players online


Level 26

IGN (In-Game Name):
downwrdspiral [APPLYING]
twothousands [NOT APPLYING]
heartlollies [NOT APPLYING]

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
KPD Application [APPROVED]
KPD Application #2 [DENIED]

Council Application [APPROVED]
Psychiatrist Application [ACCEPTED]
Caretaker Application [APPROVED]

Russian Application [APPROVED]
Korean Application [APPROVED]
Spanish Application [APPROVED]
JSL Application [APPROVED]
1ST Chinese Application [DENIED]

2ND Chinese Application [APPROVED]

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server ranges depending on my mood and my level of availability, which goes assumable for everyone. Most of the time, I log on for hours at a time; I can say that that's much more likely than not, since I have a lot of free time and most definitely will as it comes up close to being summer.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I submitted an application for KPD back in September 2023 and was accepted. I put around 4 months worth of time in the faction and it was a decision I will never ever regret. During my time in the faction, whether short or long, I significantly expanded my SRP experience; I was able to meet a ton of new friends, plus I gained a lot of confidence in the server in its entirety. Meeting so many people that inspired me to open myself up to more possibilities made it so much better to play, and has definitely made me enjoy SRP better overall.

I'm fully understanding of the fact that it hasn't been long since I left the faction and that I'm not entirely sure how long I should remain that way, but I can state with confidence that I am highly encouraged to come back and say hello to everybody again. I don't regret joining previously, and I am—with all of my confidence—sure I won't regret trying to rejoin now.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
When I was apart of KPD in the past, I got to know quite a bit about the department. There's still a whole lot that there is to learn, but I can give what I've got.

When you're in KPD, you're faced with a ton of ranks: it's kind of like a ladder, and an officer's main goal is most of the time to climb it. By chance, some officers prefer to stick to the rank where they are! Alongside ranks, you're given a set amount of items (some based on the rank you are) to help you complete police duties.

Patrol Officer

Detective Constable
Detective Inspector
Detective Chief Inspector
Detective Superintendent

Unfortunately, my knowledge of the detective division and what they do in general is rather limited because I did not learn much about them during my time in the faction. However, based on what I've noticed, I believe the detective division's role is to ask questions and investigate, rather than to go out and look for people. While detectives may do both, their primary focus is on determining who. Detectives perform questioning, check for fingerprints on items used at crime scenes, and perform various investigative tasks that are essential to the KPD. Who knows, maybe if I get in this time around, I'll head for that route.

Luminol — Used to check for blood on items such as ballistic masks, metal bats, and more.
Stun Blaster — Used to stun criminals temporarily from an 8 block distance. It is most commonly used in chases.
Tranquilizer — Similarly to the stun blaster, it is used to temporarily stun criminals, but it puts someone to sleep instead of simply stunning them.
Baton — A baton is used in close range combat, and knocks somebody out with 2 hits.
Crowbar — Used commonly in raids to pry open doors and chests.
Pepper Spray — Sprayed into somebodies eyes to temporarily blind them.
Gas Masks — Used to conceal an officers identity if they're in riot, but also can be used as a form of protection.
Riot Shields — Used for extra protection while in riot uniform. It is most commonly used when officers are dealing with groups of armed/masked criminals.
Breathalyzer — Used to check the percentage of how drunk a civilian is, and determines whether they should be fined for being drunk in public or not.
Handcuffs — The handcuffs are used to detain or arrest people.
Med-kits — If EMS are unavailable, officers are able to use med-kits of their own to treat wounds and help bleeding out.
Police Bike and Cruiser — These both are used to help get to situations quicker. The difference is the cruiser has four seats, while the police bike has only one. Two, if the driver carries another officer.
Radio — Used to communicate with fellow officers and is one of the most important items an officer can use. They can also use it to get in contact with hospital works when necessary, too.

The radio also comes with it's own set of codes that are used, being:
10-4: Okay
10-8: Responding to situation
10-12: Wait/Situation Paused
10-16: Void
10-19: Returning to the station
10-20: Where are you?
Code Zero: Help, I'm in critical danger![/SPOILER]

───────── ౨ৎ ─────────

There's a load of responsibilities and duties that are given to you when you become an officer in the KPD. Here are some from the top of my head and what they entail.

One of officer's first responsibilities is going on patrols. While on patrols, they hunt for criminal activity or injured people who can be taken care of by EMS. They patrol all over the city: powerplant, sewers, the beach, the plaza, and into the forest! These are only just a couple of areas that they explore, since nobody truly knows where crime may occur.
Arrests/Detains Fines/Community Service
These 4 are pretty similar but are also significantly different at the same time. The first thing an officer usually does is detain a criminal, mainly for them to be questioned. This isn't always the case, since there are situations where a criminal may be arrested on the spot if a crime is witnessed by an officer. Detains do not apply to a persons criminal record, as they could be let free over time if seen to be innocent of their crimes. Arrests, being felonies or misdemeanors, immediately and permanently stay on a person's record depending on what they are arrested for. Fines, being less serious than either, are when an officer spots someone doing crimes that aren't necessarily enough to be arrested for. For example, if an officer spots someone jay-walking, the person caught would have to pay a fine of 5k yen. Community service usually comes from fines. If a person can not pay a fee, an officer detains them and takes them to the station to complete a set of tasks for community service. Once community service is completed, the person is let go.
Calls are made through calling 110, and an officers main responsibility is to respond to these. Calls can be made for a large variety of reasons, such as: kidnappings, chases, groups of criminals, assaults, and more; calls such as these are typically responded to by KPD, but there are calls that are for the hospital faction instead.
Front Desk
Officers are able to sit at the front desk and wait for people to come in. People can come in asking to check the bails of people in jail/bail people out, to speak to officers, to make reports, and more.
Filing Reports
Citizens and other are able to come in to speak to an officer to make a report. They can report assaults, kidnappings, and other crimes with photo evidence for a police officer to look into and potentially make an arrest or put them as wanted.
If a person is suspected to have weaponry or someone in their home/apartment/estate, police officers will get into riot gear with riot shields (if appropriate) and raid an apartment to look for whatever they are looking for. Of course, they have to get a warrant before they do raid a place, but that's another task.
Checking CCTV
Officers are able to check CCTV to check and get video evidence to be able to conduct arrests, do raids, and more. CCTV is a very important aspect to KPD, because without proper evidence, arrests usually cannot be made. CCTV are planted all over the island, in almost every corner. Again, you never know where crime may take place.
Patting Down
If a person is seen spotted with someone on them they shouldn't have, such as alcohol, masks, metal bats, pipe wrenches, etc, an officer will tell said person to get on the wall and pat them down. Then, they'll check a persons ID for their age, prescriptions on things like crutches, and check for blood or dents on metal objects. If someone needs to be detained for questioning, then they'll be. Detaining was already explained previously, though!
Training is very important for the KPD because it is needed for an officer to know what they're doing. When somebody first joins KPD, they'll be a cadet, and will undergo 2 weeks of training before they are promoted to patrol officer. Another example of KPD training is detective training, which I am unaware of the timeframe of. In order to become a higher up in the faction, a person will have to complete training, too.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
If the police didn't exist in SchoolRP, the server would crumble into a mess of crime. The island is filled to the very brim with criminals, and without the police, that already large amount would double in size. Already, the criminal to KPD ratio is extremely uneven, but it would be significantly worse without any help at all. Despite the unfair ratio, police work as a team to the best of their ability to arrest criminals deserving, and do a great job at it. Without the police, the city would not only be filled with crime, but who would want to enter a city with crime so out of control it's totally unsafe to live in? To answer my own question: nobody!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I do, and will attend all trainings whilst I am available and online.


What's your character's full name?:
Matsuura Akane

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female | She/Her

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
"I currently have my PhD in Criminal Justice."

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Matsuura maintains a lean frame—standing on the fine line between muscular and slender—and stands out with an average height of 5 feet and 6 inches. Her hair was dark brown in hue, with bangs that shaped her round face and complimented her pale blue eyes. When her hair is down, it cascades down her spine until about hip length and is moderately wavy. When she ties it up, she usually wears it in a tight ponytail wrapped up off with a satin ribbon in whatever color that pairs with her current clothing.

Because she tends to hold a stoic expression on her face, it can be challenging to identify what her emotions are—despite that, she does, in fact, smile when she deems necessary. She is not emotionless and does care about how people perceive her; however, you will find the expression most apparent about her is just her natural straight face. It's what she prefers. One of her eyes appears to be cloudier than the other, assumedly because of a scar that is ticked across her left eye.


How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Matsuura is prone to keep to herself when in professional settings. Of course, she is able to talk to people—she loves it—but she's more likely to be spotted alone than with others. She understands how crucial the job is and how losing focus for too long can lead to harm, so she has learned to flip from casual to serious as quick as a flick of a light switch. She behaves responsibly and respectfully, no matter how frustrating, annoying, or challenging the circumstance is. Especially when it comes to dealing with teenagers. . .

In a casual situation, she is far more at ease. Being an introvert, she prefers to sit back and entertain herself, but if she's feeling social, she'll connect with those who are around her. She's not the most outspoken social butterfly and will stick to those she knows like glue, but if someone speaks to her first, she'll reply and do her best to keep conversation. Matsuura preserves her professionalism to a certain extent, but she is less worrisome whilst off duty.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Despite her preference for being alone, she loves teamwork. Matsuura puts her trust into her co-workers, and has no problem with working together with them in situations necessary. Being a police officer requires teamwork a lot more than someone may know, which is what she keeps in mind most of the time. Despite her stand-offish look, she actually prefers to be around people than not; it makes her feel included. Alongside feeling included, it helps her feel safe. "You can never be too sure," she says.

What's your character's backstory?
Matsuura Akane was born to Miki Akane and Uchiyama Akane on January 17th, 1997 in Hiroshima, Japan. She was raised normally as a kid, only by herself; her parents never had another kid and she was raised as an only child for the entirety of her life. She had grown to adapt to being by herself, which is the main reason as to why she prefers it so much now: it's how she grew up.

Raised normally, until something happened.

Matsuura and her family were enjoying the start of the new year on January 1, 2011, when she was about 14 years old. Fireworks were, of course, a traditional practice associated with that day, so her family purchased a few and decided to light them off in celebration. She undoubtedly loved the beautiful sight of fireworks, so she was thrilled to do this with her mother and father. They put off their fireworks safely and lawfully, as they ate meals while watching the pretty colors go off. After some time outside, when it hit midnight, the fireworks went off like crazy. A ton of fireworks went off at once, and one in particular was so loud and straight above their heads that it made her ears start to ring.

After an hour, her ears were still buzzing. Of course, it decreased significantly, but it still felt like it was itching at the back of her head. It was drowned out by the sound of explosions throughout the night, until she fell asleep. In the morning, it still seemed there. It was like a rushing sound humming in her ears that wouldn't stop. It scared her, and she had no idea what to do about it other than try to deal with it on her own. In order to avoid worrying her parents, she didn't tell them about it at all.

Months passed, and it never went away; it was months upon months of constant buzzing, which she had fortunately grown accustomed to. She finally spoke up to her parents, who were naturally concerned, and went to the hospital. The doctors diagnosed her with chronic tinnitus, possibly brought on by the fireworks. She had become pretty adapted to it by now, so it had less of an impact on her than it could have.

She learned to deal with it and moved on with her life as any normal teenager would've. She avoided loud noises, often found herself looking for something to listen to, and just did what she could about it. Of course, there's no true medication for it, so she got used to her routine after a while.

Despite the incident, she went to school like any other kid, earning fairly standard grades—it wasn't like it affected her that much, after all. She wasn't an exceptionally gifted child, but she certainly wasn't failing. She was attending school, completing her assignments, getting passing grades. She and her parents didn't really care about her grades as long as she passed. If she experienced difficulties in any of her subjects, they helped her make a better grade, but it was rarely serious. She began to focus seriously in 11-12th grade because there wasn't much else she could do—unfortunately, she didn't grow up with many school friends, but she didn't mind. She started getting straight A's, which she maintained until the end of her high-school years.

Once she went through all of high-school, she finished off with a solid 3.5 GPA. This, on it's own, was enough to get her into college. After taking a year off, she applied for multiple colleges, and sorting through the ones she was accepted to, she chose the one that would fit her best; in the end, she ended up going to college at around 20.

Matsuura had always, since she was a little kid, found interest in police work. She had thought about it quite a lot during high-school, especially taking law classes, and decided to work towards a degree in Criminal Justice. Matsuura spent 5 years, with summers off, of course, working towards her degree, until she had reached her PhD. Though it took so long, she made so many more friends than she had in high-school and loved college with all of her heart.

After so many years of constant work, she took a break. Whilst taking this break, she found herself moving away. She said goodbye to her family, with teary eyes, and hunted for somewhere else to live. That's how she ended up on the island of Karakura. She found herself working at a couple of shops to maintain a steady amount of money before buying herself an apartment and living there. She spent around 2 years off, before she had noticed police applications open up at her department and thought it was time to put her degree to use.

Now, here she is in present time, applying for the KPD in hopes that the years she put into working were worth it, and she'll find something to do for as long as she can.


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"No, you can not. If caught with one, you will be arrested and charged with Possession of Illegal Weaponry."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Eyepatch [L/R]
Wooden Cane
Reading Glasses

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"If I saw one of my own co-workers abusing an inmate, I would immediately intervene. If I was on my own, I'd radio for someone to come help me, but my first instinct would be to stop my co-worker. No matter the severity of the crime committed, it's entirely inappropriate to be physically abusing another inmate. Once the situation is done and dealt with, I would bring it to a higher-up so they can investigate it and assess the situation appropriately.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
"If I saw my co-worker being assaulted, similarly to the last scenario, I would intervene, no questions asks. If it was a group of criminals, I would radio for backup, since it would be foolish to dive into a group on my own. I would, of course, do my best to get my co-worker out of that situation, while keeping precaution of my own safety at the same time until assistance arrives. I would stun the criminals if the situation calls, and arrest them for assault on a government official. Once the situation is over, I would make sure my co-worker had no severe injuries; if they did, I would take them to the hospital so they can be treated accordingly."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"My initial instinct would be to collect proof. I would instantly get any photo and video evidence of what they're associating themselves with, so I don't make baseless claims of something so serious. I would make sure I'm fully understanding what I'm seeing is true, and be sure to be safe when dealing with it since I don't know their full intention. I would bring all evidence, once collected, to a higher up so they, alongside the commissioner preferably, can deal with them accordingly."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"A firm no and a simple fine will suffice. No need to make a big deal out of this one. If anything, I'd laugh. . ."
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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