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Level 1
Okay.. so I want to know if anyone has any tips on how to improve your writing? I struggle with detailRping, I hate when someone has a massive paragraph and i only have one sentence. I've been trying to improve my roleplaying but i struggle alot and i want to see if anyone could help me improve my writing. i take forever writing because i never know what to write. if anyone have any tips or offering to help me please dm my discord or reply to me. Mel?#3203
Also any tips on how to like improve your confidence to make your char able to talk to people? Like any tips on how to make your char fun and exciting?


Level 100
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Thank you. i have already read this and it helped but im also looking for how to like make my char pop to others and not boring? I just need help roleplaying and actions and stuff.
Dm me at nylu#0449, I’ll help you


Level 42
I definitely found that looking at a list of action verbs can really help when detailing your actions. You can find them on Google (: Definitely reading can help too! Find a book of your interest and take inspiration from their writing
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Level 86
Reading books and short stories can help out a lot as well, the best way to learn how to write is to read. This applies to just roleplaying with people you see as talented as well, good writing is contagious. But by the same token, detailrp is not the end all be all.

I personally don't detailrp very often unless there's an emphasis on a character's behavior or looks for that specific scene. A conversation about cats should not take 40 minutes because me and the other person are trying to write book pages of text just for our characters to say "I love wirehair cats."


Level 42
Definitely agree that reading can help. I take bits and pieces from my favorite books/authors and add inspiration from them into my roleplaying.

Reading books and short stories can help out a lot as well, the best way to learn how to write is to read. This applies to just roleplaying with people you see as talented as well, good writing is contagious. But by the same token, detailrp is not the end all be all.

I personally don't detailrp very often unless there's an emphasis on a character's behavior or looks for that specific scene. A conversation about cats should not take 40 minutes because me and the other person are trying to write book pages of text just for our characters to say "I love wirehair cats."


Level 200
As someone who naturally loves to write, it's somewhat hard to explain the fundamentals and put it into perspective for what helps me, but ill try giving you some of my ideas that are the steps to improving, and I might expand upon this in the future.

1. Writing, you have to have atleast some passion for it. If you go about to do something that you don't want to do, aren't you tempted to just quit? Get into a hang of writing on your own good will. I tend to write fun little short stories when I'm on burn out and do often read things that spark me to get into a mood (similar to what cloud said!)

2. Know the material that you are writing about. Want to make actions about let's say a medical procedure? Well, you don't have to necessarily research and sell your soul to the topic, but you should atleast look into it slightly.

3. Don't just put length into what you're saying. Detailrp isn't all about the amount of words you use, its about how you utilize those words to make a sort of scene for your character. Repetition isn't always fun to read, atleast not in one sentence.

4. Get into the right head space, a vibe! The BEST thing that helps me write is listening to music, like right now! I tend to make different playlists for my characters so I can kind of shift into their personalities and go with the writing flow.

5. Word play and environmental use. This is pretty self-explanatory but the better you are at wording things and involving the people near you, the more likely you are going to have some j u i c y actions.

What about confidence? First off, I'll say the straight forward answer; it depends on you, and how you act as a person. If you are someone more introverted, you're less likely to go up and converse with someone in the community unless you have good socializing skills online. Along with this, your writing style factors into it ALOT. Some of the best ways to give your character confidence is by using bold words and emphasis. If you make a bigger leap in your word choice than it'll help a ton, of course this plays into how you write overall. Some ways people add emphasis to their actions are by utilizing the color codes (aka &o &l and all the other ones).

Here are some writing examples:
Character Action A: She walked up to the man. [Insert character name] looked angry, stomping her foot into the ground! "HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed at him.


Character Action B: The girl trudged towards the mid-aged man with a cold glare, looking furious. [Insert character name] slamed her boot into the ground, causing a deafening echo to pierce through the empty hall "HOW COULD YOU!" she shrieked out.

Character Action A: [Insert character name] looked to the side, as he felt someone watching him. . . Listening to the sounds near him more closely now. He made a hand gesture, telling his friend to be quiet. . .


Character Action B: [Insert character name] spontaneously turned tense, the color draining out of his already pale face. . . The hairs on the back of his neck stood up in response to the rustle coming from the side. Quiet as a mouse, he motioned towards his friend that something was off. . .

Questions, concerns, NEED A FRIEND(?!), or anything else you want to know; drop me a dm Sonder Occhiolism#5865 would gladly help, and this goes to anyone reading this - I will try my best to respond, yet it might not be right away.


Level 1
Thread starter
As someone who naturally loves to write, it's somewhat hard to explain the fundamentals and put it into perspective for what helps me, but ill try giving you some of my ideas that are the steps to improving, and I might expand upon this in the future.

1. Writing, you have to have atleast some passion for it. If you go about to do something that you don't want to do, aren't you tempted to just quit? Get into a hang of writing on your own good will. I tend to write fun little short stories when I'm on burn out and do often read things that spark me to get into a mood (similar to what cloud said!)

2. Know the material that you are writing about. Want to make actions about let's say a medical procedure? Well, you don't have to necessarily research and sell your soul to the topic, but you should atleast look into it slightly.

3. Don't just put length into what you're saying. Detailrp isn't all about the amount of words you use, its about how you utilize those words to make a sort of scene for your character. Repetition isn't always fun to read, atleast not in one sentence.

4. Get into the right head space, a vibe! The BEST thing that helps me write is listening to music, like right now! I tend to make different playlists for my characters so I can kind of shift into their personalities and go with the writing flow.

5. Word play and environmental use. This is pretty self-explanatory but the better you are at wording things and involving the people near you, the more likely you are going to have some j u i c y actions.

What about confidence? First off, I'll say the straight forward answer; it depends on you, and how you act as a person. If you are someone more introverted, you're less likely to go up and converse with someone in the community unless you have good socializing skills online. Along with this, your writing style factors into it ALOT. Some of the best ways to give your character confidence is by using bold words and emphasis. If you make a bigger leap in your word choice than it'll help a ton, of course this plays into how you write overall. Some ways people add emphasis to their actions are by utilizing the color codes (aka &o &l and all the other ones).

Here are some writing examples:
Character Action A: She walked up to the man. [Insert character name] looked angry, stomping her foot into the ground! "HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed at him.


Character Action B: The girl trudged towards the mid-aged man with a cold glare, looking furious. [Insert character name] slamed her boot into the ground, causing a deafening echo to pierce through the empty hall "HOW COULD YOU!" she shrieked out.

Character Action A: [Insert character name] looked to the side, as he felt someone watching him. . . Listening to the sounds near him more closely now. He made a hand gesture, telling his friend to be quiet. . .


Character Action B: [Insert character name] spontaneously turned tense, the color draining out of his already pale face. . . The hairs on the back of his neck stood up in response to the rustle coming from the side. Quiet as a mouse, he motioned towards his friend that something was off. . .

Questions, concerns, NEED A FRIEND(?!), or anything else you want to know; drop me a dm Sonder Occhiolism#5865 would gladly help, and this goes to anyone reading this - I will try my best to respond, yet it might not be right away.
Thank you so much! this really helped me a lot. I've been struggling but through everyones help I'm improving each day!

Remy ツ

Level 16
As someone who naturally loves to write, it's somewhat hard to explain the fundamentals and put it into perspective for what helps me, but ill try giving you some of my ideas that are the steps to improving, and I might expand upon this in the future.

1. Writing, you have to have atleast some passion for it. If you go about to do something that you don't want to do, aren't you tempted to just quit? Get into a hang of writing on your own good will. I tend to write fun little short stories when I'm on burn out and do often read things that spark me to get into a mood (similar to what cloud said!)

2. Know the material that you are writing about. Want to make actions about let's say a medical procedure? Well, you don't have to necessarily research and sell your soul to the topic, but you should atleast look into it slightly.

3. Don't just put length into what you're saying. Detailrp isn't all about the amount of words you use, its about how you utilize those words to make a sort of scene for your character. Repetition isn't always fun to read, atleast not in one sentence.

4. Get into the right head space, a vibe! The BEST thing that helps me write is listening to music, like right now! I tend to make different playlists for my characters so I can kind of shift into their personalities and go with the writing flow.

5. Word play and environmental use. This is pretty self-explanatory but the better you are at wording things and involving the people near you, the more likely you are going to have some j u i c y actions.

What about confidence? First off, I'll say the straight forward answer; it depends on you, and how you act as a person. If you are someone more introverted, you're less likely to go up and converse with someone in the community unless you have good socializing skills online. Along with this, your writing style factors into it ALOT. Some of the best ways to give your character confidence is by using bold words and emphasis. If you make a bigger leap in your word choice than it'll help a ton, of course this plays into how you write overall. Some ways people add emphasis to their actions are by utilizing the color codes (aka &o &l and all the other ones).

Here are some writing examples:
Character Action A: She walked up to the man. [Insert character name] looked angry, stomping her foot into the ground! "HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed at him.


Character Action B: The girl trudged towards the mid-aged man with a cold glare, looking furious. [Insert character name] slamed her boot into the ground, causing a deafening echo to pierce through the empty hall "HOW COULD YOU!" she shrieked out.

Character Action A: [Insert character name] looked to the side, as he felt someone watching him. . . Listening to the sounds near him more closely now. He made a hand gesture, telling his friend to be quiet. . .


Character Action B: [Insert character name] spontaneously turned tense, the color draining out of his already pale face. . . The hairs on the back of his neck stood up in response to the rustle coming from the side. Quiet as a mouse, he motioned towards his friend that something was off. . .

Questions, concerns, NEED A FRIEND(?!), or anything else you want to know; drop me a dm Sonder Occhiolism#5865 would gladly help, and this goes to anyone reading this - I will try my best to respond, yet it might not be right away.
oh HECK YEA ive been trying to detailrp for a while now, this has helped A TON! thanks so much ヾ(。✪ω✪。)シ


Level 200
oh HECK YEA ive been trying to detailrp for a while now, this has helped A TON! thanks so much ヾ(。✪ω✪。)シ
I'm glad I could help none the less, if you need any more specific help feel free to make a fresh thread and ping me!
Keep doing it! Consistency helps, but don't do it when you don't want to! That can induce a bad feeling whenever you detailrp, which makes it harder in the long run. Along with the other responses, you'll improve just by writing regularly! I don't necessarily detailrp often, but it helps to write more! Good luck!

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