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Elfie 'Lili' J. Natural's Biography (Remake)


Level 2
Elfie 'Lili' J. Natural

~Basic Information~

First Name: Elfie
Surname: Natural
Preferred Name: 'Lili'
Aliases: N/A
Gender: Demi Girl
Age: 18


Height: 6'3
Weight: 148.2 Ib's
Build: Mesomorph
Skin Color: Pale
Eye Color: Green (With purple contacts)
Hair Style: Bun, Ponytail or Out
Hair Color: Blonde fading to purple
Fashion: Casual and / or Comfy
Abnormalities: None


Date of Birth: 22 September 2004
Place of Birth: America, New York
Nationality: American
Race: American / Australian
Sexual Orientation: Questioning
Religious Beliefs: None
Political Beliefs: None

~General Appearance~

Appearance: She was a 6’3 female with blonde hair and Purple eyes || she had 1 crutch and a splint on her right ankle with lots of signatures and messages on it, she had her nails painted like pride flags and had lots of colorful drawings on her hands, knees and ankles
Personality: Kind, sweet, bright.
Diseases/Illness: none
Character Voice: A slight Australian and American accent
Equipment: A red, toy lightsaber and a crutch
Outfit 1: A white tank top with a dark gray skirt
Outfit 2: A Yellow turtle neck with blue short, shorts.

Outfit 3: A blue and white jacket with the letter 'K' for Kong on the back,
with a gray shirt underneath, and some denim short, shorts

Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Helping people out and Designing apartments
Skills: Writing, Reading, Designing, Maths (sorta)
Querks: She enjoys being annoying and creeping people out
Family: Millie 'Mills' Natural


|Ryuji Sustrai|
-One word, LIGHTSABER-

|Kura Sora|

-Thanks DDLC-

-Just because your my ex, doesn't mean I gave up on you-

|Leslie Hirahara|

-Amelia made this happen, and how grateful I am to of met chu-

|Zen Keitsuki|
-I met you as old room mate, and a closer friend-

|Alice Elyon|
- Your once of my closest female friends, because you are always there for me-

|Donkey Kong|

-Amazing, fighting skills, but I still beat chu <3-

|Olivia Layton|

-I want to say your my friend, but I don't know anymore..-

-You may be a clown but you give me Jester vibes-


Back when Elfie was younger, she lived in America with her family. One day at a no school day, her family was informed the mother had been hit by a car. That night, Elfie's father and older brother yelled at each other until late at night. Millie and Elfie stayed in their shared room, hiding under the blankets, with their littler sister. 4 years later, One night Elfie and Millie were making dinner and they called their father down, no answer. They called again, no answer. They called for their other siblings, walking up the stairs to find their fathers room empty. Another 11 months later Millie and Elfie found their other siblings had gone missing. Elfie and Millie stayed in America for a while after that, before Elfie moved away to get away from her stress. 9 months later, Millie came to Japan as well where they still live now. As they slowly travel the world together.
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