Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
My main is:
I also hav 2 more alt accounts;
Yknqs (KPD role. 100% Speed.)
Discord Name & Tag:
I go by Red and my Discord is Redn. (The dot is included)
Which timezone are you in?
Currently GMT -3. Soon I'll go into my winter timezone I'll be able to update that further on, but it should be the exact same as EST by then.
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
French Application [DENIED]
JSL Application [DENIED]
JSL Application #2 [ACCEPTED]
Korean Application [ACCEPTED]
Spanish Application [ACCEPTED]
JSL Application #3 [ACCEPTED]
Italian Application [ACCEPTED]
1 Denied KPD application
Korean Application ALT [ACCEPTED]
Receptionist Application [ACCEPTED]
Chinese Application ALT [ACCEPTED]
Filipino Application [ACCEPTED]
KPD Application #2 [ACCEPTED]
My main is:
I also hav 2 more alt accounts;
Yknqs (KPD role. 100% Speed.)
Discord Name & Tag:
I go by Red and my Discord is Redn. (The dot is included)
Which timezone are you in?
Currently GMT -3. Soon I'll go into my winter timezone I'll be able to update that further on, but it should be the exact same as EST by then.
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
French Application [DENIED]
JSL Application [DENIED]
JSL Application #2 [ACCEPTED]
Korean Application [ACCEPTED]
Spanish Application [ACCEPTED]
JSL Application #3 [ACCEPTED]
Italian Application [ACCEPTED]
1 Denied KPD application
Korean Application ALT [ACCEPTED]
Receptionist Application [ACCEPTED]
Chinese Application ALT [ACCEPTED]
Filipino Application [ACCEPTED]
KPD Application #2 [ACCEPTED]
Describe your activity on the server:
I currently am the Football College Males Captain on my main account, this account being the one where I spend most of my time on. Im usually roleplaying with my team members or other jocks, doing what JockRP is. If im seen in other accounts, for example my adult tag im roleplaying as family members for my friends or intresting different dudes from what im used to on my main.
Im on SRP ALMOST every day of the week if I have time and im feeling it, Last time I was on KPD I had more than enough time to finish quota and to log on for special situations, and this has been demostrated in the past. I'll be on a good 2 hours a day on the week, and when we get to the weekend I'll be able to log on for a bit longer if im feeling it, I log from around 6-8pm until 10-12pm my time normally, but my schedule changes a lot depending on what im doing, so I cant really give a strict and specific time of when I'll be on.
I've been on this server for 3 years now? Around there... I should be hitting 3 years on april, throught out my time on this server I've been on the College Basketball team, on a few gangs, a receptionist, on the KPD and now Im on the College Football team.
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is that I've always wanted to be on the KPD, faction that I used to be a part of until a few weeks ago, recently after spending 5 months on the faction, I've gotten kicked from the faction, and my motivation is to redeem myself from the situation that apprently went down and claim my role in the KPD back, a role with what I was very happy with, My motivation was also stated on the last application, and it is pretty much the same. I write this application as If I had to appeal my inactivity, being this the issue of which I got kicked for. I can ensure you that I wont be going inactive for that much of a long period again, to showcase how intrested I am on rejoining the faction.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
As I've been a police officer before Im aware of everything needed and used inside of the KPD and to be in the KPD, and I doubt I'd have to state for you people as you guys have seen me execute commands and use our tools no longer than a few weeks ago, I've not forgotten anything yet so typing these would make this application unnecessarily long and I've decided not to then.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
They are the only group responsible for maintaining public safety, apprehending offenders, establishing order so that no one can violate the law without facing consequences, and overseeing large-scale operations to combat large gangs, criminal outbreaks, unfair circumstances, and—above all—the well-being of every resident of the town. Without them, the town would be a hotbed of crime, violence, and mayhem.
Now, police officers are not only the law, the ones to keep people safe, but they are also 1 step above us as important individuals, lets say, as if they were an authority, which may lead many to engage in roleplay with them in a more formal or real way than what the high school or college jocks are used to with pranks (for example), but to a much more interesting side that will save good memories. I could mention a few I've had with Ecocide, Lirically, GhostFireSwords, and others, but it would take me ages, yet those are memories that I'll keep on remembering because of how funny or important they were to me at the time.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Of course.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
They are the only group responsible for maintaining public safety, apprehending offenders, establishing order so that no one can violate the law without facing consequences, and overseeing large-scale operations to combat large gangs, criminal outbreaks, unfair circumstances, and—above all—the well-being of every resident of the town. Without them, the town would be a hotbed of crime, violence, and mayhem.
Now, police officers are not only the law, the ones to keep people safe, but they are also 1 step above us as important individuals, lets say, as if they were an authority, which may lead many to engage in roleplay with them in a more formal or real way than what the high school or college jocks are used to with pranks (for example), but to a much more interesting side that will save good memories. I could mention a few I've had with Ecocide, Lirically, GhostFireSwords, and others, but it would take me ages, yet those are memories that I'll keep on remembering because of how funny or important they were to me at the time.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Of course.
In-Character (IC) Section
*From a black to a blurry straight shot of a blonde Japanese-cameroonian girl dressed in gyaru style, the female would turn the phone around to get a large shot of the room, more according to the situation. She starts walking away and back into the room. She had a paper on her right hand... Now you can get a better and more clear image of the scenario. The shot feels centered on a room where there is a table in the middle and two chairs to the side.. a baby crib, and some baby toys scattered around the floor. The "Pink" female would sit on the chair in a funky way, let's say. She'd sit cross-legged on her chair.. to bring the piece of paper up to her chest height, then lift her gaze a bit more to look at the individual across the table. She'd share a giggle.. As the man shared a smile, a man that kept a tall, straight, yet relaxed position, the female would nod her head at the man, and she now began to read...*

Yume: "What's your name... Sirrr..!"
Dame: "Damian Time, Time is fine, if you are really my mans... Dame"
Yume: "How old are you Damian Time!!?"
Dame: "I've recently turned 25... well in december.. Im, 25 yes."
Yume: "What gender do you identify as, and what are your pronouns..?"
Dame: "Im a Male and I go by He/Him"
Yume: "What's the highest academic degree you reached.."
*a good and long pause.. the female would lower her voice tone..*
Yume: "Im guessing they are asking for all of your studies"
Dame: "I graduated from Karakura High School with a minor in Media Studies. Subsequently, I pursued another minor in Criminology, followed by my major in Criminal Justice."
Yume: "Besides Japanese... what other languages are you fluent in?"
*The lady kept a mysterious tone.*
Dame: "It goes without saying that I speak English because I was born in the United States. I also used to live next door to Spanish neighbors with whom I played soccer and football and where I started learning the language, which I would eventually finish at school back in America and earn my C2 level Spanish certification. When I was younger, I read the Asterix comics in my free time, which helped me learn how to speak French fairly well."
*The female seemed suprised as she'd back up from her chair*
*After a couple seconds the gyaru enthusiast regained her composture*
Yume: "If you had to describe yourself.. how would you do it Dame?"
*The Black Male would narrow his eyes; obviously, he had practiced beforehand, but he started slowly. His facial expressions revealed a lot about him at the moment: his brows were furrowed, his tongue was brushed against his lips, and his eyes were fixed on the woman in front of him. He displayed the formality or steadiness that some had claimed he possessed.*
Dame: "I'll start from the top, and I'll go down slowly. My head and my hair... I've always been a big fan of my dreads, they are important to me, keeping them re-twisted and fixed makes me feel clean and happy with myself, a bad hair day is a terrible day for me overall.. for my facial structure, my mom always said I had green eyes, she tried to make me confident as I never shared a huge interest in females growing up; I preferred the grind, I am, well was, dedicated to my sports, so we can say I am atheistic. Yes, anyway, let me go back to my face. My eyes are not green, fuck no.. they are brown, yet Dahlia never lied at all. Up close, in the dark, you'll see my iris shine a drop of green. For the rest, well, I always took care of my teeth, at least. On the hygiene topic, I was never used to skin care routines or others until my spouse, Yume, got me into it. My skin is clear, thanks to Cerave. I also got rid of my eyebags. We could say I've turned into those tiktok boys that I used to cringe at, but I won't lie, this has helped me improve physically. I said I was athletic, correct? Well, let me reword that, I used to be a right-winger on the college football team, the captain, and I was fast on that pitch, and that's something I thankfully still keep. I feel that I am a pretty quick individual. Im smart, well when I want to, and things I care about are involved... Oup, I forgot one part. Yeah, I don't like beards or mustaches, so I'll come clean off those to the job if that's important. As for my clothes, I won't get into that much as I'll go to work in my uniform, and my wife is a tailor, so we do dress in an interesting and different way, which I love. I'm a passionate man; I love what I do, and I do what I love... Let's go deeper into me as a person.. How do I ac-. . ."
*The recording would cut to a black screen.. nothing was seen or said for the next 5 seconds.. It felt like the video had ended until a figure appeared on the center of the screen one more time. It appeared to be the same young lady that had begun recording the first time. She now sat cross-legged once again with a smile that was the biggest smile found on the whole tape so far. She'd speak shortly.*
Yume: Hello love, I know you might be seeing this once your application has been sent already but sometimes.. others know us better than what we know ourselves, so I thought I'd help you out here a bit.. I love you!
*Up next, a quick transition, an old, dirty and rusty man that had some similarities with Dame, they shared a similar nose, their height and gestures, the audio was muffled a bit, and the recording was not the best quality.*
Brandon T. : "Hello kid and.. you others, You are rich.."
*He'd look at the camera, or perhaps behind it, as a murmur was heard.. the old man would sigh and look back at the camera.*
Brandon T. : "I said money because Im jealous of you being successful.. you are a hard-working man, something I never was...... NOW IF YOU DONT UNJAI-"
*The video would cut...*
*Up next an intresting "old" lady, black skin and green eyes, she sits in the middle of a fancy living room, with a man and a girl by her sides.*
Dahlia L. : "I've been asked about Damian.. What's he like? Well, Damian's been away from home for years now, but something I always take with me and never forget is his persistency, he always got what he wanted, even if it meant brawling with an older sister or with his classmates. He'd end up with what he aimed for, but for sure, a lot of work was needed, and he delivered it."
*The recording shifted from the fancy room, to a football pitch.. and a familiar face for many Karakurians was seen, a man with a lot of jokes that spoke straight and forward with a serious tone this time*
Adam R. : "Dame's a pretty cool dude, I guess, we were both on the College Football Team together for a while, 'n even before he took over as captain when Lucio left, he always kinda took charge of everything. He was pretty nice to talk to about some things, I definitely didn't know him as well as other people on the team did before he took off, but he was a damn good captain when he was on. Tried his best to keep the team together even when Lucio was absent, did good at that. Not much you can get from me about him, I can't say anything negative came of him, though."
*A quick ball would hit the individual's head from the back at the end of the clip.. as if we spoke about a funny moments video on youtube.. the man folded right away, far in the back you'd see a man named Juntei Okazaki laughing..*
*The camera shifted quickly, now to a young lady, with pink hair. she'd stand tall and pretty before speaking..*
Naisha: "Dame and I have known each other since we were 14.. well he was 16 and I was 14, anyways.. I must say, he's always been a smart guy. I like smart people, I was forced to have good grades at school, and I always did my projects with Dame.. so that's why we got along really quickly, If I had to highlight one of his qualities.. I'd say how loyal he is to the ones he loves, Dame never left me back nor forgot about me, and I see how that evolved with Yume.. someone who he admires and never forgets about or the love to his father, Brandon, regardless of all the bad things he had done.. Dame cared about him and did the best for him."
*And one more time, maybe last time, the tape would jump to the girl that we are familiar now, Yume, she'd carry her phone on her hand like a selfie, as she'd walk with a toddler by their hand. She'd chuckle a lot.*
Yume: "I can still remember the day I met Dame. We were standing near the football field, and he was complaining about how no one could get his hair right. At first, we joked about the possibility of me doing it, but, the next thing I knew, we were all in the female football house’s small bathroom, and I was braiding his hair. If you asked me back then, if I ever thought that us joking about giving Juntei a landing stripe would lead to us being married, I’d laugh, because I had met him during a time where I wasn’t interested in guys, I just wanted to max my credit card out and party with Ramona, but, he was someone who found his way easily into my heart as alcohol in my system, he's got something charming that's really attractive to me."

*The recording would go black once again, as it returned to the previous picture, where the interview continued as if nothing had happened*
Yume: "How do you act in a professional or casual situation?"
Dame: "I used to be a football jock back in my college days, played football, and i was quite... un-professional, with time I earned a reputation and it got me to become captain, role that changed me forever, I got my 1st girlfriend, Yume Nakajo, who's my wife as of right now, and is reading me these questions.."
*a soft snicker the both humans shared took over the sound in the room, the male then cleared his throat*
Dame: "both of these I would call my "canon events" from where I grew as a person a lot, and learned about myself and about what I wanted to become, I begun to get more formal, dressing formally, leaving jock things to the side. Since those days I've had the time to grow even more, with my head in the books and studies, to the point that I've gotten a lot of knowledge, to quickly think about what's the best solution to a situation and how to manage people or problems."
Yume: "What is their, I mean your outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?!"
Dame: "I am very familiar with teamwork, teammates, or what I'd have to call them know co-workers, as I stated before I used to manage the College Football Team, and a key factor to win a game, Even tho we lost tournaments, was to work as a team, and learn your buddies, put your skills together and cover the holes, or leaks the team may have, all together as a group, for that to happen we have to train and practice as a team first, there is no "me" in team, it is us.. if everything we ever did depends purely and only on our selves then we would know nothing, people must share knowledge to help others improve and reach goals, otherwise it feels impossible for me to see a bright end at the end of the tunnel where we find a solution for our problems.
Yume: "Tell us a bit about yourself.. what's the story of your life Damiann.!?"
*The female would drop the paper on the table, she'd then stare with some serious eyes at the male, he took his sweet time to speak, as this was a long one..."
Dame: "Ima trust my mother's words for my birth information... hmm hmm.. well first of all, when I was a kid, my family was never really wealthy, we never managed big amounts of money, so the birth of the 4th Time, was a lot, and more than what they wanted.. I was born on the 12th of December of 1998, a Saturday morning, at 7:30-ish.. My mother was old at the time, so were my siblings and my father, we could say my birth was not expected. But that's how life works for the Time's, it's not real if it doesnt have a deep twist. Im from America, well people outside of America call it the United States of America, from there, yes, from where exactly? Oregon.. Portland, and if you really need my location more in detail, well North Portland. When I was given birth to, my parents were still together, they sort of depended on eachother, it's not like they shared a lot of love for the other. My dad brought money home, and my mom treated us. Just like many families work,
Back in Portland, we do have a lot of cousins and uncles.. and as boring as my family was, since everyone was older than me, or outside from home, I'd barely spend any time at my house, instead I would grab the "Car and Driver" magazine from the weekend, as I'd dip home without telling nobody, not like my parents realized either way, I'd head to Columbia Boulevard, a "big" street, where 1 every 5 buses, I'd meet Logan, the bus driver, or well my friend, Logan was an old folk, he was around 60 or 70, or even 30... his beard just screamed old, and I never asked him his age.. I just guessed it. Well Logan was super nice, he always allowed me to hop on the bus for free, He'd tell me to sit behind him, as we would go speaking the whole trip about the things we liked in common... Old cars, New Cars, Race Cars, if it had an engine it worked for us, after some sweet 20 minutes, I'd arrive at a small gas station, the place was owned by Mikey.. or Magic Mike as some called him.. apparently he held up the business for the "best" ? Mushrooms in town, Im pretty sure his name comes from there, well yes my Uncle Mikey was a drug dealer, but the Gas Station was a nice place to play with my counsins that had my age, and watch modern cars drive. At this time I was just 7, therefore I had no idea what a drug was, nor what Mikey sold, I just thought he was a cool dude, everyone did, but my mother, who knew what he was up to, So when she found out I was hanging out with my cousins this much, they got me prohibited to visit the Time-Diffy's for the rest of my life. At that age I would be in school, only if, my family wasnt weird. My mom decided to home-school me, she said it was better and cheaper, I had no word in the situation at that age, what ever Dahlia said, it had to be done and with a smile from ear to ear.
Pushing forward a bit more, to 2007, where I was 9, my parents split up, My father had lost his mind, his mental health was terrible, he did a lot of things that my mom didnt like, so she decided to break up, decision that strangled my dad even more, some day we lost him that day, Brandon left home, he lost his job, and now he was homeless, he'd leave Portland, he moved to Utah, so I didnt really see my dad for a long time after that. Without a dad, our family was doing even worse, we had to find a way to bring money home, I still wanted to go to school, so I was down to do any kind of job to gather up some money, selling lemonade was way to cheap now, it wouldnt help us, so I thought that maybe I could work for Mikey, without letting my mom know, I'd go to the gas station, where I'd speak with my Uncle, at the end of the day, the job was given to me, well it wasnt really anything formal, he just needed a cashier and I could do it. My pay check was huge, and I could not understand it, gas sold a lot of course.. but food or drinks? barely any... my perseption of money was still poor, so I took the money that was given to me home, and gave it to my mother, we were so broke at the time, that Dahlia didnt even question our ways of making bread, she just accepted everything and stacked it on her purse, after working for a good year, My mom met a new man, his name is Jaquez, He had money.. well he has, that man pretty much saved our family, everything has gone up hill pretty much since that day, I got into school, I met a lot of new people, we moved out of North Oregon, it was a real blessing.
All of this help me really value how money was, and what I meant, so I figured I really had to put some effort in school to try and get the best out of me, as a trade token for my step-dad. So I did, after my first few years I had high grades, and I met a lot of people. I still worked for my Uncle, but now all money and perks were given directly to me, to save them. One day I was working at the gas station, as 3 big cars pull up, I still didnt know much about what Magic Mike's whole business was about, I had a few ideas but I prefered not to ask. From these cars a few police officers get out as they end up arresting Mikey, he had been locked up for a good time now, and since I have had worked for him, and had recieved money from his business, I got not me but my parents in trouble because of my age, and more specific, my mother, since my dad wasnt really present. A big debt given to us, and a few charges, we spent some good months at the PPD, where I got to learn a lot about police work and tasks, also about criminals, well... I already knew a bit about that. Fast forward, we have a huge debt on our name, well mine, as my mom was not letting it slip, it felt unfair to me as I didnt know much about the business, but I had to pay it somehow. Months after, I was working already, but the job was not good enough, yet it was the best I could do. A random day my father calls, he tells me that he's been living in a random island in Japan, where everything is cheaper, that they had a big amount of people living there and a lot of business opportunity as this town was pretty poor on jobs, this is where I saw a door quickly open in my life, and I followed my crazy father's instructions to go there, when I arrived my dad was no where to be found. And I had promised my mother the money back once I had returned. So I guessed I was just stuck there.
In Karakura I had to learn Japanese first, after I took my sweet time to do so, I had what was needed to get in school.. place where I met my best friend Naisha Kadenokouji, when I was 16.. we grew up to be good friend, even our dads met eachother when Brandon returned to town, and they got along pretty well. My dad was right, money was easy to get in this town, just a few shop shifts and car deals and I had gotten me myself enough to pay for all the damage done in the past, to my mother. From there, I had already realized that I wanted to stay in Karakura, to keep on making more and more money, and with the life I had, my friends and department, life was so chill, that I did not need anything else at all.. It was the best! Years passed and I got into college, place where I'd pursue my first minor title, something that I had always liked, Media Studies, I wanted to talk about sports on the radio, I had grown up on a family with a lot of sport treats, we all liked them and were talented, I always imagined I could join some important stars in programs about the NBA.. or NFL, anything, it was a dream I had, but In Karakura that desire I had to study Media Studies, had... let's say... pipped down, let's say the enthusiasm to do so, wasnt as bad, I had gotten myself on the College Football Team.. wowww... I was already playing the sport, I was the man that they spoke about, so I didnt really care much about talking about sports when I could play them, then I decided to repeat my minor.. but I didnt know much what to do, I was still really confused. So I just continued in Media Studies until something peaked my interest, in the meanwhile, I got my first ever girlfriend... and kiss... and everything pretty much, Yume Nakajo, mother of my son.. Pongo Time, Thanks Ramona Tao Tamura for the name........ I ended up marrying Yume after college and having a kid, yes, we live together in Karakura now and we are as happy as ever, although having someone that I truly cared about after a long, long time was special, I really didnt want her to get hurt, and if it was my job to take care of every single criminal on this town to keep her safe, then I was going to, so I begun to study criminology, my mission was to end up in the KPD as a police officer to fight crime.
After my minor, my previous Football Captain, Lucio Perez would step down from his position, where I would be given the chance to prove myself as the new captain, spot where I learned a lot about leadership, and other important aspects of life, related to team work. This was a role that I really valued, and made me grow as a human being 10 more times than what anything else would have, I really matured, and my goals in life where now clear, study to become a KPD higher up now.. as I felt that leadership in me.. and to win Football tournaments.. thing that I did not do with my team, we lost against the Bobcat Males, but it is whatever, afterall I finished my major on Criminal Justice, after this I would send my first application to the KPD, faction that I'd be accepted to soon after applying, joining them as a cadet, to quickly escalate to Police Officer, I was really happy with my position, I liked my job, and I thought I did my job fantastically. Erm.. after me and Yume came across a big problem regarding our son, and I had to quickly quit the KPD to help my kid, this was an issue that I dont really like to go in detail on, so I wont. Now I sit here on this chair writing my re-application, expecting to be accepted once again, to maybe get that role I wished I deserved, back.

Yume: "What's your name... Sirrr..!"
Dame: "Damian Time, Time is fine, if you are really my mans... Dame"
Yume: "How old are you Damian Time!!?"
Dame: "I've recently turned 25... well in december.. Im, 25 yes."
Yume: "What gender do you identify as, and what are your pronouns..?"
Dame: "Im a Male and I go by He/Him"
Yume: "What's the highest academic degree you reached.."
*a good and long pause.. the female would lower her voice tone..*
Yume: "Im guessing they are asking for all of your studies"
Dame: "I graduated from Karakura High School with a minor in Media Studies. Subsequently, I pursued another minor in Criminology, followed by my major in Criminal Justice."
Yume: "Besides Japanese... what other languages are you fluent in?"
*The lady kept a mysterious tone.*
Dame: "It goes without saying that I speak English because I was born in the United States. I also used to live next door to Spanish neighbors with whom I played soccer and football and where I started learning the language, which I would eventually finish at school back in America and earn my C2 level Spanish certification. When I was younger, I read the Asterix comics in my free time, which helped me learn how to speak French fairly well."
*The female seemed suprised as she'd back up from her chair*
*After a couple seconds the gyaru enthusiast regained her composture*
Yume: "If you had to describe yourself.. how would you do it Dame?"
*The Black Male would narrow his eyes; obviously, he had practiced beforehand, but he started slowly. His facial expressions revealed a lot about him at the moment: his brows were furrowed, his tongue was brushed against his lips, and his eyes were fixed on the woman in front of him. He displayed the formality or steadiness that some had claimed he possessed.*
Dame: "I'll start from the top, and I'll go down slowly. My head and my hair... I've always been a big fan of my dreads, they are important to me, keeping them re-twisted and fixed makes me feel clean and happy with myself, a bad hair day is a terrible day for me overall.. for my facial structure, my mom always said I had green eyes, she tried to make me confident as I never shared a huge interest in females growing up; I preferred the grind, I am, well was, dedicated to my sports, so we can say I am atheistic. Yes, anyway, let me go back to my face. My eyes are not green, fuck no.. they are brown, yet Dahlia never lied at all. Up close, in the dark, you'll see my iris shine a drop of green. For the rest, well, I always took care of my teeth, at least. On the hygiene topic, I was never used to skin care routines or others until my spouse, Yume, got me into it. My skin is clear, thanks to Cerave. I also got rid of my eyebags. We could say I've turned into those tiktok boys that I used to cringe at, but I won't lie, this has helped me improve physically. I said I was athletic, correct? Well, let me reword that, I used to be a right-winger on the college football team, the captain, and I was fast on that pitch, and that's something I thankfully still keep. I feel that I am a pretty quick individual. Im smart, well when I want to, and things I care about are involved... Oup, I forgot one part. Yeah, I don't like beards or mustaches, so I'll come clean off those to the job if that's important. As for my clothes, I won't get into that much as I'll go to work in my uniform, and my wife is a tailor, so we do dress in an interesting and different way, which I love. I'm a passionate man; I love what I do, and I do what I love... Let's go deeper into me as a person.. How do I ac-. . ."
*The recording would cut to a black screen.. nothing was seen or said for the next 5 seconds.. It felt like the video had ended until a figure appeared on the center of the screen one more time. It appeared to be the same young lady that had begun recording the first time. She now sat cross-legged once again with a smile that was the biggest smile found on the whole tape so far. She'd speak shortly.*
Yume: Hello love, I know you might be seeing this once your application has been sent already but sometimes.. others know us better than what we know ourselves, so I thought I'd help you out here a bit.. I love you!
*Up next, a quick transition, an old, dirty and rusty man that had some similarities with Dame, they shared a similar nose, their height and gestures, the audio was muffled a bit, and the recording was not the best quality.*
Brandon T. : "Hello kid and.. you others, You are rich.."
*He'd look at the camera, or perhaps behind it, as a murmur was heard.. the old man would sigh and look back at the camera.*
Brandon T. : "I said money because Im jealous of you being successful.. you are a hard-working man, something I never was...... NOW IF YOU DONT UNJAI-"
*The video would cut...*
*Up next an intresting "old" lady, black skin and green eyes, she sits in the middle of a fancy living room, with a man and a girl by her sides.*
Dahlia L. : "I've been asked about Damian.. What's he like? Well, Damian's been away from home for years now, but something I always take with me and never forget is his persistency, he always got what he wanted, even if it meant brawling with an older sister or with his classmates. He'd end up with what he aimed for, but for sure, a lot of work was needed, and he delivered it."
*The recording shifted from the fancy room, to a football pitch.. and a familiar face for many Karakurians was seen, a man with a lot of jokes that spoke straight and forward with a serious tone this time*
Adam R. : "Dame's a pretty cool dude, I guess, we were both on the College Football Team together for a while, 'n even before he took over as captain when Lucio left, he always kinda took charge of everything. He was pretty nice to talk to about some things, I definitely didn't know him as well as other people on the team did before he took off, but he was a damn good captain when he was on. Tried his best to keep the team together even when Lucio was absent, did good at that. Not much you can get from me about him, I can't say anything negative came of him, though."
*A quick ball would hit the individual's head from the back at the end of the clip.. as if we spoke about a funny moments video on youtube.. the man folded right away, far in the back you'd see a man named Juntei Okazaki laughing..*
*The camera shifted quickly, now to a young lady, with pink hair. she'd stand tall and pretty before speaking..*
Naisha: "Dame and I have known each other since we were 14.. well he was 16 and I was 14, anyways.. I must say, he's always been a smart guy. I like smart people, I was forced to have good grades at school, and I always did my projects with Dame.. so that's why we got along really quickly, If I had to highlight one of his qualities.. I'd say how loyal he is to the ones he loves, Dame never left me back nor forgot about me, and I see how that evolved with Yume.. someone who he admires and never forgets about or the love to his father, Brandon, regardless of all the bad things he had done.. Dame cared about him and did the best for him."
*And one more time, maybe last time, the tape would jump to the girl that we are familiar now, Yume, she'd carry her phone on her hand like a selfie, as she'd walk with a toddler by their hand. She'd chuckle a lot.*
Yume: "I can still remember the day I met Dame. We were standing near the football field, and he was complaining about how no one could get his hair right. At first, we joked about the possibility of me doing it, but, the next thing I knew, we were all in the female football house’s small bathroom, and I was braiding his hair. If you asked me back then, if I ever thought that us joking about giving Juntei a landing stripe would lead to us being married, I’d laugh, because I had met him during a time where I wasn’t interested in guys, I just wanted to max my credit card out and party with Ramona, but, he was someone who found his way easily into my heart as alcohol in my system, he's got something charming that's really attractive to me."

*The recording would go black once again, as it returned to the previous picture, where the interview continued as if nothing had happened*
Yume: "How do you act in a professional or casual situation?"
Dame: "I used to be a football jock back in my college days, played football, and i was quite... un-professional, with time I earned a reputation and it got me to become captain, role that changed me forever, I got my 1st girlfriend, Yume Nakajo, who's my wife as of right now, and is reading me these questions.."
*a soft snicker the both humans shared took over the sound in the room, the male then cleared his throat*
Dame: "both of these I would call my "canon events" from where I grew as a person a lot, and learned about myself and about what I wanted to become, I begun to get more formal, dressing formally, leaving jock things to the side. Since those days I've had the time to grow even more, with my head in the books and studies, to the point that I've gotten a lot of knowledge, to quickly think about what's the best solution to a situation and how to manage people or problems."
Yume: "What is their, I mean your outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?!"
Dame: "I am very familiar with teamwork, teammates, or what I'd have to call them know co-workers, as I stated before I used to manage the College Football Team, and a key factor to win a game, Even tho we lost tournaments, was to work as a team, and learn your buddies, put your skills together and cover the holes, or leaks the team may have, all together as a group, for that to happen we have to train and practice as a team first, there is no "me" in team, it is us.. if everything we ever did depends purely and only on our selves then we would know nothing, people must share knowledge to help others improve and reach goals, otherwise it feels impossible for me to see a bright end at the end of the tunnel where we find a solution for our problems.
Yume: "Tell us a bit about yourself.. what's the story of your life Damiann.!?"
*The female would drop the paper on the table, she'd then stare with some serious eyes at the male, he took his sweet time to speak, as this was a long one..."
Dame: "Ima trust my mother's words for my birth information... hmm hmm.. well first of all, when I was a kid, my family was never really wealthy, we never managed big amounts of money, so the birth of the 4th Time, was a lot, and more than what they wanted.. I was born on the 12th of December of 1998, a Saturday morning, at 7:30-ish.. My mother was old at the time, so were my siblings and my father, we could say my birth was not expected. But that's how life works for the Time's, it's not real if it doesnt have a deep twist. Im from America, well people outside of America call it the United States of America, from there, yes, from where exactly? Oregon.. Portland, and if you really need my location more in detail, well North Portland. When I was given birth to, my parents were still together, they sort of depended on eachother, it's not like they shared a lot of love for the other. My dad brought money home, and my mom treated us. Just like many families work,
Back in Portland, we do have a lot of cousins and uncles.. and as boring as my family was, since everyone was older than me, or outside from home, I'd barely spend any time at my house, instead I would grab the "Car and Driver" magazine from the weekend, as I'd dip home without telling nobody, not like my parents realized either way, I'd head to Columbia Boulevard, a "big" street, where 1 every 5 buses, I'd meet Logan, the bus driver, or well my friend, Logan was an old folk, he was around 60 or 70, or even 30... his beard just screamed old, and I never asked him his age.. I just guessed it. Well Logan was super nice, he always allowed me to hop on the bus for free, He'd tell me to sit behind him, as we would go speaking the whole trip about the things we liked in common... Old cars, New Cars, Race Cars, if it had an engine it worked for us, after some sweet 20 minutes, I'd arrive at a small gas station, the place was owned by Mikey.. or Magic Mike as some called him.. apparently he held up the business for the "best" ? Mushrooms in town, Im pretty sure his name comes from there, well yes my Uncle Mikey was a drug dealer, but the Gas Station was a nice place to play with my counsins that had my age, and watch modern cars drive. At this time I was just 7, therefore I had no idea what a drug was, nor what Mikey sold, I just thought he was a cool dude, everyone did, but my mother, who knew what he was up to, So when she found out I was hanging out with my cousins this much, they got me prohibited to visit the Time-Diffy's for the rest of my life. At that age I would be in school, only if, my family wasnt weird. My mom decided to home-school me, she said it was better and cheaper, I had no word in the situation at that age, what ever Dahlia said, it had to be done and with a smile from ear to ear.
Pushing forward a bit more, to 2007, where I was 9, my parents split up, My father had lost his mind, his mental health was terrible, he did a lot of things that my mom didnt like, so she decided to break up, decision that strangled my dad even more, some day we lost him that day, Brandon left home, he lost his job, and now he was homeless, he'd leave Portland, he moved to Utah, so I didnt really see my dad for a long time after that. Without a dad, our family was doing even worse, we had to find a way to bring money home, I still wanted to go to school, so I was down to do any kind of job to gather up some money, selling lemonade was way to cheap now, it wouldnt help us, so I thought that maybe I could work for Mikey, without letting my mom know, I'd go to the gas station, where I'd speak with my Uncle, at the end of the day, the job was given to me, well it wasnt really anything formal, he just needed a cashier and I could do it. My pay check was huge, and I could not understand it, gas sold a lot of course.. but food or drinks? barely any... my perseption of money was still poor, so I took the money that was given to me home, and gave it to my mother, we were so broke at the time, that Dahlia didnt even question our ways of making bread, she just accepted everything and stacked it on her purse, after working for a good year, My mom met a new man, his name is Jaquez, He had money.. well he has, that man pretty much saved our family, everything has gone up hill pretty much since that day, I got into school, I met a lot of new people, we moved out of North Oregon, it was a real blessing.
All of this help me really value how money was, and what I meant, so I figured I really had to put some effort in school to try and get the best out of me, as a trade token for my step-dad. So I did, after my first few years I had high grades, and I met a lot of people. I still worked for my Uncle, but now all money and perks were given directly to me, to save them. One day I was working at the gas station, as 3 big cars pull up, I still didnt know much about what Magic Mike's whole business was about, I had a few ideas but I prefered not to ask. From these cars a few police officers get out as they end up arresting Mikey, he had been locked up for a good time now, and since I have had worked for him, and had recieved money from his business, I got not me but my parents in trouble because of my age, and more specific, my mother, since my dad wasnt really present. A big debt given to us, and a few charges, we spent some good months at the PPD, where I got to learn a lot about police work and tasks, also about criminals, well... I already knew a bit about that. Fast forward, we have a huge debt on our name, well mine, as my mom was not letting it slip, it felt unfair to me as I didnt know much about the business, but I had to pay it somehow. Months after, I was working already, but the job was not good enough, yet it was the best I could do. A random day my father calls, he tells me that he's been living in a random island in Japan, where everything is cheaper, that they had a big amount of people living there and a lot of business opportunity as this town was pretty poor on jobs, this is where I saw a door quickly open in my life, and I followed my crazy father's instructions to go there, when I arrived my dad was no where to be found. And I had promised my mother the money back once I had returned. So I guessed I was just stuck there.
In Karakura I had to learn Japanese first, after I took my sweet time to do so, I had what was needed to get in school.. place where I met my best friend Naisha Kadenokouji, when I was 16.. we grew up to be good friend, even our dads met eachother when Brandon returned to town, and they got along pretty well. My dad was right, money was easy to get in this town, just a few shop shifts and car deals and I had gotten me myself enough to pay for all the damage done in the past, to my mother. From there, I had already realized that I wanted to stay in Karakura, to keep on making more and more money, and with the life I had, my friends and department, life was so chill, that I did not need anything else at all.. It was the best! Years passed and I got into college, place where I'd pursue my first minor title, something that I had always liked, Media Studies, I wanted to talk about sports on the radio, I had grown up on a family with a lot of sport treats, we all liked them and were talented, I always imagined I could join some important stars in programs about the NBA.. or NFL, anything, it was a dream I had, but In Karakura that desire I had to study Media Studies, had... let's say... pipped down, let's say the enthusiasm to do so, wasnt as bad, I had gotten myself on the College Football Team.. wowww... I was already playing the sport, I was the man that they spoke about, so I didnt really care much about talking about sports when I could play them, then I decided to repeat my minor.. but I didnt know much what to do, I was still really confused. So I just continued in Media Studies until something peaked my interest, in the meanwhile, I got my first ever girlfriend... and kiss... and everything pretty much, Yume Nakajo, mother of my son.. Pongo Time, Thanks Ramona Tao Tamura for the name........ I ended up marrying Yume after college and having a kid, yes, we live together in Karakura now and we are as happy as ever, although having someone that I truly cared about after a long, long time was special, I really didnt want her to get hurt, and if it was my job to take care of every single criminal on this town to keep her safe, then I was going to, so I begun to study criminology, my mission was to end up in the KPD as a police officer to fight crime.
After my minor, my previous Football Captain, Lucio Perez would step down from his position, where I would be given the chance to prove myself as the new captain, spot where I learned a lot about leadership, and other important aspects of life, related to team work. This was a role that I really valued, and made me grow as a human being 10 more times than what anything else would have, I really matured, and my goals in life where now clear, study to become a KPD higher up now.. as I felt that leadership in me.. and to win Football tournaments.. thing that I did not do with my team, we lost against the Bobcat Males, but it is whatever, afterall I finished my major on Criminal Justice, after this I would send my first application to the KPD, faction that I'd be accepted to soon after applying, joining them as a cadet, to quickly escalate to Police Officer, I was really happy with my position, I liked my job, and I thought I did my job fantastically. Erm.. after me and Yume came across a big problem regarding our son, and I had to quickly quit the KPD to help my kid, this was an issue that I dont really like to go in detail on, so I wont. Now I sit here on this chair writing my re-application, expecting to be accepted once again, to maybe get that role I wished I deserved, back.
General knowledge
Yume: "Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?"
Dame: "Hell no you cant.."
Yume: "Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription"
Dame: "Off the top of my head... paracetamol, melatonin, bandages, eye patches and canes? Those would be my starting 5 of most classic medical items."
*He'd lower his voice, adapting a bit of a playful tone.. his sight made it's way up from the table to meet with the female's eyes.*
Dame: "Paracetamol's the pain-inducing point guard running my ones.. Melatonin's got dreams as the shooting guard, Bandages wrapping up that small forward three.. Eye Patches with a clear vision at power forward, and Canes, my towering center.. going 74-8"
*The male would chuckle, as the female shook her head*
Yume: "If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?"
Dame: "I'll scan the situation, tell if it is abuse or just self defense, and if it is actually abuse Im telling my higher-ups, and making sure the situation is handled correctly"
Yume: "What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?"
Dame: "I'll radio for EMS and back up quickly before stepping in the situation and help my co-worker.. I've been in these situations before, and I dont think twice before jumping into action."
Yume: "What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?"
Dame: "This is a delicate topic, so I'd speak about it only with my captain or commissioner directly, making sure they get the full story and for them to do what they please with said information, but I shouldnt step further in."
Yume: "How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?"
Dame: "I've got money, and I dont need more money.. so hell no- im not letting someone bribe me, and it is way past the money part.. it's more of a dignity thing, and the view we give to the citizens about the officer of the KPD. I wouldn't let them walk free, since they tried to bribe me, they most likely committed a major crime, so apart from so arresting them, I'd be adding that attempt to bribe onto their charges."
Additional Notes:
I changed the format a bit, yet I kept the questions bold.
Sorry for all typos, I had to make this app in like 2 days!!!!1