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Discord alternative


Level 60
What's your Minecraft Username?: yuunbae
What's the title of your suggestion?: Discord alternative

What's your suggestion?:
Instead of a Discord replacement, there could just be a website for anyone who doesn't have Discord. Instead of using Discord, people could just do a command, example: /strawberry. It would take the players to a website like the /homework website, they’d click to log in as whatever character they’re on, and it’d list updates on their job or sports teams or maybe oocly or icly chats (or both). There could be a IRP “HS Cheerleader Team” chat that would have any updates or whatever, same with jobs. Ex: “Caretaker Team” or “Faculty Team” with updates on what’s going on in school, etc… So players without discord can just log in to a nice and safe website to give them info on sports teams/jobs/whatever else you need Discord for. However, the players who do have Discord wouldn't need to use this website, but it's there just in case they lose it for any random reason.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Players who don't have Discord have an alternative website that allows them to still play SRP with full experience without being left out without discord


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
We use discord for a number of reasons for both ic and ooc. It would just be another website our devs would have to make to make sure it is safe enough for everyone to use and keep up the maintenance of it along with the server and other sites that we use.


Level 163
Guys, if they could download discord then why would they be making this suggestion? It’s obvious they can’t download discord for whatever their reasoning may be.

If their alternative suggestion won’t work then what if the alternative for things could be through forum messages. Those are a thing- I don’t know how often they get used- but it’s something that’s already here and a resource that could possibly help those people who don’t have discord when it comes to things such as sports or faction related.

When someone doesn’t have discord they are left out on a lot of experiences. Those include not being able to join factions or sports because it requires discord. It makes them feel left out and exclusionary.

Like I said on another post from theirs, we should not be kicking people on the sidelines if they don’t have discord. Instead we should be including them on things and experiences so they don’t feel left out. There are alternative possibilities to make this stuff happen but the only way to find those possibilities and the ones that’ll work is to actually try it.

Take a second and think about it this way, what if you were in their shoes? What if you didn’t have discord and couldn’t get it? How would you feel if you got told the only way to be in sports and factions is to have that platform?


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

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