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ETSUKO SAITO | Biography


Level 70
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Basic Information

First Name: Etsuko
Surname: Saito

Preferred Name: Etsuko or Suko

Nicknames: Suko, Ets, Saito (I probably forgot a lot, let me know)

Gender: Female

Age: Eighteen

Height: 5'5

An athletic girl, she looks as though she trains. Which in all fairness, she does. The girl has toned arms and subtle abs, impressive no? She was sharp and skinny, that's the best way to put it. Due to all the work she's put into her body, her curves were visible in all the right places. She clearly worked hard for her figure.

Eye Color:
Light green eyes to match her hair, how fitting.

Hair Style:
She's hard to miss with her wacky hair colour, a green... blue... teal? The argument about what colour her hair is has gone on for a long time now. Is there an answer yet? No. Will there ever be one? Probably not. Her hair was long, sitting at her waist. The wavy locks were always kept looking shiny and clean, she took pride in her looks, duh. Oh! Can't forget the shaven side, that's right. One side of her head was shaven (thanks to her friend Leilana, queen). She's difficult to miss, I am sure you'll see her strutting around with that wavy hair blowing in the wind behind her.

One of Etsuko's biggest passions, fashion. Well we already know she loves to look good, and her outfit choices are a big part of that. Her style can't exactly be described simply because... she doesn't have one aesthetic. Depending on her mood she dresses herself to fit it. Her wardrobe ranges from masculine to feminine. An outfit for all occasions you could say. She may need to invest in a new wardrobe soon, as she hasn't stopped purchasing new items for her collection of clothing. A shopaholic, perhaps?


The girl has hiccups, a lot of hiccups. No I do not mean accidents, literal hiccups! Often she gets them at the most random times, how lovely. They're frequent too, it's surprising if you haven't heard them. She is also left handed, meaning her hand usually looks bruised after writing an essay in pen. Have no fear! She did not get into a fight, she simply was doodling in her notebook. Oh right, and she's intelligent. That might not sound abnormal at first. Let me explain: she's a cheerleader! A cheerleader who is known to be bitchy and obnoxious might I add. It isn't expected of her to be book smart, and rather street smart. However, it is in fact the other way around. That knowledge isn't shared with her friends though, are you kidding? How embarrassing!

Date of Birth: 5th of April, 2004

Place of Birth: Osaka, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, came out a long time ago now!

Religious Beliefs: Shinto

General Appearance

Aside from her unique her and athletic build, Etsuko had a softer looking face when relaxed, heart shaped. However, the only time she looked relaxed was when she was asleep or tired. She often put on a bitchy persona. You know, to go with her whole "look". She clearly enjoys fitting in, she does it well too. Oh right, can't forget her eyeliner. She often wore it winged, making her eyes stand out. However, people only really noticed her hair. Her most well-known feature. She has her ears pierced too don't forget! She's been wanting to get more yet is afraid of messing up her face, how... Etsuko of her.

Well, many people know her as the bitch who isn't afraid to give her opinion and fight for what she believes in. The people who do know her that way, would be correct. She's a confident young girl with a lot to say, with zero filter to go with it too. She can be mean and stubborn, either for fun or when she's angry... which is a lot of the time considering how much trouble the people around her get up to. She doooes have a softer side, a caring and calm one. She turns into a bit of a mother might I add, perhaps this is due to her childhood. Probably so. She does not like when people mess with her friends, and will happily punch somebody in the face if her friend asked her to. That's just who she is, a bitch who fights for her friends and what she believes in.

As of now, she has no illness or diseases. She has suffered from mental illness in the past however this has passed over, for now anyway.

Character Voice:
The best way to describe it? Confident and often sarcastic. Loud and proud she was!

I think we all know that Saito couldn't live without the following: Her phone, how else is she going to argue with strangers on the internet! She also kept her cheer bag and pom poms on hand at all times, never know when you'll need to show some Bobcat spirit! Moomin, that's right everybody. Etsuko does indeed have a plushie, childhood plushie might I add. They've been through thick and thin together. Oh, she couldn't forget her PREMIUM DEBIT CARD! She honestly probably shouldn't be allowed it with how reckless she tends to be when it comes to clothes shopping... No more biddings for her. Oh right, how could I forget. Her diary. Didn't think she'd have one of those now did ya? Trust me, she's always got it close.


Although she hasn't played in a while, volleyball has been a hobby of hers since she was little. So has swimming, although now she prefers to sun bathe, Summer is her favourite if you couldn't of guessed. She writes too... mainly for school or personal life stuff. Oh! She also likes to design clothing, often selling her work.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Well, a flaw of hers would definitely be her need to be perfect. She doesn't care too much about others opinions on her now, she's too used to those around her talking trash to care! However, how she sees herself is a different story. Often she'll beat herself up about bad grades, looking bad, being in the dark etc. She isn't much of a people pleaser, more so an addict of trying to prove herself. She wants to be the best version of herself, she knows that's what her mother wants to... huh. Oh right, she's had a bad smoking habit for a little while now. It isn't known too well by those around her, she's been good at hiding it. She drinks too, but that she doesn't care too much about.

Annoying others. Mainly for her own entertainment.



Kataoka Saito | Mother | Alive
"Are you happy yet, mother? Have I made you proud yet?"

Otake Saito | Father | Deceased
"Mother misses you, I miss you too."

The thing you all actually care about. If your character isn't in it and I know you... assume I forgot. You can let me know.

Masae Uehara | Friend | Alive
"Stop letting stupid boys get you down or I am going to beat yo-"

Leilana Haukea | Friend | Deceased
"What has Miki done this time?"

Camille Fukuda | Friend | Alive
"Dump him already, please for the love of all things DUMP HIM-"

Hitoshura Isurugi | Boyfriend | Deceased
"I know I haven't said it but, I love you. I am annoyed at you for making me so attached to you, but I don't regret any of it either. Stupid. Can we go nap now?"
"Sweet dreams."

Sachiko Saiky | Friend | Alive
"Still haven't been thrown into a pool yet, I consider this a success. Now lets go beat someone up."

Kyosuke Hisakawa | Childhood Friend | Alive
"Oddly enough, closet thing I had to a father figure growing up. You still smell by the way."

Sayori Bell | Ex-Girlfriend | Alive
"I never stopped loving you, but I am glad we aren't together anymore. I was not good for you. I am glad you are in a healthier relationship now."

Nodoka Kozuka | Friend | Alive
"We should hang out more to be honest, I don't know you as much as I wish I did. You're a good supporter though, I know that much."

Ling Hisakawa | Ex-Boyfriend| Alive
"As much as you broke my heart, I am glad you dumped me. We weren't a good couple. Better at being friends than anything romantic."

Mazaki Harishima | Friend | Alive
"I h... had feelings for you, by the way. Never going to actually admit that to you, not anymore... that would be.. bad. So so bad. Sorry for everything. I miss you!"

Kim O'S H. | Friend | Alive

"That councillor band does not deceive me, little menace."

Katsuhito Saiky | Friend | Alive
"Despite what Sachiko says about you, I like you. Don't be mean to her though, I'll kick your ass."

Iroha Touhoku | Friend | Alive
"Miss you, old friend. Eimi does too. Oh right, you should hang out with us all more. We should get to know each other more."

Misato Swann | Friend | Alive
"Remember when we made out... heh. Anyways- I NEVER TOLD ANYBODY I PROMISE."

Seiko Seong | Friend | Alive
"Respectfully... calm down."

Emil Sauer | Friend | Alive
"You're an idiot but I like you. Keep being my friend or I will hurt you. 'Kay thanks."

Miki Ishikawa | Friend | Alive
"Despite all odds, I tolerate you. We should hang out more. You aren't that bad, just stop getting in so much trouble... without me."

Jun'ya Furuhara | Friend | Alive
"You're super cool, very awesome dude. Also keep trying, you'll find what you're looking for eventually."

Shion Holland | Friend | Alive
"You're a bit of an asshole but I still think you're alright. Take that as a compliment, that's all you're getting."

Steele Sauer | Friend | Alive
"You remind me of Emil, I think you're a good person... sometimes. Stop being annoying and I will like you more, kidding.. sort've."

Sora Seong | Friend | Alive
"Lemon head."

Io Sonosaki | Friend | Alive
"Lemon head."

Lena Swann | Friend | Alive
"Put another spell on him, for me?"

Mint Koji | Friend | Alive

Yuuki Kusakabe | Ex-Boyfriend | Alive
"Nobody needs to know we dated, 'kay? 'Kay."

Lorenza Santarossa | Friend | Alive
"I like you so don't be mean to me, or I will be mean back. You're cute. Hey let's make out-"

Koda M. Masuo | Bestfriend | Alive
"You need to stop scaring off every boy that talks to me... or breathes around me."

I will update this and add later if needed.

Well, Etsuko grew up in Osaka with her mother and father, an only child. She also grew up with Kyosuke and Ling Hisakawa, funny enough. Well... I say she grew up with her father, she did... until the accident. The one she won't talk about, the one nobody knows... not even her closest friends. She was twelve. When she was thirteen, she moved to Karakura. She has lived here ever since, however she still goes to visit her mother every week. She has to... just in case. In Karakura, Etsuko met all of the friends she has now, except Kyosuke and Ling of course. She found it difficult to settle at first, as she moved in with a family who said they'd watch over her whilst she was young. The Kojuro family, they no longer live in Karakura. They gave her a place to live until she turned eighteen, until she finally found an apartment for herself. Etsuko has slowly but surely grown to be what people may say... popular. She likes to be known and she likes to know others. It wasn't always like this however, she started on the swim team as a girl who didn't care much for looks and instead books. This changed once joining the volleyball team, she met a girl... a girl who changed Etsuko, someone who Etsuko wished she had never come across. Despite that, the girl moved on in life and joined Cheer. She's never been happier as she is now. She knows it'll fade eventually, she knows.
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Level 70
Hitoshura Isurugi | Boyfriend | Alive. . .
"I know I haven't said it but, I love you. I am annoyed at you for making me so attached to you, but I don't regret any of it either. Stupid. Can we go nap now?"


Level 37
View attachment 28302

Basic Information

First Name: Etsuko
Surname: Saito

Preferred Name: Etsuko or Suko

Nicknames: Suko, Ets, Saito (I probably forgot a lot, let me know)

Gender: Female

Age: Eighteen

Height: 5'5

An athletic girl, she looks as though she trains. Which in all fairness, she does. The girl has toned arms and subtle abs, impressive no? She was sharp and skinny, that's the best way to put it. Due to all the work she's put into her body, her curves were visible in all the right places. She clearly worked hard for her figure.

Eye Color:
Light green eyes to match her hair, how fitting.

Hair Style:
She's hard to miss with her wacky hair colour, a green... blue... teal? The argument about what colour her hair is has gone on for a long time now. Is there an answer yet? No. Will there ever be one? Probably not. Her hair was long, sitting at her waist. The wavy locks were always kept looking shiny and clean, she took pride in her looks, duh. Oh! Can't forget the shaven side, that's right. One side of her head was shaven (thanks to her friend Leilana, queen). She's difficult to miss, I am sure you'll see her strutting around with that wavy hair blowing in the wind behind her.

One of Etsuko's biggest passions, fashion. Well we already know she loves to look good, and her outfit choices are a big part of that. Her style can't exactly be described simply because... she doesn't have one aesthetic. Depending on her mood she dresses herself to fit it. Her wardrobe ranges from masculine to feminine. An outfit for all occasions you could say. She may need to invest in a new wardrobe soon, as she hasn't stopped purchasing new items for her collection of clothing. A shopaholic, perhaps?


The girl has hiccups, a lot of hiccups. No I do not mean accidents, literal hiccups! Often she gets them at the most random times, how lovely. They're frequent too, it's surprising if you haven't heard them. She is also left handed, meaning her hand usually looks bruised after writing an essay in pen. Have no fear! She did not get into a fight, she simply was doodling in her notebook. Oh right, and she's intelligent. That might not sound abnormal at first. Let me explain: she's a cheerleader! A cheerleader who is known to be bitchy and obnoxious might I add. It isn't expected of her to be book smart, and rather street smart. However, it is in fact the other way around. That knowledge isn't shared with her friends though, are you kidding? How embarrassing!

Date of Birth: 5th of April, 2004

Place of Birth: Osaka, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, came out a long time ago now!

Religious Beliefs: Shinto

General Appearance

Aside from her unique her and athletic build, Etsuko had a softer looking face when relaxed, heart shaped. However, the only time she looked relaxed was when she was asleep or tired. She often put on a bitchy persona. You know, to go with her whole "look". She clearly enjoys fitting in, she does it well too. Oh right, can't forget her eyeliner. She often wore it winged, making her eyes stand out. However, people only really noticed her hair. Her most well-known feature. She has her ears pierced too don't forget! She's been wanting to get more yet is afraid of messing up her face, how... Etsuko of her.

Well, many people know her as the bitch who isn't afraid to give her opinion and fight for what she believes in. The people who do know her that way, would be correct. She's a confident young girl with a lot to say, with zero filter to go with it too. She can be mean and stubborn, either for fun or when she's angry... which is a lot of the time considering how much trouble the people around her get up to. She doooes have a softer side, a caring and calm one. She turns into a bit of a mother might I add, perhaps this is due to her childhood. Probably so. She does not like when people mess with her friends, and will happily punch somebody in the face if her friend asked her to. That's just who she is, a bitch who fights for her friends and what she believes in.

As of now, she has no illness or diseases. She has suffered from mental illness in the past however this has passed over, for now anyway.

Character Voice:
The best way to describe it? Confident and often sarcastic. Loud and proud she was!

I think we all know that Saito couldn't live without the following: Her phone, how else is she going to argue with strangers on the internet! She also kept her cheer bag and pom poms on hand at all times, never know when you'll need to show some Bobcat spirit! Moomin, that's right everybody. Etsuko does indeed have a plushie, childhood plushie might I add. They've been through thick and thin together. Oh, she couldn't forget her PREMIUM DEBIT CARD! She honestly probably shouldn't be allowed it with how reckless she tends to be when it comes to clothes shopping... No more biddings for her. Oh right, how could I forget. Her diary. Didn't think she'd have one of those now did ya? Trust me, she's always got it close.

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Although she hasn't played in a while, volleyball has been a hobby of hers since she was little. So has swimming, although now she prefers to sun bathe, Summer is her favourite if you couldn't of guessed. She writes too... mainly for school or personal life stuff. Oh! She also likes to design clothing, often selling her work.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Well, a flaw of hers would definitely be her need to be perfect. She doesn't care too much about others opinions on her now, she's too used to those around her talking trash to care! However, how she sees herself is a different story. Often she'll beat herself up about bad grades, looking bad, being in the dark etc. She isn't much of a people pleaser, more so an addict of trying to prove herself. She wants to be the best version of herself, she knows that's what her mother wants to... huh. Oh right, she's had a bad smoking habit for a little while now. It isn't known too well by those around her, she's been good at hiding it. She drinks too, but that she doesn't care too much about.

Annoying others. Mainly for her own entertainment.



Kataoka Saito | Mother | Alive
"Are you happy yet, mother? Have I made you proud yet?"

Otake Saito | Father | Deceased
"Mother misses you, I miss you too."

The thing you all actually care about. If your character isn't in it and I know you... assume I forgot. You can let me know.

Masae Uehara | Friend | Alive
"Stop letting stupid boys get you down or I am going to beat yo-"

Leilana Haukea | Friend | Alive
"What has Miki done this time?"

Camille Fukuda | Friend | Alive
"Dump him already, please for the love of all things DUMP HIM-"

Hitoshura Isurugi | Boyfriend | Alive. . .
"I know I haven't said it but, I love you. I am annoyed at you for making me so attached to you, but I don't regret any of it either. Stupid. Can we go nap now?"

Sachiko Saiky | Friend | Alive
"Still haven't been thrown into a pool yet, I consider this a success. Now lets go beat someone up."

Kyosuke Hisakawa | Childhood Friend | Alive
"Oddly enough, closet thing I had to a father figure growing up. You still smell by the way."

Sayori Bell | Ex-Girlfriend | Alive
"I never stopped loving you, but I am glad we aren't together anymore. I was not good for you. I am glad you are in a healthier relationship now."

Nodoka Kozuka | Friend | Alive
"We should hang out more to be honest, I don't know you as much as I wish I did. You're a good supporter though, I know that much."

Ling Hisakawa | Ex-Boyfriend| Alive
"As much as you broke my heart, I am glad you dumped me. We weren't a good couple. Better at being friends than anything romantic."

Mazaki Harishima | Friend | Alive
"I h... had feelings for you, by the way. Never going to actually admit that to you, not anymore... that would be.. bad. So so bad. Sorry for everything. I miss you!"

Kim O'S H. | Friend | Alive

"That councillor band does not deceive me, little menace."

Katsuhito Saiky | Friend | Alive
"Despite what Sachiko says about you, I like you. Don't be mean to her though, I'll kick your ass."

Iroha Touhoku | Friend | Alive
"Miss you, old friend. Eimi does too. Oh right, you should hang out with us all more. We should get to know each other more."

Misato Swann | Friend | Alive
"Remember when we made out... heh. Anyways- I NEVER TOLD ANYBODY I PROMISE."

Seiko Seong | Friend | Alive
"Respectfully... calm down."

Emil Sauer | Friend | Alive
"You're an idiot but I like you. Keep being my friend or I will hurt you. 'Kay thanks."

Miki Ishikawa | Friend | Alive
"Despite all odds, I tolerate you. We should hang out more. You aren't that bad, just stop getting in so much trouble... without me."

Jun'ya Furuhara | Friend | Alive
"You're super cool, very awesome dude. Also keep trying, you'll find what you're looking for eventually."

Shion Holland | Friend? | Alive
"You're a bit of an asshole but I still think you're alright. Take that as a compliment, that's all you're getting."

Steele Sauer | Friend? | Alive
"You remind me of Emil, I think you're a good person... sometimes. Stop being annoying and I will like you more, kidding.. sort've."

Sora Seong | Friend | Alive
"Lemon head."

Io Sonosaki | Friend | Alive
"Lemon head."

Lena Swann | Friend | Alive
"Put another spell on him, for me?"

Mint Koji | Friend | Alive

Yuuki Kusakabe | Ex-Boyfriend | Alive
"Nobody needs to know we dated, 'kay? 'Kay."

I will update this and add later if needed.

Well, Etsuko grew up in Osaka with her mother and father, an only child. She also grew up with Kyosuke and Ling Hisakawa, funny enough. Well... I say she grew up with her father, she did... until the accident. The one she won't talk about, the one nobody knows... not even her closest friends. She was twelve. When she was thirteen, she moved to Karakura. She has lived here ever since, however she still goes to visit her mother every week. She has to... just in case. In Karakura, Etsuko met all of the friends she has now, except Kyosuke and Ling of course. She found it difficult to settle at first, as she moved in with a family who said they'd watch over her whilst she was young. The Kojuro family, they no longer live in Karakura. The gave her a place to live until she turned eighteen, when she finally found an apartment for herself. Etsuko has slowly but surely grown to be what people may say... popular. She likes to be known and she likes to know others. It wasn't always like this however, she started on the swim team as a girl who didn't care much for looks and instead books. This changed once joining the volleyball team, she met a girl... a girl who changed Etsuko, someone who Etsuko wished she had never come across. Despite that, the girl moved on in life and joined Cheer. She's never been happier as she is now. She knows it'll fade eventually, she knows.
l love this biography <3

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