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Difficult to play characters


Level 31
So I've been on SRP for like a bit now, and ive made tons of characters by this point.

I've always found that whenever I am rping there are certain characters that can come naturally to me, and certain characters that are difficult to play!

What are your difficult to play characters? and whyyy?


Level 31
Thread starter
For me it's Angel and Zayven.

Angel is kinda essentially very very evil, which kinda can get challenging, alongside her complexities. Playing her requires a lot of research.

While I do play Zayven regularly, his whole OCD, and personality requires a lot of research so as to not misrepresent. His lore is complex, alongside his general blandness being a thing about him.

(NGL, i find Mako and Kai easiest to play because they are chaotic and happy. Mako being chaotic good, kai being chaotic evil)


Level 44
Looking at my mains, you'd probably think they're not that difficult at all to roleplay. In essence, Hiiro is just a happy boy and Tatsumi is just some nice christian guy, but both have their own difficulties that I come across

For Hiiro, it's actually how his character is essentially the opposite of my own, and how my OOC wishes sometimes have influences on his behavior. There have been some scenarios where Hiiro is meant to respond a certain way, but because I did not want him to become a target to the Karakura Treatment(TM), I end up directing him to act differently. Fortunately such scenarios are far and inbetween, but there were too many times where I likely lost roleplay opportunities/development simply because I did not want him hurt. ive been trying to be more brave about it, though

For Tatsumi, it's because he's religious. His mannerism, his belief, his mindset- its all been influenced because he grew up to be religious. I. . . am not that religious. I sometimes forget that and thus, his responses to certain cough paranormal events were.. out of character


Level 60
My characters Finn and Basil are harder for me to play because most of my characters are self reflected and their personality is whatever comes naturally, but with Finn and Basil, they're more quiet and less energetic so I have to make them more stoic and silent


Level 30
For me, it's gotta be Madara Volkonsky.

He's my main character, but he's no less easier to play than the last. Let's just say that Madara is a combination of many, and this also plays into his character. His past without giving too much away is tragic, he was brainwashed at an early age by his father, physically I might add, forced to change everything about himself because he feels responsible for something he never did, constantly hides in facades around his family and friends, manipulates people into doing things to get a certain outcome. He's complicated to say the least.


Level 26
My main is very difficult to play. From the outside, Lahela seems to be this happy cheerleader who never does much wrong, who's always eager to be around her family, her team, and her husband—but honestly, that's really stretched from the truth. Yes, she does adore those people and being around them, but it's very difficult to look at the big picture.

With her team, they're like her second family. In her mind, she'll never be like she was. Her leg was permanently injured thanks to her ex-fiance, and it's altered the way she performs. This has caused a growing sense of paranoia within her, thinking she'd throw the whole team off if she stumbles even once.

As for her family, she gave up a lot. Their parents left, and as the eldest, Capri gave up her remaining childhood years and her teenage years to care for all of her siblings, no matter what that takes. This led to being worried about her family at all times, always questioning them in asking if they were okay, trying to keep the family as unproblematic as possible, and so forth. She never had the chance to be a sister due to being forced into a mother's role. She doesn't know how to be a sister, only a maternal figure if they ever need her.

You'll never find anyone Capri loves more than her husband and her kids. She adores them wholeheartedly, with every fiber that exists in her being. As a couple, they've had several issues between them. They're not the healthiest people in the world, with all the typical stuff existing between them - fighting, jealousy, possessiveness, and so on. They work it out, naturally, but at times, Capri finds herself in a difficult mindset. She worries that, if she can't take care of herself and her husband, she's not going to be able to take care of her children. When she can't take care of her children, it sends her into a downward spiral, which causes further issues for all parties involved. That said, she does everything she can to keep her marriage and her family afloat, even when it's hard. Having a broken family dynamic altered the way she sees everything and everyone.
Adding to the section about her husband, her traumatic experiences from past romances - such as her ex-fiance stabbing and blinding her in the left eye - have taken a toll on the way she sees her husband. Yes, she adores him, and yes, she'd do anything for him, but the shackles from her past still hold her to not being the best partner she can be to him.

Enjoy this yap fest... I sometimes have to sit back and think about everything, and why it's so difficult to play her. Thinking about the issues and planning out the way they're possible to be executed does help to play her, majorly.


Level 117
I would say playing most of my characters comes naturally to me (my current ones) but from my current mains I'll list the aspects I struggle with:

Abe Irwin
Irwin, as a professor of literature, canonically has a lot of knowledge about movies, books, poems, etc. His cultural knowledge greatly exceeds mine, so making him seem intelligent (which may or may not work) is half bullshitting and half me actually knowing things about things.

Additionally - I struggle every day not having him break the law. He's a great guy and all, but he seems like he'd break more laws then he usually does (The Irwin Incident of '24 aside).

Twain "Wasureta"
I love roleplaying Twain because he's completely meant to be concerningly grotesque and unsettling in his personality, past, and behaviours - however....

It can be hard to effectively make him seem unsettling and inhuman since he's... human... also... I hate horror movies, thrillers, etc., but that's his whole vibe. I've done my best to nail it down and have been surprisingly successsful with this, but...

Also, I know his arc is going somewhere - I just don't know where so that's troublesome enough

Hawthorne Xú
I'm surprisingly good at RPing manipulators (half because everyone who he manipulates is in on it and I beg them to let him) and, like Twain, he's also meant to be slightly unsettling and creepy...

However, I have so much trouble RPing his manipulation when multiple people get involved - he likes to play different sides and things get very messy fast when he's trying to make seven different people who all hate each other trust him. That's kind of the fun of RPing him since there needs to be some logic behind what he says unlike every other character I have.... but it's also so much work.


Level 185
News Lead
I've found that one of the most "difficult" characters to play, that I have is Hana Yagi!

It's not that she has difficult traits. She is simply very much the opposite of my personality!

Hana was created for his purpose, a character who does exceed my normal boundaries! So, someone was a bit more joyful, positive, and more extroverted. I commonly have very sarcastic and pessimistic ones, which resemble my personality a bit more.

So, playing her actually takes a lot of energy! I have to revise and re-think responses. It takes a lot of energy, and some days, I'm not well capable of playing her, but when I do, it's pretty rewarding! Since people do like her kindness! It's fun having a character with no ulterior motives other than simply wanting to help.

(i love her dearly though)


Level 29
So I've been on SRP for like a bit now, and ive made tons of characters by this point.

I've always found that whenever I am rping there are certain characters that can come naturally to me, and certain characters that are difficult to play!

What are your difficult to play characters? and whyyy?
Easiest Character
Reiji Kagami
is most natural for me. He’s been a character I’ve had since day 1 of joining srp and is the character I’ve seen changed the most. Partially is because of him having the most ICly interactions and his character was long established before even joining the server.

Reiji’s history
Before playing SRP, I was a V-Tuber on a small streaming platform. On top of that I was an avid screen writer looking for inspiration for a next series. I’ve currently finished what would be half a seasons worth of screen writing, and I wanted to broaden my horizon diving into other genres. hence I’ve started using SRP as inspiration fitting in with a Slice Of Life, School Drama. Having to start the server I quickly grew accustomed to it, and for my first character I thought about using a Minecraft Skin of my OC, with the personality of another character from a series I wrote with a bit of how I act IRL. In which brought forth everyone’s Favorite (or most hated) Physics Teacher in the faction XD.

Little Raindrop Goober
Unlike Reiji, Amano gave me the most trouble with making lore. She was a completely blank canvas which yes gave me the opportunity to do whatever I want with her but I was also in a position where I had to make her entire character on the fly which left with several holes in what I wanted originally. Additionally unlike her older brother, Ame has changed the most in respect to the environment. She went from a Imouto with a big brother complex, to being mentally unstable, to now as my MusicRP (mainly being sassy & very pity). All of which are entirely different and changing personalities that’s unlike Reiji who’s been consistent. Right now it’s much easier for me to play as Ame but back then coming up with everything on the fly was pretty bad.
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Level 272
My main character, Myeong Popovich
I broke her too much when I started playing with her 5 years ago, now shes too broken to have fun playing with her. . .for some reason I thought it could be cool to give her PTSD, Cancer and autism. . .(it wasnt smart)


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
mee-young, specifically as a shopkeeper, usually I don’t have a problem adapting to roles, I mean seriously I went from council president to journalist club lead to cheer captain, but being an adult as my main character slowly transitioned her to one of my less played characters over time, it’s so hard to find meaningful roleplay that fits the dynamics of your adult character on SchoolRP especially when most adults… don’t act LIKE adults.

I suppose it is just that however, SCHOOLRP.


Level 40
My one and onlyy.. Kiki Tsukiko!
Although she is similair to me, her brains wired differently. Shes more emotionally reactive, sensitive like a snow flake, sometimes i forget to mke her like that,, Yet that doesnt stop her from being the most SASSY, ATTITUDE-GIVING girl. Combined with that, she’s very reckless which can be really hard to rp because it takes some bravery to do that!! As much as a sweet girl she is, she is considered a brat to some.. Another thing is that she can be easily manipulated into doing some bad stuff, take an Amanojaku for example, which are spirits that feed on negative emotions. Since she is in the Occult club, she had to deal with this twice! She shows fear, anger, and weakness.
Overall, its hard to maintain a kind girl personality mixed within a bitchy and reckless one.


Level 31
Thread starter
as smn with diagnosed ocd, it's really nice to see people actually researching and not going off of the 'ocd' that so many people believe they have :)
My partner has OCD, so i kinda take advice from her.

I am sorry you have OCD though, it really does suck.


Level 117
I have trouble switching personalities for my characters... sometimes I'll break character </3
this is very real. sometimes after rping a lot of irwin i'll be on my serious character and get the sudden feeling that i should be saying something heinous or literature-related


Level 102
My characters Daphné Lovone and Dallon Burton because they’re both essentially narcissistic and ignorant, but both in different-ish ways. Daphné talks likes she’s better than everyone so SO formally. I made her insufferable :3 Dallon is just straight up a douche. Like, there’s no filter. Kaitlyn Lovone (my other character who is related to Daphné) is hard for me to play since she’s just kinda a nicer Daphné who isn’t self centered.. the part that makes her hard to play is that she’s TOLERABLE. Like she’s nice, but she’s not like my character Dolly (who I love) who is also kinda sweet, cause the formality I struggle with.. It’s hard to find a sweet spot. When I make my characters purposefully unlikeable, even I hate them. When I make them try too hard to be likeable, I also hate them-


Level 219
Eiji Miura because he's a man and I'm a girl and idk about male emotions half the time or how to get into character as a male at timezzz

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