In-game Name:
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes I do have a working microphone!
Timezone & Country:
EST Timezone (UTC/GMT-4)
Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Describe your activity on the server:
12pm-12am Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day. | 12pm-12am Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day. | 12pm-12am Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day. | 12pm-12am Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day. | 12pm-12am Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day. | 12pm-12am Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day. | 12pm-12am Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day. |
Each day I can be seen role playing and interacting with other players. I am usually looking for something to do that does not allow my boredom to hit as fast as it would. If I am bored though, I could be seen grinding attributes or trying to see who I could interact with ICLY. Though sometimes everyone needs a break from SRP, so sometimes I will be getting off early just to rest my brain and have some alone time.

What position are you applying for?:
I will be applying for the Governor role.
What is your motivation for applying?:
Seeing the differences of all the other factions, this faction caught my eye. I'm motivated to have talks with the other players on what they would like to see in the town and how my character could help improve change into the city. The interactions with other players, the roleplaying aspect gives me something to do and it’s something I truly enjoy. I can expand my connections with other players, while creating changes in character-ly, this would help branch out more of my roleplaying while being in the city faction, working for the government. I would be able to show other players that not all people are scary and that someone just needs to take the first step into doing new things.
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I have an understanding of Karakura's laws and Constitutional rights.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
For this character, I would like for him to be known by the public! I plan for him to be known by the citizens in Karakura for being known as a nice Governor, to catch the public's eye. I plan for him to actually make changes for the city and to interact with the public like, how could the city change? More events for the schools, more festivals. After doing this, I would like for him to be a well known citizen of Karakura for being very dedicated and giving out to the public's needs. A respectable governor even former. After doing so, I plan for him to have a family that follows in his footsteps, finding their own way in life and starting a new path while having a sense of morality. To teach other characters and also help guide them into new ways of life.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Being a governor, you have multiple tasks such as the currently following list goes!
Hand out ID Cards | Each government is obligated to create an ID for any individual that requested one. Getting information on who one is by their name and age, then for them to scan their finger on a finger scanner to add them onto the population of the town. |
Set up Verified Businesses | To make sure everything is legally run, a governor MUST be called to ensure that everything is smoothly run so there would not be any legal troubles or stuff such as maintenance issues that would be getting in the way of the shop. Making sure the shop is run safely for the public. |
Officiate marriages | Since a governor is listed as a government official, they are allowed to officiate those who decide to be wedded together. This can happen after both individuals have their wedding, they may head to the shrine to officiate the marriage, before going to town hall to actually document the marriage. |
Document trials | Recording the trials up to its current date! When a trial is ongoing, a governor is supposed to document the information received from each individual. |
Announce trials | For the citizens to know what is going on within the town, the governor will be announcing current or ongoing trials that will be happening. |
Attend Trials | To make sure trials are going to run smoothly, it is a governor’s job to make sure the trial is smoothly run along with it being documented as it goes on. If there is assistance needed within a trial, a governor will be allowed to give assistance. |
Give public speeches | As governor, it is obligated that once given the role, you are supposed to be known to the public. To be able to communicate properly and to help with the needs and wants of the citizens that you are leading. Even if there are minor or major changes to the city, the citizens should know what is going on. |
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I do acknowledge that I can be subject to removal at any time.
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I am very excited to show my dedication to this position.
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am aware that any display of OOC bias towards anyone on the job will result in punishment.
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have in fact read the Government Faction rules and i agree to follow them.
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I will be able to attend meetings and events weekly.

Full name:
Luvan Tae-Lee
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Current age:
Date of birth:
Academic Degree:
Political Science
Biomedical Engineering
Work experience:
I worked in the Kyoto City Hall as an intern when I was 22 while I was getting my PhD. Later on, I was able to get a full understanding of how the governmental system worked while my internship ended and I had fully received my PhD at the age 26. After I had turned 27, I began to work as secretary for the Kyoto governor who had given me advice on how to be a responsible and respectful leader. Quitting my job when I was 32, I had decided to move to a different town to create a new way for more leadership opportunities.
Nationality & born location:
Korean, Seoul. Hannam-Dong area.
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Chinese, Korean, Russian
Criminal record:
I do not have any criminal records.
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
To receive and pay back others tenfold. When growing up I was taught with extreme principles on life, taking accountability and having a sense of morality in myself. The people who guided me in my life were those who had knowledge of the law and justice system, those who had high morality in life. Back before I got my citizenship in Japan, I would volunteer in different places back in my hometown, being charitable to others - to show that the community is in great hands when I’m around. When I was in my teenage years, I began to protest against things that I didn’t believe were right for the community nor myself, things such as the local government’s stance on climate change or infrastructure that violated environmental factors or even the homelessness crisis at that time. By being empathetic to the community, while being charitable all does not make a difference on the type of person I am. It’s really more for standing up for what is right as it is a belief of mine, whilst still accepting other opinions and to greet others with open arms, comprehending how people want to see change.
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