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Denied dARK_NEssSss nurse application

What is your Minecraft username?: dARK_NEssSss

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Harvey#4714

How old are you? (Optional): N/A

What is your time zone?: BST (english)

Describe your activity on the server: i am on everyday for around 8-12 hours depending.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): I do not conclude of any bans, though i have a few warnings

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: i most definitely understand if i am not active i will most certainly be

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
School nurses perform a critical role within the school health program by addressing the major health problems experienced by children. This role includes providing preventive and screening services, health education and assistance with decision-making about health, and immunization against preventable diseases.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: i have been playing for over 2 years, and im very active so i have alot of experience.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:




What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): i am currently grade-12


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Harvey would simply shake his head in disappointment, before warning the student that they could end up in deeper trouble if they continue with the current misbehaviour they show him. He’d then ask them kindly to stop doing so they avoided the upcoming yet possible trouble. If it kept going for longer however, Harvey wouldn’t hesitate to give them a detention.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Harvey would immediately jump in and then get between the two individuals, raising his voice only to tell them to stop at an instant. He’d then split them apart and talk to each one separately about why the fuss occurred. If that didn’t go as mentioned, Harvey would simply give them a warning, that being if they kept on going, they’d meet him in detention after school.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Upon noticing what his co-worker is doing, Harvey would slowly approach the adult individual and ask them if they needed any help with their task. If they refused however, Harvey would insist on providing them assistance. If nothing happened however, Harvey would then drag them out of it and tell his co-worker that he’d inform a higher up, or someone more capable of handling the job for

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

Harvey would greet everyone in the break room with a warm welcoming smile. He’d then take a clean mug and fill it with coffee after reaching the nearest coffee machine. Once he’s done that, he’d ask the others if they’re in the mood to conversate about their day. On the other hand, if he was alone in the break room, he’d take his cup of coffee, take a few sips and neatly sit down on either a chair or a couch, thinking of what to do once his break is over, and potentially what to do once school time is over, and even the weekend.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me he’d have his hands on top of the counter, one on top of the other, awaiting to assist and additionally greet any student who came to face him. Once a student did come in front of h gaze, he’d beam a warm smile to the student in front ‘’How may I be of help, dear?’’

/me Once hearing the student’s situation, he’d give them a nod and immediately went to grab the proper items, that being a towel, a thermometer, pills, or anything else that was needed for the time being. Once done, he’d sit beside the now layed student and treat them with the item he just got.

/me He’d lead the student out of the nurse’s office, whilst guiding them to the door. Once getting to the door, he’d open the door and beam them a warm smile, saying : ‘’And remember, if anything happens again, just come by! Though do be more careful next time!’’ he’d then wave to the student, before going back to his seat, sitting down.

Growing up Harvey was always the caring and helping type of person, whether it was helping physically or emotionally he didn’t care and always helped with anything. When he reached the age of 5 years old he started helping around the house doing things such as cleaning, cooking, etc. He would do this until he reached 12 years old. He eventually started his mother who worked as a nurse, when it was discarding bags, putting away medical equipment, etc. Which led him to learn basic medical care at a young age. When he would play outside with his friends and one of them gets injured he would clean and bandage it up until they went to the doctor. And when his parents felt ill he would give them correct medicine, cook them food, and generally take good care of them until they felt better. By the time he turned 16 years old, he started working with his school’s nurse even though he didn’t get paid he was happy to take care of his peers which got him rather popular. When he turned 18 years old and had to go to college, he chose to study becoming a nurse. A year after studying in college, his sister gave birth to his nephew ‘Haiden Parker’. He wanted to be there for his sister while she recovered from her pregnancy even while still being in college. While his sister recovered he would take care of Haiden by feeding him, changing him, bathing him and taking good care of him while his big sister rested. When she finally recovered, he went back to focusing on his studies, still making time to spend time with Haiden. This went on until he graduated with a degree in nursing by the age of 23 years old, and he started working at the hospital that Haiden was born in. He worked there for a long time and got along well with his colleagues and patients due to his kind and helpful nature. By the age of 34 years old, he was on break when he saw Haiden stumble into the hospital with large cuts all over his arms, hands and his left pinky and ring finger cut off, he rushed out immediately taking him into the E.R, he cleaned Haiden’s wounds and stitched them off and wanted to re-attach his cut off fingers but wasn’t able to because Haiden couldn’t manage to find his fingers. After an hour of taking care of Haiden, his mother rushed to the hospital and thanked Harvey for taking care of Haiden when she was very busy, after that he went back to doing his job. He continued to work at the hospital for another 3 years before deciding to move to Karakura, Japan from Seoul, South Korea, to spend some time with Haiden and because it was Harvey’s dream to live in Japan for some time. He spent his last few days in Seoul bonding with his friends and family one more time before moving to Karakura. When Harvey moved to Karakura, he was picked up by Haiden at the airport, and was taken to his apartment until he found his own apartment. He spent a week looking around and experiencing the culture and city. After a few weeks Harvey wanted to get back to working as a nurse, and wanted to work at Karakura’s school, knowing Haiden attended there and to take immediate care of his nephew if something happened to him.

In-Character Section

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Harvey Ventae

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Preferred Name: Harvey, Harv

Age (Minimum is 25): 36

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: Christian

Marital Status: Single

Academic Degree: core medical training, nursing school

Year of Graduation: 1999

Major(s):maths, Science

Minors: english, PE

Nationality: British

Current Location: Karakua, japan

Native Languages: Japanese, British

Other Languages: Russian, Jsl

Motivation for Joining KHS: it has always been a dream of mine to join the KHS, especially the nursing faction, i think i will see new rp that only some, lucky ones have experienced. I also have never been able to have all these cool accesses, including adopting kids, having access to new doors. I just feel like it sounds to good to be true!

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"): N/A

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: i feel i have extra patience, that others do not as I will always be online and you can ask me in discord messages to hop on and i will!, i also have great working experience and I hope to be that cool nurse that everyone likes! I am quite chill as-well and will try to not annoy anyone and keep it appropriate.


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application: N/A

Do you have any questions?: N/A
Last edited:


Level 347
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying, however, your School Employee application won't be accepted today.

After carefully reading through your application, I have found a few errors that could be improved upon should you decide to re-apply:
Please fix the formatting in this application upon re-applying

DM me on Discord if you have any questions regarding your application: @KimiNoUso#9999

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