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Emotionalities Police Application


Level 47
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous bans:
So far I do not have any bans on this account

Describe your activity on the server:
Well, I myself am just on the server to have fun with others and talk to people in a view of a person that is not me but it me at the same time.... I am usually also seen playing a lot of volleyball/running around the towm... That's really all I do at the moment but I am running my own family but it is not going good so far....

Which timezone are you in?
I am in EST

Do you have Discord?
Yes, My Discord is stated below

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes... But some days I may not be able to be in a Voice chat if I am doing things... Or maybe even this may also go for background noises...
But I will try my best...

List your current and past applications:
Spanish #1 Denied
Spanish #2 Accepted
College Accepted

What is your motivation for applying?:

Well, my main motives for joining is to get a new experience in roleplay as a cop. As this is my first time applying for a job I am going to make it work out... Mine and Sugiyama both are motivated in joining the Karakura Police Department because they want to start a new life and put his everything he has witnessed in his past which will include (Seeing murder, Almost being killed, Seeing the sewer dwellers definitely terrified him when he saw they kill someone right in front of his 2 little eyes... I am motivated in joining as stated above I am willing to trade everything to take on a new role in Karakura as their savior of their streets.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I really have no idea but HOPEFULLY there is a time I can be taught this during training or such

What are the Police ranks?
-Police Commissioner
-Police Captain
-Police Lieutenant
-Detective Superintendent
-Detective Chief-Inspector
-Detective Sergeant
-Detective Constable
-Police Sergeant
-Police Corporal
-Patrol Officer
-Police Cadet

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Uhmmm... I really don't have much but with the training I will understand the routes to roleplaying as a Karakura Police Officer... But I use to watch a lot of cop/Law enforcement shows as I was growing up... I also know that as being a cop you will be facing many of situation that could be a life or death depending on what is done...

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Well, without the Karakura Police gangs would just take over and there would be nothing that will be able to contain them all as there are like 700 gangs at this point in the history of Japan...
Also, Karakura does not have none of the law enforcers if there would no police but thanks for the job and the place being established for people to apply and help contain the crime in Karakura.. Even though there is so much daily it is so hard to handle it but with the help of us all we will clean the dirty gangs up...

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Well, Yes if I didn't than I would be putting the effort into this!
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Of course I do I would do the very opposite and stay in as long as I am physically able to
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes I sure do as it is a oocly rule in the first place!!!

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Well, at first Sugiyama will come off as shy but once he gets to know you better he will open up to you. His face would look like a young adult as he looks young he can be very care and is very sensitive to the heart but he is there to help someone cheer up..
What makes Sugiyama unique you may ask??
Well just his personality he does not follow other he just does his own thing like he struggled making friends but when he established his family he was able to get a pretty good mate in there which care for each other at all times... Sugiyama has always had a passion for being on the volleyball team and will always have that passion as he is hoping on day when he has a kid they will be able to play together in volleyball...

What he's like on and off the job?
Well Sugiyama is energetic as he has ADHD he is very talkative but he just loves to have fun he just love making everyone happy because he would rather let himself cry than to let someone else go threw hard times so Sugiyama would be very social off work but when it comes to his working times he will put his serious face on and show that he is not really that much of a joke at times as he can take a joke he wont let it cause him to be demoted he will stay on task and do what he is told by his Commissioner..
[When he is on the job]
Sugiyama would be a calm and try to keep on topic but sometimes he can have a day when he is all hyper and stuff but at times he can be serious as for this job Sugiyama will most definitely keep calm at all times and do what is told to by his higher ups..

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Sugiyama does not have a outlook yet nor does he have a future for after retiring he will probably go to a retirement home as he would most likely become weak and would no longer be able to take care of himself....

Sugiyama was born in the year of October 3rd, 2001. He was born and raised in small town of Spain which is where he had obtained his first views in the world and learned to speak Spanish.. Sugiyama and his parents we're really close together, When they had made the decision that they wanted Sugiyama to be a school employee when he grew up he always thought of what it would be like as a school worker. His family had moved to Karakura when he was around 13-14 years of age when they had arrived they were greeted with a beautiful scent of trees and the scenery had them all in aww. Later when they had gotten all settled in their home. Sugiyama had began school at the Karakura Highschool for his few years in Highschool he had made multiple friends.. Sugiyama had been amazed by the size of the school and was thinking how the heck he would be able to get a job here from just the mass in size he had been given a schedule for each class which most of the classes were things he was good in. Later in time, Sugiyama is now 19 and he is moved out of his home when he had gotten a call from the cops that they had found his parents dead in the sewers.. This expirience had held Sugiyama down for a while as he was so depressed he wanted to die but he had pushed his way through the pain by taking his time to do things he loved doing.
When Sugiyama was around 20 years of age he has reached a maximum height of 7'2 due to this he is seen as very unique and gets a lot of attraction of the citizens of Karakura, Japan. This height was due to him family members were all very tall and the man who held the height was 7'5 who passed this height through Sugiyamas family members his father was around 7'2-7'4 which is where Sugiyama had gotten his height from his mom was every so slightly shorter than his father at 6'10. Sugiyama had some of his mom genes too including his eye color, Facial features, hair color.. Sugiyama has always had a thing for sports and will hope to carry this with him for ever and ever and be able to teach kids how to play certain sports. Sugiyama's mom was a very positive women who had a smile on her face at all times even when she truly was sad. That is where I Sugiyama had learned to not let things hold me down and keep my head up at all times and show positivity to all of the citizens of Karakura even if they are going to be mean don't show no hate towards them as you do not know what they are dealing with at home..
But later on in life Sugiyama had gotten interested in joining the Police force even though he knows he will be seeing death and gore. Sugiyama have a strong heart and cares for everyone he will make sure that the person of the murder will find peace after they have caught the murderer(s) in the certain area.. Sugiyama had began studying more information on Japan Laws and Basic Conduct but he had a hard time learning the Laws and stuff but he will later on get better as he will be put through training and learning classes.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Sugiyama Sustrai

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Sugi but would like to be called Sugiyama but Mr. Sugi would be plenty good enough for him!
I would like to be 26 years old
IC Phone number:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:
Working Experience:
He used to work on the computers but that is nothing compared to being face to face
So I will say very bland at the very moment

Academic Degree:
Well Sugiyama had received a Degree in the learning of Law Enforcement

Year of Graduation:
He has received a degree in Law Enforcer classes and Criminology

Native Languages:
Other Languages:

Last edited:


Level 135

- Due to your history revolving around GangRP on the server, your police application will be denied​

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