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Ecocide police application


Level 75
IGN (In Game Name): Ecocide

Previous bans: on the very first map my __Silver____ acc was tempban for powergaming

Describe your activity on the server: 8-10 hours a day depending on what I am doing.

Do you have Discord?: Yes, Silver#6908

Do you have a microphone?: no.

List your current and past applications: Accepted Denied Denied

What is your motivation for applying?: I've been recently getting ditched by my friends a lot, or them just wanting to play different characters so I don't have many people to roleplay with, I have a few friends who got accepted into cop RP i would like to join them, those who got accepted say they really enjoy being able to roleplay a cop so if applying gives me something else fun to do on the server id love to do it.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?: I have the most basic things remembered

What are the Police ranks?:
  • Cadet, the lowest rank at KPD means your on a test/trial

  • Patrol Officer is the rank you get after passing your test you are now able to patrol alone with cadets
  • Corporal, the third rank you are now able to train cadets

  • Sergeant, you now can oversee training

  • Lieutenant, you are now trusted with a gun you still oversee

  • Captain is the second-highest rank you now test cadets

  • Commissioner, you are in charge of the police force entirely
What knowledge do you have of Police Work:
  • Basic Patrolling

  • Possible Searches

  • Keeping all Highschool students in school during school hours

  • Making sure no Highschool students are ditching school during school hours

  • Paperwork

  • Manhunts

  • Taking witness Reports/Normal Reports

  • Making sure everyone in Karakura are staying inline

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?: Police are important on SRP because SRP was once dominated by gangrp which made it unfun for players who just wanted to roleplay normally without being threatened with a bat, Having Police on SRP keeps everything balanced/realistic.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?: Yes of course

IC Section CHARACTER KNOWLEDGE Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? What he's like on the and off the job? Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?

  • Vincent is a tall Japanese male standing at 6’3 besides looking Japanese he would actually be half german his german features showing mostly in his height, Vincent has a very athletic build, he’d also have very strong facial features besides his past his face wouldn't be marked up once so ever, he’d also have dark brown facial hair, Vincent's hair was a light brown his sides were faded and his top was medium length long, Vincent always looked clean and well kept his beard was never not trimmed he’d never let his hair get long or let it get messed up he’d always tried to look professional he’d have a serious demeanor to him.
  • What makes Vincent unique?: Due to his past being in gangs has taught him to stay calm in almost all situations it taught him never to act out on emotions always think logically before you do something and if your gonna do it make sure you’re the one to do it the best.
  • What is Vincent like on an off the job?, If Vincent was patrolling he would keep his serious demeanor up at all times in those situations joking can lead to a loss of a life in this town
    If it was desk work/paperwork he’d be a bit more relaxed and willing to joke around more
    On and off duty Vincent would always be polite/respectful to his coworkers
    Off duty he’d be fully relaxed, his tone to everyone wouldn't change he’d still be polite/respectful
  • What are Vincent’s plans for the future?, His plans for the future are to excel in his duty as a cop until retirement on the way to that hopefully be able to start a family and still be able to provide for that family

    Backstory: Vincent Blake grew up in America raised by both his Japanese mother and her German father a truly weird mix they moved to America for what everyone moves there for a "better life" but all places have there horrible areas and Vincent couldn't help but get mixed up in them from time to time he was a good kid but he couldn't help but get himself into trouble he was always in the wrong place at the wrong time but besides all that misfortune he still excelled in school not letting his horrible luck outside it get the better of him tho that horrible luck seemed to seep into the cracks within the school, some of the fights he was always pushed into were now happening there which totally ruined a lot of the teachers view of him having enough of his school and his area's shit him and his parents decided moving Vincent to Japan would be the best option for him so once he finished middle school he was shipped off to Karakura to live with his grandparents, tho bad luck still seemed to follow him immediately when he arrived at Karakura he was sucked into gang activity gangs ran the whole town it was almost like cops didn't exist or they just didn't care there was always some dude getting beat or stabbed in an alleyway close to 11-7, Vincent never denied joining gangs really out of some fear deep inside him knowing that it would probably be safer to be in a gang then to not be in one and have no one have your back in this hell hole of a town so he stayed he moved up in the ranks and either became a leader or became close to the leader almost like a right hand man tho he could never say he killed anyone hes really only beaten people up he was against killing but if his life was really on the line and there was no other way he would of done it good thing it never came to that, After a few years of being in gang activity vincent was able to escape it mostly because all of his gangs eventually died out they were nothing but kids anyways they would of never lasted for a long time after he was able to finally get away from gang activity Vincent decided to focus more on school he wanted to become a cop once he saw more cops appear in the city it only motivated him to try harder to get the position "make this town a better place" was all he wanted to do now he had the chance to do it.
SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Vincent Blake

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Vincent

Preferred Name: Vincent

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: none

Marital Status: Married

Nationality: Half Japanese Half German

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: 5

Working Experience: at 17 Vincent worked at a bookstore as a cashier before it sadly closed down.

Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree

Year of Graduation: 2016

Major(s): Criminal Justice

Minor(s): History

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: None

Other notes: Other mc acc is __Silver____
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
-Your application has enough detail, showing the effort you put into it
-After a vote with the other Officers, the majority has said yes to you joining

Welcome cadet!

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