Dirk Gently
Basic Information
First Name: Dirk
Surname: Gently
Preferred Name: MrGently
Aliases: Sunny , QuickNick
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 5'11
Weight: 137
Build: Slim, Skinny, Normal
Skin Color: White, Pale
Eye Color: Duck Egg Blue
Hair Style: Slick, Jelled, Fancy Fasion
Hair Color: Light Brown
Fashion: Simple, Colourful, Strange, Summer Feel
Abnormalities: Twitch in his left leg, Dyslexia
Date of Birth: December 2nd 1996
Place of Birth: England, Yorkshine
Nationality: British, English
Race: White, British
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religious Beliefs: Agnosticism
Political Beliefs: Big
General Appearance
Appearance: A man standing at 5'11, pudgy man who normally wears a heavy old light yellow jacket, with a blue and green tie, and thick metal-rimmed spectacles.
Personality: Strict, Formal, Gental, Sly, Unknown, Acts a bit too "Happy".
Diseases/Illness: None
Character Voice: When speaking english, A strong whiney english accent, Japanese: Whiney, Strong, Stutters a lot.
Equipment: Briefcase, Set of pencils, Reading Glasses, Business Cards
Clothes: Yellow Jacket, White Shirt, Blue & Green Tie, Formal Brown Pants, Fancy Clean Formal Shoes.
Hobbies: Collecting things, "Borrowing" things from people (Stealing), Selling (Anything and Illegal Items)
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: None
Skills: Very fast, Knows how to picklock and pickpocket, Good speaker.
Querks: Leg twitches a lot
Family: Fostered
Dirk Gently was born on December 2nd 1996. He was born in England, Yorkshine, but had a thick london accent when arriving at the age of 5. He stayed at the Foster for years as no one adopted him. When he legally became 18 be left the foster and moved in with one of his old Foster buddys who bought a house. He soon worked on to getting a job at a news paper company. He started at selling news paper around london and found that selling things was a lot of fun. Well this became a succsess as he made a lot of sales of news paper, but from this he thought he was that good that he was able to cheat money out of people. A man would buy newspaper every day every week, so every once a week he would charge this man more and more, till one day the man finally noticed this behaviour and confronted Gently, gently failed to pursuade the man and endded up getting kidnapped in a van the following night. Dirk now had a debt put on him and is forced to be used to sell good for these mafia mob bosses. He was relocated to Japan to a local Mafia area and now resides there.

Basic Information
First Name: Dirk
Surname: Gently
Preferred Name: MrGently
Aliases: Sunny , QuickNick
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 5'11
Weight: 137
Build: Slim, Skinny, Normal
Skin Color: White, Pale
Eye Color: Duck Egg Blue
Hair Style: Slick, Jelled, Fancy Fasion
Hair Color: Light Brown
Fashion: Simple, Colourful, Strange, Summer Feel
Abnormalities: Twitch in his left leg, Dyslexia
Date of Birth: December 2nd 1996
Place of Birth: England, Yorkshine
Nationality: British, English
Race: White, British
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religious Beliefs: Agnosticism
Political Beliefs: Big
General Appearance
Appearance: A man standing at 5'11, pudgy man who normally wears a heavy old light yellow jacket, with a blue and green tie, and thick metal-rimmed spectacles.
Personality: Strict, Formal, Gental, Sly, Unknown, Acts a bit too "Happy".
Diseases/Illness: None
Character Voice: When speaking english, A strong whiney english accent, Japanese: Whiney, Strong, Stutters a lot.
Equipment: Briefcase, Set of pencils, Reading Glasses, Business Cards
Clothes: Yellow Jacket, White Shirt, Blue & Green Tie, Formal Brown Pants, Fancy Clean Formal Shoes.
Hobbies: Collecting things, "Borrowing" things from people (Stealing), Selling (Anything and Illegal Items)
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: None
Skills: Very fast, Knows how to picklock and pickpocket, Good speaker.
Querks: Leg twitches a lot
Family: Fostered
Dirk Gently was born on December 2nd 1996. He was born in England, Yorkshine, but had a thick london accent when arriving at the age of 5. He stayed at the Foster for years as no one adopted him. When he legally became 18 be left the foster and moved in with one of his old Foster buddys who bought a house. He soon worked on to getting a job at a news paper company. He started at selling news paper around london and found that selling things was a lot of fun. Well this became a succsess as he made a lot of sales of news paper, but from this he thought he was that good that he was able to cheat money out of people. A man would buy newspaper every day every week, so every once a week he would charge this man more and more, till one day the man finally noticed this behaviour and confronted Gently, gently failed to pursuade the man and endded up getting kidnapped in a van the following night. Dirk now had a debt put on him and is forced to be used to sell good for these mafia mob bosses. He was relocated to Japan to a local Mafia area and now resides there.