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Drinking Plugin Update


Level 27
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What's the title of your suggestion?:
Drinking Plugin Update

What's your suggestion?:
I have a couple things that I think would be a good change for the drinking plugin. Below you will find two updates I think could be pretty good to add. These are not priority updates or needed. They are just things that would help with roleplay in different ways. So, it's just a suggestion to keep in mind and put on a list.

Character Drunk: If you change characters while another character is drunk, your other character has the drunk level and slurring too. I think that it should stick to one character, each drunk level. For example, if character 1 got 75% drunk and I switched to character 2, they would have 0% drunk. Otherwise, say you finish your roleplay on one character and you want to switch characters for whatever reason, you are not randomly drunk on that character. As well as that I know of a few people that like to play two characters and switch in and out with them. It wouldn't make sense if one was a drinker and one wasn't. Just adds more realism and allows switching. You can still get hungover from switching to another character just like when you log off when you're drunk sometimes.

Sobering Up: I think that it would be cool to give water the effect of decreasing your drunk level. Not by a lot, I would say it would be a tiny amount, like 1-5 percent. This just adds a little more realism into the game and allows characters to offer others water to help sober them up. As well as that, when a student is drunk at school and is stuck in the nurses office, as of right now we wait for it to go down. But realistically, a teacher would offer the student water.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Helps add realism to the drinking plugin and drinking roleplay around the server. It also allows people to roleplay as other characters when they still have a high drunk level. Let me know your thoughts on this below.​
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Level 39
+1 !!!
I completely agree with both suggestions! Doesn’t make any sense that when switching characters your drunken levels stay the same even though the character you’ve switched to hasn’t drank in the slightest. As far as the water suggestion, I’m all for it! This would be helpful for those who get dizzy with the nausea effect that being drunk gives, as well as allows players to sober up realistically! In addition, as a faculty member I would LOVE this idea. This would open up RP scenarios to help sober students up before letting them loose in the school.


Level 199
Character Drunk: If you change characters while another character is drunk, your other character has the drunk level and slurring too. I think that it should stick to one character, each drunk level. For example, if character 1 got 75% drunk and I switched to character 2, they would have 0% drunk. Otherwise, say you finish your roleplay on one character and you want to switch characters for whatever reason, you are not randomly drunk on that character. As well as that I know of a few people that like to play two characters and switch in and out with them. It wouldn't make sense if one was a drinker and one wasn't. Just adds more realism and allows switching. You can still get hungover from switching to another character just like when you log off when you're drunk sometimes.
I would like to offer a slightly alternative suggestion to this. When your character gets drunk I think it would be better to not allow switching characters at all until that character has sobered up. I recommend this simply because of the things you can get into when you are drunk whether it be inside of school (during hours) or having interactions with other players when drunk. Being able to switch to the other character and be 0% drunk on that character seems slightly unreasonable.
I'm not entirely sure if you're implying that when you return to your "drunk character" they remain in their previous drunk state until sober, or if they still slowly sobered up while on your other character.

As for the water one I am completely with it for the reasons you stated.

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