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Denied English Teacher App CriminalRP


Level 11
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Yes I have a discord _lovelychaos

Do you have a microphone?:

yes I have a microphone

What is your time zone?:

My timezone is cst.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

yes I acknowlege that if I am inactive I will be demoted. but that won't happen since I manage to be a active community member on the server. I am active in role plays ranging from gang role play to passive roleplays I try to be nice as possible and active as possible so It won't happen

Describe your activity on the server:

I managed to keep a reputation as a gang roleplayer but I wanna do more than that. I applied for a few factions to get into other types of roleplay in the community. I been on the server for around 6 years playing school roleplay since 2018 I rate my activity a 8/10 when it comes to attending events or activity wise in gangs or other legal groups I am in. I focus on making sure I'm active as possible for the groups I am loyal too so i can stay in these types of groups.
I wanna make sure I am active for promotions and a way to impress the higher ups in most groups. Just be noted I have a life just like any other Role player so I might not be active 24 7 as a teacher but I will still have plenty of time to make quota in the faction to make sure I can get the job done right. Activity will not be a problem for me as a teacher on school roleplay and I will try my best to get accepted as a member of the community as a teacher.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


What subject are you applying to teach?:

I'm applying for a English Teacher job Mainly to teach writing and poetry to make sure the students understand how writing is important in the classroom. I will mainly make students write essays and grade them based on grammar and expectations for the writing to make sure everything goes smoothly in the class room. I will help my students thrive in the class room and make sure everything goes right for everyone involved.
I want to be known as a good teacher in the school roleplay community and I will make sure that I will paint myself at a good light as a english teacher. I wanna make sure everyone learns writing smoothly in character and they will make sure to learn how to write and read correctly. They may know how to read or write but helping with grammar will help then on the long run.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

My motivations for becoming a teacher is mainly due to many factors other than money, I wanna be loyal and maintain good reputation on the server and I wanna do many other things than gang roleplay as that is not the only thing to do in school role play at all. I wanna make sure I can role play jobs effectively plan lessons and overall be a good teacher. I wanna impress the higherups in any group i perticipate in legal or not.
I wanna make my first faction count as i never really joined a faction on school roleplay due to many factors such as applications being denied and its also time consuming to make applications. I'm a different person and I never give up to get something I want entirely. I wanna make sure that everyone is happy with me being a teacher. I wanna bring joy into other students as well.
I wanna prove myself that I can be just as good in factions so I can slowly remove my reputation as a excessive gang roleplayer. However I wanna stay in gang role play after being accepted. I just don't wanna only be known for commiting crimes on a block game. I wanna be known as a effective teacher on top of that on a different character so i can teach english at a better light.
I wanna make some money but that is not my only motivation for teaching. I wanna teach as effectively as possible and do my Job right so I can make my reputation brighter in the school role play community. I wanna make sure I can do everything right so I can get further in the community as a whole. I wanna make sure everyone knows I can Job roleplay as well
Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?

I understand That I am applying for the teacher role of UT and I will cherish that role as a important role to my character as in one of my characters lore that is scripted she is supposed to become a teacher at some point so I am glad to know about that and I wanna make sure I can get into the things I wanna do with my character and get more roles to roleplay as to have fun within the community and make sure I can get the roles I want to have. I want to be more than a UT but becoming a UT will help me rise the the ranks as a teacher and help me get started with my lesson plans as a english Teacher in character and I want to make sure I can get everything right apon becoming a important UT.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:

I will undergo teacher training as its necessary for the Job and I will make sure that I can do these trainings effectively to make sure I can Make the teacher training to train to become a effective qualified teacher and start planning lessons as a new english teacher today to make sure everyone can learn from me and make their Minecraft roleplay characters futures brighter and increase my chance of getting promoted in the long run. I wanna make sure I can make a large impact after my trainings and Work my way up the hierarchy as a new teacher afterwards. I wanna make sure I can be a good Teacher in the long run by these trainings and paint the school in a positive light.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

Teacher class logs logs students grades and tells them how well they perform. They can tell how well they did on their assignment and they also give money to the teacher by just logging a class "Teachers can earn a maximum of ¥500,000 per month, Newly Qualified Teachers start with a base-pay of ¥350,000 for completing 10 classes (Qualified Teachers have a base-pay of ¥400,000), for every 5 classes after completing the minimum quota Teachers receive +¥50,000 on top of their paycheck until the maximum amount has been reached."
That is how teachers recieve payment for their logs
The teacher class logs is important since it notifies each student about their grades so that they can improve as a student. It encourages students to work harder and achieve better grades in classes and make them feel proud. They are also important because teachers need to grade papers to make sure students are sure of how well they are doing. Teachers log classes for a reason to make sure the students know how they are doing and its necessary for payment in the faction as well. No class log equals no payment which is why teachers need to grade their assignments and actively log their classes for the payment. They also need to log them to make quota. No logs equals you get kicked out of the staff team which is not really good in the long run if you need cash for a car or many other things. this is why logging classes are important

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

-In a class room the rules are pretty simple to understand no phones unless told to pull them out in class so the lesson isn't disrupted.
-Follow the school conduct to your best of ability as a teacher or student if the rule is broken its either a report to slt or a detention
-No profanity at all profanity is prohibitied in anywhere in the school. Inapropiate conversations is also not permitted on school grounds
-no violence at all or bullying its not permitted don't be a idiot by acting like a tough guy it will get you a detention if caught
-Food is not allowed unless told by the teacher you can pull it out so no munchies in class my guy. you need permission to eat in class.
- 3 warnings are mainly handed out before detention depending on the severity of the rule that was broken. If severe enough it doesn't require warnings for one.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I have experience from more communities than just school roleplay. I roleplayed many jobs in my roleplay career but apon joining school roleplay I only been a student or a gang member. However I had been very experienced in passive roleplay and combat roleplay in the past few months. I manage to keep my reputation as a roleplay at a good light. I also have a little experience in romance roleplay as well but Most of the time i don't really get any lovers for my characters. I manage to roleplay very efficiently at times even detail roleplaying to some degree. I don't just have experience in crime roleplay I try roleplaying hobbies my characters have,Personalities,and many factors a character would have. However my texan accent may slip in text while roleplaying i try to keep it cool and realistic as possible and make sure that anyone that I roleplay with will have a fun time. I have experience in gangs such as valhalla and mandala which increased how i can roleplay by a ton and improved many factors. However this is a teacher application I do have experience in gang roleplay as well as job roleplay in other communities painting my reputation as a job roleplayer in other communities. I manage to peform well in roleplays though i do have slip ups I manage to fix them and improve my knowledge. I wanna taint my reputation as a experienced roleplayer as much as possible. Thats why i try harder and harder when i try to perform in roleplay servers trying to roleplay as realistic as possible making sure that everyone can enjoy and have fun when around me

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of department
↳ Description:

The head of department is the highest rank in the school system. They are the last rank on the list known for making decissions below the vice principal, and principal. They are in charge of dealing with teachers and making sure they are doing their job correctly. They are mainly one of the higher ups in the school. They teach classes just like any other teacher but they are the top of the top on this list. They wanna make sure this faction runs smoothly and everyone does their job. They are above Qualified teachers Not Qualified Teachers and unqualified teachers combinded. They rose to the top dedicating their free time to getting to the top of the teacher roster ranks with high dedication in the game as well as making tons of classes. They get paid well for it and so the manage to take their job seriously by dedication into getting promoted.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:

2nd to last in the department. They are not really newly qualified anymore so they can work on getting promoted into the head of department in the near future. They are in charge of making classes and making sure students pass their class just like any other teacher. They may had spent months in the department just to get this rank and planned countless lessons for this rank. Qualified Teachers are one of the top dogs in the department but they are not as powerful as the Head of department. They make sure everything goes right in the faction giving out diciplinary actions to other students if need be to make sure the safety of the school as well as reporting any unsafe activities to the school leadership team. (or slt)

↳ Meaning:

Newly qualified teacher

↳ Description:

A Newly qualified teacher finished their training as a un qualified teacher and they can now teach classes on their own. They are one of the newest members on the team above unqualified teacher. They manage to plan lessons just like a qualified teacher would and the rank above is extremely similar to a Newly Qualified teacher. They made it onto the team and they can report unsafe activities and hand out detentions just like any staff member can. They Teach their courses with a passion making money and trying to get promoted to the top by hosting classes just like any other teacher would. Mainly people start to really cook as a newly Qualified teacher and paint their character in the students heads mabye in the future to be in school roleplay history books. They are the 3rd to last rank on the hierarchy almost at the bottom. They are mainly newer teachers on the team.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified teacher

↳ Description:

You first start as a untrained teacher which is mainly a unqualified teacher. They mainly host classes when there is higher ranks online due to the fact that they need to be trained more by the higher ranks so they make classes mainly with a 2nd teacher basically similiar to a assistant teacher. They have to attend trainings to get qualified and make a difference in the education system as a teacher to make a difference in the world. They are the bottom on the list and they are mainly the newest of the newest teachers on the hierarchy everyone starts out this way but they don't stay like that permanently and they will eventually get higher on the rankings as a teacher in karakura high school if they meet their quota and attend trainings. They can also plan lessons and teach students at this rank.


Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers get salaries for their Jobs and their important roles in society in roleplay or out of roleplay the roles are pretty similar to real life. They plan lessons just like any other for a pay check Teachers get a average of 40,000 to 80,000 of payment in the united states of america for their important role in society which is very little due to how teachers can barely make a living off it. Teachers are mainly a important role in society as they teach the future of a nation weither it be from kids to adults to make sure every student can become talented workers and help society make money.

Teachers In school roleplay gets around 350k yen to around 500k yen pay per month which makes them set in society which gives them enough money to support themselfs unlike their real life counterparts they are entirely fictional so most of the time they teach middle school to elementary school level in school role play. They manage classes to similar standards of a real life class room which is really impressive. They teach the future of karakura city into well being adults and workers and possibly good members of society just like their real life counter parts. Its called school roleplay for a reason.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Teachers are Important to the server as they are the main base of the roleplay. School Roleplay is intended to be in a school but there are city rp querks to the server. The biggest building is the school and its supposed to be that way for a reason. The entire roleplay is mainly based on the school which is why there are so many high school and college students in the server and if its a School Roleplay it will always need teachers for the school to function just like a normal school would. Of course teachers are important because faculty is one of the most important factions on the server and with out it. There would be no school roleplay. It be just some city role play server without the teachers and faculty. The students are just as important as teachers as they make the game name go together as a whole.

Teachers can roleplay all their classes affectively making school roleplay school roleplay they help students in game to make it in life just like their in real life counter parts which taints teachers in a important light to students in roleplay they make school roleplay extremely realistic to a real school in general which makes them a important faction in school roleplay which brings the server together as a whole bright community.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

I personally never been a teacher so I wouldn't know what the school really works on. But i can guess its based on daily lesson plans by teachers or it could be planned by higher ups which i really can not decipher. But my school planning in real life the school district plans the lessons and classes it also has to deal with state factors to prepare for exams so teachers mainly do not plan lessons where I go to school in real life. In school roleplay it could be way different and I would never know. I would have to learn what the lesson planning system does the school work on in game before hosting my first class. make sure to help me learn that and I will teach efficiently on how I am supposed to teach for the community and the server as well as roleplay purposes. Meaning I don't know anything about this question. However I can only guess on this one if i get accepted can you please tell me this one as i find it real confusing to me.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

She is 5'4" with a slim and feminine build. She wears lipstick and makeup to present a professional appearance, which helps her secure the jobs she wants. Often seen in a red dress or a suit, she always looks striking. She typically wears gloves, but despite her polished exterior, she is the sweetest person you will ever meet. With a loving personality it makes her a perfect fit for a teacher and makes her look more proffessional inside a work space. She is unique because she does not snap at students that easily but she will snap and get angry but she will never bend the rules as a teacher because shes too nice to do so. She wants to make sure every student is successful and loved in her class room no mater where they are from what their backstory is or what groups they are apart of. She wants to fix them into productive members of society just like any Teacher would. She is pretty on the outside and inside as well making her the perfect fit for a teacher.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

She sees Students and their coworkers as people who can use help when needed. She makes sure to help them as much as possible in certain situations weither it be dangerous or peaceful situations to help them grow as a community. She wants to help her co-workers as much as she wants to help students succeed. She wants to make sure everything goes right for the faculty and the students making a safe education enviroment and a helpful one too. She mainly approaches them with kindness but however she can be quite rude in some situations making sure not to bend the rules while doing so. She is just like any other human being she gets angry and she gets upset at times. She makes sure to help them no mater what her mood is at the student or co-worker even if she hates them to get the job done and done well so she can rise up as a teacher and make her way up through the Hierarchy as a Teacher painting her a good reputation even to those who may despise her

What are their plans for the future?

Her plans is to make her class into a productive members of Society though it may not work.
She do a good job at her job. She wants to teach for awhile before switching jobs to a lawyer or a police officer to continue her career.
She has multiple dream jobs not fulfilled to her standards. She wants most of her students to pass her class and make as many high grades as possible impressing the school district and the province she teaches at in Japan.
She wants to make sure she has a tainted legacy at the hearts of Karakura Citizens. She wants to make a successful life and retire at a old age watching the sunset at a beach apartment and relaxing for the rest of her days until she perishes. She wants to live a fulfilling life spending most of it as a teacher and making herself known by parents as a good teacher for all. She wants to be wealthy one day but she doesn't see herself being rich yet at all. She wants to make sure she lives a good life no mater how hard it is she will make herself a successful woman when it comes to her careers and enjoying the last fun of her life. She plans to retire at somepoint possibly at the age of 60 then live the rest of her days swiming at the beaches, Traveling, Relaxing, And basically having fun for the rest of her days after retirement.
She wants to make her future the best she can but she doesn't know if this will truely happen. She wants to make sure her future is bright as well as the nation of Japans Future and the future of her students and citizens in the nation and eventually she wants to retire at 60 and live a good live.
/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

If i find a gang of deliquents this is probably how the roleplay would play out I assume since I seen a lot of trouble makers in my time on school roleplay i think it would be simple to know how this would play out with our characters. I'm gonna assume its a gang of 2 deliquents swearing in the hallways and My character has to break this up and de esculate the situation. Miss Katz walks around the halls looking for any trouble at the school she Sees the deliquents in the hallway cursing and swearing
one kid named Jamal said "Fuck you bitch im taller than u." Another kid named Charlotte said "At least I'm not a ugly ass bitch." Miss Baker walks over and says
"Hey kids stop the swearing thats not nice don't do it." Jamal death Stared Miss Katz and yelled "WHO THE FUCK ASKED YOU TO COME OVER YA BITCH!"
Miss Katz said calmly even after being yelled at. "Break up or its detention Its not nice to do that." Charlotte yelled"LOOK HOW YOU LURED THIS BITCH ASS TEACHER OVER HERE I DON'T EVEN LIKE HER ENGLISH LESSONS!" Jamal yelled "BITCH WHO SNITCHED ON US!" Miss Katz yelled as she passed out a detention slip "SEPERATE OR I WILL GET THE SCHOOL LEADERSHIP TEAM!" Jamal and Charlotte thought it was smart to seperate so they seperated and went to their respective classes they were not afraid of getting suspended really but they knew suspension wasn't really fun

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

I'm going on with a english lession since i am a english teacher of course. I am trying to get the class attention but they just don't seem to pay attention or listen. I continue teaching along the lines of this thats how my character will react if nobody was listening to what a word I would react in this manner. So the class starts off like this. Miss Katz would say "Hey class today we are gonna write a 5 page essay." As she written down the requirements she said "It will be about any subject you like it has to be school appropiate of course so yea it will be due by the end of class and you can research on your phones about the work." she said as she saw the class on their phones screwing around and not even listening to her. She responded with. "Hey class would you please listen I would hate to give you all failing grades i want you to be successful." She tried to bring the attention to her so they can listen to the lesson but they don't seem to listen. "Class you should know by now to listen!" Miss Katz yelled at them to gain their attention which probably would supprizingly work. But in most senarios it only takes one sentence to get the class to listen. She wants everyone to listen to her lesson she planned for hours as it signifies a important call for writing.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
After a few classes she was tired and needed a break from work. She walked in the hallways looking for a break in the teachers lounge as she opened the door she entered the teachers lounge due to her being tired she mainly drinks coffee in the teachers lounge or eats a few donuts. She is calm to the co-workers that show up and shes pretty much very decent in there. She makes sure she gets her energy from the teachers lounge by drinking enough coffee to get her through the day. She usually doesn't get much sleep so shes a huge coffee consumer. She consumes coffee to make sure she gets enough energy for the day. She pretty much plays on her phone sometimes maybe a few games on it just to get some entertainment in for herself she needs dopamine so sometimes she takes breaks and heads to the teachers lounge afterwards she heads out before she hosts a class making sure everyone knows shes hosting next period so she can get her lessons over with for the day so she can help her students learn. Sometimes she just needs a break from annoying students so she sometimes hangs around here during passing periods. She wants time to calm down just like any human being does.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Miss Katz strides into the classroom, her steps purposeful and confident. She carries a stack of freshly graded essays and a well-worn book of poetry, both neatly held in her arms. She places the essays on her desk with a gentle thud, then carefully opens the poetry book, setting it prominently on a stand so it’s visible to all students. As she turns to face the class, she adjusts her glasses and begins with a warm smile, “Good morning, class. Today’s focus is on refining your essay-writing skills and exploring the depth of poetry. We’ll start with a session on essay structure and then delve into a classic poem.”
/me Moving to the whiteboard, Miss Katz picks up a green marker and writes the heading “Persuasive Essay Structure” in bold, clear letters. Beneath it, she draws a diagram illustrating the key components: Introduction, Thesis Statement, Body Paragraphs (with sub-points for Arguments and Counterarguments), and Conclusion. She turns to the class, her expression engaged, “A persuasive essay needs a strong thesis statement that clearly presents your position. Each body paragraph should support this thesis with evidence and reasoning. Let’s look at an example.” She writes a sample thesis statement on the board and begins to elaborate, “For instance, if your essay is about the importance of renewable energy, your thesis might be: ‘Investing in renewable energy sources is crucial for sustainable development because it reduces greenhouse gas emissions, conserves natural resources, and promotes economic growth.’” She pauses to let the students take notes and asks, “Any questions so far?”
/me As the students begin working on their essay outlines, Miss Katz walks around the room, her eyes scanning the students' papers. She stops at a student’s desk where the student seems stuck. Leaning in slightly, she gently inquires, “I see you’re having some trouble with your thesis statement. Can you tell me what your essay is about?” After listening to the student’s explanation, Miss Baker offers targeted advice. “Try refining your thesis to be more specific. Instead of just saying ‘Renewable energy is important,’ consider what aspects you will discuss. For example, ‘The shift to renewable energy is vital for combating climate change, improving public health, and ensuring energy security.’” She offers a reassuring smile, “Let’s work through this together to make your argument as strong as possible.”
/me After the essay work is completed, Miss Katz prepares to transition to the poetry segment. She gathers the class at the front, holding the poetry book open to a specific page. “Now, we’re going to ****yze a poem by Robert Frost, ‘The Road Not Taken.’ I’ll read it aloud first, paying attention to the rhythm and tone.” She reads with deliberate clarity, her voice varying in pitch to reflect the poem’s emotional nuances. As she finishes, she places the book down and says, “Let’s break down the poem. Notice how Frost uses imagery to create a vivid scene of choice and reflection. What images stand out to you? How does the imagery influence the poem’s theme?”



Chapter 1 Early Child hood

Emily Katz was born in Toronto Canada at a hospital she was born as a only child with 2 parents in her family. Her grand parents were mainly dead after she was born so she didn't really have grand parents in her child hood it didn't affect her much. She learned English Japanese and French at a young age since she had distant family across the world. She grew up in a middle class house hold so she didn't really grow up rich or poor so she had a roof over her head a supportive family and a lot of people rooting for her success in school.
She started school at the age of 5 and started attending school. She was loved by her peers but she soon grown hated but she didn't care about popularity like most kids did when she went to school. She cared about having real friends and staying happy with her life. Emily Katz Was bullied by other students which she was upset about but she remained proffessional unlike most. She was ahead of her age at the time as she got good grades in elementary school. Emily Katz was slightly a genius with a iq of 125 which could lead to her success in society. Emily Katz got A honoral for multiple years in elementary school and she did really well and
her parents were proud of her. Emily Katz Joined some Martial Arts classes in Ju jitsu for a few years but she decided fighting was not for her. She Got out of elementary and attended middle school in canada. Emily Katz was soon to know that she was gonna move to karakura for better schooling. Her parents immigrated to Japan Thus
Chapter 2 Travel to Karakura City
She applied for citizenship and was granted Japanese Citizenship along with her parents. They flew on plane for hours just to get to Japan. It was a expensive trip for the family During the flight she watched her favorite movies when they asked her for a drink she got a water and enjoyed her time at the plane.
Soon the plane started falling apart which was scary. Worst of all her flight flew through a storm.
She fell off the plane but survived since the seat helped her survive the fall. Unfortunately both parents were dead at the after math of the storm. She was stranded on the seat for about 2 days without food or water before a japanese ship discovered her and brought her to shore.
She then went to recovery for her conditition at Karakura Hospital. Severely dehydrated and in shock, she was admitted to the intensive care unit where doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to stabilize her condition. During the first few days, she was given intravenous fluids to rehydrate her and was monitored closely for any internal injuries.
She underwent a series of tests and scans to ensure there were no serious complications from the fall or her two days without food and water. Despite the traumatic experience, her physical injuries were surprisingly minimal, thanks to the cushioning effect of the plane seat during the fall.
Her recovery wasn't just physical; it was emotional and psychological as well. She had lost her parents and experienced a life-threatening situation. The hospital staff provided her with the support she needed, including counseling sessions to help her process the trauma. She was assigned a social worker who coordinated with local authorities to ensure she had a place to stay and to start the process of finding a guardian or family member to care for her.
Over the next few weeks, she began to regain her strength. She made friends with some of the hospital staff and other patients, finding solace in their company. Her resilience and positive attitude amazed everyone around her. She even started learning Japanese more intensively, determined to honor her parents' dream of becoming Japanese citizens and to fully integrate into her new life.
As she healed, both physically and emotionally, the community rallied around her. Neighbors and local organizations donated clothes, school supplies, and toys. She was enrolled in a local school where she received additional support to catch up with her studies. By the time she was discharged from the hospital, she had made significant progress.
Her journey of recovery was far from over, but she faced it with the same courage and determination that had carried her through the initial ordeal. With the support of her new community and the memory of her parents driving her forward, she began to build a new life in Japan, turning a tragic beginning into a story of resilience and hope.

Chapter 3 Karakura High School
At the age of 13, Emily Katz started attending Karakura High School. She was shocked by the violence and dangers she witnessed, unlike anything she had seen in Canada. Although she didn't feel entirely safe, she managed to avoid becoming a target by focusing on her studies and steering clear of gang members. Emily Katz was uninterested in popularity and stayed focused on her classes, impressing her teachers and classmates with her dedication. Emily Katz initially had an interest in sports but quickly lost it due to the rude behavior of the jocks. Instead, she aimed to become a role model, making true friends and enjoying her childhood. She often visited the movie theaters for fun and worked diligently on her assignments, thriving academically.
By the age of 14, Emily Katz managed to secure a cheap dorm due to the lack of housing and the absence of her parents. She became self-sufficient, cooking her own meals, doing chores, and keeping her room clean. She was relieved not to have roommates and saved enough money to consider renting an apartment, though she needed a job to consistently pay the rent. Despite being bullied, Emily Katz remained focused on her goal of graduating high school and earning the necessary credits. She dreamed of becoming a teacher and aspired to be a successful member of society. Her perseverance and determination drove her forward, ensuring that she thrived in her classes and moved closer to achieving her dream career.
At the age of 15, Emily Katz continued to excel at Karakura High School. She maintained her focus on academics, consistently achieving top grades. Her teachers often praised her for her diligence and commitment, while her classmates admired her resilience and determination. Despite the challenging environment, Emily Katz's positive attitude and kindness won her a few close friends who shared her values. Emily Katz's interest in becoming a teacher grew stronger as she volunteered to help her peers with their studies. She enjoyed tutoring and found fulfillment in helping others understand difficult concepts. This experience reinforced her aspiration to make a positive impact on future generations.
During her high school years, Emily Katz also participated in various extracurricular activities. She joined the school's debate club, where she honed her public speaking and critical thinking skills. Her natural ability to articulate her thoughts and present compelling arguments earned her several awards in local and regional competitions.
At 16, Emily Katz took on part-time jobs to support herself financially. She worked at a local café, where she quickly became a favorite among customers for her friendly demeanor and excellent service. Balancing work and school was challenging, but Emily Katz managed her time efficiently, ensuring her grades never slipped.
By the age of 17, Emily Katz had saved enough money to move into a small apartment. It was a modest place, but she took pride in making it her own. She continued
to be self-sufficient, managing her household responsibilities while keeping up with her schoolwork and part-time job. Her independence and maturity impressed everyone around her. As Emily Katz approached her final year of high school, she began preparing for university entrance exams. She aimed to attend a prestigious university in Japan that offered a strong education program. Her dedication paid off when she achieved excellent scores on her exams, securing a scholarship to support her further studies.

Future Scripted lore Section
Chapter 4: Future Lore
At 18, Emily Katz graduated from Karakura High School with honors. Her academic achievements, combined with her extracurricular involvement and work experience, made her a well-rounded and impressive candidate for university. On graduation day, she felt a mix of pride and sadness as she reflected on her journey. The memory of her parents and their dream of becoming Japanese citizens drove her forward, fueling her determination to succeed. Emily Katz's journey through high school was marked by resilience, hard work, and a commitment to her goals. She had overcome immense challenges and built a foundation for a bright future. As she looked ahead to university and her dream of becoming a teacher, Emily Katz knew that her experiences had prepared her to face whatever came next with courage and hope.
high school.png

Chapter 5: University Life
Emily Katz began her university studies with at a prestigious university in Japan, majoring in Education. The transition from high school to university was challenging, but Emily Katz adapted quickly. She continued to excel academically and became an active member of the university community. She joined various clubs and organizations related to education, such as the Future Teachers Association and the International Students Club. Through these activities, she met people from diverse backgrounds and formed lasting friendships. Her passion for teaching was evident in every project she undertook, and her professors often praised her for her dedication and innovative ideas.
In her second year, Emily Katz secured an internship at a local elementary school. This hands-on experience was invaluable, as it allowed her to apply what she had learned in her courses to real-world teaching scenarios. She developed lesson plans, assisted in classrooms, and mentored students. The children loved her, and she found immense joy in helping them learn and grow. Outside of her studies and internship, Emily Katz continued to work part-time to support herself financially. She took on tutoring roles, helping other university students with their coursework. Her ability to explain complex concepts in a simple and relatable manner made her a sought-after tutor.

Chapter 6: Personal Growth and Achievements
By her third year, Emily Katz had become a well-respected figure on campus. She was elected as the president of the Future Teachers Association, where she organized events, workshops, and seminars to help fellow students prepare for their teaching careers. Her leadership skills flourished, and she gained valuable experience in managing teams and coordinating large-scale projects. Emily Katz also participated in a study abroad program, spending a semester in France. This experience broadened her horizons, allowing her to immerse herself in a different culture and educational system. She developed a deeper appreciation for
diversity in education and returned to Japan with new insights and ideas.
As Emily Katz approached her final year of university, she began to plan her future career. She applied for teaching positions at various schools and received multiple offers. Her reputation as a dedicated and innovative educator preceded her, and she was thrilled to have so many opportunities to choose from.
After graduating from university with top honors,
emily teacher.png

Emily Katz accepted a teaching position at a well-regarded elementary school in Tokyo. Her dream of becoming a teacher had finally come true. She moved to Tokyo and settled into her new apartment, excited to start this new chapter of her life. On her first day as a teacher, Emily Katz felt a mix of nerves and excitement. She stood in front of her class, looking at the eager faces of her students, and felt a profound sense of fulfillment.
She knew that her journey had come full circle, and she was ready to inspire and educate the next generation. Emily Katz's classroom was a place of creativity, inclusivity, and growth. She used innovative teaching methods and fostered a supportive and nurturing environment for her students. Her ability to connect with each child on a personal level made her an exceptional teacher. Parents and colleagues alike admired her dedication and passion for education.

Chapter 7: Returning to Karakura
Despite her success in Tokyo, Emily Katz's heart always longed for Karakura, the place where she had overcome so much and built her dreams. After a few years of teaching in Tokyo and gaining valuable experience, she decided it was time to return to her roots. Emily Katz applied for a teaching position at Karakura High School, the very place that had shaped her into who she was.
Her application was met with enthusiasm, and she was soon offered a position as an English and Education teacher. Returning to Karakura High School felt like a homecoming. On her first day back, she was filled with a sense of accomplishment and purpose. The school had changed, but it still held the spirit of resilience and community that Emily Katz remembered.
In her new role, Emily Katz was determined to give back to the school that had given her so much. She introduced innovative teaching methods, created inclusive programs, and mentored students who reminded her of her younger self. Emily Katz's dedication to her students and her passion for education quickly made her a beloved teacher.
Emily Katz also initiated programs to help students deal with bullying, drawing from her own experiences to create a supportive and safe environment. She worked closely with colleagues to foster a community of kindness and respect within the school. Her efforts were recognized, and she was awarded Teacher of the Year for her outstanding contributions.
Chapter 8: A Legacy of Inspiration
As the years passed, Emily Katz continued to inspire her students and colleagues at Karakura High School. She never forgot the challenges she had faced and used her story to motivate others. Emily Katz's classroom became a place where students felt valued and encouraged to pursue their dreams, no matter the obstacles.
Emily Katz's impact extended beyond the school walls. She became involved in community initiatives, advocating for better educational resources and support for underprivileged children. Her commitment to making a positive difference in society resonated with many, and she was often invited to speak at educational conferences and seminars.
Through her work, Emily Katz honored her parents' legacy and their dream of becoming Japanese citizens. She remained deeply connected to her community and dedicated herself to fostering a culture of hope and empowerment. Emily Katz's journey from a resilient student to a respected educator was a testament to the power of determination and kindness.
As she looked back on her life, Emily Katz knew that her story was far from over. She continued to dream, to teach, and to inspire, leaving a lasting legacy in Karakura and beyond. Emily Katz's life was a beacon of hope, showing that with courage and perseverance, anything was possible.
In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Emily Katz

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:


Age (Minimum is 25):




Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:

Karakura City

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

I been working since I was 17 years old managing to get a job at a fast food resturant. I continued college while taking that job. I managed to get 9 years of work experience in the customer service industry while working my way up to college and making my way towards the degrees i desire. I wanted to be a teacher ever since High school and Its my Dream job and I would do anything for it. I tried my hardest to work for these degrees and to get this job. I want to work hard enough to succeed and build my reputation up to a greater light within society by working the jobs I wish to take and succeed in.

Academic Degree:

I received a bachelor's degree in English education

Year of Graduation:

I graduated in 2024


My major is english English


My minor degree is Criminal Justice

Native Languages:

I speak English,French (need to physically apply for French but she speaks it cannonly)

Other Languages:


Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

No I do have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate I'm working on gaining these so I can teach these high school students and help them recieve a brighter future. Oh my gosh I'm so excited. I'll get these Certificates so I can be certified to teach in Karakura High School. I'm gonna love my dream job so much I been working for years for this thanks for this opertunity oh my gosh.
/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

thank you for reading i hope it gives you a good impression. This is mainly done on my crime free character.

Do you have any questions?: N/A


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