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Denied Dumpsters Librarian Application! <3


Level 24
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

What is your time zone?:
Pacific Timezone, PST

Describe your activity on the server:
My recent activity on SRP has involved gangrp and lore-based events. I was a professor for four months! I was highly active on that account as the professor character and have been trying to be as involved with the planned events and/or school. Besides, when an event is scheduled during my work or school hours, I try my best to clear the day around that time for it. This also includes events for gangrp which I just recently started to become active in again. This however is not the main thing for me to do, it is more to create relations and lore for the character I play. (Which will not be my applying character).
I am always active except when I am out of town or at work, as well as school. With the change of schedule due to school, I still remain active daily and get on once I am home from either work or school. Which in a day gives me about 4-6 hours on SRP depending on if I have anything to do inside of it.
I found Roleplay hub over two years ago now and since then I have had great experiences with the people I've interacted with and enjoy creating characters that are completely different. The character I am applying for is my main one and has been for 2 years.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No bans on this account. :Bans on CouldBeDumpster
Yes. I have been banned two times, once for a false accusation of AvoidRP back in October 2021. I didn't make an appeal as it was only a week long and decided to take it as a break to focus on school.
The second was a permanent ban, which I did appeal for. It was defamation due to a huge misunderstanding between the other players and me.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do acknowledge that and I avoid being inactive without warning!

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
Librarian position!

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A librarian is a job that requires knowledge of the creativity of writing. In real life, they are commonly seen as old but very sweet and helpful, which is not entirely wrong but can be stereotypical. Librarians are often caring for students and the books that they lend out, knowing that a child is just as delicate as their book.
There is more to passing out book and making sure they're back in time or giving library cards. Librarians are in charge of the entire library, whether it be computer access, noise volume, or keeping the entirety clean and tidy!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I've been doing roleplay for a long time and I always have enjoyed it, I would go into other Minecraft servers that were meant for roleplay but it wasn't ever as organized as I wanted. I was also very into LARP growing up and would get my entire school involved. Sometimes pretending to be someone or something else is exactly what a person needs to just get away from their own world.
My overall roleplay experience in the SRP is quite positive. I've been playing for almost 2 years now, which yes isn't a long time but for me, that's pretty decent. I have grown pretty fond of how it's not JUST roleplaying as a high school student, but there's also the opportunity to become city roles or school faculty. As well as gangrp and any sort of sportrp. Which I have enjoyed because it's not something I can grow bored of since I can just change up my roleplaying or make another character completely different.
Recently, I also became a part of the school faculty so I was able to engage in more school-based roleplay and make new lore that really improved my character and my ability to try new things.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I was originally a part of the school faculty as a Professor, but I decided to retire due to my own personal reasons after 4 months of being one. I really loved being a part of that community and would have stayed if I trusted myself enough to be stable to host classes, but due to my new schedule with school, I found it hard to get online to host a class in time. I told Muffin that I would come back to faculty once it is all worked out and was planning to continue professor, but I asked other faculty about their work and also just watched over the past few months, Being an employee itself seems really fun, and also would help me be able to interact with students more than just in classes and then, other grades in between classes. I also want to see how the Librarian is overall, reading the books and passing out tokens for written books by students!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Tells them that it isn't appropriate to speak to faculty or their peers in that manner, If they don't stop she'll give them detention for disrespect but still keep calm. It isn't good to give in to petty comments, so she won't let their words affect her at all. She'd also warn the other faculty that a student is being rude and to look out in case they have a bad interaction.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Call another faculty member to come to help her pull the students apart. If there is no other faculty available she will continue to try to break up the students as well as give them both detention. Kinoko would also get between the two if she is truly unable to break it up, making herself a wall between the students so they won't be able to hurt each other and keep them from getting more hits in.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Depending on what they are doing, she'd intervene and try not to cause a scene. Going up to them and telling them to stop what it is they are doing, making it clear it's not a good example to students and unsafe for themselves. If they don't stop then she'd call help over the radio to other faculty and even SLT if it's needed.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Kinoko will just grab herself a cup of coffee, sitting at one of the many tables to relax and take a breath away from the stress-filled day. If there is another employee she'll strike up a conversation about how the day is going, attempt to get to know them better, or see what's going on after school.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me Sitting with her legs crossed, she was typing on the library's keyboard until a student approached the desk. A sweet smile appeared across the woman's face, making eye contact with the student before her, "Hello there! How may I help you today?" Her typing ended as she spoke, placing her hands on the counter in front of her to pay full attention to the student.
/me Got up from the chair, grabbing the stacked pile of books from the back counter as she made her way out of the librarian's office and entered the book-filled library itself. She walked over to the Fantasy shelf where she neatly placed several books along the shelf in Authors' last name order. Shifting down the row she placed a couple of history novels in the history section, continuing to place them in alphabetical order by last name.
/me smiled at the student asking about checking out a book, She took their library card and swiped it through the machine, checking the system for any more checked-out books. She scans the book "History of Karakura" to the student's card before placing the card atop the book. Handing over the book to the student with both hands, "Here we are, I know you'll love the story!" she said in a cheery tone.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Kinoko T. Yokuna
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Preferred Name: Miss Yokuna, Kinoko outside school

Age (Minimum is 25): 31
Gender: Female

Academic Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology at Nippon Medical School
Associates in Culinary Arts at Fudan University
Masters in Mathematics at Fudan University

Nationality: Japanese-Filipino
Known Languages: Chinese, Japanese, and Russian

In Tokyo Japan, Ayoki and Denji Yokuna welcomed into the world their first son, Kai Yokuna. The boy was loved and spoiled by his parents for the first few years of his life. Seeming to be the happiest child, Ayoki decided she wanted to have more children to let Kai have a close friend. On December 5th, Kinoko and Miko were born, fraternal twins. The youngest of the two, Kinoko, born 3 hours later, was underweight, and being sent to NICU. After a few years in life, Miko had grown a hatred for her siblings, noticing that because of Kinoko's health, she would get more attention from their mother, and due to Kai being the only boy, their father would spend more one-on-one time with him. In reality, Denji was abusing Kai in an attempt to strengthen his manhood. He believed that Kai was too feminine to be a strong male, which is what Denji wanted since the day he found out he was having a son. By the age of 7, Kinoko had found out about her father's abuse towards her brother. She had walked into Kai's room one night after having a bad dream, where she was welcomed by a beaten young boy cowering in a corner. The finding out the truth about her brother and father, Kinoko was soon diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Where she had episodes quite often and would hurt herself and others around her. On the twins' 9th birthday, the day was fun, there was a large party and lots of presents. After the long day, Kinoko lit a candle in her room, something clicking in her head saying the words 'Kill. Kill. Kill.' Hearing her brother's cries from across the hall, she dropped the lit candle onto the floor. Setting fire to their home, where only the children would make it out alive.
Ayoki Yokuna's body was found charred in her bed. Meanwhile, Denji Yokuna's body was never found. They were both pronounced dead on December 6th with the Police's conclusion that this was an 'accident'. That day Kai and Miko were sent to a nearby orphanage. With the remaining money from their parent's will, Kinoko was sent to a boarding school to receive the close attention she needed.
By the time she turned 18, she decided to leave her current private school and moved to Karakura, Japan for a fresh start and hopefully a good education. She stayed in Karakura for a year until she finished her high school education, moving to Shanghai, China to attend a school she found great reviews on, Fudan University. She stayed in the university until she graduated, obtaining her Associate Degrees in Culinary Arts and Master's degrees in Mathematics.
After Kinoko graduated from Fudan University she went back to her former high school McTyeire School for Girls. She had arranged a meeting with the principal prior to her graduation in order to get a spot in the faculty. Kinoko had wanted to teach at this school as she knew the environment was a comforting place for her to start out. It was a school she always felt safe in and each year the students would always improve. After a thorough interview with the Principal, Kinoko became their Culinary teacher for all grades. Kinoko felt it was better for the students to mingle with their older and younger peers in order to grow in a better environment. She felt that her class and teaching methods would make it so all students would feel safe and well-taught.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
I was a professor at KHS for a time, I taught both Mathematics and Physical education. I still live in Karakura and have set down my roots after returning from China! I want to return to KHS as I loved working there and miss helping other faculty and students, I still keep in contact with some of the students I taught or helped out with, but they said it wasn't the same with me gone. The other faculty suggested that I should apply for an employee instead of teaching physical education due to my own health. I also know that if I were to rejoin KHS, I'd be able to keep my own children in check as I know some of them like to run about to annoy some faculty, which they do get grounded for! But I'd be able to keep a close eye on them during school and keep their records clean.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
Yes, I worked at McTyeire School for Girls in China, where I taught culinary for all grades. Then moved to Karakura where I taught Mathematics and Physical Education!

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe that during my time on the faculty, I proved that I was dedicated to the role I played and showed that I really did care about the community and the well-being of students. When looking over other applicants, you don't know who they are on a personal level unless, of course, you do know them. But with new employees, you could risk students as a whole being corrupted or not properly cared for! I am not saying it is your fault for hiring them it's the applicant's fault for having the wrong intentions. I love the students of Karakura and have made good connections with the other faculty that I worked with and met outside of work, so I wouldn't be in trouble in any way!


As a hopefully future employee of your establishment, I hope you're having

a wonderful day and can't wait to work with you!

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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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