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EnderBubs police application


Level 59

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:
Z Rex#2316

Previous bans:
I have had only one ban which was for hacking, specifically using an auto clicker.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am constantly active on the SRP. When it comes to weekends, holidays, breaks (like summer), I am extremely active. I can be on for over 5+ hours, the most I've been on is over 12 hours during these breaks. Though when it comes to school nights my activity goes down. I'm able to be on for around 4 hours. When I get home I'm allowed to be on till 6 pm (I get home around 3 ish), from 6-8 I'm not allowed to use any devices. After 8 I'm allowed to play till my parents go to bed which is around 10-11 pm. But either way I am able to be online at least for 2 hours a day!

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
I’ve had one application and that is a JSL application which was accepted, it's a bit old now but so far besides this application that is the only other one i wrote.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have a few reasons for applying to become an officer at KPD.
1: I used to play on another rp minecraft server and in that server i was an officer. I played on the server as an officer for around 2-3 months and during that time my love for CopRP grew and grew! I had an amazing time roleplaying it out, even the boring parts like just sitting at the front desk and answering questions, even though that was fun for me. It was really fun to patrol with other officers, do chases and catch people, say bails and just interact with others as an officer. It's a very different form of RP compared to normal RP like being a citizen, doing gangrp, ect ect. I would love to do CopRP again, and experience it and learn all over! Even though this may be different from the other server i would love to relearn and experience everything over again, and all in all just do CopRP in general again
2: I have many friends who are in PD, I mean one of my main character’s is an Omori so I'm close with a lot of officers. From what I've asked them, KPD is a fun job to work at. I’ve heard it can be stressful sometimes but it sounds to be a lot of fun! The members sound nice and the KPD community itself seems like a healthy and good environment. I’ve only really heard good things from PD officers about PD and I would love to join it
3: Honestly gangrp, business rp, and other rps have gotten boring recently. Gangrp has become more and more toxic and I once used to love it but nowadays I don't and I've quit. I used to be in Akihito and it was fun for a while but it got boring too. As I said I have experience with CopRp and it was always something I really enjoyed and did not get bored. I want to find something in the SRP that I will be able to enjoy for a long time, and I feel like joining PD is that something.
4: I also wanna help take down the criminals of the city, there everywhere and I used to do gangrp first hand and ive exerpinced it. I've seen people in kama knock people out constantly, get away with murder and majors all the time and i want to help put a stop too that. Its honestly annoying to see it happen so frequently and for them to get away with it constantly and i would love to help possible catch these criminals

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Truthfully I don't know much about police work or how it works in the SRP. Though I do have an idea. Police work involves patrolling the city and making sure nothing bad is going on. Like fist fights, people using or dealing weapons, those types of things. It of course involves catching and arresting criminals as well and keeping the streets safe. There is detective work but I honestly don't have a lot of knowledge when it comes to it in the SRP, at least what I did in the other server was I would take a weapon that was found, check for fingerprints, if there were fingers I would look for the person who had the weapon. I also did investigations with murders and stuff like that. Though there is more to it than catching criminals, from what I've seen KPD also protects important people in the city during important meetings like when the governor had their speech by the tunnel, PD stood there and made sure everything was going ok. Another example of this is when PD stands there during trials. I’ve noticed a few officers standing in the courtroom, from what I understand they do that so the person on trial doesn't cause any issues. Though i've also noticed some officers outside the room and by the stands making sure no one in the stands starts a fight. I've seen a few times where police have had to escort a few people out due to fights. Though they do more than just protect important people during important events, and catch criminals, there is one more thing i'd like to mention and that is from what i understand KPD also “guards' ' during large events whether it has important people or not. Take the baby axolotl event for example. Yes mike was there but KPD wasn't just there for mike but also to make sure everything went smoothly with the event. To kinda sum it up i don't have a lot of in-depth knowledge on what police do irl or in SRP, but i got a basic idea. They don't just catch criminals like most people think they do, they do a lot of stuff on the sidelines.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are one of the most important factions in the server by far. If it wasn't for them gangrp, criminal rp and those types of things would be INSANE. As I've mentioned i used to be a part of gangs and if it wasn't for cops they would have pretty much no restrictions besides themselves. Take the governor's speech at the tunnel a while back as a good example. If no cops were there, what would stop someone just starting a scene and possibly hurting the governor and other important people? Nothing really besides perms. If they were to get perms they would beat them up or do worse to them without any hesitation. Criminals would have so much power in the city to the point where they could easily take over the city. Gangs own so many weapons that could easily overpower anyone besides the KPD. KPD was riot gear, guns, taser, ect ect that stop and make it harder for rangers to win against them. But what's stopping a criminal from stabbing ems in the neck? Ems doesn't really have anything besides that drug to defend themselves. Pretty much to sum it up, without KPD criminals would destroy the city and ruin rp for others, KPD is really the only thing stopping them from creating a big mess and also hurting others.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I understand yes

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I do yes

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I do yes

In-Character (IC) Section


Character's Full Name:

Hinata Aiko

Character's age (if accepted):

Character's gender & pronouns:
Male, He/Him

Character's Academic Background

Grade 12

What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?
I only really know one other language and that is japanese sign language

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Hinata isn't really unique honestly. He is a 6 foot male with red hair and cyan eyes, he also had an athletic figure. Personality wise he's smart and professional when it comes to situations. He keeps a calm manner a lot of the time. He understands that with most situations you need to keep calm but he also knows that in some situations you need to yell or not stay calm. He doesn't enjoy criminals, actually he despises them and the criminal underworld. But besides that there isn't really anything unique, he has no scars or anything like that.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
As mentioned above Hinata acts calmly and collectively, he's smart and understands that escalating the situations that don't need to be escalated never leads to anything good. Even under high pressure situations he tries to handle things calmly, getting stressed can stress others out and cause issues. He gets straight to the point when it comes to helping people, though making sure to answer any questions they have along the way

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Hinata likes to work alone sometimes but he knows he can't do things alone. He enjoys the idea of working with others and teamwork. He enjoys working with others and working alongside them with really anything. Teamwork builds a strong relationship with the coworkers and with strong teamwork a lot of stuff can be handled a lot easier and faster then it would have been handled if it was just one officer.

Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
I can see myself as a leader yes, though I require the proper training and knowledge of course before doing anything. I would love to lead something in the future, yes, but I don't want to mess up that much as a leader to the point where I'm not seen as a well, leader anymore. I would like to ensure I have the proper knowledge and experience.

BACKSTORY (100+ words)
Hinata Aiko grew up in a pretty normal home in Karakura. He was a happy boy that often liked to play and honestly just interact with others! He enjoyed meeting new friends and hanging out with his family, he was a typical happy kid. His family wasn’t rich but they weren't poor. His mom worked at a restaurant and his dad was a bit more on the shady side of things. Hinata’s father would secretly buy weapons from a black market dealer then sell them for a higher price to criminals around the city. Hinata’s mother and Hinata himself had no clue of this. When Hinata was only around 12 his dad made the mistake of selling weapons to a gang, the gang informed the black market dealer in which they assigned said gang to hunt and kill Hinata's father. One night when Hinata was asleep and his parents were up watching TV when 4 masked figures broke into the house, they dashed towards Hinata’s father and before he or Hinata's mother could react the mask figured slash a katana along his throat. His dad fell to his knees and clutched his throat as blood ran down it, leaking and staining the wooden floor. Hinata’s mom tried running but it was too late. The masked figures used a blunted weapon and knocked her out. Hinata woke up from all the screaming that was caused by this attack, he ran downstairs to see the masked man slicing his own mothers neck, and his dad bleeding out. He ran and hid under his bed. Waiting for it all to be over and after a few minutes he went back downstairs to see them all gone. His parents' bodies were taken, the masked figures were gone as well. Hinata didn't have a phone, didn't have any contact anyway so he rushed to the PD and told them what happened. PD came and examined it but after a search they found nothing. Hinata was left alone for a few days before an old friend of his mom picked him up and took care of him. After that night he stopped interacting with others and hid himself from the world, he went to therapy and after a few years of therapy he finally was able to talk to others again. Though even after that it still kinda scared him whenever he saw someone in an attire, he soon got over it though and returned to being his normal outgoing self.​


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

Absolutely not, it's one of the many illegal weapons in karakura. If you’re caught owning a pocket knife you can be arrested for minor possession of illegal weaponary even if it hasn't ever been used before.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
There are a few items that don't require a prescription, these items being Cough syrup, a cane, an eyepatch, a band aid, and a surgical mask.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
I would immediately rush over and pull my co-worker away from the inmate and try to separate them for good. For example let's say the coworker is patting someone down in the cell and they begin to assault the criminal. I would rush over, pull the officer away and if no one else was around the radio for someone to help me. Not just to escort/stop the co-worker from hurting the inmate but to also help pat down the inmate. After the situation I would report it to a higher up officer in the PD, and inform them of what happened.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
It depends on the situation but the result would still be the same. For example let's say again my coworker is patting someone down in the cells and a criminal begins to assault them. I would rush over and try to help the coworker pat them down and stuff like that by restricting their movements. Only if things get really out of hand, i would fire the taser stopping the criminal from being able to fight back. If this situation was on the streets and I see an officer being assaulted I would immediately pull out my taser, warn them once to step back and if they dont i would shoot it off. If the criminal had a weapon I wouldn't even hesitate, I would make myself known then fire off the taser. When there is a weapon involved the officer's life is in danger and we shouldn't just sit around and wait for the criminal to set down their weapon. Most of the time they won't do that and they will either try to run away or finish the job with the officer so it's best to act quickly.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I would try to keep the facts I know on the download. If an officer is working for a criminal organization I don't know what they would do to me if they found out I had knowledge of this info, it probably wouldn't be anything good. For that reason I would pretend I didn't know and try to collect info and evidence to prove to the other officers that they are working for criminals. This way it wouldn't be their word vs mine. From there once i gathered evidence i would report it to a higher up officer and show them the evidence i found

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
I don't know what punishment would be given if someone was caught bribing an officer. I don't know if it would be a fine or jail time but either way it is illegal. I would inform them that i wouldn't be taking there bribe and ask them to get against the wall, i would then search them and either ask them to pay the fine or jail them for bribery of an officer.​
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Level 328
Thank you for applying for KPD. Unfortunately, the higher-up team and I
have decided to deny this application. Most times it is simply due to the fact that
there are more suitable applicants, so feel free to give it another shot on the next cadet wave!​

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