Level 26

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Alternate Account: Ecogenics
Discord Name & Tag:
Dimi (dimi7011)
Which timezone are you in?
CET timezone (GMT+1)
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
College Application (Denied)
Teacher Application (Accepted)
Blocky Mart Application (Accepted)
BMD Application (Denied)
Police Application (Accepted)
College Professor Application (Accepted)
Police Application (Accepted)
Hospital Staff Application (Accepted)
College Application (Accepted)
Teacher Application (Accepted)
Blocky Mart Application (Accepted)
BMD Application (Denied)
Police Application (Accepted)
College Professor Application (Accepted)
Police Application (Accepted)
Hospital Staff Application (Accepted)
College Application (Accepted)
Staff Application (Denied)
Staff Application (Accepted)
Staff Application (Accepted)
I have had more applications that I deem not relevant to mention, though most of them were accepted. The applications in question would be: character authorization applications, language applications... Some other roles I have had the honor of playing without applying would be college volleyball team member.
Describe your activity on the server:
Though I will admit, I am a player coming back. Some players in the force itself would probably remember me from old times. I have disappeared once with the cause being personal life issues, though the disappearance itself wasn't what kept me inactive. I was very unmotivated due to unfortunate events that, luckily, are in the past now. I have recently come back to the server and have been playing more consistently, I can also guarantee me not disappearing any time soon, as well as constant activity in the near future, following up on my already decent activity. To summarize my activity, I can almost login whenever I want. But my consistent login schedule would be 6pm-2am on weekdays, 10am-6pm on week-ends. I am also flexible with it, meaning that on special occasions, events, etc... I am able to come online and perform as needed.
What is your motivation for applying?:
This is a question that I always get to answer from the heart, fully. Honestly, my time on SchoolRP, no matter how long it was, no matter how exciting it was, no matter how memorable it was, when I go back to look on it, it is always my time on the force that marked me. If it is not clear already, I have been part of the force before, twice in fact. I have made it up to Vice-head Lieutenant on the first run, then corporal on the second. The faction itself is a goldmine of roleplay. But as much as I've enjoyed my time on it, I haven't been the best of players during it. I might've made it to VH-LT, but I can't help but look back and then what could've been if I had just been a little bit more performant, just a little bit more. The grief of me exiting the force without leaving the mark I could've always haunted me. I was a kid playing a game, and as much as that is true, I now see it as much more than that. I see it as a potential career changing opportunity, a life shaping experience, an experience that, perhaps, I will not get in real life, but that I will get the chance to live out in this imaginary world that I once thought so little of. It is true, you only value what you have until you've lost it, and it truly seems I've lost a lot. I know myself, and I know my capabilities. I wouldn't be saying things I can't achieve, I wouldn't be making promises I can't keep. SchoolRP genuinely means a lot to me and I've realized that in my time apart from it. And by SchoolRP, just like I mentioned before, I mean PoliceRP. It is enough to look back at how bad my English was the first day I set foot in the KPD discord, and how far it has come now. And that's only one of the things I'm grateful for in this community. Granted, a lot of my friends I've grown with it in it are no longer around, but that only means that it is my opportunity to make new friends within the force, new partners in opposing crime. I have kept a close eye on the Karakura Police Department the past few weeks, and seeing the police officers do their work made me all the more motivated, it made me all the more sure that it is my calling. It always has been. I haven't always been good at it, but I've had the upmost motivation through it all, it was never boring to me. It was never a burden, it was never a job, and you know that if you like your job, you don't work a day in your life. This is only a SchoolRP role, but the comparison just shows how much it means to me.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
To start off this heavily loaded question, I'd like to start by defining the KPD. The Karakura Police Department is the police force responsible for keeping the safety and peace of Karakura's citizens. A fairly simple and straightforward definition. Now, the answer to "How do they keep the safety and peace?" should in itself clarify what police work constitutes of. Police work is divided into sections. The first section would be station work. This is mostly performed by cadets seeing as they are the ones who stay in the station up until they are ranked up, unless a superior officer is leading them. Tasks performed in the station itself would be, holding the front desk. This task itself holds a lot, by holding front desk you are taking in people and their concerns to the KPD. Holding front desk duties would be: taking reports, bailing out people, giving unclassified information (Bail cost, release date...). Being in the station also allows you to give assistance and guidance to dispatched units, you are responsible for giving CCTV information when needed, you are required to keep your radio close in case of units calling for backup. Another in station task would be managing calls, but this can be tended to from patrolling units as well. 110 is the number that the public calls to seek help from the Emergency services, which include the KPD. And so it is the police's job to respond to any and all calls that require the police to maintain order, safety, and peace. Which brings me to duties conducted outside of the station. Said duties would be: patrolling around the city; Not all crimes committed/Disturbances are reported, and so by patrolling known public routes, the police department ensures that every corner of Karakura is safe. Patrolling the city means bring peace and order to it, and doing so would mean fining anyone committing minor crimes, and arresting anyone who has broken the law. Each different offense means a different kind of punishment.
Police officers are ranked based on performance and time spent on the force. At the head of both divisions, would be the commissioner. The Commissioner is responsible for overviewing the police force as a whole, they provide guidance to all the police officers.
Under the commissioner, the ranks get split into two divisions. The main division, the officers dispatched for all sorts of police tasks. Their ranks are as follows: Right under the commissioner is the captain: They are the commanding officer (C/O) of the main division, and so they provide assistance for all the ranks under them. Next up is a lieutenant, the first rank to be considered as a higher-up of the force. The rank that's next is a sergeant, they are mostly there to supervise lower ranks. Situations that require a supervisor will most likely tend to a sergeant. A corporal, they are a rank that serves as a leader to lower ranks during smaller tasks such as patrols. A patrol officer, they are a newly promoted cadet, who now have the ability to leave the station and perform patrols on their own, but would still need permission from higher-ups to do so. And finally, the first rank you get within the force, a cadet. A rank that, though doesn't have much power, is considered very important seeing as they are the ones filling the front desk the most. They are still receiving training and can be taken on patrols if a higher ranking officer is present, but cannot leave the station on their own.
Into the second division of the police force, the detective division. Right under the commissioner in the detective division is the Detective Superintendent. They would be responsible for major cases of investigations in Karakura, but also supervise lower ranks while they work. Chief Detective Inspector, are allowed to lead major cases, and oversee lower ranks as well. Detective inspector, their duties would consistent of investigating and gathering evidence to help out in cases. Detective constable, though they are the lowest rank in the detective division, they would still be assigned to smaller crime cases.
Law enforcement personnel execute their duties utilizing an array of specialized equipment, some of which may be itemrp'd. Though, the officer utility belt still contains a lot of items that should be mentioned. These items are: A fingerprint scanner, it is used to identify fingers found on items/crime scenes. A taser, it is used to momentarily stun criminals trying to evade, or perhaps a dangerous person that refuses to cooperate. A baton, it is an officer's way of defending themselves. Luminol spray, it is used to show recently cleaned off blood, or blood that cannot be seen to the naked eye. A radio, it is the way to communicate with other officers as well as tend to calls coming in. Handcuffs, these chained bracelets are used to detain criminals. A breathalyzer, it is used to see the percentage of alcohol a person has consumed. Gaz mask, it is used to protect an officer during situations that require it, whether it is physical, or to conceal their identity. Body cams, they can be used as evidence if the situation calls for it. Crowbar, it is used to pry open doors during raids in which the owner of the property is either absent or uncooperative. Badges, these pieces of identity contain an officer's information. First aid-kit, it is used to tend to the wounded if the EMS are having trouble reaching. Riot shields, they are used as a defensive shield to protect the officer from armed criminals.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
A past answer of mine, would've been "to balance out GangRP". But I think it's safe to assume GangRP is not what it once used to be, not as active in a sense. Should that mean that the Police force can now be rendered useless? Absolutely not. In fact this only shows how important they are outside of that. A roleplay server needs peace, safety, and most importantly order. That is why the Police has always existed. We serve and protect, we maintain the peace, we enforce the law, and all of that to assist the public. From a RolePlay perspective however, it is only logical to have a police force and a town based Roleplay, crimes will be committed, whether it's something as small as a person J-walking, or something as big as murder. Order needs to be maintained, consequences need to be feared. In this case, the consequences would be facing punishments such as fines, jailtime, or even death sentences for major crimes.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I understand. I fully comprehend the significance of cadet training. A well-established future officer emerges through rigorous training, and if I were to skip it, I wouldn't even be applying. In fact, I will prioritize attending every training session held.

What's your character's full name?:
Travis Trevor Grady
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male | He/Him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice.
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Italian and French
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Travis, a man in his mid-40s, exudes confidence and leadership with his commanding presence. Standing at approximately six feet tall, his sturdy and well-built frame reflects years of physical exertion and discipline. His deep, rich complexion is complemented by weathered features that tell the story of a purposeful and resilient life. A beard stretching from ear to ear frames his strong jawline, adding to his rugged masculinity. Accompanied by a thick mustache, his facial hair enhances his authoritative appearance, emphasizing the determined set of his lips. Despite its imposing nature, his beard is impeccably *******, reflecting his attention to detail. Travis's calloused and rough hands bear witness to countless hours spent in arduous tasks and physical training. Despite their roughness, they possess grace and precision, showcasing his skill and expertise in his chosen field. Beyond his imposing appearance, Travis's personality and character truly set him apart. Beneath his stoic exterior lies a playful and lighthearted nature, always ready with a joke or a smile to lighten the mood. He possesses a keen sense of empathy and intuition, accurately gauging the emotions of those around him. Known for his unwavering determination and commitment, Travis's trait often borders on stubbornness but ultimately serves him well in his endeavors. Once he sets his mind to a task, there is no stopping him, as he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Overall, Travis is a formidable presence, both physically and mentally, with a depth of character that distinguishes him from the crowd. He is a man of many facets, each contributing to the intricate tapestry of his identity.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Travis is considered a well put together individual. With that said, he has spent years mastering his social skills, working on his listening and how to conversate properly. Being a good listener, Travis is a good person to go into deep, long talks with, about nothing and everything. During work times however, he prefers not to say more than needed. When it comes to a citizen in need, he tends to show a caring, fatherly side, especially when the person seems like they need it. In casual settings, he tends to be a rather goofy individual, having his own children made him have a soft spot for enjoying his time with people. The cycle goes around again. When at work, he is well versed in leaving his personal life out it, as he had gone through bad experiences in the past with mixing the two. Now, Professional Travis and Casual Travis are two different people. However, they both have the same warm heart passionate about what's in front of them.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Travis is a huge people's person, maybe even a people's pleaser at times. Though he doesn't say much, he tries his best to be of assistance. He is the type to help but not want to be thanked. The burden of gratitude is too much for him, but make no mistake, he still helps as much as he can if not more. When it comes to teamwork, it is not a challenge. He's a family man, and his co-workers are considered family. Though he doesn't show it much on duty besides his constant attending to them, their off duty times sure prove it. To sum it all up, Travis is a team player, and it will be no different in the KPD, his old family.
What's your character's backstory?
Travis Trevor Grady's story unfolds as the journey of a young African American man, born into the harsh realities of a ghetto where the sounds of daily shootings served as a grim backdrop to his upbringing. Tragedy struck close to home when Travis witnessed the heartbreaking loss of his own brother to violence, a stark reminder of the dangers that plagued their community. Adding to this sorrow, Travis found himself indebted to a local drug dealer, a debt that ultimately led to his brother's untimely death. Motivated by a deep sense of injustice and a longing for change, Travis made a solemn vow to make a positive impact, regardless of the challenges he faced. Recognizing the potential for influence within the legal system, he made the decision to pursue a career in law enforcement. With unwavering dedication, Travis delved into his studies, focusing on law enforcement and criminal justice, culminating in the achievement of a bachelor's degree in the field. In his early twenties, Travis began his journey as a cadet, eager to learn the intricacies of fighting crime. His path led him to the vibrant streets of New York City, where he served with honor in the ranks of the NYPD. Climbing the ranks to the position of Sergeant, Travis also found love amidst the trials, marrying a fellow officer and starting a family. However, marital discord eventually led to separation, leaving Travis to navigate the challenges of single parenthood. With the arrival of his daughter, Amelie, Travis discovered a renewed sense of purpose and duty. Determined to create a safer environment for his child, Travis made the bold choice to relocate their lives and seek solace in the peaceful surroundings of Karakura, Japan. Little did he know that even in this seemingly tranquil city, the shadow of crime still loomed. Joining the Karakura Police Department, Travis quickly rose through the ranks, achieving the position of Vice Head Lieutenant before personal obstacles prompted his departure. Opting to prioritize his daughter's well-being and education, Travis made the difficult decision to step away from his career in law enforcement.

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, you cannot. A pocket knife is considered an illegal item in Karakura, and so the KPD deems it so when they find it. A person in it's possession is to be arrested immediately and the item is to be confiscated for good, and placed in evidence lockup.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
A walking cane: it is simply a stick used to aid the person into walking, the need for it could be injury, though most of the time it would be old age.
Paracetamol: A medication used to treat mild pain, emphasis on "mild", it being the reason why no prescription is needed.
Cough Syrup: Just like paracetamol, it is just a syrup to treat throat irritations, coughing, and such issues.
Unbranded bandages: It is simply a band aid used to tend to small cuts.
Eye patch: A piece of cloth used to wrap around the eye, most of the times to prevent an infection after an eye injury.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
This situation can result in a lot of different outcomes, though the way I would go about it is, if the officer is a higher ranking than me, I would firstly make sure to get evidence of the situation. I'd need to then tend to the inmate and see if they need any help or if any injury was caused by the abuse. Once that is done, I'll need to file a formal complaint about the officer, or simply hand the evidence to the commissioner.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
The first thing to do in this situation would be to call for back-up, just in case the situation escalates even further. The next step would be to try and help the co-worker out of the situation if it is possible. If not, I would need to use my equipment to stun the person committing the assault. The important factor is to stop the situation from getting anymore dangerous. Once everything is under control, the criminal should be charged with assault on an officer, and if resistance if they have resisted when I intervened. Make not that if my co-worker is injured, EMS forces should be called too.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
This is a more complex situation, the first step would be to gather some sort of evidence of said corruption, and the next one is to inform a higher-up, preferably the commissioner, though even if evidence cannot be gathered and doubt is still in place, higher-ups should still be informed so that they could investigate the situation properly.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
The criminal in question is to be arrested immediately, under no circumstance should a police officer accept a bribery. An oath to uphold the law has been taken and it should taken very seriously when in the field of work.
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