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Dorms changes


Level 353
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We'll be creating a way to allow captains to edit the common rooms of their floor, this would mean that the captain could change their common room to whatever they want to accommodate any roleplay situation or team event they have planned. More details will be provided to captains soon.​
- We're already working on a more efficient way to clear old team member dorms with a new request system for captains which will make the process similar to their roster requests and allow for Sports Leads to get to them a lot faster with just one click of a button.​
- It's unfortunately not possible to put entire teams on one floor due to the roster slots some teams have, nevertheless, we tried our best to fit all teams as closely as possible (if not on the same floor) with teams of the same side college/highschool.​
- We created the 'Party Houses' as a way for both Bobcats and Spartans to host their own parties whenever they like, or just use it for team events and other fun plans. We also encourage teams to prank each other using these houses by communicating this in the rivalry-chat with help from sports event coordinators.​

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