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Accepted DT TEACHER APP | bheom :3


Level 59
Event Team
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


Do you have a microphone?:

I do not have a proper working microphone as of right now.

How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:

EST, Eastern Standard Time

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes I do, very aware and acknowledge that I will be demoted if I remain inactive for a long time.

Describe your activity on the server:

I'm on the server almost everyday for a good few hours depending on personal activities, my activity is pretty good as of right now! There are times where I have went on small inactivity logs but otherwise I am often active on SRP.

Do you have any previous bans?:

I do not have any bans nor warns.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

[COLLEGE], Bachelor
Highschool, Grade-9


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Fashion & Technology; DT

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

My motivation really is the roleplay experience, as I've been roleplaying different things- SchoolRP has always been something I've been fond with, acting as a student. I've tried different roleplay styles and types- so forth, I want to expand my roleplaying more and try something new and outside of my comfort zone. I've been looking forward into trying some sort of faction yet also still roleplay with those I know; the teacher role seemed more intriguing to me as I am still roleplaying in SchoolRP, I get to try new experiences.
As working in faculty and meeting new people; I see it adding more character into the person I'm using for here, I'd get to roleplay with others- different styles. Something really to look forward in everyday.
As for in general; in person I used to want to be a teacher growing up, it was always something fond to me and caught interest upon, teaching to people- making other's days, having something new to learn and teach to others. It always caught my eye. As so fashion as well had been something I've always taken interest to- creativity, seeing as Design & Technology corporates fashion, it intrigued me more to apply and take part of the teacher role.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:

Yes, I understand, it'll all help me learn more as I go forth into teaching!

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

Logs are there to help us, to help keep track of everything- classes, students, which class was hosted, etc. The teacher class logs help us know whether or not a person had been hosting classes, how many classes they've hosted, and what a persons quota is for the month.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

Rule 1. Respect - Respect other's the way you want to be treated, a rule everyone has and should be well aware of. A way to put it is respect those around you, your peers, colleagues, etc. Shouldn't be insulting each other; calling names and bad mouthing one another, not to go beyond someone's comfort zones, etc. Respect can also go the way of listening, listening is key to a class and in general. When someone that's more authority than you, you should listen to their words, follow their steps. As a teacher, students should follow rules and instructions, take them into consideration and listen. Another way of respect would be to wait your turn, students should wait for their chance to talk- not overlapping into conversations as a teacher is speaking or one of their own peers are speaking. Showing respect by the way they're listening. To add onto this, raising your hand for a question or a chance to speak, when someone is talking- specifically as a teacher, we'd appreciate to not talk over us as we are talking or being rude and calling aloud in the class.

Rule 2. Cursing - As a teacher you'd rather limit the cursing to an extent, keep profanity outside of the classroom; not using it towards someone and as also not to overuse it. This rule goes forth with faculty as well, we shouldn't be using those words towards people nor say it aloud in school. Respect goes forth upon the school, not to make bad of it. As it is a high school- it is understandable to let words slip but overusing so; abusing the words and using it upon people or going on aloud would lead to a punishment if continued. I'd warn the student to tone it down to an extent, not to continue their cursing.

Rule 3. Cellphones! - Sure everyone has their phones, but this also goes upon with respect- turn them off in class! It leads along with interrupting, we ask for your undivided attention on us rather than stuck on your phones. If your phone is heard constantly; playing music aloud or continuously ringing or so calling in class, you will be warned 3 times- even so punished if goes beyond the warnings.

Rule 4. Interrupting, disruptions - As this does go along with respect it is it's own rule, please stay seated in class and try not to move around so much. Disrupting goes along with overlapping conversations as the teacher is speaking, speaking aloud or even so making subtle noise or distractions upon the class. It interrupts the lesson and loses everyone's attention on the class.

Rule 5. Participation - Though I won't be calling out each and single individual out, participation and even trying your best is key- it's more so a way of motivation rather than a 'strict rule.' Kids should try and take part in class, it helps to get marks and for the class to hear of you!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I have been roleplaying for around 9+ years now, especially Minecraft roleplay! I was an Aphmau kid, I had started watching both her and ItsFunneh- taking interest in the acting on the game I also enjoyed. Youtubers like Aphmau, ItsFunneh, LDshadowlady, DanTDM, Stampycat, Little Kelly and Carly; they all had influenced me into all this. Their storylines had always interested me, watching them everyday to where it inspired me to do so on my own! I had roleplayed on servers such as LifeBoat- you're probably a bit stunned by so considering it was something like Hypixel at the time. I'd always change my name to like, "Kate, (so and so's) kid." From then I had made friends on Minecraft leading to making worlds for just us, cities and houses for each of us, roleplaying as a family. Doing little school roleplays as well. This also leaded me into Roblox roleplaying- where I had continued on that for 6 years, I always did family roleplaying where it also leaded to school roleplaying, this had eventually leaded to Discord roleplays- little scenarios to where I would detail everything.

This brought me to now where I started going back into those roots; taking a trip to memory lane to feel nostalgia, I tried SRP. Here I am now, I've been detailRPing everything and giving a chance to expand all my roleplaying- making myself new friends, new stories, a new experience!

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description:
Head of Department; they're the ones that are in charge mostly above others in certain or even all departments. They help train others, those that are under their rank and in general. They're the most experienced among the teachers if they have this role, their job to provide others help and guidance to all teachers among them.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Qualified Teacher; these teachers are experienced and had gone under proper training- leaving them professional and experienced. Those with this rank are ones that were teaching for a while, being under the faculty longer than others. Teachers that are under this rank are those who completed their training, having a good understanding on the educational policies and work.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Newly Qualified Teacher; these teachers are ones that are finished training, more so newer to teaching and in the faculty. They're some what experienced but are still learning and developing their skills upon teaching, they're those who are still getting familiar to everything and taking in the things they have learned from training to take it all onto a class.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Unqualified Teacher; these ones are those that are just starting on the job. They're under trainings by those higher than them, learning on their way into training. These teachers are those who haven't met the full requirements and experience to become an NQT, working their way up to that mark- attending their trainings, etc.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers both in-game and out-of-game are relatively similar, they bother serve the same purpose. Teachers are to help and educate students, teaching them certain things to take on into their lives, to acquire knowledge and skills to use in their daily lives. Teachers are those we learn from, those that teach us and help us get through basics of life. They take their times into planning lessons and teaching us things, evaluating students and giving feedback to make their success. They're there to guide us to the right paths, giving a good example to us. Teachers are to educate and help us, to make us take the path to succeed in life.

Salary wise in person, in Canada (as a Canadian) an average teacher gets paid $48,750 a year, or so $25 per hour. Those that are more so experienced make up to $81,840 a year. As of Japan salary wise for an average teacher goes upon from ¥300,000 to ¥600,000 a month ($2,500 to $5,000). Salary really depending on experience and education.

Though, SRP wise, teachers can earn a maximum of ¥500,000 per month. Those that are Newly Qualified start with a base pay of ¥350,000 for finishing 10 classes as of Qualified Teachers get a base pay of ¥400,000. Every 5 classes completing the minimum quota; teachers can receive ¥50,000+ on top of their paycheck at each month.

Each teacher teaches differently depending their working style and way to go, some are different learners than others- taking it differently how they teach and plan a lesson. Some will take their time in class visually educating those or some will learn and teach by book. Each teacher has their own ways of teaching a class; most depending on the subject they teach. Some will go by their own knowledge upon such, teaching themselves in their own time as they plan lessons. Spare time; it differentiates depending on the teacher. Some teacher take their spare time to mark things for students or plan their own lessons ahead of time. Planning days ahead for certain topics- projects that they'd discuss upon the class, etc. Some teachers will take their spare time as a way to have their own time away from school related topics. They could be taking their time with family; friends, relatives, etc. Having alone time to take a break, mental health breaks, something to ease their stress from work.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

It's rather self explanatory by the name of the server, without teachers it'd be full chaos upon the area. The school wouldn't exactly have its purpose without a little bit of education. In general; teachers are there to help those around during roleplay, helping newer players adapt more into the school topic. Teachers in this server also do educate in general having people learn newer things, making the experiences more interesting and more so enjoyable. The teachers do also help us learn more so on Lore and of the server, which adds onto educating us and helping us forth for exams to have our characters into different roles.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

Karakura High School works on the MoSCoW planning system; 'Must have, Should Have, Could Have, Will or Wouldn't Have.'

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?

Baek Soo-Hyeon or so, Sehye. A blissful lady, innocence and adoration that thrived on her face. Her aura an alluring- rather so approachable one, her appearance that made her give that first impression she was a total sweetheart. Her build almost hourglass-like, her skin pale and soft almost untouched, glass like. Sehye stood roughly around 5'6 without heels, maintaining a good posture- she was relatively slim; a mesomorphic build. The lady's eyes were almost what you could say cat like; they were sharp but big, beautiful they were. Her lips and cheeks naturally tinted a soft peachy tone, her smile sweet- the ends of her lips curled which made her seem she was smiling, her lips full and soft. Her hair silky, dark- falling down to her waist, curled at the tips. A small face she had, her skin was clear- looking relatively young. Her smile and youthful like looks were what stood out to people most, her loving like appearance contrasted with her personality. A doll at heart; a complete sweetie.

Sehye has a goal everyday upon her plans, make someone happy. She enjoys to be there for others, having others company. The lady was a person to put others before her, her goal was to make those around her okay- smiling. She thrives to help others in need, almost worrying everyday on a stranger she meets. Sehye wants to have people go down a path, a path that'll lead them to a good life, a happy one. She wants to have a good relationship within her work, colleagues and students she teaches. Someone those could reach out to, rely on.

Sehye overall is a lovely person, she has a good heart and good intentions. A sweetheart and a darling she deemed to be; she had a black cat like appearance but really she was what you could say a golden retriever. A clingy person the lady was, someone who got attached to those she befriended in her eyes easily. The lady is rather patient with others, empathetic- really empathetic. Sehye is a rather confident person depending on the topic, she's very confident of her works and interests. A complete different person when speaking of her interests, seeing if she shares interests with students- she becomes in complete awe.

Sehye has no set plans on her future, she always went with the flow of her life. If something happened, she'd let herself get passed it- letting life go the way it went. Sehye never had plans upon her future, she always figured it was best to let things go the way it goes. Then there'd be multiple paths to go forth, any could be happiness in the end.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

I would approach the situation- my first instinct would warn them with their profanity, to not curse and swear as it is disrespectful upon the school and there are classes attending. I'd then try to help resolve the situation as if there is one, seeing both sides to the stories if there is so. If they continue to go forth with cursing and so, I'd contact administration for assistance to stop whatever's happening, if it yet goes on after three warnings I'd proceed into detention slips if possible.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

I'd try to draw their attention back to the class, either fixing the situation why they had stopped listening to make the lesson more so interesting to gain their attention. If so doesn't work, I'll engage myself by overhearing the conversations, trying to talk with those bringing myself into the topic- finding a way back to the lesson. If the problem still continues on; I'd reach out to those higher up to help with the situation.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

If there are people around; Sehye will try to converse with those around her, if she isn't familiar with whoever's there she'd offer snacks to whoever with a sweet smile. Sehye would likely be finishing up markings, plans for the next class and lesson, but still yet speaking with staff around her. Likely asking how they are and so on. If there isn't anyone around, Sehye would still yet be working, keeping responsibility with her classes she hosts- finishing work and plans. Likely she'd be eating something or cleaning up the area around her, her way of relaxing and easing her mind from works.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

would sit herself comfortably at her desk, pushing her hair behind her ear as she tidied her area. The lady would glance around the papers and books upon her desk before taking out her planning notes, seeing what the plans were for the day- skimming through them before nodding lightly to herself. She'd place it all to the side neatly before bringing her attention to the class, tapping her desk, "Hello lovelies, hope you've been having a lovely day so far! I'm Sehye Baek, or Miss Baek, your Design and Technology teacher for the period!" She'd get herself up, taking the chalk from the side before neatly writing her name upon the board with a smile to the class.

would fix her hair up, putting it up with her claw clip as she walked around the tables where the students sat, keeping her attention on them and their works. She'd notice a student who was struggling with a certain part, walking over before looking down with a sweet look. "Here let me help you love," she'd offer in a sweet tone before instructing the person before her, helping them.

kept her eyes upon the sheets in front of her, jotting things down as she listened to her class. Clicking her pen as she wrote and pondered for words, keeping her attention on the voices and conversations she heard. Her cat like eyes, glanced up- a sharp look after hearing a curse word slip out, before sighing softly as she clicked her pen. Her pen that then wrote out the name of the one who let their words slip, onto a separate notepad.

watched as the students left the classroom, being dismissed. A relieved smile upon her face as she closed the door behind them, sighing softly- walking around the tables collecting sheets she had given out before for her students to fill out. As Sehye finished, she'd neatly place them in an organizer within her books, wrapping things up for herself to go home. She'd place the books into her bag, notes that filled for plans- notes to mark and papers to look through. The lady would place her bag on after closing it, tidying the desk before then humming quietly to herself as she saw herself out.


Myeong Eun-Jeong and Baek Hyun-Shik, a beginning to their story. Eun-Jeong had met Hyun-Shik through a friend to where they became sweethearts; love at first sight they’d say. Their love didn’t last that long, they got married- were happy until Soo-Hyeon came into their lives. She wasn’t something they were ashamed of, she just wasn’t what they wanted. Leading on to fights and constant arguments to where they put their own daughter to blame- growing up into middle school Soo-Hyeon’s mental health had started to take a toll with the fighting. Constant topics, little arguments over small things to where- it snapped. They had filed a divorce when Soo-Hyeon became 13. Eun-Jeong and Hyun-Shik had gone their separate ways as Soo-Hyeon had left with her father, where they had started a new life moving abroad to America.

Soo-Hyeon had chosen to go by Suhye when she had moved- the name Soo-Hyeon had thrown her off thinking of her parents usage to her name, everything was of course foreign to her- it took her some time to get used to. She had attended her high school years in America, learning English for the years as well as getting used to the areas around her.

Though, Suhye’s mental health was still rather on edge- her father wasn’t so well for a parental figure alone. He had always been working since the move, constant calls on the phone- coming home late at night. Suhye felt she had grown alone since, forced to grow up and mature- all to only take care of herself and the house. She felt as if nobody was there for her, her mental health had completely crushed her. Suhye had tried to bottle all of this; appearing herself more sweeter and brighter so nobody had to have much worry- taking it as she was doing fine on her own.
Her high school years had started to flow by, she was a diligent student- rather social with those around her and outgoing. Sehye was a top student in her classes, a rather creative and open minded one her teachers would say. Someone who should be proud of herself. During her last two years of high school she had taken the chance into volunteering as a teacher assistance, helping elementary schools- students in the area. She had befriended most of the kids due to her kind heart, taking two years with helping around. Eventually she graduated from there, where she had talked with her father about her plans after high school.

Her plans had ended up happening, her father had approved- letting go of his daughter, she had really matured enough on her own for her wellbeing he had thought. Whereas Sehye, she had taken the time to save up for herself, moving to Japan where she had studied and pursued her interests of taking education there as well.

Sehye had gotten accepted into Tokyo University of The Arts, pursuing her love for arts. Art has always been something Sehye was interested upon, her love for the creativity and meaning to a piece- it eased her mind when she was at her worse. Taking her emotions into a visual representation. Sehye had graduated in 2019, majoring in Visual Arts- getting a Bachelor’s Degree from so. During those years she had gone back and forth within taking a job with modeling, whereas she did that for a good 2 years- where she had then finished and graduated.
Within her journey; the blissful lady had eventually taken everything to account, she had gone to a path where she was happy- happy with herself, proud of who she became and her success. She had taken the chance to move to a part of Japan; Karakura, taking in her love for arts and care for students' wellbeing and had applied to be a teacher.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Suhye Baek
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Baek Soo-Hyeon
Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 27):
33 - May 7th, 1990

Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

I used to be a teaching assistance during my last two years of high school; helping out in elementary schools. When I graduated I had eventually moved to Japan, taking more part into my education and interests during college years- where I ended up doing modelling for 2 years back and forth from Japan and Korea. Prior to then I have no other work history.

Academic Degree:

Bachelor of Arts Degree

Year of Graduation:



Bachelor degree in Visual Arts


Graphic Design

Native Languages:
Korean, English (LORE)
Other Languages:
Japanese, Russian, Mandarin

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:




Additional notes about your application: Hope this is detailed enough :worried_face:
Do you have any questions?: Nope!​


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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