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daypee's Police Application (KaiRP)


Level 2
Kai's Police Application


IGN (In-Game Name): daypee2, [Alt: daypee, used to be KaiRP]

Previous bans: None

Describe your activity on the server: I’m quite active on the server. When I didn’t have my alt, I was on that account quite a lot. I’m on from Sunday-Saturday for at least 6 hours minimum. Due to no school, and no sports, I’m on both Discord and SRP daily. My AR check added up is well over 150 days.

Which timezone are you in?: I am currently in Washington, which is PST.

Do you have Discord?: Yes, I do. Kai#3610

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: I do.

List your current and past applications:
Police Application:

Korean Application:

French Application:

Spanish Application:
I do not have the link, but on my daypee2 account I have it.

There were also some denied police applications which took place before my one got accepted and one Spanish application which I can not seem to find, but it's on my daypee2 character.

What is your motivation for applying?: My motivation once again for applying is the experience PoliceRP gives. Being off the force has made me see how people really act to cops and it’s quite disappointing and I hate to be part of it. Throughout my time when I was an officer, I enjoyed my time and I wish for that again. It’s a roleplay that isn’t like anything else and that's what I like about it. I’ve gone through a ton of roleplays; JockRP, PoliceRP, GangRP, StudentRP, all of that, yet I still enjoy the time as a Police officer more than the others. The officers apart of it were also a wonderful thing about the force. Working with them was a great time and I’d like to continue to work alongside them. I’d also love to once again, be an influence and role model for others wishing to apply and give it a chance. One last thing for why I want to apply is being able to stop GangRP once again. I'll admit, I was apart of it for around a week mainly due to how much I was getting bored on SRP and the stories I heard about how people get 100+ kills on characters isn’t right. As well as how people walk around with their Katanas out, acting as if nothing is going to happen. It's utterly stupid, yet they don't care till a cop comes. Last thing is I wish to continue working hard as an Officer and possibly one day be as good as the officer I looked up to, who, sadly left after I did.

I've also got quite tired of what people are turning SRP into and I wish to once again, be able to change that. People are spitting on cops for no reason, yelling at them, starting MINI raids that last 5 seconds, and all that. It's quite disappointing knowing I have to be apart of this.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?: Yes, I’ve had plenty of experience with these two things and I understand it.

What are the Police ranks?:
The ranks go in order from Highest to Lowest with most power to least.

"Protect and Serve."

A brief little thing about the commissioner is that they run and look over the whole police force making decisions, above all.

The captain looks over the rest of the force making sure they all do their jobs properly.

Head Investigator - Head lieutenant
These both, are roles that are meant to be fit for the position to look over others as well.

Investigator - Lieutenant
This is when you’re considered a “Higher-Up”, it’s when you get a glock as well.

Investigator Trainee - Sergeant
This is the next step after a corporal, not exactly anything special besides being a step closer to being promoted to a Lieutenant.

This position is where the trainers get to decide if you’re fit for being a trainer. And if so, you’re either set as a physical or informational trainer and you train cadets.

Patrol Officer
This is the role after you pass your cadet test and where you can patrol alone and leave front desk.

The first rank you get when you enter the first. You go through training until 1-3 weeks after where you get your test. You get two tries, after failing both, you’re demoted.

When becoming a Corporal, you can decide to either jump to the investigator league or stay in the original officer rank and possibly be promoted to Sergeant.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?: I have a lot of knowledge of Police Work. Mainly due to the fact I was in the force for 4-5 months. Cops in the force 60% of the time either sit at front desk and do.. Desk duties… or patrol. The other 40% of this time is answering calls, finding culprits, doing reports, raiding, and trainings. Being an officer is indeed stressful but through-out the time being an officer you make good memories with others and enjoy your time. While in the force you’re always risking your life, you’re always having to be on the edge and make sure you and others are safe. While being a cop, the things I did over the time were sit at front desk, patrol, do pat downs, chase culprits, taze people running, arrested individuals, fined people, raided houses for weapons, raided speakeasies, went on manhunts, took reports, all of that. I was also a trainer, and when you’re a trainer you’re a role model for the cadets. You’re what leads them to being a good cop. You give them their knowledge. While being a trainer, you train 1 to up to 3 times a week depending on the amount of trainers. There are also police-codes you sometimes use over the radio or in person, the two main ones are 10-8 and 10-4. 10-8 is for when you're on duty and someone asks, 10-4 is that you understand what the officer or EMS is saying to you. As well as in the force you have to be able to work with your fellow officers AND EMS. There's also one thing new people applying for this position don't realize. They aren't ready for death. Overal, This is my knowledge of Police Work. Of course it’s not all, seeing as it’s hard to put everything into a doc, but this is wrapped up.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?: I’ve thought over this question for a while and realized more about it. Their important for the amount of GangRP and non-SchoolRP acts. People commit crimes a ton for no reason at times. They get assault perms, boom, they assault them. They get kill perms? Wooh, murder. And this would go completely out of control without cops. Cops make it so it’s more of a SchoolRP instead of completely CrimeRP. Without cops, people would be killing on the side of the street, in front of people, all of that. They would be mugging people, they would be assaulting people, all of that. Cops keep it in order and realistic.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?: Yes, I acknowledge this. I’ve experienced it as well, watched it happen, so yes.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?: I understand.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?: I do, and I know it can get highly annoying when you host a training and people are on their alts.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?: Yes, I acknowledge this.


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?: Oliver is a 6’4, fit British male. He has blonde hair that fits him well with olive green eyes. Mainly what makes him unique is he knows how to deal with situations in the police force unlike others that may be applying. He’s had plenty of training and experience so he knows what to do in an instant.

What he's like on and off the job?: On the job he’s a laid back male, although focused on what he’s doing. He knows how to follow commands as well as take lead if necessary. Off the job, he isn’t much different due to the fact he’s still a cop and needs to look out for crime. But, seeing as he doesn’t go off duty much, there isn’t much of this time although off duty he may be seen messing around, although always keeping an eye out for crime to report back to the station due to not being able to take action.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?: He has a great outlook on his co-workers even if he may not be fond of them all. Tried to encourage them all, and give great, positive words to them to try and make them feel better about themselves. He has a simple future for him and his girlfriend. He wants a decent financial life, with a wonderful relationship.

BACKSTORY: Oliver Huri Concord, born on December 13th, 1992 in a small town in America. His father, which was Korean, and his mother, who was English, didn’t always have the greatest financial life. Being a young, only child boy, Oliver didn’t understand what was going on. His parents would always fight, yelling, screaming, telling one another to get another job. Although it would’ve been hard with a child in the house. They weren’t thinking about their child, though. Both parents got a second job, never home, always leaving a TV dinner in the microwave for Oliver when he got home from school. He went to a small school in his town, never had many friends. He wasn’t the social type up until later. Oliver never really saw his parents, seeing as they were busy in their jobs to even focus on their eleven year old kid. As an only child, and being this young, it was had for Oliver to take it all in. He was practically living alone. Their parent’s money issue got better, but they kept working. Long hours, all week. Oliver tended to get himself in trouble more, thinking it wouldn’t matter since he never saw his parents. He even began skipping school at times. What’s the point in an education? Continuing this for a few years, at age 16, he moved away. He firstly moved to somewhere not too far, just somewhere away from America. He got a job at a fast food restaurant, just to supply him some money to afford an apartment and food. Then at age 17, he moved out and to Japan. Why not? He’s seen decent schooling there, what was the hurt? Once he flew all the way out to Japan, he landed in a town called Karakura. Of course, he had no clue what this town was like, no clue how to even Speak Japanese, so the first thing he did was find someone who could teach him. It took in real life people as well as online sources to then begin to learn the basics. He could go around asking people where the school was, and where the food market was. They said the basic food market was the family store, which indeed it was. It was open 24-7 and that is where he spent half of his time. They then pointed to where the school was.. Only a gasp to which he saw the school. It was 10 times bigger than the one he went to in America! He decided to rent out an apartment near the school, and try and settle in. Every night until summer ended, he kept looking up on online sources how to speak Japanese. He then slowly got better and better, until he almost poke it fluently. He then, when people asked, said it was his native language, trying to get rid of his past. He wanted to start new in Japan. For the first few weeks, he didn’t tend to have anyone to talk to. And on top of Japanese, he went to learn Spanish and French. He met someone in that class which then stayed with him the rest of his life. She was his savior. But after continuing in this school, he got a job at KFC, and then soon graduated! He was then enrolled in a college in Karakura as well, what else could go better? He then thought about Major and Minors he wanted to take.. He thought about how his past hurt him, and how he didn’t want anyone to be hurt physically because of that. He went in to take the majors of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. He took the minors of Criminology, Psychology. Even still with his friend by his side, he kept on studying these. He read books, read things online, still trying to understand it all. What it took to be an officer, what you’d have to sacrifice. Oliver then made an application and got accepted! He was in the force for around 4-5 months before resigning due to personal reasons. He spent some time realizing what it was like as a normal citizen and decided to want to try and re-apply and join back into the force.

[Personal Details]

Full Name: Oliver Huri Concord

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Conker, Ollie, Olive

Preferred Name: Oliver OR Conker or his badge number.

Age: 27

Gender: Male

IC Phone number: 980-626-728

Religious Denomination: Oliver has no religion.

Marital Status: He’s in a relationship.

: Olivers an English boy

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

[Academic Details]

Years of training: 5 Years of training.

Working Experience: He’s been a cop and had that experience, knowing how to deal with stuff in the force. He’s also worked at multiple places as security, giving him more time to practice.

Academic Degree: Masters in both Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement.

Year of Graduation: 2012

Major(s): Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice.

Minor(s): Criminology, Psychology.

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: Korean, Spanish​
Last edited:


Level 135

After reading through your application and getting an input from the other officers, we’ve come to a decision that you’re suitable for the police-officer role.

Upon seeing this, be sure to check the Karakura Police Department discord.

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