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Denied dustzn | Tutor Application


Level 1
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server: Starting with my availability. My availability is everyday of the week from 1 PM to 12 AM. My activity on the server has consisted of a lot of roleplay due to being involved in a sports faction. I’ve spent a lot of time on the server developing and growing my character's personality and backstory within the sports faction. Types of roleplay I have got to participate in while active on the server consist of JockRP, StudentRP, mixed with some RivalryRP. While on the sports teams, I have had the privilege to participate in countless events involving Sports Day, tournaments, and the Pep Rallies.

12 PM - 12 AM​
12 PM - 11 PM​
12 PM - 12 AM​
12 PM - 11 PM​
1 PM - 11 PM​
3 PM - 12 AM​
12 PM - 1 AM​

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have never been banned before

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge that poor activity will be a removal.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Tutors provide students with extra academic help in a more secluded setting. Tutors excel at providing extra assistance beyond what Teachers and Professors teach, whether it’s assisting with reading, writing, or mathematics. Tutors also patrol and monitor around the school, ensuring that students have a safe learning space. Since Tutors share similar duties, they are also equipped with a Radio. With the radio, you can contact other school faculty members throughout the school. Tutors can also use the intercom system to call for students. Just like school employees, Tutors also have a quota they need to meet regularly each month.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I’ve been actively roleplaying since 2021. I first logged onto SchoolRP sometime in 2018. After I joined my first team, the College Volleyball team, I got heavily invested within the server. I was on the College Volleyball team for 3 years and the Football team for 5 months and it is still ongoing. I have participated in CombatRP, CasualRP, StudentRP and most recently JockRP.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I would like to join the School Faculty so I can help others. I’ve always had an aptitude for helping others, whether it’s in game or out of character. Doing activities outside of the game, like community service, has boosted my passion for helping others. In addition, I am confident in my academic abilities. With competent academic skills, Tutor appeals to me the most out of all of the School Faculty roles. As a Tutor, you must be academically advanced to provide assistance to others who have trouble understanding specific concepts. As for ICly reasons, Kazumi is both a kindhearted and caring person. Never skipping an opportunity to help a person in need. The Tutor role fits him perfectly to show off his naturally caring nature and academic prowess.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Korean Application [Accepted]

KPD Application [Denied]
Helper Application [Denied]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Kazumi would react with compassion for the young man. He naturally is an understanding and caring man, knowing that they are still young. Kazumi would attempt to kindly, calmly and reassuringly talk to the student, hoping they would notice how they are wrong. Once they have come to realize, he would then hand the student a detention slip with a lighthearted smile accompanied with it.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Kazumi, not a fan of physical fights, would interfere in the fight. He would walk in the middle of the two conflicting students and separate them from each other. Telling both of them to stay and talk out why it happened. Hearing what the students have to say is important, it shows that he not only cares, but that he hears their concerns with the current problem. Once both students have explained their sides of the story, he would promptly hand both of the students detention slips.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Depending on how the employee is acting inappropriately would dictate how Kazumi would react to the situation. If said employee was making rude remarks towards a student or an employee, he would first confront the employee. Trying to show them the wrongness of their actions. After the talk between Kazumi and the faculty member, he would then talk to a higher-up about the situation that occurred, ensuring that the employee will not have another similar occurrence in the future.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Kazumi is a very outgoing and kind young man. Often described as a social butterfly, he will actively seek out and talk to the other faculty members that happen to be present in the break room with him. Taking in the full scenery of the break room, investigating if there were any snacks or drinks in the room. Kazumi will first offer others the drinks and snacks he found before he would eat them. Kazumi is regularly seen with a smile on his face, especially while engaging in conversations with fellow employees.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Sitting in the Tutor room alone, he pondered what he should occupy himself with. Kazumi looked around the room, tapping his index finger on the table with a melodic tune to it. Kazumi continued to scan the room, admiring all the detail in the tutor room. He then was abruptly interrupted by the radio. Over the radio was a fellow employee, requesting assistance for a fight that broke down between two students. Kazumi then sprung up, fumbling with his radio before he responded to the distress call. “I’m on it, I’ll be there as soon as I can!” Kazumi responded. He put the radio in his pocket and ran out of the door, sprinting towards bickering students.

/me Casually but observantly, Kazumi strolled around the school, monitoring and ensuring that the school is a safe learning environment for everyone. Whilst doing so, he noticed two students that were arguing. Back and forth rude remarks and words were traded. Kazumi perked a brow as he worked his way over there. As he was walking over there, the volume and intensity of the verbal exchange picked up, now turning into full on shouting. Kazumi turned his walk into a light run. He extended his hand out towards the two, shouting out at them. “Hey, everyone calm down. Both of you tell me what happened.” In this exact moment, a student threw a punch at the other. Now full sprinting, Kazumi stands in the middle of the two students, extending both of his arms out at the students, effectively separating them. Kazumi then put his arms to his side, taking a step back to look at the two students. Kazumi began to speak in a more stern tone than before. “Both of you, explain how this happened.” Once the students were done explaining their perspectives, an understanding nod was given to the both of them. Almost immediately after, he handed a detention slip to both of the students.

/me After a rather uneventful day, Kazumi finds himself strolling around the school, completely unable to occupy himself. Letting out a short sigh of boredom, he made his way back to the break room. Upon entering, Kazumi was greeted with two employees having a conversation. He eagerly waves at the two, walking towards the Refrigerator as he did so. He only searched for a moment before pulling out a bottle of water. He held the cold bottle of water in his right hand, condensation from the water bottle dripping off of his hand. Kazumi walked up to the two employees, and joined in on the conversation. As the three spoke, Kazumi’s facial expressions changed from boredom to joy as a smile was plastered on his face, simultaneously nodding in response to the conversation at hand.

In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

"Kazumi Chizuru."

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"Mr is perfectly fine!"

Preferred Name:
"People call me Kazu!"

Age (Minimum is 25):
"I am 26 years young."


Academic Degree:
"Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice."




Known Languages:
"Japanese and Korean!"


From an early age, Kazumi was a kind and considerate boy. Constantly caring for his younger brothers and sisters before himself. He always wanted the best for them. Both him and his siblings were all athletically gifted. With the natural talents they had, they all joined Volleyball. As the years passed, they trained with each other becoming talented players in the process. This brought the Chizuru siblings closer together, with what he thought was an unbreakable bond. The strength of this bond was put to the test many years later.

When Kazumi turned 20 years old, he and his family wanted to bring their athletic skills to a school, and play together on the same team. WIth this new found ambition, they ended up in Karakura. Kazumi was never the academically gifted sibling. Always needing to study harder than his peers, he found himself always playing catch up in terms of knowledge and understanding at a higher level. After years of hard work and studying, Kazumi enrolled into Karakura High School as a College student. Kazumi became an official College student studying for Science in Criminology.

After the first few months of his new college life, he yearned for Volleyball again. Training endlessly, he worked to get on the Spartan Volleyball Team. Kazumi’s sister was a member of the Spartan Female Volleyball team, which drove him to be on the Male team. All he wanted was to face his sister in a tournament setting. Unfortunately for him, it didn’t turn out how he assumed it would. One by one for various reasons, all of Kazumi’s siblings vanished around him. As quick as the Chizuru’s arrived, they all vanished. Now feeling lonely and lost, Kazumi had another motive to get onto the Volleyball team, to make his brothers and sisters proud. Months and months of training had paid off for Kazumi as he was accepted onto the team. Now a player for a collegiate level of Volleyball, Chizuru was more motivated than ever.

Kazumi being a social butterfly, he got comfortable with his team. He built a special bond with each of them on an individual level. The bonds he built on this team weren’t going to amount to the bond he was about to form. On a rather uneventful day, he encountered an unexpected interaction. Not just any interaction, an interaction that would build an unbreakable bond that would change his life entirely. On this day, he met a tall, confident, and strong woman that went by the name of Lyric Hunter. Off of the first interaction, Kazumi knew that she was truly special. They spent hours and days talking about their goals, desires, and hobbies. Now growing very close and becoming best friends, feelings that were platonic became to turn into romantic feelings for each other. Although they were extremely different, polar opposites in some aspects, they complimented each other perfectly. After a flash of bravery shown by Kazumi, the two ended up as lovers.

Two long years later, Kazumi and Lyric have now got married. Along with the marriage, Lyric was now pregnant and expecting twins. With this on the horizon, Kazumi was met with a choice. He could stay in Volleyball, or he could quit Volleyball entirely to help Lyric take care of the twins. After weeks of thinking, he chose to quit Volleyball and to help take care of his wife during labor. Saddened about his abrupt end to his Volleyball career that started at such a young age, he found closure knowing that he can be happily with his wife and two twins for the rest of his life knowing he won’t have any regrets.

At the current age of 26, Kazumi has returned to Karakura after a hiatus from the town for some years. Wanting to assist Lyric financially, he looked towards the School Faculty. Kazumi has always had one constant goal, to help others in need. As a Tutor, he can assist other students who might not be as academically gifted as their peers. Kazumi had a passion and a desire to become a Tutor, because he too struggled academically and wanted to use his past struggles to elevate students’ learning experiences.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“I’ve always wanted to make a difference! No matter big or small. After completing College, I was left with a choice. To pursue a Volleyball career, or help students understand concepts they may not grasp as well as others! As a former student from this school and a student who struggled academically, I knew this is what I truly wanted. Seeing the smile on peoples faces when they finally achieve a goal, understand a concept, or conquer a challenging task will always make me feel warm inside. Now that I have completely finished College with more knowledge than I had before, I would like to use the current knowledge I have and assist the current students!”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?
"As a former student who struggled academically, I want to help the current students that might be struggling like I did. I want to help students who might not be as academically gifted as their peers. Simultaneously, I want to spread positivity to KHS! I want to make a difference and give back to the community that made me who I am today. Driven by personal hardships, years of studying, and the desire to help others who need it, is why I believe I should be accepted over other applicants."


Additional notes about your application:

I hope whoever is reading this has a good day!

Do you have any questions?:
No questions, thank you for taking the time to read my application!​
Last edited:


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. Unfortunately your application was denied.

- Please make sure to follow all application rules when applying, notably:
2. You must be active within the server, being active shows you are dedicated and ready to work often. (If you haven't logged on to the account you're applying within 7+ days, your application will be automatically denied)

- We do strongly encourage you to re-apply when more spots open up!!

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