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Accepted English teacher application 2

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: LazyDonutQueen

How old are you?:
14 (my forum birthday was put in wrong)

Do you have any previous bans?:
I don't have any previous bans

What Country are you from?:
The United Kingdom

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?:
Yes I fully understand!

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I'm generally very active. For teachers that are inactive it lets other teachers down as the students will get less work. The teachers also are the heart and soul of a school so if they were to be inactive it's fair to demote them.

Do you understand that all classroom activity must be documented on the "Teacher Roster" thread?:
I acknowledge that and I will document all my classroom activity. The roster is very important for keeping things in order so that is why i will always keep up to date on it.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: I would say I am more active on the server than the forums but I check on my applications every morning. I generally play on the server five hours everyday. Sometimes less if i have exams. But I will make up for those times that I have exams by playing more on a day I am free.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?: DENIED ACCEPTED

I am also fantasy rp staff but that was done via dms


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: I would love to be a teacher as my dad in real life is a teacher and I can see how much motivation and happiness he gets from teaching other kids. I have always wanted to be a teacher in real life and this is the perfect opportunity. I also feel like I would be a very good teacher in that I would be able to keep everyone listening without raising my voice. I also think it would be a lot of fun! Also providing fun for the students too.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?: I have a load of experience with roleplaying. Not only do I roleplay on School Roleplay but also Lord of the craft. I am the head of the family in School RP so generally I'm very experienced. I also think becoming a teacher could up my game even more! I don't play on any other games anymore I love this server so much. The Roleplaying is so rich and heart warming. I have fallen in love with School roleplay!

Have you read the Faculty Handbook?: I still cannot find this handbook. It might be my fault that I cannot find it. I might ask an admin about where it is.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?: The classroom logs keep everything in order and to make sure everyone is doing their job. It's like the register at schools. It shows which students have done what and if they have been suspended. It also documents a teacher's ability to teach students so they could move up in the teacher ranks. It also documents a teacher's inactivity as it shows how many lessons they have done.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?: I would first plan the field trip in detail in an organised way. I would make sure it is both educational and fun for the students. I would then contact the Principal or the vice about organizing it and show him/her my plan. If it were to get approved I would plan it some more. As an English teacher I would plan a trip to the in game beach where the students would have to write a poem about the water/nature. This is both a fun day out at the beach and an educational activity. Field trips that are close to the school are generally good so this would be the perfect field trip. Before the field trip would start I would give the students a slip and then say the date and where we would meet. I would also tell the students the rules: Keep close to the teacher; We are in public so be on your best behavior as we are representing the school; Keep close to your partner; Stay on task. These rules are important for keeping the students safe and the public safe. Depending on the amount of students will depend on how many staff would need to be present.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?: I would have rules as rules although may be considered 'boring' are vital for keeping everything in order:

Rule 1
Be quiet when the teacher is talking
The student must be quiet and listen to the teacher at all times unless told not too. They must also listen to any member of staff and their peers. This rule is important as it keeps everyone attentive. If everyone is talking no one would be able to hear the teacher making the whole point of school useless. There are some other things when it comes to this. If you were to work in a group whisper as not only will the other groups hear your great ideas but it would make the classroom to noisy if everyone was screaming ideas.
If you were to show continuously this would result in a kick.

Rule 2 Respect
The student must be respectful. Respect is very important in the classroom. Without respect it doesn't only disturb the students learning but can make the teacher feel very unwanted for all the work he/she does. Also respecting school property. Damaging school property is very bad as it shows how little you appreciate school when so many would want it so much.
If this would happen repeatedly it would either be a kick or a detention.

Rule 3 Food and drink
Only water is allowed in class. There are several reasons for this rule to need to be in place:
1) If everyone was eating messy foods then it would make the classroom a mess making a hard job for the cleaners, making this mess also shows disrespect for school property.
2) The high energy drinks sold these days can make the students overly energetic and so inattentive and naughty. This would be fine in other subjects but for a sit down subject like English this is a disaster waiting to happen.
3) The loud munching sound can be distracting for other students. The student eating may not mind but the students who want to learn will. It is selfish to do so so should be stopped.
If this would be done it would result in a kick from the class.

Rule 4 Homework and classwork
There are deadlines for a reason so you should always hand in your work during or before the deadline. It is also important that you listen carefully to what your classwork is or else you will miss out on the topic of that lesson. It is also important to stay on task during lesson hours. If you were to chat it would be a question about the work. Also only do the work set during class and unless you finished early do not do homework in class. There is a clue in the name it is for HOME. Not handing in your homework also disturbs the teacher's schedule. Failure to hand in work will result in a detention!

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
I used to only really roleplay in a fantasy based era but now i have opened up a little to a load of different rps. Especially School roleplay as it's good for experiencing new things and learning from mistakes. I also miss school from being in quarantine and School Roleplay gives me that school experience I miss. I have done a load of rps as I said I was in Lord of the craft playing as the outcast of the high elves. I also play Dungeons and Dragons in my spare time which is really fun.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD: This would be the head of the department. Each subject would have a Head and it's their job to keep that subject in order. They are the highest ranking of the teachers so it's their job to look after those below.

- QTLS: This stands for qualified teacher learning and skills. They are the middle ranking and are generally experienced teachers who know what they are doing.

- NQT: Newly qualified teachers are fresh out of college or generally new to the job. They need a lot of help from those above and generally get checked upon by the other rankings.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers server the job of getting the next generation to be the best they can possibly be. There job isn't just to teach new things and grant students new knowledge but to support them mentally and nurture the. They would be paid 300k a month, less or more. In real life my father gets paid net 2800 pounds a month. I would say that is shockingly low for the amount of work he does.

The way a teacher would teach would vary between subjects. Mathematics teachers would teach in a repetitive logic point of view where as a Design Technology teacher would teach in a skill or tactic point of view. The way a teacher teaches also depends on the class. If they were in a class with special needs students they would be patient and caring. If they were in a class with juvenile prisoners they would act more strict.

Teachers also should act a certain way while teaching. They should always be organised, calm and collected. The students should always come first and they should ALWAYS have a lesson plan. There should also in OOC be a test to check the students knowledge every once in a while.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?: I can't elaborate how important teachers are to the world in real life and in school rp. The name of the server says a lot as there would be no school without teachers. If the school was the human body, the staff would be the body's energy keeping it going. The students the body parts responding to the brain and the heart and soul which would be the teachers. Without teacher's the school would be a building with uneducated teens and a load of useless textbooks. There would be no learning without the teachers.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?: The school works on a sytem known as the MOsco system. This is a must have, should have and could have system. It is very important to keep the school organised and running.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

Name: H. 'Nami' Ishida Luevia.
Age: 27
Nami would be a short and sweet looking a teacher with a slim uncurvy build. She would have chubby friendly cheeks with dimples which would shine in the sun. Her look would seem like a college student and she would be often mistaken for one as she would always be caring heaps of books with her as she walked around the school. She would also have a mum look to her with her baggy jumper and plaid trousers. She would seem friendly and a nice person to talk to. When a student would be sad she would treat them like how she treats her own kids. She would hand them a tissue and smile until they feel better. She would be fairly outgoing but doesn't like to raise her voice. Her hair would be brown with highlights and it would be just slightly over her shoulders.

She would be death in one ear and partly in the other which might explain that she would seem to sometimes ignore her surroundings. She would wear a hearing aid in one so she would be able to hear her class. Her personality would seem bubbly but sometimes relatively shy and quiet. When she was younger she got adopted as a baby. Her parents where always kind and caring. They brought back her confidence. When she was in primary school she would have been picked on for her hearing and she would talk through a notebook. She has always tried to be nice and caring and sympathetic. She has funny little nicknames for her students such as, 'sweets' or my 'pumpkins'.

Her outlook on students is some brains to be filled with knowledge and kindness and she wants to do this till she dies. She would be very good at remembering every student as she thinks every student matters. Teaching is her life and she will never give up doing the thing she loves.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?: She would calmly approach them and with a calm voice tell them "I suggest you stop as not only are you embarrassing yourselves but being selfish to those who want to learn. If you don't stop this appalling behavior, the vice is going to have to get involved. I suggest you stop unless you want a detention!"

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?: She would sit their and wait a little and then if no one is listening she would say "I had something fun planned for us to do but If you won't be quiet looks like we are going to have to do some boring textbook work then!" If they continue talking she would give everyone a 1000 word essay on the history of the door knob.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?: She would generally be chatting with a book or a magazine in hand. She doesn't like gossip so won't get involved with that. She generally is quiet in the lounge but can share a laugh and is very friendly towards her fellow staff. She would also be marking and during this she doesn't speak a word as she appreciates her students work.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me she would open the door to let them in with a large smile as she would direct them to their seats. She would be holding a pile of books which were leaned on the wall as the students rushed in.

/me She would clear her voice as she adjusted her hearing aid and clapped for the students attention.

/me She would write the date on the chalkboard on her tip toes to reach the top. She would then spell out "Miss Luevia" In her bubbly yet cursive writing.

/me She would sit crossed legged on top of a table as she would read Of Mice and Men out with her speech like she was on stage reading to a audience.

/me She would shake her head as she looked directly at the student sneaking her phone. She would then smile as she put it away.


She was born in 1993 in China too a rich army general and her mother. When she was born she had a ear disease which affected her hearing. Her parents would give her up panicking over responsibility. She would then be adopted by a young couple to the name of Ame and Coffee which would soon move to Japan (these parents exist in game). Her family were fairly wealthy and she had many brothers and sisters which she was an outcast but they always made her feel welcome. She was a quiet child and spent most of her time reading little story books. She started to open up when she got given a powerful hearing aid making her be able to hear in one ear again. She soon became very outgoing and very confident. This hearing aid was very expensive and she has always been grateful to her parents for it.
Primary school
When she started primary school her parents thought of putting her in a special school for those like her who have problems with learning, sigh and hearing. They decided not too as she was a very bright child. She missed the first few years of school to be home schooled and then was put into school in year 4. When she came she was shy but generally nice and bubbly. Many people picked on her as a child but she also had friends. One bully was particularly horrible as he couldn't understand differences. In year 5 her hearing aid got thrown into a river by a bully. She lived without it for a whole year having to write in a notebook what she wanted to say and what others wanted to say to her. This was the point in her life when it went down hill. She was shy and grew to have anxiety. In year 6 she finally got another one which very slowly got her confidence back.
Secondary school
In secondary school people were more accepting and she loved her life during these years. She wasn't popular but had a small group of friends. It was at this point she started to learn languages such as latin, and her native language of Chinese. She also started to write stories and got her interest in English and Creative writing. She wrote many stories which she kept in a little tin box under her bed. She got full marks in a load of her subjects. Pe she always struggled with. She also has a beautiful voice which she rarely uses due to her hearing.
College life
She moved to college to study English and get a teaching degree. During college she barely had many friends and spent most of her time by herself. She had never felt so lonely but the power of literature kept her going. She wrote a novel which soon became very successful in her local area making her quite well known. When she graduated she moved to karakura and became a newly qualified teacher! She has been working their fir 2 years now and now she is 27 years old.
Family life
When she graduated she adopted many children and became a proud mother. She cares for her kids with all her heart and she loves them very much. Her boyfriend is also a teacher at Karakura.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Hinami 'Nami' Ishida Luevia
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Hinami, Nami
Preferred Name: Nami

Age: 27
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Has a boyfriend

Nationality: Chinese
Current Location: Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 2 years
Working Experience (# of years): She has worked jobs during college such as a waitress and more so 9 years.

Academic Degree: Literature and Teaching

Year of Graduation: 2018
Major(s): Teaching and literature
Minors: Drama, Greek mythology, pastoral support.

Native Languages: Japanese and English
Other Languages: Latin (applying for Chinese as well)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: no
Preferred Teaching Subject: English or literature.

Extra I have applied before and it has been a month before my application so i known more about srp now so fingers crossed I will get accepted. And good luck to everyone else!

Deleted member 5455

- Wonderful application, definitely a step-up from your application prior. The application is full of detail and clearly efforted; welcome to the team!

Please DM me on Discord to have your roles sorted out - melody#0429.

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