how she took a lie detector test to prove she only wanted Darius. He remembered how the day before he went into his coma Koizumi said "I am always here and forever will be with you or in spirit. You won't loose me so easily. Rest well love".

And yet there he stood, watching as the snake left him. She had gone back on everything she had promised him, she had shattered his trust and his heart. She got with a man that she promised she didn't. want, that she even shit talked about why they wouldn't work. And yet there the viper was. He thought about those words "you won't loose me so easily" and how in his time of desperation and true need she was gone.

He Darius left in a rage, and in that moment he manipulated himself to completely get rid of all love for Koizumi Saiky. Koizumi was the only weak point in his personality. She was the only person whom he had gained feelings for, the only person who could affect him mentally if she was hurt or in danger. Despite seeing love as a liability to his manipulation, he opened his heart. to the viper just for her to leave him when he needed someone the most. At that moment Darius gave up on love, he realized how much it truly weakened him mentally and he couldn't afford that. From this point on, he officially had no mental weaknesses. No one could be used against him, no situation could be used against him, Darius's mind officially became perfected and was now incapable of being emotionally manipulated by people who tried to use his trauma or people against him.

Darius had one goal in mind, and that was to become a man capable of outmatching the Mechanic in combat, and to do so he would need to focus his time on training. He kept the fact he knew a secret so that he could use the Saiky estate for training.
Darius focussed on four sorts of training. Muscle, fighting, pain, and breath control. All things are highly useful for combat. He started by regaining the muscle he had lost. He worked out every day in the gym ranging from weight lifting, swimming, and more. He worked on ALL of his body. His upper, his legs, his arms, his neck, everything. This process wasn't easy, and frankly, it was exhausting but if he got to that point before, he could do it again.
After his workout he would begin his next sort of training, boxing. Darius' style has always been and always will be a sort of MMA sort of style, based on boxing and landing large blows with his fists to weaken the opponent down and/or knock them out. Either way, after last time he needed to improve this style. So he would attach rubber bands to his wrists and tie them up behind him so that the bands pulled back against his arms, creating tension. Darius then spent the next hour punching a punching back and wooden dummies, over, and over again. The band pulled against each punch, but with this method, he would be able to punch quicker and harder once the bands were removed. Every time it got easier, he amped up the band's strength, adding more restriction to his punches. Soon enough, he began punching while holding 5-pound weights so that he could get better at punching quicker and harder. This process was exhausting, especially doing it right after working out. But it taught Darius how to punch quicker and harder.
The next sort of training was fist endurance training. This was done right after a small break after boxing. First endurance training is based on the idea of building up the skin in your knuckles to make it stronger and harder, which allows you to punch harder objects without facing things like cuts or bruises as easily. It was a simple process. He started by punching slowly into a bag of rice, and then throughout the set, he would begin to punch harder and harder. He did this up until his arms couldn't do it anymore, even if it meant bleeding. once he could handle punching the rice bag, he moved onto the sand. A much denser punching surface, as well as one that is made up of tiny rocks. This level in the training was to increase the damage your knuckles could take, as well as strengthen your punches. Due to how dense sand can be when compacted into a tight space, punching a crater into it was no easy task. Though once again over a few weeks, his knuckles had grown stronger and adjusted to the density and 'sharpness' of the sand. From there he moved onto gravel, then slowly moved his way up to punching cinder blocks till they broke. This process was long and painful, but one that made his knuckles stronger and much more durable.
The next training he focussed on was pain training. After being cut up and beaten by the Mechanic his body had somewhat grown adjusted to that level of pain, but even so, it wasn't enough. Something he had learned about is being able to mentally weaken the pain without using natural adrenaline to help numb it out. Buddhist, used this technique when it came to stuff like laying on nails or standing on them. Or even touching hot surfaces. It was a technique where the person mentally trained themselves to think past the pain and focus on something else so that the pain becomes irrelevant to them.
So he started by laying on sharp rubble, which made it so rocks pierced into his back in uncomfortable and uneven spots. He forced himself to lay on it for a total of 10 minutes on his back, then 10 minutes standing, then 10 minutes on his stomach. He also took ice baths, which have proven to help the body and immune system. But he did it to help him mentally and be able to put yourself somewhere else so that pain and discomfort become numb and fade. As he got used to the levels of discomfort the rubble faced him, he slowly worked himself up to dulled-out nails that he would stand on and lay on. This helped him learn how to evenly distribute his weight on his body to prevent the nails from puncturing him, which overall helped with balance and steadiness. Once he got used to dulled out, he went onto sharp nails, and once he got used to that sort of level of pain. His task was to at first remain focused on something else and mentally block out the pain. After weeks and weeks of this alone, she slowly moved up to slashing him while Darius was training his boxing. This way, Darius learned how to focus on something other than the pain, and to push through it WHILE in combat. It was something that took almost the entire year to truly master.
The final bit of working out he did was breath training. Having a good and steady breath in combat can help a lot. The ice baths alone helped him learn how to use his breath to cycle blood quickly throughout his body. As well as the swimming he did for his physical training he learned that hyperventilating prior opens up your lungs so that you can consume more air when holding your breath. But that wasn't his goal, his goal was to steady his breathing MID combat
All of this training, took place every day, for over 365 days.

At the end of the year plus training, he had become much more of a threat. Besides being physically stronger than before. He had learned how to mentally handle pain much better, and how to distract himself during combat to make him 'forget' about pain or discomfort. This sort of mental strategy made it so he didn't need adrenaline to numb the pain, he could do it all mentally, all while staying focused on the fight and the task at hand. His breathing was better and improved, being able to take more air in and handle it better which was good seeing how he had a lung transplant. His fists were a lot more durable, capable of breaking stuff like cinder blocks, thick pieces of wood, and even bending or denting 1-inch steel without any repercussions, he truly had reached a point where he could handle himself in combat. But, he wanted something special, some tattoo on his fist or hand that would represent his newfound spider-like mindset. So he got a tattoo of a black widow in a web, the web is attached to his scar caused by his first fight with the Mechanic.

During his training, he had learned from his past fight with the Mechanic that in some cases, no matter his physical strength, he wouldn't be able to win due to weapons or outside factors the opponents may possess. Though, he wasn't good with weapons. He was only good at throwing stuff like throwing knives, cards, or darts. But large-scale weapons like katanas, bats, naginatas, and more he barely knew how to properly use. As well as these larger weapons didn't work well with his fighting style. His fighting style was very much movement-based. He had to be able to freely move around to effectively dodge, counter, and attack and large-scale weapons were a liability to that style of fighting. It would slow him down, make it harder to fight in tight areas, require more balance, and more. It just wouldn't work. But he wanted a weapon, a weapon that would work with his fighting style, a weapon he could use to disable and weaken his opponent and make them beg for the fight to end. He wanted a weapon that would grant him, all of the control. And that's when he remembered Koizumi's poison dart, it was perfect for him. He could carry it and it wouldn't affect his movement, he could use it at long range and short range, and it would weaken his opponents down and grant him full control of the situation. It was the perfect weapon for him. Though, came the issue of what venom he would use. He wanted to use spider venom, not just because of its side effects, but because it fit his new mindset.

After researching deadly spiders he could own and take care of, he found the Sydney Funnel Web Spider. This spider is considered one of if not the most dangerous spiders, and due to its location in Australia antivenom for the creature isn't sold or common in Japan. This, combined with the side effects the deadly creature offered made it the perfect spider for Darius to use for its venom. So he spent all of his remaining KPD and Reporter paycheck he had saved on ordering a total of 4 baby Sydney funnel web spiders. 2 males, and 2 females. Darius spent the next 3 weeks ordering enclosures with stolen money, ordering the proper food for them, and designing the enclosures to ensure they would be comfortable and properly thrive, and overall be in a healthy and proper enjoyment for them. The Sydney funnel-web spiders were spiders that mainly hid out in their underground web system, building webs on top of their main tunnel as well. This made it so Darius didn't have to worry about them getting movement or needing a big enclosure or environment for the spiders to thrive. He set up a total of 5 tanks. The enclosures had a layer of dirt, dead leaves, and some grass at the bottom for the spiders to dig and create their tunnel, and then basic sticks and logs on top so that they could build their webs above the surface too. And as soon as he finished setting all of this up, the spiders arrived.

He cared for the spiders greatly, treating them as a pet. The female's venom was a lot weaker, so Darius didn't milk them for their venom. Meanwhile, the males were 6x stronger than the females. So, right before he would feed them he would take a pipet and gently course the male spider out of its webs. Once it was out he would lift the spider using tweezers, then gently rub the pipet against its fangs collecting drops of venom into it. Once he was done he would go about feeding the spider a mealworm or two then let it be. He collected the venom daily and as the males grew up they only became more deadly. As for the females, he grew a bond with them. Because of their weaker venom, they didn't pose as much of a threat. As well as they were a lot less aggressive compared to the males. Since he raised the two from babies, the two females also grew somewhat of a bond with Darius. He was able to openly hold and transport the two females without any issues. And as long as he didn't do any sudden movements while holding them, they wouldn't bite. These two females later became his official pets.

Darius would store the venom in reinforced glass seals to ensure it didn't leak or get out anywhere. He researched and spent hours studying how to properly milk and collect the spider's venom and luckily it was somewhat easy to figure out only requiring a pipet with a sort of vacuum at the end of it to properly collect the venom of the spider's fangs. Spiders don't reproduce this venom, once it's gone it's gone. So Darius often breeds his male spiders with fang, his female spider, then uses the male offspring to collect more of the venom.

Now that he had the venom, he needed the dart. Using his past knowledge of tranquilizers and their darts that he obtained from KPD he recreated a dart that would push out venom when it made contact with someone or something. However, a simple dart wasn't enough. He wanted to have full control over the situation, he wanted to make the dart as deadly as possible. So he made the tip of it serrated, with two other prongs that would push a bit of venom out of them as well. This made the dart even more deadly.

After spending the last year of his coma working out, obtaining and researching these spiders, making the darts, and more, his mind was officially tampered with. The old version of himself, the puppeteer, was murdered by the venom he created. He created a special personality, a personality that remains dormant in his mind until he needs it. This personality is the embodiment of the tower tarot card, a personality of pure chaos and destruction that has no care for the world around it. This personality has no emotional connection to anyone or anything. In the moments where the personality has control, Darius has no care for anyone or the world around him. He doesn't care what damage he causes emotionally and physically. This personality is the embodiment psychological, chaotic, and perfection in Darius's mind, a personality that can't be emotionally affected, a personality that will fight to the death, and one that is unstoppable. The Eight-Eyes personality.
The name of the personality is based on that of the eight eyes of a spider. The personality only is brought out when Darius's life is in danger, which he will swap out with the psychotic personality. At that moment when the personality is active, he has only one goal and one thing on his mind, and that is to murder his opponent and torture them. And if anyone tries to get in his way, he will go after them too. This version of Darius is deranged and psychotic, going to any lengths to win against his opponent. And the only way to stop it, is my killing Darius Ikemori or knocking him into a state of unconsiousness
When this personality is active, Darius hyperventilates first to open up his lungs, allowing for more airflow to occur in combat to help stabilize his breathing and allow more oxygen to enter his body. It also causes a spike in adrenaline, allowing his body to reach its maximum. While this personality is out in combat, Darius's physical body. is pretty much at its peak.

[!] This section goes into detail about the poison dart Darius's uses. This item is ItemRPed and is only used in lore-related situations with OOCLY consent from the other person. It should be mentioned this section has no relation to the lore, it simply explains how the dart works, its side effects, and more! [!]
The dart was designed so that when it wasn't thrown or in use, it was airtight locking the venom in its place. Once when thrown and it made contact with something, the air-tight seal would break and a mechanized rubber stopper would slowly push the spider venom into whatever it landed on. The end of the dart two had parts where it was serrated, making it so the venom would be pushed out of three ends, and making it harder and more painful to remove. The main end, pushed around 4 drops of venom into the victim every 1 second, and the two serrated parts pushed 1.5 drops of venom into the victim every 1 seconds. This meant if the dart remained in the body for 1 second. The victim would have a total of 10 drops of venom in them, which is equivalent to 0.64 ML. For context, that's enough to kill an 75 pound human in a meir 15 minutes.
This much venom is capable of causing harsh side effects depending on where the dart landed. The closer it lands to the chest, neck, or brain, the worse and quicker the symptoms are. Some symptoms that people will experience upon injection are
- Extreme Agitation
- Confusion (memory loss, forgetting where you are, forgetting what is going on, etc)
- Coma (lack of responsiveness)
- Extreme Headache
- Numbness of mouth and lips
- Difficulty breathing
Rapid heart rate
- Spike in blood pressure (dangerous levels that can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and more)
- Drooling
- Drooping eyelids
- Double vision
- Swallowing difficulty
- Tremors (shaking)
- Shivering (chills)
- Heavy sweating
- Redness around the site of the injection
- Extreme Nausea and vomiting
- Joint pain

Those are just the basic symptoms the victim will experience after just being injected with a few drops of the venom. The symptoms will get worse depending on how long the dart is in place. For context, for every 4 drops of venom = capable of killing a 30-pound human in 15 minutes. If the dart fully injects all 5 ML of venom, death is pretty much gaunteeded unless the antivenom is given. Symptopsm the victim will experience are:
- Severe muscle spasms, usually in the legs and belly area

- Tremors (shaking)
- Collapse (shock)
- Coma (lack of responsiveness)

- Death if untreated in 15 minutes (depending on weight).

The mechanism worked by detecting when the tip pierced through something. The venom is stored in a metal canister in the center of the dart. This prevents venom from leaking out on impact. The canister holds up to 5 ML of venom, which is a lethal amount and would require EMS care to live. The dart is a total of 6.5 inches in length.
The mechanism behind it is somewhat simple. The center of the dart has a glass trapdoor which opens and closes. To load the dart, you transfer the venom into the metal canister via a syringe. The metal canister has two parts, the front or exit where the venom will be pushed out, and the back or entrance where the venom is inserted, and where the rubber stopper will push. The empty back allows full access to the canister, and it's designed to perfectly allow the rubber stopper to go inside the canister and push the venom out. Once the venom is in the canister, you place it into the opening of the dart and make SURE the back of the canister is aligned with the rubber stopper. The rubber stopper will slide perfectly into the canister. Once it's in and aligned, the trapdoor is closed and a small lever on the side is pulled back. This level pulls the rubber seal back to the very end of the canister, pulling the venom up and creating an airtight seal. The lever has a safety mode where if you push down on it, it won't move. If you push down on it again, it will unlock and be ready for attack. From there, once the dart is thrown and it makes contact with something the force caused by the dart making an impact will push the lever forward, causing springs to push the rubber stopper down into the canister, pushing the venom out of the dart, and into the victim.
Weight is added to the front via metal syringe tips to equal it out. Overall, the dart only weighs a light 62 grams, just above the average playing dart.


[!] WARNING: This section contains images of broken bones and talk of vomit, blood, etc. If you do not like these things avoid this section. THANK YOU [!]
♠ The Victim to the Spider's Venom ♠
A total of a year and a half had passed from when Darius woke up from his coma, the coma that forever altered him and his mind and made him the much more dangerous version of himself that he is today. After an entire year and a half’s work of endurance training, physical training, and work with the spiders he was prepared enough and confident enough to go up against the man who caused this all. Who caused his torment and mental shift, the man who shifts the gears of his victims, the Mechanic. He wasn't doing this to get revenge for all the victims whom the Mechanic had affected, no. He was doing this as a way to show the Mechanic that he won on a fluke. That he wasn’t as strong as he thought he was. He wanted revenge for what the Mechanic did to him. He wanted to piece his fangs and inject his venom into the Mechanic’s mind, just like how the Mechanic shifted the gears and inner workings of his mind.

Ikemori grabbed a total of five throwing darts, enough to kill the Mechanic and himself if all darts were used. And two vials of antivenom, which was a year's worth of supply. To even make antivenom, he had to gather over 170ml of venom then ship it off to Australia, and wait for weeks on end before getting the antivenom back. This process took months, and in the time he had spent working out and collecting the spider's venom, he was only able to obtain two 10ml tubes of antivenom, which would be enough to save them both of injected with over 20ml of venom

Before Darius left, he stared at his reflection in one of the test tubes he had set on his desk. The test tube filled with a yellow liquid, the funnel web spider’s venom. Ikemori stared upon his reflection, looking at his scars, looking at the man whom he had become. He used to be a law-abiding citizen, a man who worked for the law, not against it. He used to be a man who would never break the laws, a man who cared for everyone in a heartfelt and sweet way, but now. Because of the Mechanic shifting the gears and interworkings of Darius’s mind, he had changed him. A once gambler, to a puppeteer, to an arachnid, such a shift in emotions and mindsets. A shift that forever altered Darius. As he walked away from the test tube he knew this fight would end in two ways. Ikemori coming out on top and finally getting the revenge he oh so craved for an entire year, or the arachnid being squashed and destroyed by the gears of the Mechanic. Only time and damage would tell, but going into this. Darius Ikemori had the full intention of murdering The Mechanic.

Darius went into the sewers, he was lucky enough to have the Mechanic’s old phone number but alas it didn’t work. He got a new phone, and a new identity, so tracking him down was not easy. He was a man who knew the inner workings of Karakura, a man who worked hard to keep his identity hidden from Karakura despite his attacks. Finding him wasn’t going to be an easy task, but in the end, Darius was an EX SGT. He knew how to hunt down a criminal. After searching for what felt like hours he decided that he needed to gain a new approach to all of this. He knew Valentino was somehow in the criminal underworld, what position? That was unknown but he told Valentino he was looking for the Mechanic for ‘private reasons’. And just as Darius wanted, Valentino spread the information like wildfire. He was a man who was trained to keep his mouth shut when needed, but otherwise, he was someone who would gossip constantly. Spread information with those he trusts, and soon enough this information got directly to the man himself. The Mechanic. He called Darius from a burner phone so that Ikemori wouldn’t be able to track his number. Here is where they revealed his true intentions, he wanted a second chance, a second match. The Mechanic agreed, to do one final match under these conditions.

“If I win, You leave me alone forever, and you will owe me another favor in the future. You don’t lay another finger on us, no matter the circumstance”

“'I want nothing to do with you anymore Ikemori. You;re something of the past, a man whos out of his prime, just stay out of my way. But deal”

“You don’t gotta be a bitch about it, but deal”

The fight was arranged, but they didn’t discuss details of the fight besides a few rules being no EMS, no KPD, and it has to be done in the sewers where no one can interrupt and stop them or potentially cause issues. Otherwise, it was a free-for-all. The plan was to meet up at the intersection in the sewers. A private location in the sewers, one that would determine the future of Ikemori.

As they arrived the two stared each other down for a moment. The Mechanic’s katana and glove sat amongst his utility belt, his mask covering his true expression. Ikemori stood there, staring down the Mechanic giving him a glare that pierced through him like daggers. But it lasted less than half a second. Before the Mechanic could even speak a word, Ikemori shifted his feet, his right in front of his left, and he launched himself forward with extreme force, moving quicker than before. Normally, Darius takes a second to stare down his opponent and speak to them. The mechanic was expecting that. After all, most criminals do it. But Darius wasn’t playing any games, No. Ikemori came here for blood, and he wasn’t wasting a second and by the time the Mechanic realized this, it was too late.
Their distance was somewhat far apart, a few feet from each other when Ikemori dashed towards him, but the mechanic hadn't expected Darius’s body to have improved so much. He was used to being the attacker, attacking his opponents with surprise not being the one being forced on the defensive right off the bat. Before he could unleash any of his weapons, or even block the unexpected speed-blitz, Darius sent his right fist directly upwards and towards the Mechanic’s jaw. As soon as he was close enough to land the blow, Darius twisted his body and pushed himself upward putting not just moment and strength into the punch, but his body weight as well. As the punch landed on his lower jaw a *CRACK* was echoed throughout the empty sewer room. His jaw broke upon impact, and the Mechanic’s head was forced to look up toward the ceiling. The punch was so strong it practically lifted him to the ground, it was here the mechanic realized, that he wasn’t fighting the Darius he first fought, no. He was fighting someone who came for blood.
Before the Mechanic could react to the heavy uppercut, Darius went in for another large blow. His position was perfect. The mechanic’s chest was wide open for the hit, and he was in a state of daze that slowed him down. Darius smirked as he pulled his left fist back this time and as the Mechanic stumbled and regained his balance, he stared Ikemori in the eyes as he landed a nasty and powerful left hook directly toward his ribs. *CRACK*. The Mechanic’s endurance was no longer protecting his bones. Darius had spent the last year and a half training his muscles, his fists, his strength all for this moment. The Mechanic’s right ribs snapped right down the middle as he got sent flying back onto his back, rolling on the dirty sewer floor as if someone tripped while rolling down a hill.

He quickly got up, steading his breathing, making sure his lungs didn’t expand too much to prevent his lungs from touching his ribcage. He was in pain, a lot of it. But the adrenaline started to kick in. As soon as he stood up though Darius was already speed-blitzing toward him again. Sense Darius knew he wasn’t as fast running, he used his strength to his advantage, He launched himself forward, pushing his body off the ground and towards the Mechanic to gain more speed and momentum.

As Darius grew too close for the Mechanic to counterattack, all he could do was quickly create an X with his arms to protect his torso from any more hits. But Darius saw it as a challenge to test his strength. He smiled devilishly as he pulled his right arm back and sent a powerful right hook directly toward the Mechanic’s block. As it hit another *CRACK* was heard. His left forearm, the one most exposed, had broken upon impact. The Mechanic’s eyes widened as his body shook from the pain, his teeth pressing together creating a hissing sound. It was at this moment he realized, the true strength of Darius Ikemori. For once, he felt fear in combat.

The Mechanic had to get his weapons out. Darius’s physical strength was much more powerful than the Mechanic’s. While his endurance remained on top, he knew at this rate Darius would wear him down quickly with such large blows. These first three had already weakened him down slightly, but before he could reach for any weapons, Darius used his left hand to grab the Mechanic’s kitsune mask by the ear and pull him in. While the Mechanic was still in a state of shock and still underprepared for the sudden attacks Ikemori was landing he lifted his knee and slammed it directly upwards into the Mechanic’s gut. The land slammed into the Mechanic’s stomach, pushing vomit up toward his mouth, but Darius wasn’t done. He twisted his body and shifted it so that his foot was now positioned where his knee was and quickly he sent the Mechanic flying back. As the kick landed he held back the vomit creeping up from his throat. He couldn’t keep fighting like this.

Quickly the injured Mechanic caught himself removed the gauntlet from his utility belt and attached it to his left arm. With a quick motion, the five blades swung out. The Mechanic stumbled as Darius dashed directly towards him again. He was pushing him more and more down the intersection, more and more into the tunnels of the sewers. The Mechanic started to sweat, the nauseous feeling from the knee and kick to his gut remained at the back of his throat. And if he breathed too deeply his lungs would press against his ribs and hurt. His forearm struggled to deal with the weight of the gauntlet as it pulled down on the broken bones and bruised muscles. He had started with the advantage of throwing the Mechanic off mentally, and because of this he had the perfect openings to land such powerful punches and blows.

Though the Mechanic couldn’t let this lead last long, he couldn’t let Ikemori have control over the situation. So he allowed the adrenaline to follow through his body and mask the pain caused by the broken bones and the uncomfortable feeling in his gut. As Darius grew closer to the Mechnic, Darius aimed his left fist directly at his solar plexus. The Mechanic smirked under his mask. Ikemori was predictable when it came to his fights, the main that he had going for him was his strength and speed of attacks.

Darius was beginning to become predictable to the Mechanic, his combat style was easily able to be recognized. It was simply a matter of handling the strength that followed with every hit.

“The gambler falls today, all I have to do is land a few slices, and it's over for him.”
The Mechanic thought

Darius leaned forward and down and prepared for another uppercut, this time aimed at his stomach again. The Mechanic smirked as he pulled his gauntlet back and twisted his body, he used his body’s weight and the momentum from the twist to help send his fist directly towards Ikemori’s fist attempting to puncture it like last time. He knew that if he weakened down Darius’s fists, he would weaken down Ikemori

However, what he didn’t expect was for Darius to make a sudden stop. Darius planted his foot into the ground and stopped his movement dead in his tracks. The Mechanic’s attack was already in motion, the gauntlet swung downwards and missed Darius by an inch, his eyes widened as Darius sent his uppercut directly for his chin instead of his gut. *CRACK*
Darius landed a large and powerful uppercut directly in the center of the chin. It cracked down the middle, and his jaw sent a pulsing pain throughout his face as his head whipped back. Because his body was already whipped back a bit, it allowed the Mechanic to jump back avoiding Darius’s follow-up left jab. Darius was clearly on the pure offensive, something the Mechanic could work around as soon as he was able to gather his balance and stance.

And just as the Mechanic expected, as soon as Darius missed his jab and positioned himself he dashed directly towards the Mechanic AGAIN. It was clear that unlike last time he wasn’t going to do any sort of standoff and talking moment. No, he was purely here for blood and the Mechanic realized this. He realized this wasn’t an ordinary fight anymore, this wasn’t a simple revenge fight. No, he realized that Darius was here to beat the Mechanic to death.

“Ikemori you’re stronger, I like that.”
The Mechanic said under the mask as he went on the offensive too, lunging himself toward Darius and aiming the gauntlet directly for his gut. Darius quickly shifted to the defensive and aimed his left fist for an anchor punch to the gauntlet. His fist collided with the metal gauntlet forcing the Mechanic’s fist to go downwards and towards his leg instead of his torso. The 5 blades sliced down Darius’s calf. The punch was strong enough to vibrate the metal of the gauntlet, replicating the sort of energy you get from slamming a metal bat into a rock. As the Mechanic’s body leaned down with the force of the punch, Darius wasted no time to pull his right arm back and land a quick jab to his stomach once again. Vomit filled his mouth as he stumbled back. Swallowing the vomit and hiding his disgusted look behind the mask. Darius repositioned his stance to a standing tall position instead of a leaned-down sort of stance. The Mechanic quickly put his gauntlet away and unsheathed his katana, this way he could gain some distance between him and Darius and still deal damage
The Mechanic realized his strength was no match for Darius’. And if it was a fist versus fist-based fight, he would most certainly lose. But he had chances with his weapons. He held out the katana, forcing a standoff with Ikemori which allowed the Mechanic to fully regain his balance, evening the playing field.

“What’s wrong Ikemori? Not in the speaking mood hm?”

“Shut up and stop talking, I came here to fight, not to talk”

Ikemori said as he stared the Mechnic down. His eyes were emotionless. His face was resting and he looked as if he was tired and depressed. He didn’t even acknowledge the fact his leg was bleeding from the five-bladed slash. He let the blood bleed down his leg and stain his pants. Cracking his knuckles and winding up his shoulder without wasting another second Darius lunged himself with high speed and strength directly towards the Mechanic, and the Mechanic dashed towards him, the katana raised over his shoulder, ready for a downwards sort of slash.

As they grew closer the Mechanic swung the katana downwards over his shoulder, the blade guiding down and going for Darius’s chest. Though Darius kept running towards him, he didn’t stop to dodge, he didn’t adjust his positioning to defend the attack, no. Instead, he lifted his right forearm above his head and blocked the swing from the katana. The katana cut deep into his flesh and muscle, but he didn't flinch. His facial expression and breathing remained the same. Due to the katana being stuck in his forearm he pushed and guided the blade away from his own and the Mechanic’s body, moving his forearm to the right and down, opening up the Mechanic’s chest and face. Darius quickly pulled his left arm back and sent a quick and powerful jab directly into the Mechanic’s upper ribcage. Another crack echoed through the room as the center bone in his ribcage cracked down the middle. It sent the Mechanic back, and Darius’s right forearm now had a large deep cut, followed by another cut down to his wrist which was caused by him guiding the blade away. Blood dripped onto the sewer floor and his outfit.

Darius took a second to unravel his tie, removing it from his outfit. He tightly wrapped it around his forearm cut, slowing down the bleeding. As soon as it was tightly wrapped and in place, he went straight back to fighting, dashing, and lunging head-on toward the Mechanic. Meanwhile, the Mechanic took out the gauntlet and put it on his right hand, and the katana in his left. He didn’t need much strength to use the katana, so it didn’t matter that he was using his injured arm for it. And at the same time as Ikemori, he dashed towards him as well. His mask hid his smile, for once, these two were going 100% in this fight, and the Mechanic was loving it.

Darius sent his right fist directly for the Mechanic’s neck and the mechanic aimed his gauntlet for his bad lung. And at the same time, both their hits collided. Darius’s fist slammed directly into the Mechanic’s jugular, and the Mechanic’s metal gauntlet slammed into his bad lung. They both stumbled back and fell to the floor from the impact. The Mechanic clenched his neck as his throat tightened, making it only harder to breathe. Darius clutched his chest as his weak lungs began to pump air through him at an irregular speed, throwing his breathing off. Darius began to slowly pick himself up, attempting to steady his breathing and the pain from the weakened lung but by the time he was on his feet the Mechanic had swiftly recovered using his endurance and adrenaline to push through the pain. He held the blade in a reverse grip, the katana held pridefully above his head as the point aimed downwards for Darius's heart. He slammed the blade downwards but before it could pierce into Darius’s heart he rolled back and out of range, the katana slamming into the floor instead

As he rolled he quickly rolled back onto his feet, his knees tucked into his chest. Pulling his shoulders back he quickly frog-jumped directly towards the Mechanic, a large and devilish smile spread across his face. Darius aimed his left fist somewhere toward his torso. The Mechanic quickly pulled his fist with the gauntlet back and slammed it directly into Ikemori’s fist. As he took the blow Darius twisted his body with the Mechanic’s punch, this way his fist wouldn’t break on impact, as well as it prepared him for his next punch. Darius quickly sent a quick left hook to the side of the Mechanic’s jaw. He stumbled back as his jaw dislocated from its position. The Mechanic groaned in pain and annoyance as he used his free hand to pop his jaw back into place. Dashing towards Darius he snatched the Katana from its place on his way, they both ran towards each other once again ready for another head-on set of attacks. For the first time, in the Mechanic’s mind, he thought to himself

‘Am I… going to lose?”

The Mechicic unsheathed the 5 blades of the gauntlet and swung it directly toward Ikemori’s neck. Leaning himself back he stopped in his place and dodged the attack, though doing so he lost all the momentum he gained. Before Darius could dodge anymore the Mechanic pulled the katana back and thrusted it forward directly towards his gut. Ikemori knew he wouldn’t be able to fully swerve the attack, so he had to make a sacrifice.

Moving to the side a little he instead let the blade slice fully through his hand. The blade goes in through his palm and out the back of his right hand. Darius pushed through the pain just like before, allowing the adrenaline to follow through his body and lower the pain. He focused on the task at hand, destroying the Mechanic. Setting his mind aside from the pain he pushed himself forward, his hand going down the blade until it was at the guard of the katana. The Mechanic stood there in shock as Darius gripped the guard with his injured hand. Now that he was only a few inches away from the Mechanic, Darius leaned his head back and slammed his head and body forward, delivering a powerful headbutt directly to the Mechanic’s mask. He let go of the katana as he stumbled and fell onto his back, the mask defending his skull and face from any potential damage

The mechanic rested there against the cold, sewer intersection. His hands were planted behind him to keep himself up. He watched as Darius slowly walked towards him, pulling the katana out of his hand. The Mechanic realized something was wrong with this Darius. Something had changed him in that coma. He wasn’t fighting the same Darius from before, no. He was going up against someone much more deadly and ruthless. Someone much more unforgiving

“What’s wrong? It hurts, doesn’t it? To have your bones broken and still being pushed against your limits”

The mechanic didn’t say anything back, he attempted to quickly move forward a bit and shift onto his knees so that he could stand up, but right before he could Darius lunged towards him and kicked him in the upper chest. The mechanic rolled back stopping on his side. He lay there, his breath shaky as the pain from all the hits settled in, pulsating throughout his body

“Go on, stand up.”

The Mechanic once again attempted to quickly stand despite being in agony. But Darius once again didn’t let him. He stomped directly onto the hand with the gauntlet with his left foot, then using his right he stomped onto the Mechanic’s neck pushing him onto his stomach and the floor and cutting off his airway. Removing his feet off the mechanic Darius grabbed the back of his blackout attire and threw him up onto his back before kicking him once again in the upper chest, sending him rolling back into the intersection once again.”

“I said, stand.”

The Mechanic laid there on his stomach. Looking up as he watched Darius slowly approach him again. His breathing was rapid, his body shaky. He eyed the katana, which was bloody and far behind Darius. He attempted to once again stand up. Using his hands to push himself into a crouched position but once again Darius kicked him right back down.

“You’re pathetic. Relying on your weapons and endurance instead of physical strength. You rely on using your weapons to weaken your opponents than play the time game with them? Look where it's gotten you. On the floor, like the sewer rat, you are. ”

The Mechanic is filled with rage. He was being out beaten by Darius, the Darius he once tortured and beaten almost to death in his office. This time, Darius stopped walking towards him, and as soon as he did the mechanic slowly stood himself up. His body swayed back and forth, stumbling forward and down a bit. His balance was so off-centered. His body still shook from the pain. It was clear, that the Mechanic was truly weak. But he didn’t give up.

“You think you’re all that huh Ikemori? Just because you’ve gotten stronger doesn’t mean you are suddenly better. I should have killed you in that hospital bed, and now.. I'll ensure I finish the job ”

The mechanic laughed, and his laugh spread throughout the sewer walls and tunnels like wildlife spreading throughout a forest. Darius stared him down, looking at his eyes through the peepholes of the mask. His expression remained neutral, at this moment in time it was impossible to tell what emotions Darius was truly feeling.

Adrenaline began to pump through the Mechanic again, numbing out the pain again as he hyped himself up. Never once had he gone up against someone like Darius mentally or physically. This was more than a fight to him now, both of them now had the intention to kill each other. And with that being said, Darius Ikemori and Laohu Zhuang dashed toward each other with everything, they had left

Darius pulled his right arm back, aiming directly for the Mechanic’s solar plexus. With the speed and momentum he had gained this sort of hit would finish him off. The Mechanic did the same, except aiming the gauntlet for Darius’s weak lung again, the blades sheathed this time. As soon as he was close enough, the Mechanic swung his fist directly toward Darius’s chest, and Darius swung his fist directly toward the Mechanic’s. But the Mechanic was able to get his attack in first due to being closer to Ikemori. As the hit landed Darius got knocked back, his right ribcage breaking upon impact as his breathing became irregular and unstable again. One lung flowing air at a normal pace, the other at an irregular. He stood there, a few feet away from the Mechanic attempting to catch his breath, struggling to stand. The Mechanic smiled from under the mask as he lunged towards Darius and took this moment of weakened to unsheath the blades and move his arm upwards. As soon as he got close enough to Darius, he swung his arm and fist downwards towards his face. Ikemori still weakened by the irregular breathing lifted his arms and blocked the hit just barely, though it was too late. The 5 blades cut ever so slightly into his eye and nose, cutting the skin but missing the nerves and vital spots. Darius lept back and caught his breathing finally. Blood dripped down his face as his right eye remained shut.

As Darius stood there, blood dripping down onto the floor from his cuts he just laughed. The Mechanic raised an eyebrow under the mask. Why was Darius laughing?

‘You think that hurts..? You think after everything you’re done I wouldn’t have learned a few tricks to counter your cuts and slashes??”

Darius open mouth laughed before slowly letting out an exhale. He opened his arms as he stood there in front of the Mechanic. Blood dripped down the 5 cuts across his eye, staining the right side of his face. The cuts on his arm stained his tie and shirt, leaving the area deep red around it. And the open wound on his right hand dripped blood onto the sewer floor. Darius took a deep breath, feeling the cold sewer air flow against his body and wounds before finally speaking
“Death is among us Mechanic. I feel his cold embrace slowly closing in, the question is.. who will he take today?”

The mechanic stared at him in confusion, thinking to himself
"What is this dumbass yapping about now?"

Darius laughed one more time before saying to himself and the Mechanic"Finally.. I get to test this personality out.. after a year of perfecting it I GET TO TEST IT OUT AND YOU WILL BE THE FIRST VICTIM!!". Darius began to hyperventilate, opening his lungs up and spiking his adrenaline. As soon as his adrenaline reached its maximum, Darius leaned forward and got back into a lunging stance. As Darius reached his physical peak, his personality swapped and the eight eyes of the funnel web spider opened as his killer instinct personality took place. Darius cackled as the world, pain, and thoughts faded away. There was only one goal in his head, to kill the Mechanic. That was the only thing he was focussing on.

As the Mechanic stared down Darius Ikemori, he sensed something was wrong with him. Something had changed. For the first time in his life, he felt nervous and uneasy about this fight.

And with that, Darius lunged towards the Mechanic. And without wasting any time either the Mechanic lunged towards him. But.. Darius had enough of just beating the Mechanic and this back-and-forth banter. It was time that he took full control of the situation. He smiled devilishly at the Mechanic as he reached behind him and under his shirt with his left hand. And before the Mechanic could get close enough to even touch him, he pulled out the poison dart he had been saving and threw it directly into the Mechanic’s neck. Darius laughed as the Mechanic froze in his place as he felt the needle puncture his neck, feeling the venom be pushed into his veins. His eyes darted towards it. He didn’t expect Ikemori to possess any sort of weapon, he had no clue he even had this on him. He quickly pulled it out but it was too late. Enough venom had entered his bloodstream to allow the side effects to kick in shortly. While he was distracted, Darius took the opportunity to instead pull his left arm back and land the strongest punch of the entire fight directly to his liver. A shockwave of pain was sent throughout the Mechanic’s body. His eyes widened as his body completely shut down. He began to fall forward and toward the ground when Darius pulled his right arm back and landed a nasty uppercut directly to his solar plexus. Every bit of air inside the Mechanic’s lungs was forced out, and another large shockwave of pain spread throughout his body. The Mechanic’s body grew fully limp as it fully shut down from both the large impacts to such weak spots, and the entire time Darius was smiling and laughing.

Darius laughed as the Mechanic fell forward, his body unable to move even a centimeter. It completely shut down, he was completely defenseless. Darius grabbed him back the neck, choking him as he lifted his body back up and slammed him into the wall beside them. The Mechanic’s back slammed into the stone wall, causing even MORE air to leave his body. Darius laughed hysterically as he pulled his right arm back and began to deliver right hooks, left hooks, jabs, and more to the Mechanic’s limp and defenseless body. Darius wanted the Mechanic completely in submission, he wanted the Mechanic to have no control over the fight, Darius wanted to destroy the Mechanic so badly physically.. that he wouldn't even be able to throw a measly punch.
*CRACK, CRACK, CRACK*. The Mechanic’s bones began to fracture and break with every punch. Darius aimed for his upper body, arms, and joints to ensure the Mechanic couldn't fight back. Darius was sending full-blown, ruthless, and powerful punches repeatedly to the Mechanic’s upper body and gut. With every hit to the Mechanic's bones, they shattered or broke upon impact. And with every hit to the Mechanic's organs, they bruised and grew weaker and weaker. And whenever the Mechanic got close to regaining the ability to fight back, Darius delivered a nasty uppercut to his liver, disarming his body once again.

With every hit, the Mechanic's backside slammed into the stonewall behind him. While Darius was destroyed the front of his body, the stone wall behind him was doing a number on the Mechanic too. Both the Mechanic's shoulder blades were cracked and broken, and another bone above his shoulder blade cracked too. His spine was fractured in an upper ligament due to his back repeatedly being slammed into the wall. While the injury wouldn't paralyze the Mechanic, it was painful

Darius then aimed directly for his mask. While the Mechanic's ballistic kitsune mask protected him in some way, it couldn't save him fully. Darius began to slam his fist repeatedly into the mask. The back of the hard ballistic shell mask slammed into the Mechanic's face, and his skull slammed into the wall behind it. Darius grabbed the poor, beaten Mechanic by the neck to hold his face in position, and without waiting he went right back to beating the mask. As it slowly began to dent, the pain chipping away the Mechanic's front and back of his skull, fractured. The repeated blows to the mask caused it to slam into his face over and over again, causing it to break the front of his skull badly.

But Darius wasn’t done. He had done all of this damage in 25 seconds, he had another 15 before the venom’s side effects kicked in. He pulled his right arm back and delivered a strong blow directly to the Mechanic’s heart, but what they both didn’t expect was for the Mechanic’s heart to stop beating. The hit was so powerful that despite his ribs protecting it his punch still affected the heart and effectively made it stop beating. The Mechanic grew even more limp as his body began to shut down. He had officially started to die. Darius stepped away as the mechanic fell face-first onto the cold sewer floor, his eyes gently closed and as he let out his last breath he thought to himself

“So this is what death feels like… who would have guessed I would lose to a fucking reporter…”

And with that, Laohu Zhuang died on the sewer floor.

And from the darkness of hell, something grasped the Mechanic's soul. And brought him back. His eyes shot open as his organs began to function again. His heart beat rapidly, his lungs expanded as all the air flowed back into his body. As he grasped ahold of reality, the pain from the shattered bones, bruised stomach lining, and more set in. But throughout all of that, a voice rang throughout the sewers, echoing throughout the Mechanic's head like a bell.

“Only I decide when you die.”

Turns out that when the Mechanic died Darius began to give CRP on him to restart his heart backup, Darius Ikemori had killed the Mechanic and brought him back to life just so that he could finish his task. The Mechanic lay there on his back, his body shaking in agony. At this point, he would rather be dead than alive due to the pain. He coughed up more blood onto the back of his mask before he spoke angrily to Darius

“W-Why would you bring me b-back.. Yo-you should have LET ME DIE YOU BA-”
Before he could finish his sentence, the venom kicked in. He tensed up his body as it felt like 1000 hot knives began to stab him in every nerve, vein, and organ. This level of pain outdid the pain of the broken bones and beating, it was something he never had experienced before. His vision grew blurry, and his head began to spin and get nauseous. His mouth and lips became numb, his body began to heavily sweat, and his breathing became shallow and hard as if something was blocking his lungs. The venom had kicked in, and it was doing its damage

“That’s why. I’m not going to let you die when the best part didn’t start yet.”
Darius laughed as he looked down at the suffering and trembling Mechanic. He lifted his foot and stomped on his stomach. With moments to spare the Mechanic rolled over and lifted his mask as he threw up a combination of his blood and vomit. He felt his heart rate rise to dramatic and dangerous rates. His blood pressure spiking as well. His vision began to double, and he struggled to swallow his saliva. His head pounded as if the concussion he had gained wasn't enough. He was in the most discomfort and pain he had ever been in in his entire life

“It hurts, doesn’t it? Feeling the venom coursing through your veins. Feeling the side effects tortures your body. That dart I threw? A little thing I made while I was gone for a year. I won’t say what's in it, but I’ll say you’re body consumed enough to be lethal. You have 3 hours.”
Darius circled the Mechanic, just like how a predator would circle its prey. He looked down as the Mechanic suffered, a smile across his face. As the Mechanic trembled and shook Darius grabbed the back of his uniform and kneed him in the neck causing him to throw up again as he fell back onto the floor.

“T-three hours till what..?”
The Mechanic said as the side effects only got worse and worse


As Darius said those words, the Mechanic’s eyes widened. He attempted to move his body but the pain from the venom and the broken bones was too much for him. The side effects from the venom rendered him immobile. It was all too much, too overwhelming for the Mechanic. He turned to the side as he threw up again.

“You want to live? You want the side effects to stop?”

The Mechanic nodded, unable to say anything at this point as his throat closed and cut his airways off

“You will leave me alone, and when I need it you will grant me a favor of my choice. No matter the circumstance. If you agree, I'll give you the antivenom. So, do we have a deal?”

Darius Ikemori had the Mechanic trapped in his webs, unable to escape or move, unable to fight back. There was only one way out of it, and that was to accept Darius’s deal. So, he nodded. And as the Mechanic nodded his head Darius leaned down and injected him with the antivenom. It flowed through his veins rapidly and instantly the side effects began to slow down and weaken. The Mechanic began to be able to breathe and see again. He let out a sigh of relief as the pain slowly went away

The Mechanic rolled onto his back, groaning in agony as he did so. His back was the least damaged spot, so laying on it was the most comfortable he could get. His breathing was still irregular, his body so worn down he couldn’t move. All he heard was the footsteps of Darius walking away from him, but he didn’t even have the strength to look

“You will live, painfully. But you will survive. Let’s hope someone can get you.”

The Mechanic tried to speak but he was too weak. All he could do was listen to Darius’s footsteps leave the area. His footsteps echoed through the sewers. Darius picked up the Mechanic's katana and placed it against the edge of the floor intersection. Most of the katana hanging off the side, while the handle remained on the floor. Darius pressed his foot against the handle of the katana with his right foot, then lifting his left he leaned forward and stomped downwards onto the center of the blade. A snap was heard, followed by the sounds of metal hitting the floor.

The Mechanic lay there. His body was so overwhelmed and overstimulated with the insane amount of pain that was pulsating through every bone, and every organ and every inch of his body felt as if his bones and body were being crushed and stabbed. He lay there, defeated, beaten, and broken. Removing his mask he coughed up a bit more blood and threw up before slowly closing his eyes and drifting off into a state of unconsciousness. Where he and his body could finally relax after the brutal beating

After two hours the Mechanic's eyes slowly opened. His body was cold, wet, and dirty. His infamous blackout attire had holes in it from where Darius repeatedly punched and was covered in blood and vomit. The adrenaline that once remained in his body was completely gone, leaving him in so much pain. It hurt to breathe, expanding his lungs with air hurt as his bruised lungs and organs pressed against his ribs and squished together. For the longest time, he just lay there, processing what happened. Processing the pain that he was going through. While the stinging and stabbing pain from the poison was gone, the pulsating pain from his bruised organs and shattered bones rippled through his entire body. For another hour, he remained on the sewer floor. Finally, he gained the strength to ability to stand up. Using the wall as leverage, he lifted himself up and slowly made his way to the Crime Clinic. With every step, pain pulsated through his body. It took him every bit of energy that remained in his body to walk there, and as soon as he did he collapsed back onto the floor, passing out again

The mysterious doctor who assisted the Mechanic in the crime clinic determined that the Mechanic's body would be damaged and affected by this attack for some time. The doctor stated that every organ in his upper body such as the heart, lungs, stomach, liver, etc was all bruised deeply, and would take months or so to fully recover from. Though, this meant that all of those organs had constant weaker tissue in those bruised areas, as well as the organs, were more tender and weaker and more prone to complications if damaged in the future due to the weakened tissue in the organs. The doctor also explained that muscles and joints in his arms and upper body were also damaged and deformed until new muscle growth occurred. This meant muscle growth would be unequal in some places, resulting in the healthier muscle being stronger than the damaged one. Or at least that would be the case until he properly healed
The doctor determined that if the Mechanic were to fight Darius again and be hit like how he was, the tissue in his organs could break upon impact, and potentially be lethal. For the next few months, the Mechanic was weaker in fights and damage. Things would have to change for the injured villain, the question remained, how would he change?

On Darius's end, he walked out of the sewers and went back to. the Saiky estate, where he remained low and called his one friend Moriko, to assist him out on the side. He didn't want EMS officially involved, but he knew with cuts like this. and the environment he fought in it was good to have a trained professional overview his body. As Darius lay there in the Estate, bloody and exhausted, all he could do was laugh to himself. He had won, he had finally beaten the Mechanic but at the cost of his own body. His body was permanently scarred from his fights, scars that would be forever reminders of the damage the Mechanic did to him.

"I won't ever say it to your face, but you fought well. No wonder you are one of the most famous criminals of today... I'm honored to have fought you, and I hope our next interaction will be better than the last few."
Darius said to himself. As he lay there, he finally caved into the blood loss. The eight eyes closed and his personality swapped back. The adrenaline stopped and Darius fainted against the Saiky's building. Resting well for the first time in months.

Credit to @houndrats for making this masterpiece!

♠ The Vessel ♠
After Moriko stitched up his wounds from the Mechanic fight Darius laid low for a while. Hiding out in the Saiky estate as long as he could. He wanted to let the situation die down in case the Mechanic sent anyone after him or any other issues that might become right after such a situation. As Darius sat there alone, healing from his injuries all he could think about was Koizumi and how she betrayed him. But most importantly, she knew about his manipulation tactics. She knew how he manipulated people and his true potential and he couldn’t let her leak this information. Darius had finally reached his prime physically and mentally. His physical body was stronger than ever, and his endurance and breathing were practically inhuman. And his mentality was like an iron wall. No situation, no person could mentally be used against him anymore. He was at his prime and unstoppable. That is, as long as no one knew he was such a manipulator. If that information came out no one would trust him again. His manipulation would become useless to others, only useful to manipulate himself and his emotions and he couldn’t let Koizumi snitch. He knew if she was capable of leaving him and doing such a heartbreaking thing, she could be capable of snitching. So Darius devised a plan. To surprise Koizumi and Sho at the shrine after he was all healed. Koizumi didn’t know he was alive after all, so arriving after over a year would throw her off so much he could use that as leverage and trick her into not snitching. And if it came down to it, if words didn’t do enough damage, his fists would. Before he would never lay a hand on Koizumi, but now, he could do much worse.
Weeks passed and finally, he was healed to the point where he didn’t need the stitches in, and all that was left was a red scar across his arm, face, and palm. So with his confidence at its highest, his physical state and mental state in his prime, he left the Saiky Estate in the dead of night and headed into the forest to confront Koizumi Saiky, the now shrine lead. As he walked through the forest little did he know he was being watched, watched by a being that would change his life forever. Pausing in the moment Darius heard sticks snap around him however he continued on.

“Another one enters the trap, lost in the forest. You’re rather brave aren’t you?”
A female’s voice spoke out to Darius. He stopped in his steps and raised an eyebrow. The voice sounded like it was everywhere around him. He turned around to see nothing, he looked up and down, and again nothing. There was no one around him. Shrugging his shoulders he kept walking more toward the shrine. A cold feeling washed over his body for a moment. Darius swore he could feel another brush against his mind, dive into a world riddled with secrets and manipulation.
“You think you’re the best don’t you? You believe you know all… you see all. You think you’re the most powerful and yet also so so so weak.. But I suppose that is to be expected in this city. Say Ikemori, do you like games…?”
Darius turned around again, looking around the forest looking for anything. Finally, he spoke back. His voice was low and serious
“Whoever you are if you have an issue with me say it to my face, don’t hide behind the forest to mask yourself.”
Suddenly, before his eyes a spirit appeared in front of him. The spirit was a slender woman, with red skin and horns. A snake tattoo curled around her arm as she wore a somewhat flowy kimono-style outfit. She gave Darius a slight smile as she looked at him
“Hmn, shame shame. I like playing games! Run! It’s more fun… The forest is my home, you only trespass against my borders. Isn’t, ah yes, it is a crime? Are you going to return to the cell? You’d be a good vessel, easy to use. A good vessel.. One capable of many things.”
His eyes widened as he saw the demonic figure appear before him. Darius began to get into a backward lunging stance, a stance that would allow him to launch himself backward and run away if needed. Darius as an SGT experienced the horrific capabilities that the spirits of Karakura possess. He knew that he couldn’t ever beat a spirit let alone even HIT one. Humans and human objects and weapons aren’t capable of touching spirits. Only blessed and cursed blades and other spirits can lay a hand on each other. Darius had neither of these. This was a being that no matter what Darius wouldn’t win against, his only option was to either listen or run. But even so running may not be an option with a spirit like this. He remained calm, his breathing steady and his eyes focused on the spirit.
“Trespassing? This is a public forest it is- why am I arguing with a spirit? Listen, I have no clue what you’re talking about. But I can assure you I’m not the right one for whatever ‘’project’ or plan you have set in stone.”
“That’s where you are wrong, Ikemori. You have a free soul, free ability to go wherever you want. A pretty little plastered face that people look to. Shattered by a man who took you out and broadcasted your pain. Such a reputation as yours with Shrine, Police, EMS, and Reporters! Oh, you will be perfect!! Despite your stupid hospitalization and your rather weak lung, it will surpass. Your manipulation and selfish behavior of only caring about yourself is stupid. Selfishness gets you killed… My brother sadly is like you. Maybe you need to be taken down a notch.”
The spirit teleported herself right in front of Darius, their face being only less than an inch away. Darius lunged himself a few feet back as his heart began to race. Darius wasn’t an anxious person, especially when it came to confrontation or a fight. But a spirit is something that he knew he would lose. He remembered the stories and watching his fellow officers be stabbed by the spirits, their bones broken in front of their eyes by an invisible being. He remembered how even PD’s taser, baton, and tranquilizer all phased through these beings. Despite all of this, he quickly reached behind his back and threw a poison dart head-on at the spirit. The dart flew at high speeds towards the spirit aiming directly for her neck but as it reached her it phased right through her.
A smile crept across the spirit's face as the dart phased right through her body. And before it flew too far away she reached out and grabbed it. Bringing it to her face she took out the vial of venom and ****yzed it and the dart, watching the golden-colored venom move in the vial. As she was distracted Darius turned around and lunged himself deeper into the forest, running for the shrine. The spirit’s laugh echoed throughout the forest and before he could even get 15 feet away from the spirit she teleported right back to him and slammed the now reloaded dart into his chest. Darius watched as he watched the venom injected into his bloodstream, and before he knew it the spirit kicked him in the gut and sent him flying back 10 feet. Vomit crept up his throat as he landed and rolled onto the dirty ground, his back slamming into the back of a large oak tree. Darius threw up onto the ground, coughing as he pulled the dart out which he realized now had half the venom in the chamber. Quickly he pulled out the antivenom and injected it into himself, his breathing was faster as he used the tree to help himself back up to a standing position. One hand was planted against the tree, used to support his body. His other hand gripping his gut. The kick was powerful, it felt as if a car slammed into his gut compared to a kick. Darius looked up to see the spirit gone from her position, his eyes darted around examining the forest but before he could react the same voice spoke to him in a whisper right by his right ear

“Hmn… You really thought you’d get me with that?”
Darius’s flight or fight began to kick in. An emotion that not even he could fully control. The issue was, his fight or flight was to fight. As adrenaline began to spike in his body without any hesitation he swung his body to the right, swinging his left arm along with it. Darius’s fist swung and slammed into the tree, but when he did so no one was there. His fist left an indent deep into the tree’s bark. He quickly pulled out his fist and shook off any splinters or bark that was left on it.
“Fuck off spirit.. I have connections to the shrine. I know the leader! I can have you murdered and sealed away for good. You want to lose your eternal life over a human?”
“HA! You mean Saiky? What makes you think she’ll help you after everything… remember who left you Ikemori. You are ALONE, and you forever will be! She's gone, and she won't lift a finger to help someone like you… I’ve seen everything.”
“You underestimate my abilities with that woman, I've controlled her emotions before you think I can't do it again?”

Darius’s heart began to fill with fear. He realized that this spirit was targeting him. His eyes widened as he realized that this spirit was fully capable of killing him if she wanted to. Her strength was beyond anything human, his speed was insane and quicker than the eye could register, and nothing Darius could use against her would work. As he snapped back to reality and out of his head, he realized he was somehow in a deeper part of the forest. Darius ****yzed the area around him quickly, his eyes darting and looking for every inch of detail in the forest. He was surrounded by a much more dense forest, with mountains covering each side of him besides in front.
And behind him was a deep deep lake. But as he started at it, something about it was, different. The water seemed more cloudy; instead of sky blue, it was a deep navy blue. It was.. Unnatural.
Suddenly, the spirit reappeared in front of Darius. And as she did Darius quickly turned his attention back to her instead of the lake.

“Ya-di-da-di-DA! Ugh, you’re so annoying, seriously you know I have a name? Oh well, you’ll be haunted by it soon.”
Darius was cornered. Nowhere to go. Fear filled his heart as he realized he was trapped. So, in a last attempt, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. The fight or flight feeling began to fade instantly, and as he opened his eyes the world around him became dark and the only thing that stood out was the spirit. Darius had tapped into the Eight-Eyes personality, and as he did so, he quickly hyperventilated, filled his lungs with air, and filled his body with the maximum adrenaline he could handle. The spirit smiled as she watched Darius go from fearful, to psychotic. His mouth opened as he let out a devilish laugh. His eyes stared dead into the spirit as if it were the only thing in the world. Getting into his lunging, fighting stance he yelled out
Darius lunged towards the spirit and pulled his fist back, and right before it made contact with her she teleported behind him.
“Heh… too slow.”
Darius’s eyes darted behind him and within half a millisecond he swung his right foot behind him sending a nasty hook kick. Still, as he did so she once again teleported to his side this time, and before he could even react she slammed her knee into his gut. A crack was heard as one of his ribs broke instantly and he was sent flying back into one of the mountainsides to the left of him. A grunt left his mouth as he stumbled back onto his feet.

“Oop, Oh someone is ANGRY! This was the weird personality you housed? What the fuck, ew. You’re like my brother.”
Darius didn’t say a word, instead, he chuckled at the spirit and adjusted his stance again. Quickly, he jumped back a little and pressed his feet into the mountain behind him while still in mid-air, and quickly he launched himself using the mountain to help push him towards her. Darius landed directly in front of her and as he did he began to punch after punch towards her. His fists moved rapidly and were full of strength but even so, the spirit was faster. She dodged every attack, swiftly moving her body without barely shifting her feet. Darius began to get frustrated as the spirit dodged every attack he sent at her. As soon as she saw an opening to his chest she moved her hand and flicked her finger into his gut. The simple flick sent a ripple throughout his skin and sent him back a foot. As he replanted his feet he swallowed the vomit that crept up his throat from such a light attack. But before he could even react again she teleported directly to him and sent a slight punch to his liver. His skin rippled once again from the hit, his eyes widened as wide as they could as he felt his entire body shut down.
As he fell forward and towards the ground she kicked him directly in the side of the skull, just like a soccer ball. A crack was heard as his skull fractured, his body being sent rolling onto the ground. Darius lay there on the ground as the spirit approached him. His vision was blurry, and his body was shaky despite still being in the eight-eyes personality. Was even the eight eyes personality, a personality that was incapable of fear becoming afraid..? She teleported to him and grabbed him by the back of the neck, choking him. He gagged as he reached for her hands but despite her being able to grab him somehow, he couldn’t even touch her. She dragged him to the entrance of the lake, where she then pushed his head only an inch away from the water.

“Alright sorry ass brother. After too many fucking years waiting I found you a vessel. He’s weak I apologise but then again all of them are. Consider my debt repaid, have fun Ryū this is the last time you’ll have my help.”
As she spoke, two deep blue eyes appeared in the water, and whispers filled the air. She smiled as Darius's eyes and heart filled with fear as he stared into the eyes that reflected in the lake’s water. He squirmed and wiggled as he tried to break free, but she was so much stronger than him. Her inhuman strength was something beyond Darius’s strength, something probably 10x his own strength. He tried everything he could as he slowly began to panic. But before he could even say another word the spirit kicked him in the back of the head, knocking him out instantly. As she did so she then kicked his lifeless body into the lake.. His limp body sank into the murky water, bubbles floating to the top. The spirit stepped back and watched as suddenly the river turned red. The land around her shook, the ground cracking as fire began to erupt through the cracks in the ground. Suddenly, eight blue eyes formed in the water as an evil and deep laugh echoed throughout the forest which now had a dark and red fiery glow. The spirit laughed as the cracks in the ground spread to the trees, the fire from those various cracks creeping up the trees and burning their leaves into nothing but ashes. And just as quickly as it started, the area around shifted back to normal. The red glow disappeared and the fire in the trees stopped instantly as a wind put it all out. The spirit shook her head as she teleported away from the river, and as she did so Darius popped out from the lake. He was soaking wet, his eyes wide open as he placed his forearms against the lake's bank. Crawling back up onto the land he coughed up the water in his lungs and began to take rabid and quick inhales of air. He rested there against the forest's ground, resting on his knees and forearms and he gathered his breath.
Suddenly, he felt the feeling of fire against his neck and chest. It felt as if someone was taking a hot branding rod to his neck and chest. He sat up on his knees as he clenched his neck with his right hand, and his chest with his entire arm. The burning sensation only got worse. It felt as if something was being burnt into his neck and body. The pain wasn't spreading, it remained in the same spot. As the burning got worse his right eye suddenly shifted in color. While Darius's normal eye color is a very deep brown, a brown that is almost black in certain lighting it now has shifted to light blue. And suddenly a dark spider emblem formed on his forehead.

His head grew light as if he was about to pass out. It felt as if he was fighting for consciousness. Was it the burning pain making him about to pass out? Was the pain of burning pain in his neck and chest too much for him? As he struggled to stay awake and conscious, he heard an evil and deep laugh in what seemed to be his head. Darius slowly looked up, and as soon as he did so he regretted his decision. His heart sank, and true panic and fear set in. He looked up to see a shadowy figure standing in front of him. The figure was strong, with a bulky size. As Darius stared at the figure, eight blue eyes opened, and six spider legs grew out of the figure’s back. Darius froze with fear, while the burning sensation stopped he couldn't move his hands or neck off his chest, his breath hyperventilating, as he stared at the 8-foot-tall, spider-humanoid figure. A smile crept across the figure’s face, a smile that had sharp teeth and spider-like fangs on the sides of it. As a laugh erupted through the forest, Darius closed his eyes and began to have a panic attack. Suddenly, it all stopped. It didn't fade away, it just stopped instantly. As he slowly reopened his eyes the spider symbol that was once on his forehead faded away, and his right eye returned to its normal brown color. Still in a panic he rapidly looked around but it was just him, no one else, not a creature or human in sight. Darius now not frozen in fear shakely and quickly stood up. His balance was off as he was still in such a panicky state. But as soon as he gained balance he ran out of the forest. He had completely forgotten about Koizumi, right now he was terrified and didn’t want to be in the forest out of fear of it happening again. Darius was afraid for the first time since his coma, and Darius had lost. But little did he know the true suffering that was to come from this interaction. The true torture and torment that he was soon going to experience.
And little did the shrine know, that The Tyrant Born from Hell’s Flame was free from his seal.


Thank you to Diving, Customizable, and England for making this lore possible!!

Credit and big thanks to @harubii, @deztinsy on discord, @wavestalker on discord, and @GuttedValentine, @houndrats, and @Meek_Villian for making the art of Darius! They did a wonderful job and I highly recommend ordering from them! And thank you to @6panda for making the custom tarot cards!!!
Below is all the Artwork EVER made for Darius with who made it!! I suggest ordering from all of these lovely people, they have all been amazing and wonderful to work with, all with fair and wonderful prices too (if my broke ass can afford it so can YOU!!!)

Big Tittied Darius (Awooga)
Darius After Chapter 12
Made by @houndrats

"It's Time For a Fresh Start"
Darius at the start of Chapter 7
Made by @harubii

Darius's Back Tattoo
Made by @harubii

"The Arachnid"
Darius at the start of the Arachnid Arc (Aka before training)
Made by @harubii

"Has the Puppeteer... Met his Match?"
Darius VS The Mechanic at the reporter station incident. The artwork isn't lore accurate though as in the real situation the Mechanic had his mask him plus Darius was stabbed. This artwork takes place if the Mechanic never stabbed Darius and instead, they fought right after the broadcast

Made by @harubii

"The Devil's Hidden Fate"
Headshot of Darius with one of his tarot cards

Made by @deztinsy on Discord

"All In"
Darius gambling in Korea
Made by @GuttedValentine

"Death is Among Us"
Darius VS The Mechanic
Made by @peachh0ney on discord! (They are not from SRP and I got them from an art discord server, if you are interested in buying from them keep that in mind!)

Darius in recovery
Made by @uta or wavestalker on discord

"The Chaos King and His Apprentice"
Ryu in control of Darius's body with 'Miho’ Manami
Made by @uta or wavestalker on discord

Eggius Eggimori
Made by @Meek_Villian

Made by @Meek_Villian

"Jail Time Pooksters"
Made by @Meek_Villian

"Only I Decide When You Die"
Darius bringing the Mechanic back to life
Made by @ZackTimeKiller !!

I will update this as time goes on. And no, no one will be added to the relationship section BESIDES important people who play a large impact too lore. Those who do play a large impact will be given a nickname and will either be kept anonymous for lore reasons (to prevent metagame) or will be named. Though normal friends or family will be left out of it.

is the most detailed shit ive ever read in my entire life. oh. my. god.

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