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Elduin L. De Sylvenus, The Biography | ꕤ


Level 2

"The High Priestess is a card of mystery, stillness, and passivity. This card suggests that it is time to retreat and
reflect upon the situation and trust your inner instincts to guide you through it. Things around you are not what
appear to be right now."




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(( Click here! ↓ ))
(!) [A music box would begin to play.] (!)

"Welcome, one and all, to the self-written biography of Elduin Lafarallin De Sylvenus!"

"Could I take your coat? Make you a cup of tea perhaps? Oho! A helping of rosehip tea? So elegant and silly!
Anything for you, my dearest visitor. . ."

(!) [A prolonged sound of liquid pouring into a container and onto the floor could be heard.] (!)

"Now then. . . Where were we?"

"Ah yes. You would like to learn more about me, hmm~? Well, I suppose I must oblige! How could I resist not
answering someone as curious and adorable as you?"

"You have already heard of my full name, but many tend to find it. . . quite a mouthful. You may refer to me
as Elduin. Everyone does! I am but a man in my late teens, grown to 5'11 and a half, or 181 centimeters
for you European folk, fufufu~!"

" . . . "

(!) [A period of silence seems to fall between yourselves. Elduin seems to hum in an inquisitive manner as he goes to
answer a question you have yet to verbally ask.] (!)

"What do I look like exactly? My! How polite you are to not feast your eyes upon my physique from the moment you walked
through the door! You truly are a lovely house guest. Wipe those spectacles and enjoy the view, for my visage doesn't last
forever in this sick game of minutes."

elduin wings.png

" . . . ? "

". . . Ah! You have noticed my ears! Fufufu, yes, they are quite the abnormal sight! I did not undergo any

other procedure other than the miracle of birth to have received them. I cannot be prouder to have such
a fascinating bodily feature running deep within my blood."

It is important to learn to live with your abnormalities and appreciate some of the small things it opens
gateways to. Shame is but a human concept to enforce our survival, but we are long past the days of hunting
and gathering. You are free
to live as you choose, my dear. . ."

(!) [Elduin seems to awkwardly pause for a moment. Although you couldn't see it, you could tell he has
a small smile plastered on his face despite the serious subject.] (!)

"Yes. My apologies. This is supposed to be about me. Where was I born you ask? From my mother, of course!
Mmm. . . Only joking, darling. I was born on
a queen-sized mattress in the middle of the woods from what I
was told. It is quite a long story, really! However, I suppose that is why you are still here, yes? To listen to my
life story? Oh, you are so amusing!"

(!) [With the slight lead-up, it was to be assumed that Elduin was going to go on a tangent regarding this piece
of information. He simply goes quiet before changing the topic.] (!)

" I am loyal to no nation or group. Simply, I am but a spirit of air that travels anywhere as far as the eye could see.
My political and religious beliefs sway like a pendulum in the summer breeze; lonesome and without limit except
for the string that tethers me to the hands of the universe."

"If you were to ask how I would personally describe myself, I believe myself to be. . . an eccentric yet enlightened young
man who sees everything as a mere passing thought, like two stray maple leaves dancing together along a slow, flowing
stream before separating forever. There is little to life that truly matters, as every cycle and system that is intertwined deeply
within ourselves will continue to function no matter how hopeless you feel day after day. Even if the leaves separated, they
would soon find another, repeating the unrelenting, hellish waltz of grief and joy. No matter how familiar you are with the
choreography, it all begins to feel unorthodox after repeating one part of it for what seems to be an eternity."

"The illusion of novelty in this world is an interesting one; a terrifying thought shortly met with ardent admiration."

(!) [Elduin stops talking for an uncomfortable amount of time, not bothering to take a mutual sip of the tea he prepared for your visit.
He sits there, clearly deep in thought, before flicking his gaze up at you with his usual soft smile.] (!)

"You may see yourself out now, dearest. You have received all the information you needed to know regarding me."

" . . . ! "

(!) [The music box suddenly ceases playing as you are unceremoniously shoved toward the exit. Elduin's expression
doesn't communicate moroseness or anger, merely looking upon you with a vexing smirk.] (!)

"A great silence is omnipresent, much like candy, my darling."

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MBTI Type: INFP-A (Mediator)
Enneagram: 5w4 SP/SX
Temperament: Sanguine-Melancholic

His last name is spelled with an A, but the forum censors said no.

Elduin has three modes of speech, all dependent on how he views the person of conversation:
- If he is neutral or disliking of the person's presence, he speaks in nonsensical
sentences with no real meaning behind them.
- If he is interested in the person, but it is not reciprocated by them, he will speak
normally and in a polite manner.
- If interest is mutual between the two, he will begin to speak in rhymes; his natural
method of speech.

[More to add in the future!]
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