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Denied Elaixne's Counselor Application


Level 6
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that I have pretty frequent activity within the server, I am used to logging on at least once a week and staying on for 30 minutes to a few hours while online.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes, I have one ban under my belt from early January for ERP. I was banned for 6 days and have matured within the server roleplay since then.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge if I am inactive I shall be demoted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for School Councilor

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The goal of a school counselor is to aid students through their years in school both academically and mentally. The job may require monitoring student's grades and providing guidance throughout their academic career. Individuals in this position may speak to teachers, parents, and administrators to determine what students may need assistance. Councilors may also aid students with academic plans, study solutions/skills, time management, course selection, and career planning. As stated previously, counselors may also provide aid to students who might be struggling mentally in school by discussing solutions to bullying and addressing factors that may weigh said student down. There are many things a school counselor could help with and sometimes may require them to intervene. All in all, Their main goal is to be there for students in whatever struggles they may face while in school.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Let's see, I am 19 now and first started roleplaying when I was 12 on a mobile game. I have been deep into the roleplaying scene for years and have roleplayed in about 5 different games ranging in many different scenes and tones of roleplay. I have been in many different scenarios and have had about 8 years of experience to guide me through any new experiences I may encounter. For the most part, I am very skilled in scenarios and can efficiently act accordingly. I often like to play more seriously in roleplay and often like to take more creative approaches to the story while also playing collaboratively with those around me. I'm often considerate and make sure whatever I plan to action would be okay with the other person(s). I have broadened my roleplaying skills immensely- leaving me feeling confident in my skills to play out most stories and scenes.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Personally, after extensive research on other positions I have decided that this will be the best choice for me to partake in. I would like to use this as an opportunity to see how the inner workings of the school function while also gaining experience with a role that will be entirely new for me. I see this as something that would bring me more experience along with responsibilities which would aid me if I ever choose to continue my character's career in something other than school faculty. However, other than experience I am honestly very curious and excited to see what awaits me while a part of an amazing team. I see this as a job that would bring me a lot of new perspectives and roleplaying paths that could benefit me further down my roleplaying path in this server if for whatever reason I choose to partake in a role where this experience is needed to successfully continue. As for other reasons, I think this role would be pretty relaxing! I am not one for fast-paced roleplaying but I see this as one I can confidently enjoy and work in for a long time.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Russian Application

Spanish Application

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
College [Bachelors]



During a work shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, How does your character react?:

Elaine in this situation would remain calm and stop the situation from progressing to the best of her abilities by keeping a gentle and low tone with the student. She would express care and control of the situation as she understands the student could be acting out for various reasons, so It would be best to remain relaxed and composed. Though she understands this, she must also express her authority to this student, so naturally while staying composed she will remind the student that such behavior and language are not acceptable within the environment. In a gentle tone she’d speak; “Please refrain from using such language here please, Furthermore I understand you’re upset and I am willing to have a calm conversation with you to help if you would like, but please understand this behavior that you are displaying is not adequate.” She would stay firm with her words and offer, but if the student fails to understand she will calmly sigh and speak in a much more serious demeanor.. “Again, I understand but I am here to help, If my offer is refused and you continue this behavior I will have to go through with punishment accordingly. I am here to help, not be your enemy”

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Elaine would quickly address the situation, focusing on the students around the fight to ensure everyone is separated safely. Once arriving at the scene she will firmly tell the students to separate themselves. After these students are separated from the fight she will tell those students who had been spectating to basically “shoo” and to go back to whatever they were doing before the fight. After the scene is controlled she will ask Student A and Student B questions, like why the fight started, who started it, and what actions led to the physical fighting. After the discussion, she would provide alternative actions for future situations for both parties and express how what they did was not okay. Lastly, she would give both students detention and let other faculty members know of the situation documenting both the incident and the students' names.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
If Elaine were to see this unfold, she would approach the faculty member and asses the situation expressing how what they are doing is unprofessional and dangerous to us and the students around them. Firmly but respectfully she would ask them to stop doing whatever behavior they had been executing and to put on their professionally trained behavior. While doing this she would also ensure that there would be no students near them, making sure no student would be caught in the crossfire. After the problem, she would report the issue to her higher-ups as this is something that cannot be glossed over. It is the faculty's job to ensure the safety of students on campus and if that is not being done by a member of the school employees, then it should be addressed immediately. While reporting the incident she would express how what they did was dangerous while also giving detailed explanations of the problem and which faculty member had done it.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Though Elaine carries a welcoming vibe on her, she is deep down an introvert. In the breakroom, she would keep to herself doing a few tasks for herself or her job silently with a coffee by her side. With other members, she would kindly gesture to them with a “Hello” or friendly greeting keeping a respectful front with her peers. At her little corner, she would express a quiet character always keeping to herself in most situations outside of student interactions. This usually means she speaks up when needed or speaks when spoken to. Interactions with other faculty don't bother her, in fact, she is always very happy to carry on conversations with peers. If she isn't talking to those around her though, she will as I said continue with her personal tasks like going through documents and ensuring everything is neat and up to date with her students and personal life.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Elaine would sit quietly at her station, going through files documenting every incident in the day keeping everything up to date and in a neat file, while doing so she’d occasionally look up to gaze at the school grounds before her making sure every student is behaving accordingly and respectfully. She’d glance a few times at her coffee cup, longing for something to happen so she could get up and take a break from all the documents.

/me As the students continued to argue with no end, her patience began to dwindle. The students failed to listen to her when she asked kindly to break it up. Examining them she’d let them yell a few more times before finally taking a deep breath and speaking with a stern tone. Once her sentence was finished she’d relax again, her expression settling back to its calm demeanor as if nothing happened. Stressful situation as it is…She’d somehow put on a happy smile and kindly speak to the children in front of her continuing to assess the situation.

/me As the heat from the summer sun settled upon her skin, she groaned hopelessly wondering if the heat would ever settle down so she could work at a more swift pace. Eventually, the heat would be too much to bear, so with her hand, she’d rummage through her folder at hand finding a blank paper. With the paper at hand, she would fold it vertically in half to make a makeshift fan for herself. After the paper-made fan was made, Elaine would desperately start fanning herself hoping that this would be enough to cool her down so she could continue to do her duties comfortably.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

“Elaine Osiris”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“Miss, I am not married”

Preferred Name:
“Elaine is just fine, I'm also fine with any friendly nicknames”

Age (Minimum is 25):
“I am 26 years old”

“I am a female, going by She/Her pronouns”

Academic Degree:
“While attending Shinshu University I have achieved a Master's degree in Psychology and a bachelor's degree in Public Health”

“Psychology and Public Health”

“Education and Communications”

“Mexican/Latina and Russian nationality, but I am currently living in Karakura Japan”

Known Languages:
“Japanese, Russian, and Spanish”

Born into a chaotic household, Elaine grew up in Mexico where her parents along with 3 older siblings lived. Here she’d grow apart from her family learning at a young age that in order to live a happy life, she needed to get away from them. Since her parents were neglectful they hadn’t noticed when she decided to flee her home and start a life in Japan. In Karakura surrounded by friendly new relationships, books, engaging conversations, and opportunities to pursue her interests would lead her to have a strong grip on communication and complex perspectives which would be important and pivotal in her life later on.

Elaine became interested in studying people's emotions and behavior during her adolescent years. She was her friends' go-to for insightful advice and a listening ear because she was a natural empath. As she lived in Japan, she grew close to a few residents who taught her to be fluent in Japanese. Later on, she also learned Russian to grow closer to the culture and friends that she had grown to learn about. She also developed a love for literature and psychology at this time, reading books on counseling methods, personal growth, and mental wellness. She pursued a degree in psychology and attended an internship at the University of Shinshu where she gained more experience in counseling with those younger than her. Elaine's dedication to her chosen career path solidified as she dove further into her studies. She took part in studies examining the link between childhood trauma and adult coping strategies, which strengthened her resolve to make a difference in the lives of children.

After achieving a master's degree in Psychology and a bachelor's in Public health, she continued her studies at local community centers to broaden her skills. After about 6 months of graduating, she found herself wanting to get a bachelor's in Sociology so she went back to school but this time in Karakura. While attending school here she found herself loving the environment and wanting to join the staff to guide those around her.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
“Living here in Karakura, studying for a new bachelor's degree has made me realize that I have a deep connection to my environment here. I am very passionate about those around me and see myself achieving my goals here as a staff member. I have faced a lot of challenges and have lived my life constantly striving to help those around me grow along with myself of course. I yearn for new experiences and that feeling of accomplishment that comes with helping students. My life goal is to truly help and guide adolescents. Working at KHS would bring me a sense of satisfaction and academic achievement. Working with these students to help guide them will bring me great happiness."

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
“At my previous University, I gained an internship where I was able to work alongside councilors and gain somewhat of a grasp of experience while aiding alongside them. I was able to see how my higher-ups at the time functioned in their position as University counselors, I mainly sorted files and observed but most of these students who were helped were freshmen going into the University for the first time. I got to experience the environment and note down how much responsibility a counselor could have”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“I believe that I should be chosen over other candidates for my ability to adapt to situations while also having diverse experiences to help guide me through my career. I have a strong ability to work with others and collaborate on issues that may need a team’s insight. I am personally not afraid to think outside the box and have the ability to implant innovative solutions to help with complex issues that may arise. With these valuable skills, I also am equipped with strong compassion and empathy and I have the ability to successfully connect with students. I'm dedicated to improving myself professionally. To stay current and keep developing my consulting abilities, I will happily attend seminars, conferences, and other educational events. In conclusion, I am a strong candidate for the post of school counselor because of my broad experience, commitment to student welfare, commitment to evidence-based practice, collaborative mentality, and capacity for innovation. I'm happy and excited to help students succeed and develop both as individuals and as a community inside the school.”



Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:​


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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