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Level 62
newjeanz & ghimiis
Introduce dormitories or combined Team Housing SOONER than later
In many ways, for both Bobcat & Spartan teams & players in general!
As a disclaimer, I'm speaking from my perspective and I'm not speaking for every single player who is a Spartan and on a team, but I am also aware that there are other players who have similar feelings towards this topic; There's been a steady decline in the activity of Spartan teams. Being on a team and SchoolRP, in general, isn't as thrilling as it once was. I'm not saying it isn't enjoyable or that EVERYONE is inactive because I do readily enjoy participating in roleplay, scrimmages, and all of the other things that factor into being on a team or that other people - but the appeal is JOIN and to have interactions with other teams is a bit minute. Now, this isn't anyone's fault or the result of anything specific, but the lack of a designated area or... sort of forced proximity to other teams has caused a drought in roleplay.

While I do think happenings such as events and rivalry help at times, these situations are short-lived. I don't think that events give Spartans enough time to really get to know each other's characters. For example, when the Frat & Soro was a thing (I am not in favor of this returning by the way) it wasn't out of the ordinary for everyone's characters to at minimum know each other's names and there was much more potential for roleplay situations to happen and more a family aspect in general. I'm fully aware that roleplay is whatever you make it out to be, but I think after a while things grow to be repetitive and it becomes hard to make something out of nothing when things have been the same for such a long time.

To get to the point, all I'm suggesting is to give the teams a little push in the right direction by adding dormitories. I can't really suggest an exact location because I'm not sure if there's plans for anything else or space. . But! The appeal of being able to reside in these dormitories could potentially increase the morale & reintroduce that exclusive feel to teams, even including Lifeguards & Mascots & The Council. It'd introduce more roleplay as well. For example, the Dean could introduce RAs (Resident Assistants who could be the Event Coordinators & other leaders), curfews, hallway/dorm decorating competitions, common areas, communal bathrooms, monthly dorm inspections, a cute trophy area, a cute little dorm keycard that's a team item, game nights, new rivalry events, tailgates, and 100 other events/ideas I probably can't think of right now. If you've ever played Sims 4, think of the Discover University Expansion Pack but SRP coded. I honestly think it would be super fun AND super possible, with a bit more detailing.
Over time, and the years that I've been on the server, I've begun to notice a decline in the hype surrounding teams, and honestly, the entire school faction; the removal of the frat resulted in a removal of a hot spot location for people to gather with their friends, alongside the removal of motivation or incline to join- it removed the sort of 'exclusivity' of teams. I understand the removal was to make things fair between college and high school, which is completely understandable, but I think there were definitely more ways in which it could've been made fair, as opposed to a complete and utter removal of communal housing.

I think the main way and most ideal to revive the teams and school faction, would be the introduction of dorms. The introduction of team houses only separated the teams more and more, as they weren't around and interacting together in one specific location with one another and the removal of nametags (which again, I understand was for meta), only made it more difficult to locate people and specifically made it more difficult for teams insert themselves into IC conversation and interactions. Giving up the team housing plots to create two halls of dormitories, one for Spartan, and one for Highschool, would definitely be a step in the right direction as it'd enable mass pranks to happen between the two halls, and also create interaction between the teams and create more connection between players and characters. Not only that, the dorms shouldn't be separated by teams, instead, they could be randomly selected roommates, so for example, a male football member would randomly be placed with a basketball member, to create a bond and familiarise people with one another's characters ICly.

I think this needs to be implemented sooner, rather than later as the hype around teams is slowly going out, and once it's completely out, it's only going to be more difficult to fix.​


Level 86
Coming from me as a player who engaged with the sports side of SRP, and someone who has been on the sports side for years now I can say that there is significantly less interest and I don't have any real conclusions as to why except burnout

Teams need more passionate support at the moment (from players actively engaging with it), or something to drive interest to them outside of just spartan events because we've been doing events and it can get really tiring for the people who create those events and not a lot has changed. I am a big fan of the houses or otherwise being bunched in with other characters for interaction purposes. Something needs to happen to improve morale

I do think setting people up for more interactions could fix this since roleplay IS based on people interacting. Especially something to set up the bridge for non team members to be exposed to interacting with team members


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
+1 I’ve always said this and I’ll say it again

I’m pro remove team housing add dorms. At least for college students only


Level 129
Coming from me as a player who engaged with the sports side of SRP, and someone who has been on the sports side for years now I can say that there is significantly less interest and I don't have any real conclusions as to why except burnout

Teams need more passionate support at the moment (from players actively engaging with it), or something to drive interest to them outside of just spartan events because we've been doing events and it can get really tiring for the people who create those events and not a lot has changed. I am a big fan of the houses or otherwise being bunched in with other characters for interaction purposes. Something needs to happen to improve morale

I do think setting people up for more interactions could fix this since roleplay IS based on people interacting. Especially something to set up the bridge for non team members to be exposed to interacting with team members

The option for teams to interact is already there, teams just aren't doing it. It's unlikely dorms will change that

Still a +1 dorms sound cool


Level 13
+1, I’m not even on a sports team but I’ve noticed less interest in general too. Dorms would be awesome and motivate people (myself included) to join in to some degree.


Level 0
I think setting up everyone in one specific building would be easier to instigate roleplay! The housing being so separated is making it difficult for everyone to be at one place, leaving people to feel less motivated to run around and find people to rp with.

For me, I would say that since there is only a few teachers on at a time, the waste of all the classes at the back of the school could be turned into dormitories, or maybe just the whole second floor all around school and the first floor being for classrooms. There are so many useless hallways and the club side doesnt get used anymore.

I know the frat and sorority are long gone and will not be brought back, but just think about how much rp that setting gave everyone.

+1 :)


Level 42
+1. I was in VC when you guys made this so I can certainly say that I agree with all of it. Personally as someone who is a part of a team, I can see the teams being slowly separated. Now, each team has separate housing which makes it hard to find RP then the nametags were recently removed (for meta ofc). With these two things combined it just makes it feel like the teams are slowly being pushed away from eachother. I agree with everything in this suggestion and I think that it would be better to implement it sooner rather than later. I have seen that some teams are dying out and I feel as if we all need something new for motivation


Level 28
I don't like this idea nor do I hate it. I do see the drop in activity for spartans, I rarely ever see them playing sports and engaging with the school. (Disclaimer I am not targeting anyone!). I don't believe dorms are going to fit in the school, alongside the steadily growing player base we will eventually, as Kimi said something along the lines of have housing issues in the FAR FAR future. So I believe adding a new more complex spot to have a dorm is kind of unnecessary, and time consuming for the builders and people having to organize where everything should go and such. On the bright side I think it will help activity but I am SURE there are better ways to improve activity, such as making exams more often which is a resolved problem as announced before.


Level 42
I don't like this idea nor do I hate it. I do see the drop in activity for spartans, I rarely ever see them playing sports and engaging with the school. (Disclaimer I am not targeting anyone!). I don't believe dorms are going to fit in the school, alongside the steadily growing player base we will eventually, as Kimi said something along the lines of have housing issues in the FAR FAR future. So I believe adding a new more complex spot to have a dorm is kind of unnecessary, and time consuming for the builders and people having to organize where everything should go and such. On the bright side I think it will help activity but I am SURE there are better ways to improve activity, such as making exams more often which is a resolved problem as announced before.
I really disagree that this is unnecessary. Maybe time consuming, yes but it would all be worth it. I know you think that there are other ways to improve activity but they have all been tried. Purging teams, sports day events, bobcat and spartan events, and more. Captains have exhausted everything that they can to try and get their teams to become active but it was ultimately a fail. Now that team houses are completely separated along with the addition of removing nametags, it’s just making it harder and harder to find active roleplay. I know on the creative plot they have already began the dorms, so I do not see as to how this suggestion would be an issue to implement.


Level 28
I really disagree that this is unnecessary. Maybe time consuming, yes but it would all be worth it. I know you think that there are other ways to improve activity but they have all been tried. Purging teams, sports day events, bobcat and spartan events, and more. Captains have exhausted everything that they can to try and get their teams to become active but it was ultimately a fail. Now that team houses are completely separated along with the addition of removing nametags, it’s just making it harder and harder to find active roleplay. I know on the creative plot they have already began the dorms, so I do not see as to how this suggestion would be an issue to implement.
I agree with you. I think it's sort of a trap, dorms have been suggested to come back and denied. It's honestly a waiting game for activity to eventually completely die. Though I know people are working on it, we'll just have to see what they come up with at this point.
And I feel like on the day of the exams there were just as many spartans as bobcats. But a lot of people take the test on two accounts, or side accounts that are inactive. I do think that bobcats have more fun tbh, so I do hope they add something

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