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Eli Saito Fukushima Biography || (SORTA W.I.P)


Level 8



Basic Information

First Name:
“Eli! It’s- a long story… I know it’s a name meant for a guy, but. Well- it’s actually Elizabeth but. . .ew.”

Surname: “I actually have two! It’s Saito and Fukushima! It’s a long story too, I am too lazy to explain.”

Preferred Name: “Eli. If anyone calls me Elizabeth- ewie. If you call me Elizabeth I will personally hunt you down. (Joking, I am a major wimp..)”

Gender: “I am most definitely a female, although if you used they/them on me I may just cry of happiness.”

Age: “Heh, I am twennnty-eight! Such a fun number innit?”

Height: “Uh- I’m. . .5’8. Yeah- it’s. . .a struggle.”

Weight: “Mmmm do I have to say this onee? It’s weird dude. I weigh like. . .156lbs? I think?”

Build: “I’m built different bitch. Oh I have to answer this one seriously..? Bleh, I guess I have the basic hour-glass shape? I’m not all that fit, sports are NOT my fort-aye. Is that how you say it..? For- Four- F- yeah I give up.”

Skin Color: “Pale! Just like my brother. He’s built like fuckin caspa.”

Eye Color: “Brown, almost black! It’s weird, but I like them.”

Hair Style: “My hair is styled wavy, even though I don’t necessarily like it… it’s fun.”

Hair Color: “UHHH. So- Listen.. My hair is naturally black. Okay but! I dyed it brown with blonde. Then I dyed it pink, and now it’s back to black. I am having a legit identity crisis. Oh and I went fully brown SOMEWHERE in the mix.”

Fashion: “My.. fashion..? Anything proper, or casual. Like I can go from wearing suits and shit to sweats and a flannel with a crop top. Even though I shouldn’t wear crop-tops around my age… I look hot okay!!”

Abnormalities: “I don’t have any. Other than the fact I break mirrors on a daily basis- oh that’s- not- oh..”

Date of Birth: “Mh, I am a bad bitch. I was born- when was… OH! January 19th, 1994.”

Place of Birth: “I was born in the one and only, Kyoto, Japan.”

Nationality: “Asian, duhhh. I’m so cool, I know you don’t have to remind me.”

Race: “Race- I think that means like.. Japanese..? Bro help-”

Sexual Orientation: “Bisexual, girls are hot. Guys are hot. Ahma’s hot. I mean- huh?”

Religious Beliefs: “Shintoism. Fun fact!! I use to be a Maiden up at the Monastery~ I was thinking of going back, but I am unsure.”

Political Beliefs: “I don’t give a shit about politics.”


General Appearance


: Eli stood about 5’9, weighing almost 156lbs. Her long black hair was complemented by her curvy build. Her eyes, not quite as dark as midnight, sparkled in the sun. She often wore bandages on her hand, underneath those bandages would be bruises and cuts from a mirror. They were scattered across her knuckles. She had a soft smile, it was very reassuring. It almost felt as if you could tell her anything and she’d stay calm.

Personality: She was very kind, and understanding. Staying calm almost no matter the situation, yet she’d be bubbly at times. Having random bursts of energy she’d be an overly positive person. Hardly ever looking at the negatives.

Diseases/Illness: Eli has derealization, or depersonalization. She has moments where she doesn’t seem, or feel real. She also has out of body experiences, which has been a struggle for her.

Character Voice: Eli’s voice is monotone, although it can appear energetic and bubbly at times.

Equipment: She normally carries around her phone, and wears a Shiroi bracelet. Eli also might be seen carrying a beecat plushie that was gifted to her.

Hobbies: Eli doesn’t have any hobbies really, she’s seen doing a LOT. Writing is considered to be her most used hobby.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: “Serious problems and flaws..? Well, I have a lot of flaws. Everyone does. Serious problems- I drink a lot..? I guess that’d be an addiction though, no? Disorders or disabilities.. I have been diagnosed with derealization!! That's a disorder, and maybe PTSD.”

“I can be a complete dumbass at times, other than that the only skills I have is romance. Joking- I don’t have any skills really.”

Quirks: “Qui- HUH!?”




Haru H. Saito | ALIVE | Older brother.

“Oh boy.. Where do I start. Haru, he’s my role model. He’s been there with me through my ups and downs, he’s helped me a lot. I feel horrible for 99% of the things I have put him through. He’s really cool though!! Like- incredibly cool.. Such a fun teacher too! I wish I was still around the age to attend his classes…”
Stephen ‘S’ Saito | ALIVE | Younger brother.
“Steph. This- man child..? He’s built different dude. Majoorrrr gamer boy, it’s interesting. He’s also obsessed with pebbles..”
Kenji A. Saito | ALIVE | Younger brother.
“Ooh boy. Do I have a grudge against him. We fought a lot as children. The grudge was a joke, I love him. I had to take him to the hospital every month, our best memories involved him breaking his legs repeatedly..”
Kiyoshi Saito | ALIVE | Older brother.
“Mans nice. He’s a lovely brother to have, he reminds me a lot of someone… although I can’t place my finger on who..”
Charlotte I. Saito | ALIVE | Younger sister.
“Chammooyyyy!!!! I love her to death, she’s so cool. I forgot to mention, she’s super hot!! Like- we had a lot of fun when I was in high school, so many fun moments with her.”
Verena Saito | ALIVE | Younger sister.
“I- literally all I have to say for Verena, is she’s an e-girl.”
Ahma U. K. Fukushima | ALIVE | FIANCE
“Where do I start. Ahma.. the love of my life! She’s an amazing girlfriend, fiance even. I can’t wait for our future. She’s such a lovely caring person. She’s helped me a lot, I have loved her since I first laid eyes on her. I don’t think I ever want to stop loving her. She’s so incredibly sweet.”
Gamzee M. Fukushima | ALIVE | SON
“Ah- Gamz! I love him dearly. He’s a good son, even though he is troubled. I don’t think I could’ve asked for better sons, including Gamz. He’s a very sweet innocent soul.”
Kurloz M. Fukushima | ALIVE | SON
“Kurloz!! He’s a cool son to have. Seeing as he is mute, it’s very quiet around him. Pff- sorry. He’s fun, very cheeky, I love him with all my heart.”
Micah J. Monet Fukushima | ALIVE | SON
“Micah..! The sweet little boy I call my son. We’ve bonded a lot, we have a lot of special moments.. He is very dear to me, along with the others. He’s.. different.. And has been taking after me as of recently. Which- isn’t all that good. But! I love him nonetheless, I am incredibly proud of the man he has become today.”
‘CROW’ C. Fukushima | ALIVE | SON
“He’s so wholesome. I love Crow, they're an amazing person.”
Jay Fukushima | ALIVE | SON
“He’s a very quiet child. Although he's an alcoholic, like me. Definitely a trouble maker for being quiet.. I don’t have much to say. I love him though.”
Aya O. Fukushima | ALIVE | DAUGHTER
“Aya- she’s so sweet. Such an innocent human being, although… she’s an absolute menace to society. I love her so much though!! She’s incredibly nice, although incredibly chaotic. Very proud of her!”
Hatoko Fukushima | ALIVE | DAUGHTER
“Hatoko is interesting, I have a lot to learn with her…”
Ume Kon Swann | ALIVE | DAUGHTER
“Ah Ume. She’s such a beautiful young lady. Definitely proud of her accomplishments.”
Yukio Higuchi | ALIVE| FRIEND
“YOGURT!! Gosh, he’s taught me A LOT. We’ve become a bit distant as of recently.. Although he’s an amazing friend. I am incredibly glad I have met him. He’s introduced me to a lot, I have learned so much from him.”
Luna Zenith | ALIVE | FRIEND
“Luna.. boy do me and her have some ‘Chemistry’ together. She’s taught me a whole lot.. She’s helped me become the person I am today. I love her, her and her craziness. She’s so incredibly unique..”


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