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Denied Design and Technology Teacher Application

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Level 0
Hi, this is my second app. because my first one was never accepted nor denied. I was debating whether just to wait or to just do the second app with the same things. I went with this because everyone who has posted an app before and after be had been interacted with. So please don't take this as nagging, but as an app. Thank you.
IGN (In Game Name): DorkMonkey17

Previous bans: I have none.

Describe your activity on the server: I like to go on, meet new friends, and attend as many classes as there are teachers. I usually get on every day whenever I can, in the summer I can go on for about 2-3 hours a day. But during school hours, I would probably go on about an hour on the weekends.

Do you have TeamSpeak3? I do not have TeamSpeak3.

Do you have a microphone? Yes and no, my Apple headphones have a built-in microphone.

List your current and past applications: This is my second one, the explination is above.

What is your motivation for applying?: I feel that the server lacks teachers. So I decided to step up and take the challenge. I like teaching and helping people.

Summarize your previous experience (both in general and teacher wise): I have never been a teacher before, but I've tutored and helped many people with school and homework.

Your Teachers In Game Name (Make it relevant to your Minecraft Name): Skylar-Nicole Seven
Your Teachers In Game Age: 24

Have you read & understood the megathread? I have read and understood the megathread.

From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher Group. Why would you change that? I think that teachers should be able to teach something actually educational, to make the roleplay even more realistic.


Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out of game, what purpose to they serve, what salary they get. Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general. A teacher is supposed to teach in such a way that every student will understand and remember what the teacher taught. Teachers should use diagrams to teach the students because then the students have a visual. The teacher should not just be "the teacher", but become the students' friend. In Japan, a teacher would earn anywhere between 200,000 yen and 600,000 per month, but it depends on where the school is and what subject they teach. In general, teachers would be grading students work, or preparing the next class, but it depends on the teacher's personality.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server: Teachers are very important to a SchoolRP server because, without teachers, the server isn't a "SchoolRP" server, more like a SocialRP server. Teachers make the server more realistic and more like a school.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

My character has black hair that goes down to her waist. She has blue eyes and wears a white hat backward. She wears a blue shirt and gray shorts.
On the outside, she loves her job, in school, she would talk to the students and become their friend. She tries to help as many students as possible and tries not be just a teacher, but everyone's friend.
In the inside, she likes to stay at home and read a lot. She also likes to hang out with her life-long friends at their houses, but when she goes out, she's very shy.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I would go over and make sure they stop and send them to Detention for a few days.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do? I would turn off the wifi then they would look up from their screens confused, then go back to my lecture, or just run my fingernails on the chalkboard.

When in a teacher lounge, how does your character act? I would talk to everyone and see if anyone needs help in their class.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom.
I would run my fingernails on the chalkboard.
/me I would turn off the wifi.
/me I would go to the chalkboard and write the homework for the night.
/me I would go drink water slowly and glare at the students. (if their behaving badly)
/me I would walk around all the students making sure they're doing their work.


Skylar Nicole grew up in the suburbs with all her lifelong friends. She loved to be called Sky by her friends. Sky had one brother and of Skylar Nicole never liked dresses and girly stuff. She always went for the guy things instead. Sky loved computers almost as much as she loved her family. Sky also loved to code the computers. She used to stay up all night either taking apart a computer and putting it back together again, or making an awesome video game that her brother would play. There was something about her no one knew about though. Sky always carried around a blue notebook with random papers sticking out of it as well. No one knew what was inside the notebook, only Skylar Nicole knew.
Later on, Sky got a scholarship to M.I.T. and had to move from her hometown. Luckily, at least one of her best friends (she had 2) was going to the same college. They shared a dorm together and became even closer than they were before in those 4 years of college. Skylar Nicole was the nerdy one of the duo while her friend was the popular one. So that meant some teasing for Sky. But that didn't get to her. Sky had very good grades and graduated with a degree from M.I.T.!

Additional notes about your application (if any): None, but thank you for reading!
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