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Do y'all have any tips for joining conversations?


Level 3
okay so!

When it comes down to roleplaying I'm not really active in that (as in talking to OTHER people). I was wondering how do y'all do it? I don't really know how to have my character step into a conversation or anything like that. I'm more of a person who waits for someone to talk to my character. I don't really know how to start a conversation either.​


Level 31
sometimes what i do is like compliment people on their looks or outfit, and then that can occasionally start up a conversation and you can become friends and then eventually start dating and then once you both into college you guys marry and then after you guys graduate you have a child but the husband eventually dies from a brutal death and the mother is left alone to raise the child until she gets diagnosed with a terrible sickness and dies, leaving the child alone.

Anyways, that's one way to start a conversation.


Level 3
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sometimes what i do is like compliment people on their looks or outfit, and then that can occasionally start up a conversation and you can become friends and then eventually start dating and then once you both into college you guys marry and then after you guys graduate you have a child but the husband eventually dies from a brutal death and the mother is left alone to raise the child until she gets diagnosed with a terrible sickness and dies, leaving the child alone.

Anyways, that's one way to start a conversation.


Level 116
Honestly I just approach someone I find interesting and talk to them
Or I am very overbearingly in their face and very excited, depends on what mood my char’s in. Karl does both of these


Level 115
Well ... most of my characters are ######## so they just jump into a random conversation if they only hear one thing familiar and steer the entire conversation away from its original point. Definitely a way to join a conversation! Just jump in on a random subject which u have no idea of with people u don't know all 'cause you heard 'Heddo' or something like that


Level 174
creep up behind someone, say boo, scare the shit out of them, laugh. flick ear. start convo.

works every time


Level 3
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Honestly I just approach someone I find interesting and talk to them
Or I am very overbearingly in their face and very excited, depends on what mood my char’s in. Karl does both of these
My character does that also sometimes though he's very shy. But for me it's hard to find people I see fit to talk to because I haven't been on for a few months + my character is entirely new (and still working on the skins for him) so I'm not really sure what kind of people he (icly) would find interesting LMAO, hope that makes sense I'm not the best at explaining stuff


Level 116
sometimes what i do is like compliment people on their looks or outfit, and then that can occasionally start up a conversation and you can become friends and then eventually start dating and then once you both into college you guys marry and then after you guys graduate you have a child but the husband eventually dies from a brutal death and the mother is left alone to raise the child until she gets diagnosed with a terrible sickness and dies, leaving the child alone.

Anyways, that's one way to start a conversation.
srp families


Level 1
If your character isn't the ideal type to just pop their head into a conversation; try roleplaying out their reaction to whatever [ a person you want to engage with in character ] has said. Body language, expression, etc plays a big part in the role you're playing.. So, do it! It may or may not spark up a conversation, but it'll definently put yourself out there as someone who's willing to roleplay with whoever.


Level 331
As someone who's been playing since 2019, here's my recommendation. If you have out-of-character friends, try forming a group with them (family, friend circle, whatever) and try to get more people into it. If you're on your own, I'd recommend starting interactions with players who are also new to the server. The key to seem approachable to others is to make your roleplay interesting. When executing actions, for example, try to add subjectiveness to it. For example, instead of doing "/me waves", you can do "/me waves at John. He was glad to see him, given that he had spent all these years abroad". That adds depth to your character and will make others want to roleplay with you

Once you're more experienced with the server, I'd also recommend joining a team, gang or a faction. This is objectively the easiest way to get to know other players, as you will be "forced" to work alongside them.


Level 146
my favorite way is by playing characters that have zero shame and/or social awareness, the type that will just go up to somebody and say something that's completely irrelevant to the lives of 99.9% of people.

one time i made a pseudo throwaway character (didn't really have any plans for them, just grabbed a skin off namemc) and borderline harassed some rando, made a great long-term friend that way. 10/10 would recommend, especially if you have some unused character slots


Level 3
Thread starter
As someone who's been playing since 2019, here's my recommendation. If you have out-of-character friends, try forming a group with them (family, friend circle, whatever) and try to get more people into it. If you're on your own, I'd recommend starting interactions with players who are also new to the server. The key to seem approachable to others is to make your roleplay interesting. When executing actions, for example, try to add subjectiveness to it. For example, instead of doing "/me waves", you can do "/me waves at John. He was glad to see him, given that he had spent all these years abroad". That adds depth to your character and will make others want to roleplay with you

Once you're more experienced with the server, I'd also recommend joining a team, gang or a faction. This is objectively the easiest way to get to know other players, as you will be "forced" to work alongside them.
Trying to go and talk to the more newer players was my main idea I just didn't know how to go about it since I've been playing SRP for around 1-2 years maybe, Might almost be 3 but I haven't been on for 6+ months because of something + trying to develop my character (+trying to figure out how I want him to be) so I wouldn't have to do it later on which would make me have way less time to do stuff OOCly. And I don't really have any OOCly friends that play SRP or Minecraft in general + joining a gang isn't really my taste but I'll try looking into factions! ty <3

my favorite way is by playing characters that have zero shame and/or social awareness, the type that will just go up to somebody and say something that's completely irrelevant to the lives of 99.9% of people.

one time i made a pseudo throwaway character (didn't really have any plans for them, just grabbed a skin off namemc) and borderline harassed some rando, made a great long-term friend that way. 10/10 would recommend, especially if you have some unused character slots
My character is more of this shy non-talkative person but is willing to try his best to join a conversation if need be/interested. but ty for the idea LMAO will keep that in mind for (maybe) a future character.


Level 3
Thread starter
If your character isn't the ideal type to just pop their head into a conversation; try roleplaying out their reaction to whatever [ a person you want to engage with in character ] has said. Body language, expression, etc plays a big part in the role you're playing.. So, do it! It may or may not spark up a conversation, but it'll definently put yourself out there as someone who's willing to roleplay with whoever.
The thing is I've been trying to do this actually; It's just the fact I don't really know how/what to do when it comes to trying to have my character join a conversation. I'm usually the type to run around the map until somebody decides they wanna come up to me since I myself OOCly and ICly isn't one to start a conversation first but tysm (:

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