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Doctor Application | meiqsi


Level 38

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

The account I’m applying on is meisqi

Previous bans:
This was my most recent ban appeal, It was discussed via dm and accepted after I had, appealed which is why it is marked as denied still I believe. (26-11-2020)
This was only bypassing because my alt’s hadn’t been unbanned. (05-05-2020)
This was for glitching some time before the last one. (05-05-2020)

Describe your activity on the server?:

I try to log one every day am usually on multiple hours a day mainly between my swim and club leader accounts although I do also play my other accounts when I can.

Which timezone are you in?:

Do you have discord? If so what is your tag?:
Yes, I do my discord is meii#0013

Do you have a microphone?:

Yep, I do have one and might possibly get a better one but yes!

List your current and past applications:

ACCEPTED - Lawyer App #1
ACCEPTED - Lang App #10
ACCEPTED - Lang App #9
ACCEPTED - Lang App #8
DENIED - Lang App #7
ACCEPTED - Lang App #6
DENIED - Lang App #5
ACCEPTED - Lang App #4
DENIED - Lang App #3
DENIED - Lang App #2
DENIED - Lang App #1
DENIED - Asthma App #1

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:

I have been roleplaying in general for around 5 years, possibly longer, and in that time I have been constantly trying to improve my skills with DetailRP especially more recently.

I use DetailRP fairly often and have been trying to use it in my regular rp to allow me to get used to it and fast typing and thinking. My most common use for it would likely be swimming actions due to being on the team and during practice although I use it fairly often.

If needed I wouldn’t mind also writing out some examples of DetailRP too!

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?:

I’ve been looking for something new to do on SRP for some time and I have already done quite a lot on the server. I’ve participated in teams, clubs and even become a part of KPD for a short while as well as becoming a Lawyer.

I believe EMS is the next step I can take on my journey through the server as it provides much more actual roleplay, especially with DetailRP that many other positions don’t and I’d like to use it to help me grow as a roleplayer!

Alongside the previous points, I’d also like to learn more about MedicalRP in general. I don’t know the most about the position and I won’t lie and say this is my lifelong dream however I like to think of myself as a quick learner and hope to be given the chance to use that to continue learning more about this specific area of the server along with medicines, treatments and more in general.

If I am to be accepted I think I could benefit the team with activity and dedication! Something I and many others seem to have noticed is how little EMS seem to be online a lot of the time whether this is due to school, work or other issues, I think I could help with this a bit. I’d be willing to put in quite a lot of time to help others with any of their possible medical needs and reach any necessary quotas

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist):
I am applying for the role of Doctor!

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:
A doctor's job is to assist and help those coming into the hospital in need of medical attention. They need to figure out the best treatment for whatever might be wrong with the patient through observations and examinations of their condition. As a doctor, you must use your knowledge from training and in general to do everything you can to help where you can. Doctors also sometimes work alongside nurses who provide an extra hand with small tasks

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:
Clinical Lead
These workers oversee and supervise their specific sections such as surgeons, doctors or psychiatrists to make sure employees are filling out the correct duties and following guidelines that come along with the job in general. They are some of the main leads of the hospitals other than the directors.

Surgeons must know a lot about human anatomy and how the human body works to assure their job is done correctly. They are the most hands-on workers in the hospital who must be steady and careful with their actions. Surgeons may operate on patients to assist with broken bones, tumours and other injuries.

As mentioned previously above, Doctors are required to help diagnose patients and give them the best treatment possible that is fit. They must use their knowledge of medicines and illnesses to prescribe the right medication to assure patients don’t become sicker. They might also occasionally work alongside nurses.

Psychiatrists focus on assisting patients with any mental issues such as disorders like depression or anxiety. Their job is to talk to patients as a form of emotional support to help with issues in general and come to a conclusion whether the patient in question needs medication. If they believe it is necessary then they may prescribe the patient with the correct medication.

Nurse’s help around the hospital with minor cases that do not require as much attention. They may help out with medicine or tests. In general nurse’s are often expected to be caring and compassionate in nature.

Are you aware of the basic medical emergency color codes? If so, with their meanings, specify all those you’re aware of:
As mentioned before, I don’t know the most about MedicalRP and things like this however these are the ones I do know!

Red - Fire within the building

Orange - Hazardous spill/material

Yellow - I believe is a disaster which I think is like an earthquake

Pink - Child/infant abduction

Black - Bomb threat within the building

Violet - Aggressive/violent person within the building

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I understand, however, I doubt it will come to this.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
Yes, I understand and am willing to put in as much time as possible.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I understand and will do my best to attend every training possible if I’m to be accepted.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I understand.



Tell us about your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?:

My character is currently under-development so information about him may not be very specific or complete-
Jihiro is a fairly average male on the outside, his appearance would be that of a typical Japanese male, with dark hair and fairly pale skin. His hair was a dark brown-black and was fluffy to the touch. He came from a family of both Japanese and English backgrounds and despite having lived in Japan for the majority of his life he had a faint English accent that remained.

What are they like on and off the job?
For the most part, Jihiro’s personality would remain the same both on and off the job. He would always be respectful and kind to those around him. Jihiro tends to try and keep a positive atmosphere whenever he can especially during work as it can help patients and colleagues be more comfortable which can be important.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Jihiro would always try to have a positive attitude towards his job and co-workers! He always remains respectful to them especially in the workplace and may occasionally start small talk if the situation is appropriate.

He hopes to continue learning more about different kinds of treatments and medicine throughout his career at the hospital where he plans to stay until he is no longer able to work.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to?
Nope, This character does not have any previous or current physical or mental illnesses.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)
My character is currently under-development so information about him may not be very specific or complete-
Jihiro was born in Fukuoka Japan to his mother, Yua Saito, and his father, Akio Saito, but due to long work hours, they didn’t get to see him that often. His family had been fairly wealthy which meant he was able to attend private schools and get the best education possible. He hadn’t been the smartest in his class in terms of general knowledge but he always continued to push himself to learn further to keep his parents’ high standards.

As he got older he expanded his knowledge within the medical industries and became fascinated by forensic sciences and biology in general. For a large portion of his life, he set plans to working on becoming a forensic scientist but soon realised he didn't fit the role as well as he thought and went in a different direction. After the failures of becoming a forensic scientist he shot towards becoming a doctor to allow him to help others while continuing to do something he enjoyed.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Jihiro Saito

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):

Characters Given Name(s):

Characters Preferred Name:

Characters Age:

Characters Gender:

Characters Religious Domination:

Characters Marital Status:

Characters Nationality:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:


Working Experience(s):

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:


Forensics & Pharmacology

Native Languages:


Other Languages:

None yet as the account is new but will likely apply for one soon!​


Level 231
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
Congratulations! After discussing it with the higher-ups, we have decided to accept your application!
You may DM alex!#4532 if you have any questions.

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