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Level 82
SRP-families are one the most wide spread roleplays on SRP (besides everything gangrp), we have such iconic families such as Hamilton and Helvate, newer upcoming ones like Kohaku(is that how it's spelt?) .. some are known for being popular amongst faculties, and some among HS-students and so on. That sparked the question :

" What makes a GOOD srp family? "

what will make a family-roleplay enjoyable and worth while? what qualities do existing families have and if someone plans to start a new family- how do they go about it?


Level 116
As someone who runs a family (well, more accurately multiple families), I believe that if you have the right members who are even semi-active and interested in the story you have planned, it can already make a good start for you. There are many chances to start events, have relationships with others, and generally just make a memorable experience if you put in the effort for it! The people that I am in families with and also run are very easy to get along with and they make these things much easier for both me and many others.

As for how to start one, I’d suggest getting a good standing on what you want your family to stand for lore wise! Are they known for being a laid-back type of family or even members of a cult of sorts? You can play on that and see who else is interested in your family. People are often open to many different things when it comes to family rp, you just have to have the right ones together!


Level 185
News Lead
Remembering that there isn't just the option of being siblings or adopted siblings.

Having six million siblings gets confusing.

Add branches. Cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.

You'd be surprised how much life it brings into a family!


Level 134
Just being real, not existing. In the current form, SRP families are incredibly unrealistic, and even if you try to have a family that is just blood related (or with one adoption), people will go and get themselves adopted by ANOTHER family n then they'll have 3 surnames. Idk if they changed this since the last time I was on the server, but that's how it was when I played. Families are NOT clubs, you don't just join to hang out and be part of a community, there is an actual familial bond that is very rarely roleplayed in my experience.


Level 82
Thread starter
Remembering that there isn't just the option of being siblings or adopted siblings.

Having six million siblings gets confusing.

Add branches. Cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.

You'd be surprised how much life it brings into a family!
Six million sibligns is a weirdly common thing somehow, a lot of families have an UNREALISTCI amount of children that is in know way shape or form easy to manage ;sob;


Level 82
Thread starter
Just being real, not existing. In the current form, SRP families are incredibly unrealistic, and even if you try to have a family that is just blood related (or with one adoption), people will go and get themselves adopted by ANOTHER family n then they'll have 3 surnames. Idk if they changed this since the last time I was on the server, but that's how it was when I played. Families are NOT clubs, you don't just join to hang out and be part of a community, there is an actual familial bond that is very rarely roleplayed in my experience.
YEP.that is
that is 100% sometihng that hjappens -
i franjkly dont know how do you join two families ????
how would that be in reallife i could never know
i understand that option for players who want more roleplay verity but- does it work?


Level 29
Personally I feel a good family should be Unique from other families. Whether it's characters sharing certain traits from each other, having similar motives and RP styles, or just simply the size of the family. Sometimes tailored skins could make a family unique as the skins themselves could possess similar traits or tailoring styles depending on the skin. But what I feel should be the main focal point is the Lore of the family, and freestyling to incorporating people within the family. And as previously mentioned the way the family interacts or behaves with on another or with other people who arent related. What traits to they pick up on from the eldest members, how they look, etc.

There's so so much that comes to mine with families in general for SRP that It's hard for me to explain my input on the subject. It's ironic seeing this as someone who's trying to start his own family on the server (The Kagami Family), and I'm currently learning as I go while trying to have it in my own style which for me would be realistic. I really hope one day I would want it to be as well known as other families like the Akiyama's or the Watcher's.


Level 82
Thread starter
Personally I feel a good family should be Unique from other families. Whether it's characters sharing certain traits from each other, having similar motives and RP styles, or just simply the size of the family. Sometimes tailored skins could make a family unique as the skins themselves could possess similar traits or tailoring styles depending on the skin. But what I feel should be the main focal point is the Lore of the family, and freestyling to incorporating people within the family. And as previously mentioned the way the family interacts or behaves with on another or with other people who arent related. What traits to they pick up on from the eldest members, how they look, etc.

There's so so much that comes to mine with families in general for SRP that It's hard for me to explain my input on the subject. It's ironic seeing this as someone who's trying to start his own family on the server (The Kagami Family), and I'm currently learning as I go while trying to have it in my own style which for me would be realistic. I really hope one day I would want it to be as well known as other families like the Akiyama's or the Watcher's.
that is a very good point!! FAMILY'S STYLE !! What will they be known for? how will you recognize them? like the kohakus, their known for being a menace <33
I hope to see the Kagami family rise then!! <333


Level 28
Depending if you want to be a big or small family:

Big Family:
- Make sure you have plenty of people who you know will follow rules, whether it is simply be kind to other players without being toxic or irritable.
- Have a small selection of people to help you make executive decisions when needed.
- Make people feel welcomed in the family

Small Families:
- Have a small group chat
- Make it a private family! Can't have many problems if there aren't many people.
- Just because it's a small family doesn't mean it can't be impactful, look at the DeLucas! (hi im a deluca)

Something VERY important with all families, big or small. Make sure you guys follow rules, don't be toxic and most importantly. Don't pretend to be hood rats in Japan.


Level 73
- Keep your family active and engaging.
- Have a realistic number of family members when it comes to cousins, uncles, aunts, siblings, parental figures, etc.

- Most of the time, your family (in a moreso realistic setting) will all be blood related— Adopting one or two with a reasonable age gap is fine.
- Have a couple of individuals with Adult roles to play the older relatives such as your aunts, uncles, parents, so on and so forth.
- Don't adopt characters with a 1-15 year age gap— Don't be that one college student that adopts a 17 year old highschool student whilst simultaneously only being 21 years old.
- Get yourself a discord server and a group chat to stay in touch with your family members OOCly and ICly. (Onrain is a bit of a bottleneck so this isn't optimal)
- If possible, a lot of families gain most of their influence through being in a faction or a sports team. Take a good look at the Asōgi family, Heddo's, Saiky's, Akihito's, etc.
- Keep your family private, keep troublesome players and grudges outside of your family.
- This is optional but a family's entire premise shouldn't be about GangRP.
- Add red tape around the idea of attacking other family members or endangering them. Regardless of your character's criminal status, they should almost always sympathise with their relatives.
- For a more realistic approach, a family's origins should be somewhere within Japan. It's very unlikely to find an entire family that was in France and decided to relocate to Karakura in particular.

- Write up some lore behind your family's origins!
- Maintaining a family is difficult, get a few people to act as higherups on an OOC basis so you can make any necessary decisions as a team.

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