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Drnqk Ban Appeal'nt


Level 12
Hey im Red, Nrd, Drnqk (Drunk), Dame, Clem or whatever yall call me, and I've been a bypasser for 4 years now, nah im playing today Janurary 13th I got banned tho, My first ever ban, but I promised to myself that once I was banned I was not applying... so unless Tippie revokes my ban for sum reason, im gone, so this is my one and only goodbye message.

I joined SRP 3 years ago I logged in thinking this mf was a bedwars server, well it turned out to be the videogame I've played the most in my whole life.. im not a fan of games apart from this, im a spanish speaker if yall dont know, I was born and raised in Chile, South America, so playing this game actually helped me get somewhat fluent in english which at first was sick, I even got my Cambridge English Advanced certificate thanks to this game (sorta). im 18 years old, yeah im not 20.. I lied like 4 years ago in a random minecraft server and I couldnt escape the lie since that day, since It would have gotten me banned. But yeah I was not born on Feburary 2nd of 2004,my birthday is October 6th of 2005 ( Same day i got accepted into the KPD). I heard someone called me a Middle Aged man once, hell no im not 26 please. Im a dropout, or have been for a while, so that had me CHRONICALLY online on this server, Currently im playing football as a job and I would have quit by the end of the year regardless, I just wished I won a tournament with my Football Boys, I'll win it IRL i promise. a little thing I wanted to add and it might sound biased now that im a part of it, but all the cool people are banned, cus they are the ones that interact the most icly and oocly, so people gain their confidence and trip you after by stabbing you in the back. Im pretty sure I got banned for saying somthing drunk lmao.. that's funny and also why i hated joining Vc's at 4am to talk random shit, even tho i barely ever spoke. damn there is a shit ton of stuff more I could add to this about my expericene but I dont wanna rn cus it could be endless. (I feel so good writing this shit and knowing I dont have to be formal nor check grammar cus it aint an application L) I just lost like 1k worth of customs that if i ever appeal will be given away so yeah!!! That is like 12 cars 9 customs? Lithium and Hira are the goats of customs request from them i swear. (DISCLAIMER I ONLY SPENT 20 DOLLARS ON SRP NEVER MORE, MF I HAD PEOPLE BUYING ME HELL SHIT LMAO, get yourself some egirls to buy you shit)

My journey on srp.. I met cool people I joined KPD, was in the Basketball and Football team, but I always was an Spartan. fuck em bobcats fr. I was a receptionist.. I joined hella gangs.. even made sum, NARCOS wont forget because it was a drug dealing gang until I realized you couldnt... do all that in SRP so I deleted it. I was never a great roleplayer at all, or so I believe as I didnt interact much in an icly way, i just mainlyf fucked around and joked and made "fun" of people. Perhaps that's the reason my 2nd KPD app didnt go thru, or just a different issue that I still to this day dont exactly know lmaoo.. but that app was gass im ngl I never thought I could cook like that. Football College Males, Best team in SRP even tho we are biased as hell in tryouts Ienjoyed that mf so bad... When i tried out I was up to nothing on srp.. I would log on for 10 minutes a day, and since my only friend active was zadie, since the rest are banned and bypassying (not anymore tho idk) I'd talk to zadie then log off... I made Dame Time then.. a Black Dude from Portland, well I Started to like the NBA then so i named him after the PortlandTrailblazers's Point Guard, DAMIAN LILLARD, he was a clone of him.. until I tried out for football and surprisyingly I got in, thanks Jayla for accepting me, I got along pretty quickly even tho things inside the team changed a lot, Kyle soon became captain, my favourite gayman! I was Kyle's co captain for a bit until his dad destroyed his computer or sum lol... then there was the captain slot open, and fuck yeah I wanted that shit, who wouldnt. I have no patience, so I dmed everyone on the team on who they wanted to be our captain for pure "curiosity" all i wanted was to become captain, and I want to thank tippie for giving me the chance to be one. Now I think I was a pretty good captain, I wanted to do some much shit for the team, I always had plans, events or others planned, they were so many, that I didnt get to do barely non of them. Another thing that I do remember well is the day we were picking basketball captain and brendan didnt pick me cause i didnt speak in vc damn I was mad but that was fair af I cant lie.. as i write this I now realize the amount of things I did damn... I wanna say that I always wanted to be in the Event team, I had an app written that I could never post and a W crime suggestion that I couldnt finished neither I'll add em here if yall wanna see them ( or in another post) Now we got Duke, damn that man is sexy af, thanks con for the base, that base is so hot I wanted Duke for myself, He wanted to be onrain famous so go support him at @DGA i'll follow back fr! If you want to canonically claim Duke as your husband go for it he aint mine no more, just dont touch the legend Dame Time he is the best man in this city, now wiht his wife and 3 kids Pongo, Dame Jr and Bink. Iwanna thank anyone that voted for me for the dance king, yall are the real ones, Drnqk really doesnt know what's losing, except about losing in tournaments thrice, the snowball fight, hide and seek and everything rivalry related, except jockrp, I leave with 1 swirlie against me, and that was in the hands of like 4 fb male bobkitties, but apart from that a clear ass record,never got majored not KPS, quite the brag, gangrp is 2 easy :yawn: Jay I cooked you and your team in jockrp fr. LL!L!LL!L!L! Im not black btw, people think i am cus i play dame, but im white lol

People I wanna thank cus they saw sum in me or were nice friends. I know Ima forget a shittt ton of people

Will: the football coach and spartan mascot, always felt like Chizuru saiky was like a big polar beard dont ask why then Akihisa damn that mf was cool as shit, AND AN AKIHITO? oh nah crazy ( i always wanted to be an akihito)
Layzah : This man is my day fucking one or two.. I met him the day after I joined the server both greenies, and to this day we still friends, I still remember that group chat we had.
Nik0: Special mention to u aswell, gang lead, really cool btw.
Teikko and Frankie: My first captain and co captain on a srp team, the Basketball College Team, that shit was legendary I wont lie, we had all the boys in there, should have pulled up to tournaments, sorry I couldnt (regardless I was ass at the plugin)
Maxxi : Maxxi you are a day 1 aswell, I've known you for a long ass time and Im happy that you are off SRP and into better and brighter things oocly, your RP was cool and all, you were fun to hang around of.
Maria: ik she aint reading this, but damn she was cool, I slid in the dms after I got banned I cant lie!!!
Jayla: Jayla you are so cool and funny, you had me laughing behind my muted mic im so fr, thanks for accepting me on football and checking my dms quick, I wish I could have done more events with you. Amalia Fawcett is and will be mine.
(ima post fun facts around, the word believe I hate it, i've typed it wrong half of my life, believeing now, dont ask me about that one.)
Zadie: yo ass got me to stay in srp so i blame you for everything!! im playing, thanks for making me 6000 skins and helping me with hella shit, you were always there for me, you are actually a very nice person, and I'll always rememeber you for dating Vaple!!! no I wont, I'll probably still dm you daily and all so yeah, dm me back tho you better, We were in hella places together aswell.. Kadenokouji's gangs, basketball and others, damn I've known you for a long ass time.
Cam: I wanna be like u cam, you are cool and you are also married at like age 1, this shit is like playing league of legends, I thought it was impossible to have a girlfriend whilst playing it, but you did the impossible, thanks for always replying to my dms quick and having me at Ushi No Koya as a manager, I feel like you really valued me for that, I dont know, that place is gass go buy rn (#ad)
Asya: If i ever come back it's for Chloe the baddie Blackwell, idk how you roleplay like that, but it makes me feel like you are Nathaniel IRL.
Carnified: Bruh I was scaed of you in those gangrp days back then, I cant even lie to you, until carti got me in Santarossa there we got closed and after in teams and hella other shit, now we homies, and I hope either you or Mika gets football captain cause ik you both would be great captains, yo laugh, change it please that shit is concerning really.
Ming: ima take your college account back loser, gl in having no roles!! you are like the other friend I had apart from Zadie back then so you are also decent (not cool, that would be a reach)
(Im listening to Wet Dreamz on loop as I type, this song is so good, J cole the goat)
THE GROUP CHAT: these people were sick man, they are all funny af and cool, this may be the reason we are all banned and kicked from KPD but that shit is funny af, the amount of funny screenshots in insane, that group chat is tough af and im happy that I was a part of it.
Clown: you are so stupid man, and goofy, bro if goofy was real it would be you :skull: I remember you leaving ammar's server and telling on him to staff from the inside that shit was funny asl lmaoo, he hates you tho. I hope you and Zukinini get married in the future you both are such a good couple!!!! WE NEVER REACEHD CORPORAL MAN! I SPENT 5 MONTHS IN KPD AND NEVER GOT PROMOTED! Never forget when we picked you in tryouts over other people when Ghost was in your account (talk about biased) :skull: ( im sorry kaisu lol)
Mir: Yasu is a baddie! and that clip of youand carti at the beach, never forget never... minutes after a cool full on buzz cut came, best Ymir (i forgot the name) cut ever
May: you are 2 different people in srp and in discord but fuck you are good at videogames, I was scaed to play you in football again after the game I won cus I knewI was losing.
KYLE: I love kyle, I said it before my favourite gay man, I cant not think of that dog when I say your name now its insane :sob: thanks for trusting me as captain and giving me a 10/10 in my KPD app, i joined mostly because of you (And yonio, thanks yonio for the grade you gave me, I wanted to be friends with you cus you spoke spanish) I could never take you serious when you were mad im ngl.. that shit was so funny :rofl: keep hitting the gym man, like u promised me. (idk if u still do....)
(my apartment next to the hospital is loadeddd and I mean really loaded so go get it once the time runs out!)
lazeas: Im writing this as i see your "It cant be real msg" hey tho, i knew i was forgetting someone so I added you here, the 2 silent ballers from basketball, i cant believe that you are still in that team, keep the grind going buddy Loofy a hooper fr.
someone friend a cool dude named Seaya he makes some of the best skins in SRP including phoenix perez.
Moe: This is my boyfriend in no gay shit, no homo ong, Moe we tight like that, It was actually sad when you left the team slowly, like why'd you dip man? YOU COULD BE CAPTAIN TODAY!! Moe you are successful af so im happy yo ass playing less srp. keep dming me mf
Ghost: idk if i mentioned u already, if not, thanks for being co-captain, and accepting me into KPD, bro you are like the skibidi toilet meme irl, but for some reason at times you got real serious :skull: idk if there is enough time in 10 years to play that much HOI4 but if i ever need feedback on that game I'll dm u. (Im typingthis shit as if i was quitting discord tf) Adam Ramirez is more of a Skibidi toliet meme man, shit's concerning, he stillgets all the baddiesss! stop adam! the emo nerd.
(I was named CADET OF THE WAVE the 10th of Novermber of 2023, by the whole KPD higher ups) (I've also never Romancerped) - This line might be a lie
Meekuh or Mika: Mika please get captain and do the things I wanted to do as captain, you are also funny as hell, you could make a fucking 1 hour of our vc of you saying bs, quit switching characters if the team doesnt get purged, shit was annoying fr.
THE FOOTBALL TEAM: Best team in Karakura, anyone that was on my team is amazing, and before mine ofc,yall are hella cool the perfect team, just inactive at time, but a normal srp playerhas a life so i cant blame yall. Ary how does it feel to be the oldest person on the team, being in it for like 2 years (im trying to bother you). I wanted to get the team art sobad.. seems like we wont be able now lmfao.. sasved you 210 bucks carti
Tippie: ik we are still best friend (we (me) only dm eachother for sportsfaction related things, but I really wanna thank you for trusting me as a captain, hopefully I did all you wanted me to do and more! Never forget the time you game me nitro! :yawn:
Luvngrey!!!!!!!!!!11 you are not reading this, nor want to know about it but you are my bestiea aswelL!!!!!! when's Ivy helvete coming back tf.
twisty: streets never forget lil Jun and timelapse burning cus that shit aint cooking, lyrics in the football house (bring back team houses or the frat)
Spar tan ducky doo: This is like a meme account tf, that amount of contect on these group chats goes insane, i dont know who's more funny than who in the group, it's impossible to pick someone. Take care of Pongo Rene....
( I edated once, she's cool and all, but now i cnt get it over my head that I "edated" fuck I shouldnt have, just because of the title.)
If 0bliviatee is reading this shit, bruh i had the biggest crush on Isla on Kaku Kai.. mf I need her so bad, she a baddie, should have been mine
Sirguiad: best gang lead ever this man is special, and like smart and a trillion of other things, i hate you cus you never promoted me from the rank i had, i was hard stuck on that mf. I tried to steal isla from you tf? ofc. "Only hot men can join!"
Ecocide: I also want to be like you eco, you seem so happy at all times, and I got to get closer to you wiht time for no reason, you are nice af, I see why Shadonk wanted you,Today I asked you to tryout for football again but yeah.. im banned now lol!!
Vaple : ERP MAN!!! kidding he only romancerps, but Carti man, I dare to say you are my biggest homie in this server, I've known you for hella time, and we have always been together in teams and gangs, brothers on god, well we even told sum people we were twins at time. I also remember seeing 3 of your "goodbye msgs", mf quit already, or soon... enjoy your pixel baddies, Ik you do, the amount of shit we did together has no name, give me your onrain clout now tho, its stupid on how we like the same things.. the Suns the Ravens, Pixel baddies, Son___ (finish the name) we could lowkey be brothers man, Kayn and Andre are the best Santarossas ever homie, long live them.
Wyatt: remember the 5 meet ups we are having man.. never forget... and to the rest of the mommies group yall dont play srp so nothing lol
Liz made me edit this and put Carlisle on the list, fucj that mf for punching my icly wife.. gl in football tho

if I didnt mention you im sorry I just forgot, but you are as cool!

Hell nah i aint checking this again, If I forget sum I'll add it below

bye bye !

here all my characters just incase : DameTime, Kayn Santarossa, Duke G-A, Phoenix Perez, Percival Phantom, Brandon time, all 3 of the Kadenokouji's, the Kovutahita twins, Riolu and Lucairio sum sum, Irina my female receptionist, Brandon Time, Saejima Clement something and Isao M.T, forgot abt the rest

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Level 4
Drnqk, nerd. little man, glad you are ban, we hated you

nah, jk but glad you wont be talking in the vc about yen and srp girls from now on


Level 13
o7 - I am just now realizing and remembering your ign I was on the basketball team with frankie and teikko too, but I quit when Teikko ended up quitting and frankie got banned


Level 12
Thread starter
Drnqk, nerd. little man, glad you are ban, we hated you

nah, jk but glad you wont be talking in the vc about yen and srp girls from now on
I love those pixel baddies, what can I say, im a big fan of Aoi Soda, Amalia Fawcett and Chloe Blackwell
also others


Level 3
Gunnu miss you bro, Best friend for 4 years & more. At least we still have hypixel There wont ever be a captain like you regardless if me, mika or someone else gets it. o7


Level 3
o7 we didn’t talk much at all but i always found u rlly cool ! hope ur ban gets revoked it feels undeserving


Level 12
o7 YOU FRR always funny always nice lowkey weirdly quiet but ur dope FUCK ur opps not that they r here cus ur too cool love to all


Level 22
Didn't spend much time with you, but you were always fun. I'll never forget that one genuinely deep conversation Himawari and Dame had, super interesting.

You were a good roleplayer, even if you messed around half of the time. When people 'quit', they never do, but sometimes you're forced to! I hope you come back to us one day man, for now I'll see you in other parts of the internet! I think your team will do fine without you, you did good on them o7

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